local Event = require 'utils.event' local map_functions = require 'tools.map_functions' local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local Public = require 'maps.fish_defender_v2.table' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local random = math.random local abs = math.abs local sqrt = math.sqrt --rock spawning code for stone pile local rock_raffle = { 'sand-rock-big', 'sand-rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-huge' } local size_of_rock_raffle = #rock_raffle local function place_rock(surface, position) local a = (random(-250, 250)) * 0.05 local b = (random(-250, 250)) * 0.05 surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = {position.x + a, position.y + b}}) end local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end local function resource_placement(surface, position, name, amount, tiles) local w_max = 256 local h_max = 256 local biases = {[0] = {[0] = 1}} local ti = 1 local function grow(grid, t) local old = {} local new_count = 0 for x, _ in pairs(grid) do for y, _ in pairs(_) do table.insert(old, {x, y}) end end for _, pos in pairs(old) do local x, y = pos[1], pos[2] for dx = -1, 1, 1 do for dy = -1, 1, 1 do local a, b = x + dx, y + dy if (math.random() > 0.9) and (abs(a) < w_max) and (abs(b) < h_max) then grid[a] = grid[a] or {} if not grid[a][b] then grid[a][b] = 1 - (t / tiles) new_count = new_count + 1 if (new_count + t) == tiles then return new_count end end end end end end return new_count end repeat ti = ti + grow(biases, ti) until ti >= tiles local total_bias = 0 for _, _ in pairs(biases) do for _, bias in pairs(_) do total_bias = total_bias + bias end end for x, _ in pairs(biases) do for y, bias in pairs(_) do surface.create_entity { name = name, amount = amount * (bias / total_bias), force = 'neutral', position = {position.x + x, position.y + y} } end end end function Public.get_replacement_tile(surface, position) for i = 1, 128, 1 do local vectors = {{0, i}, {0, i * -1}, {i, 0}, {i * -1, 0}} shuffle(vectors) for k, v in pairs(vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile(position.x + v[1], position.y + v[2]) if tile and tile.valid and not tile.collides_with('resource-layer') then return tile.name end end end return 'grass-1' end local function is_enemy_territory(p) if p.x - 64 < abs(p.y) then return false end --if p.x - 64 < p.y then return false end if p.x < 256 then return false end if p.x > 1024 then return false end if p.y > 512 then return false end if p.y < -512 then return false end return true end local function place_fish_market(surface, position) local market = surface.create_entity({name = 'market', position = position, force = 'player'}) market.minable = false return market end local enemy_territory_token = Token.register( function(data) local surface_index = data.surface_index local left_top = data.left_top local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if left_top.x < 256 then return end if left_top.x > 750 then return end if left_top.y > 766 then return end if left_top.y < -256 then return end local area = {{left_top.x, left_top.y}, {left_top.x + 32, left_top.y + 32}} if left_top.x > 300 then for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} if is_enemy_territory(pos) then if random(1, 512) == 1 then if surface.can_place_entity({name = 'biter-spawner', force = 'decoratives', position = pos}) then local entity if random(1, 4) == 1 then entity = surface.create_entity({name = 'spitter-spawner', force = 'decoratives', position = pos}) else entity = surface.create_entity({name = 'biter-spawner', force = 'decoratives', position = pos}) end entity.active = false entity.destructible = false end end end end end end for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, type = {'tree', 'cliff'}})) do if is_enemy_territory(entity.position) then entity.destroy() end end for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, type = 'resource'})) do if is_enemy_territory(entity.position) then surface.create_entity({name = 'uranium-ore', position = entity.position, amount = random(200, 8000)}) entity.destroy() end end for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({name = {'water', 'deepwater'}, area = area})) do if is_enemy_territory(tile.position) then surface.set_tiles({{name = Public.get_replacement_tile(surface, tile.position), position = {tile.position.x, tile.position.y}}}, true) end end end ) local fish_mouth_token = Token.register( function(data) local surface_index = data.surface_index local left_top = data.left_top local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) if left_top.x > -1800 then return end if left_top.y > 64 then return end if left_top.y < -64 then return end if left_top.x < -2200 then return end for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} local noise = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.006, 0, game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed) * 20 if pos.y <= 12 + noise and pos.y >= -12 + noise then surface.set_tiles({{name = 'water', position = pos}}) end end end end ) local request_to_generate_chunks_token = Token.register( function(data) local surface_index = data.surface_index local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) local spawn_area_generated = Public.get('spawn_area_generated') if spawn_area_generated then return end surface.request_to_generate_chunks({0, 0}, 8) local fish_eye_location = Public.get('fish_eye_location') surface.request_to_generate_chunks(fish_eye_location, 2) end ) local function initial_cargo_boxes() return { {name = 'coal', count = random(32, 64)}, {name = 'coal', count = random(32, 64)}, {name = 'coal', count = random(32, 64)}, {name = 'iron-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'iron-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'iron-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'copper-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'copper-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'copper-ore', count = random(32, 128)}, {name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1}, {name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1}, {name = 'submachine-gun', count = 1}, {name = 'shotgun', count = 1}, {name = 'shotgun', count = 1}, {name = 'shotgun', count = 1}, {name = 'burner-mining-drill', count = 1}, {name = 'burner-mining-drill', count = 2}, {name = 'burner-mining-drill', count = 1}, {name = 'burner-mining-drill', count = 4}, {name = 'gun-turret', count = 1}, {name = 'gun-turret', count = 1}, {name = 'gun-turret', count = 1}, {name = 'shotgun-shell', count = random(4, 5)}, {name = 'shotgun-shell', count = random(4, 5)}, {name = 'shotgun-shell', count = random(4, 5)}, {name = 'grenade', count = random(2, 7)}, {name = 'grenade', count = random(2, 8)}, {name = 'grenade', count = random(2, 7)}, {name = 'light-armor', count = random(2, 4)}, {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = random(7, 15)}, {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = random(7, 15)}, {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = random(7, 15)}, {name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = random(7, 15)}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'iron-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'copper-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'copper-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'copper-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'copper-plate', count = random(15, 23)}, {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = random(10, 15)}, {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = random(10, 15)}, {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = random(10, 15)}, {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = random(10, 15)} } end local generate_spawn_area_token = Token.register( function(data) local surface_index = data.surface_index local surface = game.get_surface(surface_index) local spawn_area_generated = Public.get('spawn_area_generated') if spawn_area_generated then return end local chunk_load_tick = Public.get('chunk_load_tick') if chunk_load_tick > game.tick then if game.tick % 100 == 1 then game.print('[color=blue][Map Generator][/color] Generating map in progress...') end return end local spawn_position_x = -128 surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {254, -143}, source = {254, -143}, target = {254, 193}}) -- fish --surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {160, -101}, source = {160, -101}, target = {160, 248}}) -- fish --surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {160, -88}, source = {160, -88}, target = {160, 185}}) for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({name = {'water', 'deepwater'}, area = {{-300, -256}, {300, 300}}})) do surface.set_tiles({{name = Public.get_replacement_tile(surface, tile.position), position = {tile.position.x, tile.position.y}}}, true) end for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({type = {'resource', 'cliff'}, area = {{-300, -256}, {300, 300}}})) do entity.destroy() end local decorative_names = {} for k, v in pairs(game.decorative_prototypes) do if v.autoplace_specification then decorative_names[#decorative_names + 1] = k end end for x = -4, 4, 1 do for y = -3, 3, 1 do surface.regenerate_decorative(decorative_names, {{x, y}}) end end local _y = 80 local ore_positions = { {x = spawn_position_x - 52, y = _y}, {x = spawn_position_x - 52, y = _y * 0.5}, {x = spawn_position_x - 52, y = 0}, {x = spawn_position_x - 52, y = _y * -0.5}, {x = spawn_position_x - 52, y = _y * -1} } shuffle(ore_positions) resource_placement(surface, ore_positions[1], 'copper-ore', 1500000, 650) resource_placement(surface, ore_positions[2], 'iron-ore', 1500000, 650) resource_placement(surface, ore_positions[3], 'coal', 1300000, 650) resource_placement(surface, ore_positions[4], 'stone', 1300000, 650) for _ = 0, 10, 1 do place_rock(surface, ore_positions[4]) --add rocks to stone area end map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = spawn_position_x - 20, y = 0}, 'water', surface, 16) map_functions.draw_oil_circle(ore_positions[5], 'crude-oil', surface, 8, 200000) local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('market', {spawn_position_x, 0}, 50, 1) local market = Public.set('market', place_fish_market(surface, pos)) local r = 16 for _, entity in pairs( surface.find_entities_filtered( { area = { {market.position.x - r, market.position.y - r}, {market.position.x + r, market.position.y + r} }, type = 'tree' } ) ) do local distance_to_center = sqrt((entity.position.x - market.position.x) ^ 2 + (entity.position.y - market.position.y) ^ 2) if distance_to_center < r then if random(1, r) > distance_to_center then entity.destroy() end end end local turret_pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('gun-turret', {spawn_position_x + 5, 1}, 50, 1) local turret = surface.create_entity({name = 'gun-turret', position = turret_pos, force = 'player'}) turret.insert({name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 32}) local cargo_boxes = initial_cargo_boxes() for x = -20, 20, 1 do for y = -20, 20, 1 do local market_pos = {x = market.position.x + x, y = market.position.y + y} local distance_to_center = x ^ 2 + y ^ 2 if distance_to_center > 64 and distance_to_center < 225 then if random(1, 3) == 1 and surface.can_place_entity({name = 'wooden-chest', position = market_pos, force = 'player'}) then local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'wooden-chest', position = market_pos, force = 'player', create_build_effect_smoke = false}) if random(1, 8) == 1 then local inventory = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) inventory.insert(cargo_boxes[random(1, #cargo_boxes)]) end end end end end local area = {{x = -160, y = -96}, {x = 160, y = 96}} for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({name = 'water', area = area})) do if random(1, 32) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = 'fish', position = tile.position}) end end local character_pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', {spawn_position_x + 1, 4}, 50, 1) game.forces['player'].set_spawn_position(character_pos, surface) for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do local spawn_pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', {spawn_position_x + 1, 4}, 50, 1) player.teleport(spawn_pos, surface) end local rr = 200 local p = {x = -131, y = 5} game.forces.player.chart( surface, { {p.x - rr - 100, p.y - rr}, {p.x + rr + 400, p.y + rr} } ) Public.set('spawn_area_generated', true) end ) local function process_chunk(left_top) local active_surface_index = Public.get('active_surface_index') local surface = game.get_surface(active_surface_index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(1, request_to_generate_chunks_token, {surface_index = surface.index}) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(15, generate_spawn_area_token, {surface_index = surface.index}) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60, enemy_territory_token, {surface_index = surface.index, left_top = left_top}) Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(90, fish_mouth_token, {surface_index = surface.index, left_top = left_top}) local market = Public.get('market') game.forces.player.chart(surface, {{left_top.x, left_top.y}, {left_top.x + 31, left_top.y + 31}}) if market and market.valid then Public.set('game_reset', false) end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) local map_name = 'fish_defender' local surface = event.surface local area = event.area local left_top = area.left_top if string.sub(surface.name, 0, #map_name) ~= map_name then return end if Public.get('stop_generating_map') then return end Public.make_chunk(event) process_chunk(left_top) end Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) return Public