--labyrinth-- mewmew made this -- -- modified by gerkiz require 'maps.labyrinth_map_intro' require 'modules.teleporters' require 'modules.satellite_score' --require "modules.landfill_reveals_nauvis" local Event = require 'utils.event' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Global = require 'utils.global' local map_functions = require 'utils.tools.map_functions' local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local Score = require 'utils.gui.score' local unique_rooms = require 'maps.labyrinth_unique_rooms' local SoftReset = require 'utils.functions.soft_reset' local Autostash = require 'modules.autostash' local BottomFrame = require 'utils.gui.bottom_frame' local this = { settings = { labyrinth_size = 1, surface_index = nil, check_landfill = true } } Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl end ) local labyrinth_difficulty_curve = 333 --- How much size the labyrinth needs to have the highest difficulty. local mapkeeper = '[color=blue]Mapkeeper:[/color]' local threat_values = { ['small-biter'] = 1, ['medium-biter'] = 3, ['big-biter'] = 5, ['behemoth-biter'] = 10, ['small-spitter'] = 1, ['medium-spitter'] = 3, ['big-spitter'] = 5, ['behemoth-spitter'] = 10 } local function create_labyrinth_difficulty_gui(player) if player.gui.top['labyrinth_difficulty'] then player.gui.top['labyrinth_difficulty'].destroy() end if not this.settings.labyrinth_size then return end local str = tostring(math.ceil((this.settings.labyrinth_size / labyrinth_difficulty_curve) * 100, 0)) .. '%' local b = player.gui.top.add({ type = 'button', name = 'labyrinth_difficulty', caption = 'Difficulty: ' .. str }) b.style.minimal_height = 38 b.style.minimal_width = 38 b.style.top_padding = 2 b.style.left_padding = 4 b.style.right_padding = 4 b.style.bottom_padding = 2 b.style.font = 'default' b.style.font_color = { r = 0.88, g = 0.88, b = 0.88 } end local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end local function get_entity_chunk_position(entity_position) local chunk_position = {} entity_position.x = math.floor(entity_position.x, 0) entity_position.y = math.floor(entity_position.y, 0) for x = 0, 31, 1 do if (entity_position.x - x) % 32 == 0 then chunk_position.x = (entity_position.x - x) / 32 end end for y = 0, 31, 1 do if (entity_position.y - y) % 32 == 0 then chunk_position.y = (entity_position.y - y) / 32 end end return chunk_position end local function is_chunk_allowed_to_grow(chunk_position, surface) local pos_x = chunk_position.x * 32 local pos_y = chunk_position.y * 32 local area = { left_top = { x = pos_x, y = pos_y }, right_bottom = { x = pos_x + 31, y = pos_y + 31 } } if surface.count_entities_filtered { area = area, name = { 'sand-rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-huge' }, limit = 1 } == 0 then return true else return false end end local function is_canditate_chunk_valid(chunk, surface) local modifiers = { { -1, -1 }, { 0, -1 }, { 1, -1 }, { 1, 0 }, { 1, 1 }, { 0, 1 }, { -1, 1 }, { -1, 0 } } local invalid_places = 0 --local invalid_chunk_found = "false" for _, m in pairs(modifiers) do local testing_chunk = { x = chunk.x + m[1], y = chunk.y + m[2] } local left_top_x = testing_chunk.x * 32 local left_top_y = testing_chunk.y * 32 local tile = surface.get_tile({ left_top_x, left_top_y }) if tile.name ~= 'out-of-map' then invalid_places = invalid_places + 1 --[[ if invalid_chunk_found then if invalid_chunk_found == "true" then invalid_places = invalid_places - 1 ---if chunks are connected, raise the allowance of expansion one time invalid_chunk_found = nil end end if invalid_chunk_found then invalid_chunk_found = "true" end else if invalid_chunk_found then invalid_chunk_found = "false" end ]] -- end end if math.random(1, 50) == 1 and chunk.y < -3 then return true end if invalid_places <= 2 then return true end if invalid_places > 2 then return false end end local starting_items = { ['pistol'] = 1, ['firearm-magazine'] = 64, ['raw-fish'] = 3 } local function init_map() local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local map_gen_settings = {} map_gen_settings.water = '0.01' map_gen_settings.cliff_settings = { cliff_elevation_interval = 50, cliff_elevation_0 = 50 } map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls = { ['coal'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['stone'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['copper-ore'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['iron-ore'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['crude-oil'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['trees'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' }, ['enemy-base'] = { frequency = 'none', size = 'none', richness = 'none' } } if not this.settings.surface_index then this.settings.surface_index = game.create_surface('labyrinth', map_gen_settings).index else this.settings.surface_index = SoftReset.soft_reset_map(game.surfaces[this.settings.surface_index], map_gen_settings, starting_items, true).index end this.settings.labyrinth_size = 1 local surface = game.get_surface(this.settings.surface_index) game.map_settings.pollution.pollution_restored_per_tree_damage = 0 game.forces['player'].set_spawn_position({ 16, 0 }, surface) surface.create_entity { name = 'rock-big', position = { 16, -16 } } this.settings.seed = seed game.forces['player'].technologies['artillery'].enabled = false game.forces['player'].technologies['artillery-shell-range-1'].enabled = false game.forces['player'].technologies['artillery-shell-speed-1'].enabled = false game.forces['player'].technologies['atomic-bomb'].enabled = false storage.satellites_in_space = 0 Autostash.insert_into_furnace(true) Autostash.insert_into_wagon(true) Autostash.bottom_button(true) BottomFrame.reset() BottomFrame.activate_custom_buttons(true) end local worm_raffle = {} worm_raffle[1] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[2] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[3] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[4] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[5] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[6] = { 'small-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[7] = { 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[8] = { 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[9] = { 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } worm_raffle[10] = { 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'medium-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret', 'big-worm-turret' } local rock_weights = { { 'sand-rock-big', 9 }, { 'rock-big', 32 }, { 'rock-huge', 1 } } local rock_raffle = {} for _, t in pairs(rock_weights) do for _ = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(rock_raffle, t[1]) end end local room_layouts = { 'quad_rocks', 'single_center_rock', 'three_horizontal_rocks', 'three_vertical_rocks', 'tree_and_lake', 'forest', 'forest_fence' } local biter_raffle = { { 'small-biter' }, { 'small-biter', 'small-biter', 'small-biter', 'medium-biter' }, { 'small-biter', 'small-biter', 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter' }, { 'small-biter', 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter' }, { 'small-biter', 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter', 'big-biter' }, { 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter', 'big-biter' }, { 'medium-biter', 'medium-biter', 'big-biter', 'big-biter' }, { 'medium-biter', 'big-biter', 'big-biter', 'big-biter' }, { 'big-biter', 'big-biter', 'big-biter', 'behemoth-biter' }, { 'big-biter', 'big-biter', 'behemoth-biter', 'behemoth-biter' } } local spitter_raffle = { { 'small-spitter' }, { 'small-spitter', 'small-spitter', 'small-spitter', 'medium-spitter' }, { 'small-spitter', 'small-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter' }, { 'small-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter' }, { 'small-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'big-spitter' }, { 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'big-spitter' }, { 'medium-spitter', 'medium-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter' }, { 'medium-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter' }, { 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'behemoth-spitter' }, { 'big-spitter', 'big-spitter', 'behemoth-spitter', 'behemoth-spitter' } } local room_enemies = {} local room_enemy_weights = { { 'only_biters', 10 }, { 'only_spitters', 10 }, { 'biters_and_spitters', 10 }, { 'spawners', 7 }, { 'only_worms', 5 }, { 'worms_and_spawners', 5 }, { 'gun_turrets', 3 }, { 'allied_entities', 2 }, { 'allied_entities_mixed', 2 } } local unique_room_raffle = { 'forgotten_place', 'flamethrower_cross', 'railway_roundabout', 'big_worm_crossing', 'deadly_crossing', 'mini_labyrinth' } for _, t in pairs(room_enemy_weights) do for _ = 1, t[2], 1 do table.insert(room_enemies, t[1]) end end local function grow_cell(chunk_position, surface) -- luacheck: ignore local math_random = math.random local modifier_raffle = { { 0, -1 }, { -1, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 } } modifier_raffle = shuffle(modifier_raffle) local canditate_chunks = {} for _, m in pairs(modifier_raffle) do local canditate_chunk = { x = chunk_position.x + m[1], y = chunk_position.y + m[2] } local left_top_x = canditate_chunk.x * 32 local left_top_y = canditate_chunk.y * 32 local tile = surface.get_tile({ left_top_x, left_top_y }) if tile.name == 'out-of-map' then table.insert(canditate_chunks, canditate_chunk) end end local valid_chunks = {} for _, chunk in pairs(canditate_chunks) do if is_canditate_chunk_valid(chunk, surface) == true then table.insert(valid_chunks, { x = chunk.x, y = chunk.y }) end end local tree_raffle = {} for _, e in pairs(prototypes.entity) do if e.type == 'tree' then table.insert(tree_raffle, e.name) end end local allied_entity_raffle = {} local types = { 'inserter', 'inserter', 'transport-belt', 'transport-belt', 'transport-belt', 'underground-belt', 'electric-pole', 'electric-pole', 'pipe', 'furnace', 'assembling-machine', 'splitter', 'splitter', 'straight-rail' } for _, e in pairs(prototypes.entity) do for _, t in pairs(types) do if e.type == t then table.insert(allied_entity_raffle, e.name) end end end if #valid_chunks > 0 then this.settings.labyrinth_size = this.settings.labyrinth_size + 1 else return end local evolution = this.settings.labyrinth_size / labyrinth_difficulty_curve if evolution > 1 then evolution = 1 end game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = evolution for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do create_labyrinth_difficulty_gui(player) end for x = 1, math_random(1, #valid_chunks), 1 do local chunk_position = valid_chunks[x] --luacheck: ignore local left_top_x = chunk_position.x * 32 local left_top_y = chunk_position.y * 32 local tile_to_insert local tiles = {} local entities_to_place = { rocks = {}, worms = {}, enemy_buildings = {}, trees = {}, fish = {}, biters = {}, spitters = {}, gun_turrets = {}, misc = {}, allied_entities = {} } local tree_name = tree_raffle[math_random(1, #tree_raffle)] local layout = room_layouts[math_random(1, #room_layouts)] local enemies = room_enemies[math_random(1, #room_enemies)] local unique_room if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 12 and math_random(1, 50) == 1 then layout = nil enemies = nil unique_room = unique_room_raffle[math_random(1, #unique_room_raffle)] else unique_room = false end --layout = nil --enemies = nil --unique_room = "railway_roundabout" if layout == 'quad_rocks' then while not entities_to_place.rocks[1] do if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 8, left_top_y + 8 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 24, left_top_y + 8 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 8, left_top_y + 24 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 24, left_top_y + 24 }) end end end if layout == 'single_center_rock' then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 16 }) end if layout == 'tree_and_lake' then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 16 }) end if layout == 'forest_fence' then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 16 }) end if layout == 'forest' then while not entities_to_place.rocks[1] do if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 8 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 8, left_top_y + 24 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 24, left_top_y + 24 }) end end end if layout == 'three_horizontal_rocks' then while not entities_to_place.rocks[1] do if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 8, left_top_y + 16 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 16 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 24, left_top_y + 16 }) end end end if layout == 'three_vertical_rocks' then while not entities_to_place.rocks[1] do if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 8 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 16 }) end if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 24 }) end end end if unique_room == 'flamethrower_cross' or unique_room == 'railway_roundabout' then table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 6, left_top_y + 6 }) table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 26, left_top_y + 6 }) table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 6, left_top_y + 26 }) table.insert(entities_to_place.rocks, { left_top_x + 26, left_top_y + 26 }) end local allied_entity if enemies == 'allied_entities' then allied_entity = allied_entity_raffle[math_random(1, #allied_entity_raffle)] end if this.settings.labyrinth_size < 16 then while enemies == 'gun_turrets' or enemies == 'only_worms' or enemies == 'worms_and_spawners' do enemies = room_enemies[math_random(1, #room_enemies)] end end local placed_enemies = 0 local enemy_counter = this.settings.labyrinth_size if enemy_counter > 2000 then enemy_counter = 2000 end local random_max = 400 if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 50 then random_max = 200 end if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 100 then random_max = 100 end while placed_enemies < enemy_counter do if not enemies then break end for x = 0, 31, 1 do --luacheck: ignore for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = { x = left_top_x + x, y = left_top_y + y } if enemies == 'spawners' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.biters, pos) end if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.spitters, pos) end if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.enemy_buildings, pos) end end if enemies == 'worms_and_spawners' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.enemy_buildings, pos) end if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.worms, pos) end end if enemies == 'only_worms' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.worms, pos) end end if enemies == 'only_biters' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.biters, pos) end end if enemies == 'only_spitters' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.spitters, pos) end end if enemies == 'biters_and_spitters' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.biters, pos) end if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.spitters, pos) end end if enemies == 'gun_turrets' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.gun_turrets, pos) end end if enemies == 'allied_entities' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.allied_entities, { allied_entity, pos }) end end if enemies == 'allied_entities_mixed' then if math_random(1, random_max) == 1 then allied_entity = allied_entity_raffle[math_random(1, #allied_entity_raffle)] table.insert(entities_to_place.allied_entities, { allied_entity, pos }) end end end end placed_enemies = #entities_to_place.biters * 0.35 + #entities_to_place.spitters * 0.35 + #entities_to_place.enemy_buildings * 2 + #entities_to_place.worms * 3 + #entities_to_place.gun_turrets * 3 + #entities_to_place.allied_entities end for x = 0, 31, 1 do --luacheck: ignore for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = { x = left_top_x + x, y = left_top_y + y } tile_to_insert = 'dirt-5' if layout == 'tree_and_lake' then if x > 12 and x < 20 and y > 12 and y < 20 then tile_to_insert = 'water' end if x > 10 and x < 22 and y > 10 and y < 22 then if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.trees, pos) end end end if layout == 'forest' or unique_room == 'railway_roundabout' then if math_random(1, 6) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.trees, pos) end end if layout == 'forest_fence' then if x > 28 or x < 4 or y > 28 or y < 4 then if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.trees, pos) end end end if unique_room then if unique_room == 'mini_labyrinth' then if math_random(1, 4) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.biters, pos) end end local room = unique_rooms[unique_room] for _, e in pairs(room.entities) do if math.floor(e.position.x, 0) == x and math.floor(e.position.y, 0) == y then if e.name == 'small-biter' or e.name == 'medium-biter' or e.name == 'big-biter' or e.name == 'behemoth-biter' then table.insert(entities_to_place.biters, { left_top_x + e.position.x, left_top_y + e.position.y }) break end if e.name == 'small-spitter' or e.name == 'medium-spitter' or e.name == 'big-spitter' or e.name == 'behemoth-spitter' then table.insert(entities_to_place.spitters, { left_top_x + e.position.x, left_top_y + e.position.y }) break end table.insert(entities_to_place.misc, { name = e.name, position = { left_top_x + e.position.x, left_top_y + e.position.y }, direction = e.direction, force = e.force }) break end end for _, t in pairs(room.tiles) do if math.floor(t.position.x, 0) == x and math.floor(t.position.y, 0) == y then tile_to_insert = t.name break end end end table.insert(tiles, { name = tile_to_insert, position = pos }) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) local decorative_names = {} for k, v in pairs(prototypes.decorative) do if v.autoplace_specification then decorative_names[#decorative_names + 1] = k end end surface.regenerate_decorative(decorative_names, { chunk_position }) if unique_room == 'railway_roundabout' then local e = surface.create_entity { name = 'big-ship-wreck-1', position = { left_top_x + 16, left_top_y + 22 }, force = 'player' } e.insert({ name = 'locomotive', count = 1 }) e.insert({ name = 'nuclear-fuel', count = 1 }) end for _, e in pairs(entities_to_place.misc) do local entity = surface.create_entity { name = e.name, position = e.position, force = e.force, direction = e.direction } if entity.name == 'gun-turret' then local ammo = 'firearm-magazine' if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 100 then ammo = 'piercing-rounds-magazine' end if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 300 then ammo = 'uranium-rounds-magazine' end entity.insert({ name = ammo, count = math.random(50, 150) }) end if entity.name == 'storage-tank' then entity.fluidbox[1] = { name = 'crude-oil', amount = 25000 } end end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.enemy_buildings) do if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then if surface.can_place_entity({ name = 'spitter-spawner', position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = 'spitter-spawner', position = p } end else if surface.can_place_entity({ name = 'biter-spawner', position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = 'biter-spawner', position = p } end end end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.worms) do local ev = math.ceil(game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor * 10, 0) local raffle = worm_raffle[ev] local n = raffle[math.random(1, #raffle)] if surface.can_place_entity({ name = n, position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = n, position = p } end end local threat_amount = this.settings.labyrinth_size * 4 for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.biters) do local ev = math.ceil(game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor * 10, 0) local raffle = biter_raffle[ev] local n = raffle[math.random(1, #raffle)] if threat_values[n] then threat_amount = threat_amount - threat_values[n] if threat_amount < 0 then break end end if surface.can_place_entity({ name = n, position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = n, position = p } end end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.spitters) do local ev = math.ceil(game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor * 10, 0) local raffle = spitter_raffle[ev] local n = raffle[math.random(1, #raffle)] if threat_values[n] then threat_amount = threat_amount - threat_values[n] if threat_amount < 0 then break end end if surface.can_place_entity({ name = n, position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = n, position = p } end end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.gun_turrets) do local e = surface.create_entity { name = 'gun-turret', position = p, force = 'enemy' } local ammo = 'firearm-magazine' if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 100 then ammo = 'piercing-rounds-magazine' end if this.settings.labyrinth_size > 300 then ammo = 'uranium-rounds-magazine' end e.insert({ name = ammo, count = math.random(50, 150) }) end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.rocks) do local e = rock_raffle[math.random(1, #rock_raffle)] surface.create_entity { name = e, position = p } end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.allied_entities) do local directions = { defines.direction.north, defines.direction.east, defines.direction.south, defines.direction.west } local d = directions[math_random(1, #directions)] if surface.can_place_entity({ name = p[1], position = p[2], direction = d, force = 'player' }) then surface.create_entity { name = p[1], position = p[2], direction = d, force = 'player' } end end for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.trees) do if surface.can_place_entity({ name = tree_name, position = p }) then surface.create_entity { name = tree_name, position = p } end end end end local function treasure_chest(position, surface) local math_random = math.random local chest_raffle = {} local chest_loot = { { { name = 'submachine-gun', count = math_random(1, 3) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, { { name = 'slowdown-capsule', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'poison-capsule', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'uranium-cannon-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'cannon-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'explosive-uranium-cannon-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'explosive-cannon-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'shotgun', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2 }, { { name = 'shotgun-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2 }, { { name = 'combat-shotgun', count = 1 }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'piercing-shotgun-shell', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'flamethrower', count = 1 }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'flamethrower-ammo', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'rocket-launcher', count = 1 }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'rocket', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'explosive-rocket', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'land-mine', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'grenade', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'cluster-grenade', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'firearm-magazine', count = math_random(32, 128) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', count = math_random(32, 128) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine', count = math_random(32, 128) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'defender-capsule', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'distractor-capsule', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'destroyer-capsule', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'atomic-bomb', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'light-armor', count = 1 }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, { { name = 'heavy-armor', count = 1 }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'modular-armor', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'power-armor', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'power-armor-mk2', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.8, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'battery-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'battery-mk2-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'belt-immunity-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'solar-panel-equipment', count = math_random(1, 4) }, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'discharge-defense-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'energy-shield-equipment', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'energy-shield-mk2-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'exoskeleton-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'fusion-reactor-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'night-vision-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'personal-laser-defense-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'exoskeleton-equipment', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'iron-gear-wheel', count = math_random(80, 100) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'copper-cable', count = math_random(100, 200) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'engine-unit', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'electric-engine-unit', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'battery', count = math_random(100, 200) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'advanced-circuit', count = math_random(100, 200) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'electronic-circuit', count = math_random(100, 200) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4 }, { { name = 'processing-unit', count = math_random(100, 200) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'explosives', count = math_random(25, 50) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'lubricant-barrel', count = math_random(4, 10) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'rocket-fuel', count = math_random(4, 10) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'player-port', count = 1 }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'steel-plate', count = math_random(50, 100) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'nuclear-fuel', count = 1 }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'burner-inserter', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, { { name = 'inserter', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4 }, { { name = 'long-handed-inserter', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4 }, { { name = 'fast-inserter', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'filter-inserter', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'bulk-inserter', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'stack-inserter', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'small-electric-pole', count = math_random(16, 32) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'medium-electric-pole', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'big-electric-pole', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'substation', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'wooden-chest', count = math_random(25, 50) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2 }, { { name = 'iron-chest', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.4 }, { { name = 'steel-chest', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'small-lamp', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'rail', count = math_random(50, 75) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'assembling-machine-1', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'assembling-machine-2', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'assembling-machine-3', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'accumulator', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'offshore-pump', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, { { name = 'beacon', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'boiler', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'steam-engine', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'steam-turbine', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, --{{name = "nuclear-reactor", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, { { name = 'centrifuge', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'heat-pipe', count = math_random(8, 12) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'heat-exchanger', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'arithmetic-combinator', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'constant-combinator', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'decider-combinator', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'power-switch', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'programmable-speaker', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'green-wire', count = math_random(50, 100) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'red-wire', count = math_random(50, 100) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'chemical-plant', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'burner-mining-drill', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2 }, { { name = 'electric-mining-drill', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'express-transport-belt', count = math_random(25, 75) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'express-underground-belt', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'express-splitter', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'fast-transport-belt', count = math_random(25, 75) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'fast-underground-belt', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'fast-splitter', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'transport-belt', count = math_random(25, 75) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'underground-belt', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'splitter', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'oil-refinery', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'pipe', count = math_random(40, 50) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'pipe-to-ground', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'pumpjack', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'pump', count = math_random(1, 4) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'solar-panel', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.9 }, { { name = 'electric-furnace', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'steel-furnace', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'stone-furnace', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, { { name = 'radar', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3 }, { { name = 'rail-signal', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'rail-chain-signal', count = math_random(8, 16) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8 }, { { name = 'stone-wall', count = math_random(25, 75) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'gate', count = math_random(4, 8) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'storage-tank', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6 }, { { name = 'train-stop', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'express-loader', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1 }, { { name = 'fast-loader', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7 }, { { name = 'loader', count = math_random(1, 2) }, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5 }, { { name = 'lab', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1 }, --{{name = "roboport", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "flamethrower-turret", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, --{{name = "laser-turret", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, { { name = 'gun-turret', count = math_random(2, 4) }, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.9 } } for _, t in pairs(chest_loot) do for _ = 1, t.weight, 1 do if t.evolution_min <= game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor and t.evolution_max >= game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor then table.insert(chest_raffle, t[1]) end end end local chest_type_raffle = { 'steel-chest', 'iron-chest', 'wooden-chest' } local e = surface.create_entity { name = chest_type_raffle[math_random(1, #chest_type_raffle)], position = position, force = 'player' } local i = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) for _ = 1, math_random(3, 4), 1 do local loot = chest_raffle[math_random(1, #chest_raffle)] i.insert(loot) end end commands.add_command( 'scenario', 'Usable only for admins - controls the scenario!', function (cmd) local p local player = game.player if not player or not player.valid then p = log else p = player.print if not player.admin then return end end local param = cmd.parameter if param == 'restart' or param == 'shutdown' or param == 'reset' or param == 'restartnow' then goto continue else p('[ERROR] Arguments are:\nrestart\nshutdown\nreset\nrestartnow') return end ::continue:: if not this.settings.reset_are_you_sure then this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = true p('[WARNING] This command will disable the soft-reset feature, run this command again if you really want to do this!') return end if param == 'restart' then if this.settings.restart then this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil this.settings.restart = false this.settings.soft_reset = true p('[SUCCESS] Soft-reset is enabled.') return else this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil this.settings.restart = true this.settings.soft_reset = false if this.settings.shutdown then this.settings.shutdown = false end p('[WARNING] Soft-reset is disabled! Server will restart from scenario to load new changes.') return end elseif param == 'restartnow' then this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil Server.start_scenario('Labyrinth') return elseif param == 'shutdown' then if this.settings.shutdown then this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil this.settings.shutdown = false this.settings.soft_reset = true p('[SUCCESS] Soft-reset is enabled.') return else this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil this.settings.shutdown = true this.settings.soft_reset = false if this.settings.restart then this.settings.restart = false end p('[WARNING] Soft-reset is disabled! Server will shutdown. Most likely because of updates.') return end elseif param == 'reset' then this.settings.reset_are_you_sure = nil if player and player.valid then game.print(mapkeeper .. ' ' .. player.name .. ', has reset the game!', { r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22 }) else game.print(mapkeeper .. ' server, has reset the game!', { r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22 }) end init_map() p('[WARNING] Game has been reset!') return end end ) local function spawn_infinity_chest(pos, surface) local math_random = math.random local infinity_chests = { --{"raw-wood", math_random(1,3)}, { 'coal', 1 }, { 'stone', math_random(3, 5) }, { 'stone', math_random(3, 5) }, { 'stone', math_random(3, 5) }, { 'stone', math_random(3, 5) }, { 'stone', math_random(3, 5) }, { 'iron-ore', 1 }, { 'copper-ore', 1 } } local x = math_random(1, #infinity_chests) local e = surface.create_entity { name = 'infinity-chest', position = pos, force = 'player' } e.set_infinity_container_filter(1, { name = infinity_chests[x][1], count = infinity_chests[x][2] }) e.minable = false e.destructible = false e.operable = false end local biter_fragmentation = { { 'medium-biter', 'small-biter', 2, 3 }, { 'big-biter', 'medium-biter', 2, 2 }, { 'behemoth-biter', 'big-biter', 2, 2 } } local biter_building_inhabitants = {} biter_building_inhabitants[1] = { { 'small-biter', 8, 16 } } biter_building_inhabitants[2] = { { 'small-biter', 12, 24 } } biter_building_inhabitants[3] = { { 'small-biter', 8, 16 }, { 'medium-biter', 1, 2 } } biter_building_inhabitants[4] = { { 'small-biter', 4, 8 }, { 'medium-biter', 4, 8 } } biter_building_inhabitants[5] = { { 'small-biter', 3, 5 }, { 'medium-biter', 8, 12 } } biter_building_inhabitants[6] = { { 'small-biter', 3, 5 }, { 'medium-biter', 5, 7 }, { 'big-biter', 1, 2 } } biter_building_inhabitants[7] = { { 'medium-biter', 6, 8 }, { 'big-biter', 3, 5 } } biter_building_inhabitants[8] = { { 'medium-biter', 2, 4 }, { 'big-biter', 6, 8 } } biter_building_inhabitants[9] = { { 'medium-biter', 2, 3 }, { 'big-biter', 7, 9 } } biter_building_inhabitants[10] = { { 'big-biter', 4, 8 }, { 'behemoth-biter', 3, 4 } } local entity_drop_amount = { ['small-biter'] = { low = 10, high = 20 }, ['small-spitter'] = { low = 10, high = 20 }, ['medium-spitter'] = { low = 15, high = 30 }, ['big-spitter'] = { low = 20, high = 40 }, ['behemoth-spitter'] = { low = 30, high = 50 }, ['biter-spawner'] = { low = 50, high = 100 }, ['spitter-spawner'] = { low = 50, high = 100 } } local ore_spill_raffle = { 'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'copper-ore', 'coal', 'coal', 'stone', 'landfill' } local ore_spawn_raffle = { 'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'copper-ore', 'copper-ore', 'coal', 'coal', 'stone', 'uranium-ore', 'crude-oil' } local function restrict_landfill(surface, tiles) for _, t in pairs(tiles) do local check_position = t.position if check_position.y > 100 then surface.set_tiles({ { name = t.old_tile.name, position = t.position } }, true) end end end local function on_player_built_tile(event) if not this.settings.check_landfill then return end local player = game.get_player(event.player_index) local tiles = event.tiles restrict_landfill(player.surface, tiles) end local function on_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local name = entity.name local position = entity.position local evolution = game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor local surface = entity.surface for _, fragment in pairs(biter_fragmentation) do if name == fragment[1] then for _ = 1, math.random(fragment[3], fragment[4]), 1 do local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position(fragment[2], position, 2, 1) if p then surface.create_entity { name = fragment[2], position = p } end end break end end if name == 'biter-spawner' or name == 'spitter-spawner' then local e = math.ceil(evolution * 10, 0) for _, t in pairs(biter_building_inhabitants[e]) do for _ = 1, math.random(t[2], t[3]), 1 do local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position(t[1], position, 6, 1) if p then surface.create_entity { name = t[1], position = p } end end end end if entity_drop_amount[name] then if evolution < 0.5 then local evolution_drop_modifier = (0.1 - evolution) * 10 if evolution_drop_modifier > 0 then local amount = math.ceil(math.random(entity_drop_amount[name].low, entity_drop_amount[name].high) * evolution_drop_modifier) surface.spill_item_stack(position, { name = ore_spill_raffle[math.random(1, #ore_spill_raffle)], count = amount }, true) end end return end if name == 'sand-rock-big' or name == 'rock-big' or name == 'rock-huge' then local pos = { x = position.x, y = position.y } if name == 'rock-huge' then spawn_infinity_chest(pos, surface) elseif name == 'rock-big' then treasure_chest(pos, surface) elseif name == 'sand-rock-big' then local n = ore_spawn_raffle[math.random(1, #ore_spawn_raffle)] --local amount_modifier = 1 + ((this.settings.labyrinth_size / labyrinth_difficulty_curve) * 10) local amount_modifier = math.ceil(1 + evolution * 5) if n == 'crude-oil' then map_functions.draw_oil_circle(pos, n, surface, 6, 100000 * amount_modifier) else map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle(pos, n, surface, 9 + amount_modifier, 200 * amount_modifier) end end entity.destroy() local chunk_position = get_entity_chunk_position(pos) local b = is_chunk_allowed_to_grow(chunk_position, surface) if b == true then grow_cell(chunk_position, surface) end end end local function on_player_mined_entity(event) if event.entity.name == 'sand-rock-big' or event.entity.name == 'rock-big' or event.entity.name == 'rock-huge' then event.entity.die() end end local function get_noise(name, pos) local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local noise = {} local noise_seed_add = 25000 if name == 'ocean' then noise[1] = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.01, pos.y * 0.01, seed) noise = noise[1] return noise end seed = seed + noise_seed_add if name == 'island' then noise[1] = simplex_noise(pos.x * 0.002, pos.y * 0.002, seed) noise = noise[1] return noise end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) local index = this.settings.surface_index local surface = game.get_surface(index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end if event.surface.name ~= surface.name then return end local math_random = math.random local entities_to_place = { rocks = {}, worms = {}, enemy_buildings = {}, trees = {}, fish = {}, shipwrecks = {} } local tiles = {} local tile_to_insert local chunk_position_x = event.area.left_top.x / 32 local chunk_position_y = event.area.left_top.y / 32 for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do tile_to_insert = false local pos = { x = event.area.left_top.x + x, y = event.area.left_top.y + y } if chunk_position_y >= 0 then tile_to_insert = 'water' local noise = get_noise('ocean', pos) if math.floor(noise * 10) % 2 == 1 then tile_to_insert = 'deepwater' end if pos.y >= 196 + noise * 20 then noise = get_noise('island', pos) if noise > 0.85 then tile_to_insert = 'grass-1' end if noise > 0.88 then if math_random(1, 50) == 1 then local a = { left_top = { x = pos.x - 100, y = pos.y - 100 }, right_bottom = { x = pos.x + 100, y = pos.y + 100 } } if surface.count_entities_filtered { area = a, name = 'infinity-chest', limit = 1 } == 0 then local e = surface.create_entity { name = 'infinity-chest', position = pos, force = 'player' } e.minable = false e.destructible = false e.operable = false e.remove_unfiltered_items = true end else if math_random(1, 15) == 1 then surface.create_entity { name = 'tree-05', position = pos } end end end end end if chunk_position_x == 0 and chunk_position_y == 0 then tile_to_insert = 'grass-1' end if chunk_position_x == 0 and chunk_position_y == -1 then tile_to_insert = 'dirt-5' end if tile_to_insert == false then table.insert(tiles, { name = 'out-of-map', position = pos }) else if tile_to_insert == 'water' or tile_to_insert == 'deepwater' then if math_random(1, 180) == 1 then table.insert(entities_to_place.fish, pos) end end table.insert(tiles, { name = tile_to_insert, position = pos }) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) for _, p in pairs(entities_to_place.fish) do surface.create_entity { name = 'fish', position = p } end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local index = this.settings.surface_index local surface = game.get_surface(index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end if player.online_time < 5 and surface.is_chunk_generated({ 0, 0 }) then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', { 16, 0 }, 2, 1), surface.name) else if player.online_time < 5 then player.teleport({ 16, 0 }, surface.name) end end if player.online_time < 10 then player.insert { name = 'raw-fish', count = 3 } player.insert { name = 'pistol', count = 1 } player.insert { name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 64 } --player.insert {name = 'landfill', count = 10240} end create_labyrinth_difficulty_gui(player) end local inserter_list = { 'inserter', 'long-handed-inserter', 'burner-inserter', 'fast-inserter', 'filter-inserter', 'bulk-inserter', 'stack-inserter' } local inserters = { ['inserter'] = true, ['long-handed-inserter'] = true, ['burner-inserter'] = true, ['fast-inserter'] = true, ['filter-inserter'] = true, ['bulk-inserter'] = true, ['stack-inserter'] = true } local loaders = { ['loader'] = true, ['fast-loader'] = true, ['express-loader'] = true } local function on_built_entity(event) if not event.created_entity or not event.created_entity.valid then return end local get_score = Score.get_table().score_table local name = event.created_entity.name if inserters[name] then local surface = event.created_entity.surface local a = { left_top = { x = event.created_entity.position.x - 2, y = event.created_entity.position.y - 2 }, right_bottom = { x = event.created_entity.position.x + 2, y = event.created_entity.position.y + 2 } } local chest = surface.find_entities_filtered { area = a, name = 'infinity-chest', limit = 1 } if not chest[1] then return end local _ = { left_top = { x = chest[1].position.x - 2, y = chest[1].position.y - 2 }, right_bottom = { x = chest[1].position.x + 2, y = chest[1].position.y + 2 } } local i = surface.find_entities_filtered { area = a, name = inserter_list } if not i[1] then return end if #i > 1 then if math.random(1, 11) > 1 then for _, x in pairs(i) do x.die('enemy') end if event.player_index then local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.print('The mysterious chest noticed your greed and devoured your devices.', { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 }) end end end return end if loaders[name] then local surface = event.created_entity.surface local a = { left_top = { x = event.created_entity.position.x - 2, y = event.created_entity.position.y - 2 }, right_bottom = { x = event.created_entity.position.x + 2, y = event.created_entity.position.y + 2 } } local found = surface.find_entities_filtered { area = a, name = 'infinity-chest' } if found[1] then event.created_entity.die('enemy') if event.player_index then local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.print('The mysterious chest noticed your greed and devoured your device.', { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 }) end end return end if name == 'flamethrower-turret' or name == 'laser-turret' then if event.created_entity.position.y < 0 then if event.player_index then local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.insert({ name = name, count = 1 }) event.created_entity.destroy() if get_score then if get_score[player.force.name] then if get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name] then get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name].built_entities = get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name].built_entities - 1 end end end player.print('The device seems to be malfunctioning in this strange place.', { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 }) else if event.robot then local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({ name = name, count = 1 }) event.created_entity.destroy() end end end return end if name == 'gun-turret' then local surface = event.created_entity.surface local amount_of_enemy_structures = surface.count_entities_filtered( { name = { 'spitter-spawner', 'biter-spawner' }, area = { { event.created_entity.position.x - 18, event.created_entity.position.y - 18 }, { event.created_entity.position.x + 18, event.created_entity.position.y + 18 } }, force = 'enemy', limit = 1 } ) if event.player_index and amount_of_enemy_structures > 0 then local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.insert({ name = name, count = 1 }) event.created_entity.destroy() player.print('Their nests aura seems to deny the placement of any close turrets.', { r = 0.75, g = 0.0, b = 0.0 }) if get_score then if get_score[player.force.name] then if get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name] then get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name].built_entities = get_score[player.force.name].players[player.name].built_entities - 1 end end end end if event.robot and amount_of_enemy_structures > 0 then local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({ name = name, count = 1 }) event.created_entity.destroy() end end end local function on_robot_built_entity(event) on_built_entity(event) end local function on_entity_damaged(event) if event.entity.name == 'rock-huge' or event.entity.name == 'rock-big' or event.entity.name == 'sand-rock-big' then if event.force.name == 'enemy' then event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount end end end local attack_messages = { 'You hear their screeching in the depths. They are trying to reach the entrance!', 'They are coming for you..', 'Something stirred them up..', 'Something must have triggered them..', 'These noises, this canĀ“t be good..' } local function on_tick() if game.tick % 4600 == 0 then if math.random(1, 6) ~= 1 then return end local index = this.settings.surface_index local surface = game.get_surface(index) if not surface or not surface.valid then return end local area = { { -10000, -10000 }, { 10000, 0 } } local biters = surface.find_entities_filtered({ type = 'unit', force = 'enemy', area = area }) for _, biter in pairs(biters) do biter.set_command({ type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = { x = 16, y = 16 }, radius = 15, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything }) end if #biters > 0 then game.print(attack_messages[math.random(1, #attack_messages)], { r = 0.75, g = 0, b = 0 }) end end end Event.on_init(init_map) Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) Event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, on_player_built_tile) Event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)