--luacheck: ignore local Basic_markets = require 'utils.functions.basic_markets' local Biter_pets = require 'modules.biter_pets' local get_noise = require 'maps.stone_maze.noise' local room = {} room.empty = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.worms = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = math.ceil(get_biter_amount() * 0.1) local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local worm = get_worm() if surface.can_place_entity({name = worm, position = pos}) and math.random(1, 4) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = worm, position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.nests = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = math.ceil(get_biter_amount() * 0.1) local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do if surface.can_place_entity({name = 'spitter-spawner', position = pos}) then if math.random(1, 4) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = 'spitter-spawner', position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) else surface.create_entity({name = 'biter-spawner', position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) end amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.biters = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = get_biter_amount() local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local enemy = get_biter() if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.spitters = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = get_biter_amount() local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local enemy = get_spitter() if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.spitters_and_biters = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local amount = get_biter_amount() local tile_positions = {} local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = pos end end table.shuffle_table(tile_positions) for _, pos in pairs(tile_positions) do local enemy = get_biter() if math.random(1, 3) == 1 then enemy = get_spitter() end if surface.can_place_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) then surface.create_entity({name = enemy, position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) amount = amount - 1 end if amount < 1 then break end end end room.checkerboard_ore = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local ores = {'coal', 'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'stone'} table.shuffle_table(ores) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = 1, grid_size - 2, 1 do for y = 1, grid_size - 2, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} if x % 2 == y % 2 then surface.create_entity({name = ores[1], position = pos, force = 'neutral', amount = 256 + global.maze_depth * 4}) else surface.create_entity({name = ores[2], position = pos, force = 'neutral', amount = 256 + global.maze_depth * 4}) end surface.set_tiles({{name = 'grass-2', position = pos}}, true) end end end room.single_oil = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} surface.create_entity({name = 'crude-oil', position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, amount = 100000 + global.maze_depth * 4000}) room.spitters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) room.biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.tree_ring = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local tree = tree_raffle[math.random(1, #tree_raffle)] map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, 'grass-2', surface, grid_size * 0.35) map_functions.draw_noise_entity_ring(surface, {x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, tree, 'neutral', grid_size * 0.25, grid_size * 0.33) surface.spill_item_stack({x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, get_loot_item_stack(), true, nil, true) room.spitters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.tons_of_trees = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local tree = tree_raffle[math.random(1, #tree_raffle)] local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local seed = math.random(1000, 1000000) for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} local noise = get_noise('trees_01', pos, seed) if math.random(1, 3) == 1 then if noise > 0.25 or noise < -0.25 then surface.create_entity({name = tree, position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) end end end end end room.loot_crate = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, 'stone-path', surface, grid_size * 0.2) local chest = surface.create_entity({name = 'wooden-chest', position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, force = 'neutral'}) chest.destructible = false chest.insert(get_loot_item_stack()) if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then chest.insert(get_loot_item_stack()) end room.spitters_and_biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.single_rock = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, force = 'neutral'}) room.biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.three_rocks = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('market', {x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, grid_size * 0.5, 1) if position then Basic_markets.super_market(surface, position, math.floor(global.maze_depth * 0.01) + 1) end end surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.2, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.8}, force = 'neutral'}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.8, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.8}, force = 'neutral'}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.2}, force = 'neutral'}) room.biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.quad_rocks = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('market', {x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, grid_size * 0.5, 1) if position then Basic_markets.super_market(surface, position, math.floor(global.maze_depth * 0.01) + 1) end end surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.15, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.15}, force = 'neutral'}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.15, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.85}, force = 'neutral'}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.85, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.15}, force = 'neutral'}) surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.85, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.85}, force = 'neutral'}) room.spitters_and_biters(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.tons_of_rocks = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} local noise = get_noise('trees_01', pos, seed) if math.random(1, 3) ~= 1 then if noise > 0.2 or noise < -0.2 then surface.create_entity({name = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) if math.random(1, 512) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = get_worm(), position = pos, force = 'enemy'}) end end end end end end room.some_scrap = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} for x = math.floor(grid_size * 0.15), math.floor(grid_size * 0.85) - 1, 1 do for y = math.floor(grid_size * 0.15), math.floor(grid_size * 0.85) - 1, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} if math.random(1, 16) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = get_scrap(), position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) end end end room.worms(surface, cell_left_top, direction) end room.tons_of_scrap = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed + 10000 for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} local noise = get_noise('scrap_01', pos, seed) if math.random(1, 2) == 1 and noise > 0 then surface.create_entity({name = get_scrap(), position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) end end end end room.pond = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local tree = tree_raffle[math.random(1, #tree_raffle)] local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, 'water', surface, grid_size * 0.3) for x = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, grid_size - 0.5, 1 do local pos = {left_top.x + x, left_top.y + y} if math.random(1, 16) == 1 then if surface.can_place_entity({name = 'fish', position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) then surface.create_entity({name = 'fish', position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) end end if math.random(1, 40) == 1 then if surface.can_place_entity({name = tree, position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) then surface.create_entity({name = tree, position = pos, force = 'neutral'}) end end end end end room.maze = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local tree = tree_raffle[math.random(1, #tree_raffle)] local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} create_maze(surface, {x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, math.floor(grid_size * 0.25), 3, 'stone-wall', 'enemy', true) surface.spill_item_stack({x = left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, y = left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, get_loot_item_stack(), true, nil, true) end room.mr_nibbles = function(surface, cell_left_top, direction) local left_top = {x = cell_left_top.x * grid_size, y = cell_left_top.y * grid_size} local nibbler local str = 'biter' if math.random(1, 2) == 1 then str = 'spitter' end if global.maze_depth > 250 then nibbler = surface.create_entity({name = 'behemoth-' .. str, position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, force = 'enemy'}) else nibbler = surface.create_entity({name = 'big-' .. str, position = {left_top.x + grid_size * 0.5, left_top.y + grid_size * 0.5}, force = 'enemy'}) end Biter_pets.tame_unit_for_closest_player(nibbler) end local room_weights = { {func = room.worms, weight = 12}, {func = room.nests, weight = 8}, {func = room.tons_of_trees, weight = 15}, {func = room.tons_of_rocks, weight = 35}, {func = room.quad_rocks, weight = 7}, {func = room.three_rocks, weight = 4}, {func = room.mr_nibbles, weight = 3}, {func = room.single_rock, weight = 8}, {func = room.checkerboard_ore, weight = 7}, {func = room.single_oil, weight = 5}, --{func = room.some_scrap, weight = 10}, {func = room.tons_of_scrap, weight = 15}, --{func = room.empty, weight = 1}, {func = room.pond, weight = 8}, {func = room.loot_crate, weight = 9}, {func = room.tree_ring, weight = 9}, {func = room.maze, weight = 4} } local room_shuffle = {} for _, r in pairs(room_weights) do for c = 1, r.weight, 1 do room_shuffle[#room_shuffle + 1] = r.func end end return room_shuffle