-- config tab -- local Antigrief = require 'antigrief' local Color = require 'utils.color_presets' local SessionData = require 'utils.datastore.session_data' local Utils = require 'utils.core' local SpamProtection = require 'utils.spam_protection' local spaghett_entity_blacklist = { ['logistic-chest-requester'] = true, ['logistic-chest-buffer'] = true, ['logistic-chest-active-provider'] = true } local function get_actor(event, prefix, msg, admins_only) local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) if not player or not player.valid then return end if admins_only then Utils.print_admins(msg, player.name) else Utils.action_warning(prefix, player.name .. ' ' .. msg) end end local function spaghett_deny_building(event) local spaghett = global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett if not spaghett.enabled then return end local entity = event.created_entity if not entity.valid then return end if not spaghett_entity_blacklist[event.created_entity.name] then return end if event.player_index then game.players[event.player_index].insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) else local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) end event.created_entity.surface.create_entity( { name = 'flying-text', position = entity.position, text = 'Spaghett Mode Active!', color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22} } ) entity.destroy() end local function spaghett() local spaghett = global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett if spaghett.enabled then for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do if f.technologies['logistic-system'].researched then spaghett.undo[f.index] = true end f.technologies['logistic-system'].enabled = false f.technologies['logistic-system'].researched = false end else for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do f.technologies['logistic-system'].enabled = true if spaghett.undo[f.index] then f.technologies['logistic-system'].researched = true spaghett.undo[f.index] = nil end end end end local function trust_connected_players() local trust = SessionData.get_trusted_table() local AG = Antigrief.get() local players = game.connected_players if not AG.enabled then for _, p in pairs(players) do trust[p.name] = true end else for _, p in pairs(players) do trust[p.name] = false end end end local functions = { ['comfy_panel_spectator_switch'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then game.players[event.player_index].spectator = true else game.players[event.player_index].spectator = false end end, ['comfy_panel_auto_hotbar_switch'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then global.auto_hotbar_enabled[event.player_index] = true else global.auto_hotbar_enabled[event.player_index] = false end end, ['comfy_panel_blueprint_toggle'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then game.permissions.get_group('Default').set_allows_action(defines.input_action.open_blueprint_library_gui, true) game.permissions.get_group('Default').set_allows_action(defines.input_action.import_blueprint_string, true) get_actor(event, '{Blueprints}', 'has enabled blueprints!') else game.permissions.get_group('Default').set_allows_action(defines.input_action.open_blueprint_library_gui, false) game.permissions.get_group('Default').set_allows_action(defines.input_action.import_blueprint_string, false) get_actor(event, '{Blueprints}', 'has disabled blueprints!') end end, ['comfy_panel_spaghett_toggle'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett.enabled = true get_actor(event, '{Spaghett}', 'has enabled spaghett mode!') else global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett.enabled = nil get_actor(event, '{Spaghett}', 'has disabled spaghett mode!') end spaghett() end, ['bb_team_balancing_toggle'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then global.bb_settings.team_balancing = true game.print('Team balancing has been enabled!') else global.bb_settings.team_balancing = false game.print('Team balancing has been disabled!') end end, ['bb_only_admins_vote'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then global.bb_settings.only_admins_vote = true global.difficulty_player_votes = {} game.print('Admin-only difficulty voting has been enabled!') else global.bb_settings.only_admins_vote = false game.print('Admin-only difficulty voting has been disabled!') end end } local poll_function = { ['comfy_panel_poll_trusted_toggle'] = function(event) if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then global.comfy_panel_config.poll_trusted = true get_actor(event, '{Poll Mode}', 'has disabled non-trusted people to do polls.') else global.comfy_panel_config.poll_trusted = false get_actor(event, '{Poll Mode}', 'has allowed non-trusted people to do polls.') end end, ['comfy_panel_poll_no_notify_toggle'] = function(event) local poll = is_loaded('comfy_panel.poll') local poll_table = poll.get_no_notify_players() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then poll_table[event.player_index] = false else poll_table[event.player_index] = true end end } local antigrief_functions = { ['comfy_panel_disable_antigrief'] = function(event) local AG = Antigrief.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then AG.enabled = true get_actor(event, '{Antigrief}', 'has enabled the antigrief function.', true) else AG.enabled = false get_actor(event, '{Antigrief}', 'has disabled the antigrief function.', true) end trust_connected_players() end } local fortress_functions = { ['comfy_panel_disable_fullness'] = function(event) local Fullness = is_loaded('modules.check_fullness') local this = Fullness.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.fullness_enabled = true get_actor(event, '{Fullness}', 'has enabled the inventory fullness function.') else this.fullness_enabled = false get_actor(event, '{Fullness}', 'has disabled the inventory fullness function.') end end, ['comfy_panel_offline_players'] = function(event) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.offline_players_enabled = true get_actor(event, '{Offline Players}', 'has enabled the offline player function.') else this.offline_players_enabled = false get_actor(event, '{Offline Players}', 'has disabled the offline player function.') end end, ['comfy_panel_collapse_grace'] = function(event) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.collapse_grace = true get_actor(event, '{Collapse}', 'has enabled the collapse function. Collapse will occur after wave 100!') else this.collapse_grace = false get_actor(event, '{Collapse}', 'has disabled the collapse function. You must reach zone 2 for collapse to occur!') end end, ['comfy_panel_spill_items_to_surface'] = function(event) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.spill_items_to_surface = true get_actor(event, '{Item Spill}', 'has enabled the ore spillage function. Ores now drop to surface when mining.') else this.spill_items_to_surface = false get_actor(event, '{Item Spill}', 'has disabled the item spillage function. Ores no longer drop to surface when mining.') end end, ['comfy_panel_void_or_tile'] = function(event) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.void_or_tile = 'out-of-map' get_actor(event, '{Void}', 'has changes the tiles of the zones to: out-of-map (void)') else this.void_or_tile = 'lab-dark-2' get_actor(event, '{Void}', 'has changes the tiles of the zones to: dark-tiles (flammable tiles)') end end, ['comfy_panel_trusted_only_car_tanks'] = function(event) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() if event.element.switch_state == 'left' then this.trusted_only_car_tanks = true get_actor(event, '{Market}', 'has changed so only trusted people can buy car/tanks.', true) else this.trusted_only_car_tanks = false get_actor(event, '{Market}', 'has changed so everybody can buy car/tanks.', true) end end } local function add_switch(element, switch_state, name, description_main, description) local t = element.add({type = 'table', column_count = 5}) local label = t.add({type = 'label', caption = 'ON'}) label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.font_color = {0.77, 0.77, 0.77} local switch = t.add({type = 'switch', name = name}) switch.switch_state = switch_state switch.style.padding = 0 switch.style.margin = 0 local label = t.add({type = 'label', caption = 'OFF'}) label.style.padding = 0 label.style.font_color = {0.70, 0.70, 0.70} local label = t.add({type = 'label', caption = description_main}) label.style.padding = 2 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.minimal_width = 120 label.style.font = 'heading-2' label.style.font_color = {0.88, 0.88, 0.99} local label = t.add({type = 'label', caption = description}) label.style.padding = 2 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.single_line = false label.style.font = 'heading-3' label.style.font_color = {0.85, 0.85, 0.85} return switch end local build_config_gui = (function(player, frame) local AG = Antigrief.get() local switch_state local label local admin = player.admin frame.clear() local scroll_pane = frame.add { type = 'scroll-pane', horizontal_scroll_policy = 'never' } local scroll_style = scroll_pane.style scroll_style.vertically_squashable = true scroll_style.bottom_padding = 2 scroll_style.left_padding = 2 scroll_style.right_padding = 2 scroll_style.top_padding = 2 label = scroll_pane.add({type = 'label', caption = 'Player Settings'}) label.style.font = 'default-bold' label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.horizontal_align = 'left' label.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' label.style.font_color = {0.55, 0.55, 0.99} scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if player.spectator then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_spectator_switch', 'SpectatorMode', 'Toggles zoom-to-world view noise effect.\nEnvironmental sounds will be based on map view.' ) scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) if global.auto_hotbar_enabled then switch_state = 'right' if global.auto_hotbar_enabled[player.index] then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_auto_hotbar_switch', 'AutoHotbar', 'Automatically fills your hotbar with placeable items.') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) end local poll = is_loaded('comfy_panel.poll') if poll then local poll_table = poll.get_no_notify_players() switch_state = 'right' if not poll_table[player.index] then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_poll_no_notify_toggle', 'Notify on polls', 'Receive a message when new polls are created and popup the poll.') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) end if admin then label = scroll_pane.add({type = 'label', caption = 'Admin Settings'}) label.style.font = 'default-bold' label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.top_padding = 10 label.style.horizontal_align = 'left' label.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' label.style.font_color = {0.77, 0.11, 0.11} scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if game.permissions.get_group('Default').allows_action(defines.input_action.open_blueprint_library_gui) then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_blueprint_toggle', 'Blueprint Library', 'Toggles the usage of blueprint strings and the library.') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett.enabled then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_spaghett_toggle', 'Spaghett Mode', 'Disables the Logistic System research.\nRequester, buffer or active-provider containers can not be built.' ) if poll then scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if global.comfy_panel_config.poll_trusted then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_poll_trusted_toggle', 'Poll mode', 'Disables non-trusted plebs to create polls.') end scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) label = scroll_pane.add({type = 'label', caption = 'Antigrief Settings'}) label.style.font = 'default-bold' label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.top_padding = 10 label.style.horizontal_align = 'left' label.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' label.style.font_color = Color.yellow switch_state = 'right' if AG.enabled then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_disable_antigrief', 'Antigrief', 'Left = Enables antigrief / Right = Disables antigrief') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) if is_loaded('maps.biter_battles_v2.main') then label = scroll_pane.add({type = 'label', caption = 'Biter Battles Settings'}) label.style.font = 'default-bold' label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.top_padding = 10 label.style.horizontal_align = 'left' label.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' label.style.font_color = Color.green scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) local switch_state = 'right' if global.bb_settings.team_balancing then switch_state = 'left' end local switch = add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'bb_team_balancing_toggle', 'Team Balancing', 'Players can only join a team that has less or equal players than the opposing.' ) if not admin then switch.ignored_by_interaction = true end scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) local switch_state = 'right' if global.bb_settings.only_admins_vote then switch_state = 'left' end local switch = add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'bb_only_admins_vote', 'Admin Vote', 'Only admins can vote for map difficulty. Clears all currently existing votes.') if not admin then switch.ignored_by_interaction = true end scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) end if is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.main') then label = scroll_pane.add({type = 'label', caption = 'Mountain Fortress Settings'}) label.style.font = 'default-bold' label.style.padding = 0 label.style.left_padding = 10 label.style.top_padding = 10 label.style.horizontal_align = 'left' label.style.vertical_align = 'bottom' label.style.font_color = Color.green local Fullness = is_loaded('modules.check_fullness') local full = Fullness.get() switch_state = 'right' if full.fullness_enabled then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_disable_fullness', 'Inventory Fullness', 'Left = Enables inventory fullness.\nRight = Disables inventory fullness.') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) local WPT = is_loaded('maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table') local this = WPT.get() switch_state = 'right' if this.offline_players_enabled then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_offline_players', 'Offline Players', 'Left = Enables offline player inventory drop.\nRight = Disables offline player inventory drop.' ) scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if this.collapse_grace then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_collapse_grace', 'Collapse', 'Left = Enables collapse after wave 100.\nRight = Disables collapse - you must reach zone 2 for collapse to occur.' ) scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if this.spill_items_to_surface then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_spill_items_to_surface', 'Spill Ores', 'Left = Enables ore spillage to surface when mining.\nRight = Disables ore spillage to surface when mining.' ) scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if this.void_or_tile then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch(scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_void_or_tile', 'Void Tiles', 'Left = Changes the tiles to out-of-map.\nRight = Changes the tiles to lab-dark-2') scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) switch_state = 'right' if this.trusted_only_car_tanks then switch_state = 'left' end add_switch( scroll_pane, switch_state, 'comfy_panel_trusted_only_car_tanks', 'Market Purchase', 'Left = Allows only trusted people to buy car/tanks.\nRight = Allows everyone to buy car/tanks.' ) scroll_pane.add({type = 'line'}) end end for _, e in pairs(scroll_pane.children) do if e.type == 'line' then e.style.padding = 0 e.style.margin = 0 end end end) local function on_gui_switch_state_changed(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not (player and player.valid) then return end if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end if functions[event.element.name] then local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Config Functions Elem') if is_spamming then return end functions[event.element.name](event) return elseif antigrief_functions[event.element.name] then local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Config AntiGrief Elem') if is_spamming then return end antigrief_functions[event.element.name](event) return elseif fortress_functions[event.element.name] then local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Config Fortress Elem') if is_spamming then return end fortress_functions[event.element.name](event) return elseif is_loaded('comfy_panel.poll') then local is_spamming = SpamProtection.is_spamming(player, nil, 'Config Poll Elem') if is_spamming then return end if poll_function[event.element.name] then poll_function[event.element.name](event) return end end end local function on_force_created() spaghett() end local function on_built_entity(event) spaghett_deny_building(event) end local function on_robot_built_entity(event) spaghett_deny_building(event) end local function on_init() global.comfy_panel_config = {} global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett = {} global.comfy_panel_config.spaghett.undo = {} global.comfy_panel_config.poll_trusted = false global.comfy_panel_disable_antigrief = false end comfy_panel_tabs['Config'] = {gui = build_config_gui, admin = false} local Event = require 'utils.event' Event.on_init(on_init) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_switch_state_changed, on_gui_switch_state_changed) Event.add(defines.events.on_force_created, on_force_created) Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity)