-- chronosphere -- require "modules.difficulty_vote" require "modules.biters_yield_coins" require "modules.no_deconstruction_of_neutral_entities" --require "modules.no_solar" require "modules.shotgun_buff" require "modules.mineable_wreckage_yields_scrap" require "maps.chronosphere.comfylatron" require "maps.chronosphere.terrain" require "on_tick_schedule" require "modules.biter_noms_you" local Server = require 'utils.server' local Ai = require "maps.chronosphere.ai" local Planets = require "maps.chronosphere.chronobubles" local Ores =require "maps.chronosphere.ores" local Reset = require "functions.soft_reset" local Map = require "modules.map_info" local Upgrades = require "maps.chronosphere.upgrades" local Tick_functions = require "maps.chronosphere.tick_functions" local Event_functions = require "maps.chronosphere.event_functions" local Chrono = require "maps.chronosphere.chrono" local Chrono_table = require 'maps.chronosphere.table' local Locomotive = require "maps.chronosphere.locomotive" local Gui = require "maps.chronosphere.gui" local math_random = math.random local math_floor = math.floor local math_sqrt = math.sqrt require "maps.chronosphere.config_tab" local Public = {} local starting_items = {['pistol'] = 1, ['firearm-magazine'] = 32, ['grenade'] = 4, ['raw-fish'] = 4, ['rail'] = 16, ['wood'] = 16} local function generate_overworld(surface, optplanet) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() Planets.determine_planet(optplanet) local planet = objective.planet local message = {"chronosphere.planet_jump", planet[1].name.name, planet[1].ore_richness.name, planet[1].day_speed.name} game.print(message, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) local discordmessage = "Destination: "..planet[1].name.dname..", Ore Richness: "..planet[1].ore_richness.dname..", Daynight cycle: "..planet[1].day_speed.dname Server.to_discord_embed(discordmessage) if planet[1].name.id == 12 then game.print({"chronosphere.message_choppy"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) elseif planet[1].name.id == 14 then game.print({"chronosphere.message_lava"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) elseif planet[1].name.id == 17 then game.print({"chronosphere.message_fishmarket1"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) game.print({"chronosphere.message_fishmarket2"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) end surface.min_brightness = 0 surface.brightness_visual_weights = {1, 1, 1} objective.surface = surface surface.daytime = planet[1].time local timer = planet[1].day_speed.timer if timer == 0 then surface.freeze_daytime = true timer = timer + 1 else surface.freeze_daytime = false end surface.ticks_per_day = timer * 250 local moisture = planet[1].name.moisture if moisture ~= 0 then local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.property_expression_names["control-setting:moisture:bias"] = moisture surface.map_gen_settings = mgs end if planet[1].name.id == 14 then --lava planet local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.water = 0 surface.map_gen_settings = mgs end if planet[1].name.id ~= 12 then --choppy planet local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.water = 0.2 surface.map_gen_settings = mgs end if planet[1].name.id == 17 then --fish market local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings mgs.width = 2176 surface.map_gen_settings = mgs end end local function render_train_hp() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] objective.health_text = rendering.draw_text{ text = "HP: " .. objective.health .. " / " .. objective.max_health, surface = surface, target = objective.locomotive, target_offset = {0, -2.5}, color = objective.locomotive.color, scale = 1.40, font = "default-game", alignment = "center", scale_with_zoom = false } objective.caption = rendering.draw_text{ text = "Comfylatron's ChronoTrain", surface = surface, target = objective.locomotive, target_offset = {0, -4.25}, color = objective.locomotive.color, scale = 1.80, font = "default-game", alignment = "center", scale_with_zoom = false } end local function reset_map() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() for _,player in pairs(game.players) do if player.controller_type == defines.controllers.editor then player.toggle_map_editor() end end if game.surfaces["chronosphere"] then game.delete_surface(game.surfaces["chronosphere"]) end if game.surfaces["cargo_wagon"] then game.delete_surface(game.surfaces["cargo_wagon"]) end for i = 13, 16, 1 do objective.upgrades[i] = 0 end objective.computermessage = 0 objective.chronojumps = 0 Planets.determine_planet(nil) local planet = objective.planet if not objective.active_surface_index then objective.active_surface_index = game.create_surface("chronosphere", Chrono.get_map_gen_settings()).index else game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({12, 10}, game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index]) objective.active_surface_index = Reset.soft_reset_map(game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index], Chrono.get_map_gen_settings(), starting_items).index end local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] generate_overworld(surface, planet) Chrono.restart_settings() game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({12, 10}, surface) Locomotive.locomotive_spawn(surface, {x = 16, y = 10}, Chrono.get_wagons(true)) render_train_hp() game.reset_time_played() Locomotive.create_wagon_room() if objective.game_won then game.print({"chronosphere.message_game_won_restart"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) end objective.game_lost = false objective.game_won = false --set_difficulty() end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not objective.flame_boots[event.player_index] then objective.flame_boots[event.player_index] = {} end objective.flame_boots[event.player_index] = {fuel = 1} if not objective.flame_boots[event.player_index].steps then objective.flame_boots[event.player_index].steps = {} end local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if player.online_time == 0 then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface), 32, 0.5), surface) for item, amount in pairs(starting_items) do player.insert({name = item, count = amount}) end end if player.surface.index ~= objective.active_surface_index and player.surface.name ~= "cargo_wagon" then player.character = nil player.set_controller({type=defines.controllers.god}) player.create_character() player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface), 32, 0.5), surface) for item, amount in pairs(starting_items) do player.insert({name = item, count = amount}) end end local tile = surface.get_tile(player.position) if tile.valid then if tile.name == "out-of-map" then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("character", game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface), 32, 0.5), surface) end end end local function on_pre_player_left_game(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.controller_type == defines.controllers.editor then player.toggle_map_editor() end if player.character then objective.offline_players[#objective.offline_players + 1] = {index = event.player_index, tick = game.tick} end end local function set_objective_health(final_damage_amount) if final_damage_amount == 0 then return end local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() objective.health = math_floor(objective.health - final_damage_amount) if objective.health > objective.max_health then objective.health = objective.max_health end if objective.health <= 0 then Chrono.objective_died() end if objective.health < objective.max_health / 2 and final_damage_amount > 0 then Upgrades.trigger_poison() end rendering.set_text(objective.health_text, "HP: " .. objective.health .. " / " .. objective.max_health) end function Public.chronojump(choice) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.game_lost then goto continue end Chrono.process_jump() local oldsurface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] for _,player in pairs(game.players) do if player.surface == oldsurface then if player.controller_type == defines.controllers.editor then player.toggle_map_editor() end local wagons = {objective.locomotive_cargo[1], objective.locomotive_cargo[2], objective.locomotive_cargo[3]} Locomotive.enter_cargo_wagon(player, wagons[math.random(1,3)]) end end objective.lab_cells = {} objective.active_surface_index = game.create_surface("chronosphere" .. objective.chronojumps, Chrono.get_map_gen_settings()).index local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] log("seed of new surface: " .. surface.map_gen_settings.seed) local planet = objective.planet if choice then Planets.determine_planet(choice) end generate_overworld(surface, planet) game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({12, 10}, surface) Locomotive.locomotive_spawn(surface, {x = 16, y = 10}, Chrono.get_wagons(false)) --if objective.locomotive == nil then Locomotive.locomotive_spawn(surface, {x = 16, y = 10}, Chrono.get_wagons(false)) end render_train_hp() game.delete_surface(oldsurface) Chrono.post_jump() Event_functions.flamer_nerfs() surface.pollute(objective.locomotive.position, 150 * (4 / (objective.upgrades[2] / 2 + 1)) * (1 + objective.chronojumps) * global.difficulty_vote_value) ::continue:: end local tick_minute_functions = { [300 * 2] = Ai.destroy_inactive_biters, [300 * 3 + 30 * 0] = Ai.pre_main_attack, -- setup for main_attack [300 * 3 + 30 * 1] = Ai.perform_main_attack, [300 * 3 + 30 * 2] = Ai.perform_main_attack, [300 * 3 + 30 * 3] = Ai.perform_main_attack, [300 * 3 + 30 * 4] = Ai.perform_main_attack, [300 * 3 + 30 * 5] = Ai.perform_main_attack, -- call perform_main_attack 7 times on different ticks [300 * 4] = Ai.send_near_biters_to_objective, [300 * 5] = Ai.wake_up_sleepy_groups, --[300] = Ai.rogue_group } local function tick() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local tick = game.tick if tick % 60 == 30 and objective.passivetimer < 64 then local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] if objective.planet[1].name.id == 17 then surface.request_to_generate_chunks({-800,0}, 3 + math_floor(objective.passivetimer / 5)) else surface.request_to_generate_chunks({0,0}, 3 + math_floor(objective.passivetimer / 5)) end --surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() end if tick % 10 == 0 and objective.planet[1].name.id == 18 then Tick_functions.spawn_poison() end if tick % 30 == 0 then if tick % 600 == 0 then Tick_functions.charge_chronosphere() Tick_functions.transfer_pollution() if objective.poisontimeout > 0 then objective.poisontimeout = objective.poisontimeout - 1 end end if tick % 1800 == 0 then Locomotive.set_player_spawn_and_refill_fish() set_objective_health(Tick_functions.repair_train()) Upgrades.check_upgrades() Tick_functions.boost_evolution() if objective.config.offline_loot then Tick_functions.offline_players() end end local key = tick % 3600 if tick_minute_functions[key] then tick_minute_functions[key]() end if tick % 60 == 0 and objective.planet[1].name.id ~= 17 then objective.chronotimer = objective.chronotimer + 1 objective.passivetimer = objective.passivetimer + 1 if objective.chronojumps > 0 then if objective.locomotive ~= nil then local surface = game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index] local pos = objective.locomotive.position or {x=0,y=0} if surface and surface.valid then game.surfaces[objective.active_surface_index].pollute( pos, (0.5 * objective.chronojumps) * (4 / (objective.upgrades[2] / 2 + 1)) * global.difficulty_vote_value) end end end if objective.planet[1].name.id == 19 then Tick_functions.dangertimer() end if Tick_functions.check_chronoprogress() then Public.chronojump(nil) end end if tick % 120 == 0 then Tick_functions.move_items() Tick_functions.output_items() end if objective.game_reset_tick then if objective.game_reset_tick < tick then objective.game_reset_tick = nil reset_map() end return end Locomotive.fish_tag() end for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do Gui.update_gui(player) end end local function on_init() local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local T = Map.Pop_info() T.localised_category = "chronosphere" T.main_caption_color = {r = 150, g = 150, b = 0} T.sub_caption_color = {r = 0, g = 150, b = 0} objective.game_lost = true objective.game_won = false objective.offline_players = {} objective.config.offline_loot = true objective.config.jumpfailure = true game.create_force("scrapyard") local mgs = game.surfaces["nauvis"].map_gen_settings mgs.width = 16 mgs.height = 16 game.surfaces["nauvis"].map_gen_settings = mgs game.surfaces["nauvis"].clear() reset_map() Chrono.init_setup() Event_functions.mining_buffs(nil) --if game.surfaces["nauvis"] then game.delete_surface(game.surfaces["nauvis"]) end end -- local function on_load() -- Chrono.init_setup() -- end local function protect_entity(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if event.entity.force.index ~= 1 then return end --Player Force if Event_functions.isprotected(event.entity) then if event.cause then if event.cause == objective.comfylatron or event.entity == objective.comfylatron then return end if event.cause.force.index == 2 or event.cause.force.name == "scrapyard" then set_objective_health(event.final_damage_amount) end elseif objective.planet[1].name.id == 19 then set_objective_health(event.final_damage_amount) end if not event.entity.valid then return end event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount end end local function on_entity_damaged(event) if not event.entity.valid then return end protect_entity(event) if not event.entity.valid then return end if not event.entity.health then return end Event_functions.biters_chew_rocks_faster(event) if event.entity.force.name == "enemy" then Event_functions.biter_immunities(event) end end local function pre_player_mined_item(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.planet[1].name.id == 11 then --rocky planet if event.entity.name == "rock-huge" or event.entity.name == "rock-big" or event.entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then Event_functions.trap(event.entity, false) event.entity.destroy() Event_functions.rocky_loot(event) end end end local function on_player_mined_entity(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.type == "tree" and objective.planet[1].name.id == 12 then --choppy planet Event_functions.trap(entity, false) Event_functions.choppy_loot(event) end if entity.name == "rock-huge" or entity.name == "rock-big" or entity.name == "sand-rock-big" then if objective.planet[1].name.id ~= 11 and objective.planet[1].name.id ~= 16 then --rocky and maze planet Ores.prospect_ores(entity, entity.surface, entity.position) elseif objective.planet[1].name.id == 11 then event.buffer.clear() -- rocky planet end end end local function on_entity_died(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if event.entity.type == "tree" and objective.planet[1].name.id == 12 then --choppy planet if event.cause then if event.cause.valid then if event.cause.force.name ~= "enemy" then Event_functions.trap(event.entity, false) end end end -- if not event.entity.valid then return end -- for _, entity in pairs (event.entity.surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{event.entity.position.x - 4, event.entity.position.y - 4},{event.entity.position.x + 4, event.entity.position.y + 4}}, name = "fire-flame-on-tree"})) do -- if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end -- end --return end local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.type == "unit" and entity.force == "enemy" then objective.active_biters[entity.unit_number] = nil end if entity.type == "rocket-silo" and entity.force.name == "enemy" then Event_functions.danger_silo(entity) end if entity.force.name == "scrapyard" and entity.name == "gun-turret" then if objective.planet[1].name.id == 19 or objective.planet[1].name.id == 16 then --danger + hedge maze Event_functions.trap(entity, true) end end if entity.force.name == "enemy" then if entity.type == "unit-spawner" then Event_functions.spawner_loot(entity.surface, entity.position) if objective.planet[1].name.id == 18 then Ores.prospect_ores(entity, entity.surface, entity.position) end else if objective.planet[1].name.id == 18 then Event_functions.swamp_loot(event) end end end if entity.force.index == 3 then if event.cause then if event.cause.valid then if event.cause.force.index == 2 then Event_functions.shred_simple_entities(entity) end end end end end local function on_research_finished(event) Event_functions.flamer_nerfs() Event_functions.mining_buffs(event) end local function on_player_driving_changed_state(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local vehicle = event.entity Locomotive.enter_cargo_wagon(player, vehicle) end -- function deny_building(event) -- local entity = event.created_entity -- if not entity.valid then return end -- local surface = event.created_entity.surface -- -- if event.player_index then -- game.players[event.player_index].insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) -- else -- local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) -- inventory.insert({name = entity.name, count = 1}) -- end -- -- surface.create_entity({ -- name = "flying-text", -- position = entity.position, -- text = "Private Comfylatron's area!", -- color = {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} -- }) -- -- entity.destroy() -- end -- local function on_built_entity(event) -- if event.surface.name == "cargo_wagon" and event.position.y < -190 then -- deny_building(event) -- end -- end -- -- local function on_robot_built_entity(event) -- if event.surface.name == "cargo_wagon" and event.position.y < -190 then -- deny_building(event) -- end -- Terrain.deny_construction_bots(event) -- end -- local function on_market_item_purchased(event) -- Locomotive.offer_purchased(event) -- end local function on_player_changed_position(event) local objective = Chrono_table.get_table() if objective.planet[1].name.id == 14 then --lava planet Event_functions.lava_planet(event) end end local function on_technology_effects_reset(event) Event_functions.on_technology_effects_reset(event) end local event = require 'utils.event' event.on_init(on_init) event.on_load(on_load) event.on_nth_tick(2, tick) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_left_game, on_pre_player_left_game) event.add(defines.events.on_pre_player_mined_item, pre_player_mined_item) event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, on_research_finished) event.add(defines.events.on_player_driving_changed_state, on_player_driving_changed_state) event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_position, on_player_changed_position) event.add(defines.events.on_technology_effects_reset, on_technology_effects_reset) event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, Gui.on_gui_click) if _DEBUG then local Session = require 'utils.session_data' local Color = require 'utils.color_presets' commands.add_command( 'chronojump', 'Weeeeee!', function(cmd) local player = game.player local trusted = Session.get_trusted_table() local param = tostring(cmd.parameter) local p if player then if player ~= nil then p = player.print if not trusted[player.name] then if not player.admin then p("[ERROR] Only admins and trusted weebs are allowed to run this command!", Color.fail) return end end else p = log end end Public.chronojump(param) end) end --Time for the debug code. If any (not global.) globals are written to at this point, an error will be thrown. --eg, x = 2 will throw an error because it's not global.x or local x --setmetatable(_G, { -- __newindex = function(_, n, v) -- log("Desync warning: attempt to write to undeclared var " .. n) -- -- game.print("Attempt to write to undeclared var " .. n) -- global[n] = v; -- end, -- __index = function(_, n) -- return global[n]; -- end --}) return Public