-- science logs tab -- local Tabs = require 'comfy_panel.main' local tables = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.tables" local event = require 'utils.event' local bb_config = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.config" local food_values = tables.food_values local food_long_and_short = tables.food_long_and_short local food_long_to_short = tables.food_long_to_short local forces_list = tables.forces_list local science_list = tables.science_list local evofilter_list = tables.evofilter_list local food_value_table_version = tables.food_value_table_version local function initialize_dropdown_users_choice() global.dropdown_users_choice_force = {} global.dropdown_users_choice_science = {} global.dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter = {} end local function get_science_text(food_name,food_short_name) return table.concat({"[img=item/", food_name, "][color=",food_values[food_name].color, "]", food_short_name, "[/color]"}) end local function add_science_logs(player, element) local science_scrollpanel = element.add { type = "scroll-pane", name = "scroll_pane", direction = "vertical", horizontal_scroll_policy = "never", vertical_scroll_policy = "auto"} science_scrollpanel.style.maximal_height = 530 if global.science_logs_category_potion == nil then global.science_logs_category_potion = { } for i = 1, 7 do table.insert(global.science_logs_category_potion, get_science_text(food_long_and_short[i].long_name, food_long_and_short[i].short_name)) end end if global.science_logs_total_north == nil then global.science_logs_total_north = { 0 } global.science_logs_total_south = { 0 } for i = 1, 7 do table.insert(global.science_logs_total_north, 0) table.insert(global.science_logs_total_south, 0) end end local t_summary = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", name = "science_logs_summary_header_table", column_count = 8 } local width_summary_columns = tonumber(94) local width_summary_first_column = tonumber(110) local column_widths = {width_summary_first_column, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns, width_summary_columns} local headersSummary = { [1] = "", [2] = global.science_logs_category_potion[1], [3] = global.science_logs_category_potion[2], [4] = global.science_logs_category_potion[3], [5] = global.science_logs_category_potion[4], [6] = global.science_logs_category_potion[5], [7] = global.science_logs_category_potion[6], [8] = global.science_logs_category_potion[7] } for _, w in ipairs(column_widths) do local label = t_summary.add { type = "label", caption = headersSummary[_] } label.style.minimal_width = w label.style.maximal_width = w end summary_panel_table = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 8 } local label = summary_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_north_header", caption = "Total sent by north" } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_first_column label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_first_column for i = 1, 7 do local label = summary_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_north_" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_total_north[i] } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_columns label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_columns end science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"}) summary_panel_table2 = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 8 } local label = summary_panel_table2.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_south_header", caption = "Total sent by south" } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_first_column label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_first_column for i = 1, 7 do local label = summary_panel_table2.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_south" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_total_south[i] } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_columns label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_columns end science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"}) summary_panel_table3 = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 8 } local label = summary_panel_table3.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_total_passive_feed_header", caption = "Total passive feed" } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_first_column label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_first_column for i = 1, 7 do local text_passive_feed = "0" if global.total_passive_feed_redpotion ~= nil then text_passive_feed = math.round(global.total_passive_feed_redpotion * food_value_table_version[1] / food_value_table_version[i],1) end local label = summary_panel_table3.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_passive_feed" .. i, caption = text_passive_feed } label.style.minimal_width = width_summary_columns label.style.maximal_width = width_summary_columns end science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"}) if global.dropdown_users_choice_force == nil then initialize_dropdown_users_choice() end if global.dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] == nil then global.dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] = 1 end if global.dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] == nil then global.dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] = 1 end if global.dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] == nil then global.dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] = 1 end local t_filter = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", name = "science_logs_filter_table", column_count = 3 } local dropdown_force = t_filter.add { name = "dropdown-force", type = "drop-down", items = forces_list, selected_index = global.dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] } local dropdown_science = t_filter.add { name = "dropdown-science", type = "drop-down", items = science_list, selected_index = global.dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] } local dropdown_evofilter = t_filter.add { name = "dropdown-evofilter", type = "drop-down", items = evofilter_list, selected_index = global.dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] } local t = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", name = "science_logs_header_table", column_count = 4 } local column_widths = {tonumber(75), tonumber(310), tonumber(165), tonumber(230)} local headers = { [1] = "Time", [2] = "Details", [3] = "Evo jump", [4] = "Threat jump", } for _, w in ipairs(column_widths) do local label = t.add { type = "label", caption = headers[_] } label.style.minimal_width = w label.style.maximal_width = w label.style.font = "default-bold" label.style.font_color = { r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22 } if _ == 1 then label.style.horizontal_align = "center" end end local n = bb_config.north_side_team_name local s = bb_config.south_side_team_name if global.tm_custom_name["north"] then n = global.tm_custom_name["north"] end if global.tm_custom_name["south"] then s = global.tm_custom_name["south"] end local team_strings = { ["north"] = table.concat({"[color=120, 120, 255]", n, "[/color]"}), ["south"] = table.concat({"[color=255, 65, 65]", s, "[/color]"}) } if global.science_logs_date then for i = 1, #global.science_logs_date, 1 do local real_force_name = global.science_logs_fed_team[i] local custom_force_name = team_strings[real_force_name]; local easy_food_name = food_long_to_short[global.science_logs_food_name[i]].short_name if dropdown_force.selected_index == 1 or real_force_name:match(dropdown_force.get_item(dropdown_force.selected_index)) then if dropdown_science.selected_index == 1 or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 2 and (easy_food_name:match("space") or easy_food_name:match("utility") or easy_food_name:match("production"))) or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 3 and (easy_food_name:match("space") or easy_food_name:match("utility") or easy_food_name:match("production")or easy_food_name:match("chemical"))) or (dropdown_science.selected_index == 4 and (easy_food_name:match("space") or easy_food_name:match("utility") or easy_food_name:match("production")or easy_food_name:match("chemical") or easy_food_name:match("military"))) or easy_food_name:match(dropdown_science.get_item(dropdown_science.selected_index)) then if dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 1 or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 2 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] > 0)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 3 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 10)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 4 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 5)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 5 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 4)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 6 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 3)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 7 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 2)) or (dropdown_evofilter.selected_index == 8 and (global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i] >= 1)) then science_panel_table = science_scrollpanel.add { type = "table", column_count = 4 } local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_date" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_date[i] } label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[1] label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[1] label.style.horizontal_align = "center" local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_text" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_text[i] .. custom_force_name } label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[2] label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[2] local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_evo_jump" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_evo_jump[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_evo_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" } label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[3] label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[3] local label = science_panel_table.add { type = "label", name = "science_logs_threat" .. i, caption = global.science_logs_threat[i].." [color=200,200,200](+"..global.science_logs_threat_jump_difference[i]..")[/color]" } label.style.minimal_width = column_widths[4] label.style.maximal_width = column_widths[4] science_scrollpanel.add({type = "line"}) end end end end end end function comfy_panel_get_active_frame(player) if not player.gui.left.comfy_panel then return false end if not player.gui.left.comfy_panel.tabbed_pane.selected_tab_index then return player.gui.left.comfy_panel.tabbed_pane.tabs[1].content end return player.gui.left.comfy_panel.tabbed_pane.tabs[player.gui.left.comfy_panel.tabbed_pane.selected_tab_index].content end local build_config_gui = (function (player, frame) local frame_sciencelogs = comfy_panel_get_active_frame(player) frame_sciencelogs.clear() add_science_logs(player, frame_sciencelogs) end) local function on_gui_selection_state_changed(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local name = event.element.name if global.dropdown_users_choice_force == nil then initialize_dropdown_users_choice() end if name == "dropdown-force" then global.dropdown_users_choice_force[player.name] = event.element.selected_index end if name == "dropdown-science" then global.dropdown_users_choice_science[player.name] = event.element.selected_index end if name == "dropdown-evofilter" then global.dropdown_users_choice_evo_filter[player.name] = event.element.selected_index end build_config_gui(player, frame_sciencelogs) end event.add(defines.events.on_gui_selection_state_changed, on_gui_selection_state_changed) comfy_panel_tabs["MutagenLog"] = build_config_gui