local Misc = require 'commands.misc' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local ComfyGui = require 'comfy_panel.main' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local this = { players = {}, activate_custom_buttons = false, bottom_right = false, bottom_quickbar_button = {} } Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) local Public = {} local bottom_guis_frame = Gui.uid_name() local clear_corpse_button_name = Gui.uid_name() local bottom_quickbar_button_name = Gui.uid_name() function Public.get_player_data(player, remove_user_data) if remove_user_data then if this.players[player.index] then this.players[player.index] = nil end return end if not this.players[player.index] then this.players[player.index] = {} end return this.players[player.index] end function Public.get(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end function Public.set(key, value) if key and (value or value == false) then this[key] = value return this[key] elseif key then return this[key] else return this end end Event.on_init( function() this.players = {} end ) function Public.reset() this.players = {} end ----! Gui Functions ! ---- local function create_frame(player, rebuild) local gui = player.gui local frame = gui.screen[bottom_guis_frame] if frame and frame.valid then if rebuild then frame.destroy() else return frame end end frame = player.gui.screen.add { type = 'frame', name = bottom_guis_frame, direction = 'vertical' } frame.style.padding = 3 frame.style.minimal_height = 96 frame.style.top_padding = 4 local inner_frame = frame.add { type = 'frame', direction = 'vertical' } inner_frame.style = 'quick_bar_inner_panel' inner_frame.add { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'entity/behemoth-biter', name = clear_corpse_button_name, tooltip = {'commands.clear_corpse'}, style = 'quick_bar_page_button' } local bottom_quickbar_button = inner_frame.add { type = 'sprite-button', name = bottom_quickbar_button_name, style = 'quick_bar_page_button' } this.bottom_quickbar_button[player.index] = {name = bottom_quickbar_button_name, frame = bottom_quickbar_button} if this.bottom_quickbar_button.sprite and this.bottom_quickbar_button.tooltip then bottom_quickbar_button.sprite = this.bottom_quickbar_button.sprite bottom_quickbar_button.tooltip = this.bottom_quickbar_button.tooltip end return frame end local function set_location(player) local frame = create_frame(player) local resolution = player.display_resolution local scale = player.display_scale if this.players[player.index] and this.players[player.index].bottom_left then frame.location = { x = (resolution.width / 2) - ((54 + 445) * scale), y = (resolution.height - (96 * scale)) } return end if this.bottom_right then frame.location = { x = (resolution.width / 2) - ((54 + -528) * scale), y = (resolution.height - (96 * scale)) } else local experimental = get_game_version() if experimental then frame.location = { x = (resolution.width / 2) - ((54 + 445) * scale), y = (resolution.height - (96 * scale)) } else frame.location = { x = (resolution.width / 2) - ((54 + 258) * scale), y = (resolution.height - (96 * scale)) } end end end --- Activates the custom buttons ---@param boolean function Public.activate_custom_buttons(value) if value then this.activate_custom_buttons = value else this.activate_custom_buttons = false end end --- Fetches if the custom buttons are activated function Public.is_custom_buttons_enabled() return this.activate_custom_buttons end --- Sets the buttons to be aligned bottom right ---@param boolean function Public.bottom_right(value) if value then this.bottom_right = value else this.bottom_right = false end end Gui.on_click( clear_corpse_button_name, function(event) Misc.clear_corpses(event) end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_joined_game, function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if this.activate_custom_buttons then set_location(player) end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_display_resolution_changed, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if this.activate_custom_buttons then set_location(player) end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_respawned, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if this.activate_custom_buttons then set_location(player) end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_died, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if this.activate_custom_buttons then local frame = player.gui.screen[bottom_guis_frame] if frame and frame.valid then frame.destroy() end end end ) Event.add( defines.events.on_player_display_scale_changed, function(event) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if this.activate_custom_buttons then set_location(player) end end ) Public.bottom_guis_frame = bottom_guis_frame Public.set_location = set_location ComfyGui.screen_to_bypass(bottom_guis_frame) return Public