--luacheck: ignore --choppy-- mewmew made this -- --neko barons attempt to mix up map gen-- require 'modules.satellite_score' require 'modules.spawners_contain_biters' require 'utils.functions.create_entity_chain' require 'utils.functions.create_tile_chain' require 'utils.tools.map_functions' require 'modules.surrounded_by_worms' require 'modules.biter_noms_you' local Map = require 'modules.map_info' local unearthing_worm = require 'utils.functions.unearthing_worm' local unearthing_biters = require 'utils.functions.unearthing_biters' local tick_tack_trap = require 'utils.functions.tick_tack_trap' local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 local Event = require 'utils.event' local math_random = math.random --global.choppy_nightmare = true local disabled_for_deconstruction = { ['fish'] = true, ['rock-huge'] = true, ['rock-big'] = true, ['sand-rock-big'] = true, ['mineable-wreckage'] = true } local tile_replacements = { ['dirt-1'] = 'grass-1', ['dirt-2'] = 'grass-2', ['dirt-3'] = 'grass-3', ['dirt-4'] = 'grass-4', ['dirt-5'] = 'grass-1', ['sand-1'] = 'grass-1', ['sand-2'] = 'grass-2', ['sand-3'] = 'grass-3', ['dry-dirt'] = 'grass-2', ['red-desert-0'] = 'grass-1', ['red-desert-1'] = 'grass-2', ['red-desert-2'] = 'grass-3', ['red-desert-3'] = 'grass-4' } local rocks = {'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-huge'} local decos = { 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-carpet-grass', 'green-carpet-grass', 'green-pita' } -- local decos_inside_forest = {"brown-asterisk","brown-asterisk", "brown-carpet-grass","brown-hairy-grass"} // unused? local noises = { --["forest_location"] = {{modifier = 0.006, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.25}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.15}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.05}}, ['forest_location'] = { {modifier = 0.006, weight = 0.60}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.20}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.12}, {modifier = 0.1, weight = 0.08} }, ['forest_density'] = {{modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.8}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.4}}, --["forest_region"] = {{modifier = 0.001, weight = 1}, {modifier = 0.025, weight = 0.5}, {modifier = 0.02, weight = 0.025}} ['forest_region'] = { {modifier = 0.0005, weight = 0.85}, {modifier = 0.005, weight = 0.25}, {modifier = 0.01, weight = 0.15}, {modifier = 0.05, weight = 0.05} } } local function get_noise(name, pos, seed) local noise = 0 for _, n in pairs(noises[name]) do noise = noise + simplex_noise(pos.x * n.modifier, pos.y * n.modifier, seed) * n.weight seed = seed + 10000 end return noise end local entities_to_convert = { ['coal'] = true, ['copper-ore'] = true, ['iron-ore'] = true, ['uranium-ore'] = true, ['stone'] = true, ['angels-ore1'] = true, ['angels-ore2'] = true, ['angels-ore3'] = true, ['angels-ore4'] = true, ['angels-ore5'] = true, ['angels-ore6'] = true, ['thorium-ore'] = true } local trees_to_remove = { ['dead-dry-hairy-tree'] = true, ['dead-grey-trunk'] = true, ['dead-tree-desert'] = true, ['dry-hairy-tree'] = true, ['dry-tree'] = true, ['tree-01'] = true, ['tree-02'] = true, ['tree-02-red'] = true, ['tree-03'] = true, ['tree-04'] = true, ['tree-05'] = true, ['tree-06'] = true, ['tree-06-brown'] = true, ['tree-07'] = true, ['tree-08'] = true, ['tree-08-brown'] = true, ['tree-08-red'] = true, ['tree-09'] = true, ['tree-09-brown'] = true, ['tree-09-red'] = true } local function process_entity(e) if not e.valid then return end if trees_to_remove[e.name] then e.destroy() return end if entities_to_convert[e.name] then if math_random(1, 100) > 33 then e.surface.create_entity({name = rocks[math_random(1, #rocks)], position = e.position}) end e.destroy() return end end -- local nightmare_trees = {"tree-08-brown","tree-01","tree-04","tree-02-red"} // unused? local function process_tile(surface, pos, tile, entities, seed) if tile.collides_with('player-layer') then return end if not surface.can_place_entity({name = 'tree-01', position = pos}) then return end if math_random(1, 100000) == 1 then local wrecks = {'big-ship-wreck-1', 'big-ship-wreck-2', 'big-ship-wreck-3'} local e = surface.create_entity {name = wrecks[math_random(1, #wrecks)], position = pos, force = 'neutral'} e.insert({name = 'raw-fish', count = math_random(3, 25)}) if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then e.insert({name = 'wood', count = math_random(11, 44)}) end end -- --[[ local noise_forest_location = get_noise("forest_location", pos, seed) if noise_forest_location > 0.095 then if not global.choppy_nightmare then if noise_forest_location > 0.6 then if math_random(1,100) > 42 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-08-brown", position = pos}) end else if math_random(1,100) > 42 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-01", position = pos}) end end else if math_random(1,100) > 56 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-08-brown", position = pos}) end end surface.create_decoratives({check_collision=false, decoratives={{name = decos_inside_forest[math_random(1, #decos_inside_forest)], position = pos, amount = math_random(1, 2)}}}) return end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then if not global.choppy_nightmare then if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then if math_random(1,100) > 42 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-04", position = pos}) end else if math_random(1,100) > 42 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-02-red", position = pos}) end end else if math_random(1,100) > 56 then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-08-brown", position = pos}) end end surface.create_decoratives({check_collision=false, decoratives={{name = decos_inside_forest[math_random(1, #decos_inside_forest)], position = pos, amount = math_random(1, 2)}}}) return end ]] local density = 75 local noise_forest_regionA = get_noise('forest_region', pos, seed) local noise_forest_regionB = get_noise('forest_region', pos, seed + 197) local noise_forest_area = get_noise('forest_location', pos, seed + 872) local noise_forest_dense = get_noise('forest_density', pos, seed + 1625) density = density + math.ceil(noise_forest_dense * 20) if noise_forest_regionA > 0.05 then if noise_forest_regionB > 0.05 then if noise_forest_area > 0.1 then if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02-red', position = pos} end elseif noise_forest_area < -0.1 then --else if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-09-brown', position = pos} end end elseif noise_forest_regionB < -0.05 then if noise_forest_area > 0.1 then if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-04', position = pos} end elseif noise_forest_area < -0.1 then --else if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-08-red', position = pos} end end end elseif noise_forest_regionA < -0.05 then if noise_forest_regionB > 0.05 then if noise_forest_area > 0.1 then if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-01', position = pos} end elseif noise_forest_area < -0.1 then --else if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-05', position = pos} end end elseif noise_forest_regionB < -0.05 then if noise_forest_area > 0.1 then if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-08-brown', position = pos} end elseif noise_forest_area < -0.1 then --else if math_random(1, 100) > density then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-03', position = pos} end end end end if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then surface.create_decoratives( { check_collision = false, decoratives = {{name = decos[math_random(1, #decos)], position = pos, amount = math_random(1, 2)}} } ) end end local function process_chunk(area) local left_top = area.left_top local tiles = {} local entities = {} local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local surface = game.surfaces['nauvis'] for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area})) do process_entity(e) end for x = 0.5, 31.5, 1 do for y = 0.5, 31.5, 1 do local pos = {x = left_top.x + x, y = left_top.y + y} local tile = surface.get_tile(pos) if tile_replacements[tile.name] then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = tile_replacements[tile.name], position = pos} end process_tile(surface, pos, tile, entities, seed) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area, type = 'unit-spawner'})) do for _, entity in pairs(e.surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{e.position.x - 7, e.position.y - 7}, {e.position.x + 7, e.position.y + 7}}, force = 'neutral'})) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end end for _, e in ipairs(entities) do local pos = e.position local name = e.name surface.create_entity {name = name, position = pos} end if global.spawn_generated then return end if left_top.x < 96 then return end for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{-50, -50}, {50, 50}}})) do local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(e.position.x ^ 2 + e.position.y ^ 2) if e.valid then if distance_to_center < 12 and e.type == 'tree' and math_random(1, 5) ~= 1 then e.destroy() end end end global.spawn_generated = true end local function process_chunk_queue() for k, area in pairs(global.chunk_queue) do process_chunk(area) table.remove(global.chunk_queue, k) return end end local function get_ore_from_entpos(entity) local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local noise_forest_location = get_noise('forest_location', entity.position, seed) if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then return 'tree-04' end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then return 'tree-02-red' end if noise_forest_location < 0.6 then return 'tree-01' end return 'tree-08-brown' end local function on_chunk_generated(event) if game.surfaces.nauvis.index ~= event.surface.index then return end local area = event.area if game.tick == 0 then process_chunk(area) else table.insert(global.chunk_queue, area) end end local function on_marked_for_deconstruction(event) if disabled_for_deconstruction[event.entity.name] then event.entity.cancel_deconstruction(game.players[event.player_index].force.name) end if event.entity.type == 'tree' then event.entity.cancel_deconstruction(game.players[event.player_index].force.name) end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.online_time == 0 then player.insert({name = 'pistol', count = 1}) player.insert({name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 8}) end -- game.print({"comfy.welcome"}) if global.map_init_done then return end --game.map_settings.pollution.min_pollution_to_damage_trees = 1000000 --game.map_settings.pollution.pollution_per_tree_damage = 0 --game.map_settings.pollution.pollution_restored_per_tree_damage = 0 --game.surfaces["nauvis"].ticks_per_day = game.surfaces["nauvis"].ticks_per_day * 2 global.entity_yield = { ['tree-01'] = {'iron-ore'}, ['tree-02-red'] = {'copper-ore'}, ['tree-04'] = {'coal'}, ['tree-08-brown'] = {'stone'}, ['rock-big'] = {'uranium-ore'}, ['rock-huge'] = {'uranium-ore'}, ['tree-09-brown'] = {'stone', 'coal'}, ['tree-08-red'] = {'copper-ore', 'iron-ore'}, ['tree-03'] = {'coal', 'iron-ore'}, ['tree-05'] = {'copper-ore', 'stone'} } if game.item_prototypes['angels-ore1'] then global.entity_yield['tree-01'] = {'angels-ore1', 'angels-ore2'} global.entity_yield['tree-02-red'] = {'angels-ore5', 'angels-ore6'} global.entity_yield['tree-04'] = {'coal'} global.entity_yield['tree-08-brown'] = {'angels-ore3', 'angels-ore4'} --else --game.map_settings.pollution.ageing = 0 end if game.item_prototypes['thorium-ore'] then global.entity_yield['rock-big'] = {'uranium-ore', 'thorium-ore'} global.entity_yield['rock-huge'] = {'uranium-ore', 'thorium-ore'} end local surface = player.surface global.average_worm_amount_per_chunk = 2 global.worm_distance = surface.map_gen_settings.starting_area * 300 game.forces.player.technologies['landfill'].enabled = false game.forces.player.technologies['spidertron'].enabled = false if global.choppy_nightmare then surface.daytime = 0.5 surface.freeze_daytime = true end game.map_settings.pollution.ageing = 0.05 global.map_init_done = true end function choppy_debug() if not global.choppy_loaderswon then global.choppy_loaderswon = 0 end if not global.choppy_veinsfound then global.choppy_veinsfound = 0 end if not global.choppy_wormsdugup then global.choppy_wormsdugup = 0 end game.print('veins found :' .. global.choppy_veinsfound) game.print('loaders found :' .. global.choppy_loaderswon) game.print('worms dug up :' .. global.choppy_wormsdugup) end local function get_amount(entity) local distance_to_center = math.sqrt(entity.position.x ^ 2 + entity.position.y ^ 2) local amount = 15 + (distance_to_center * 0.07) if global.choppy_nightmare then amount = 20 + (distance_to_center * 0.09) end if amount > 1000 then amount = 1000 end amount = math.random(math.ceil(amount * 0.8), math.ceil(amount * 1.2)) return amount end local function trap(entity) if math_random(1, 1024) == 1 then tick_tack_trap(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1, 256) == 1 then unearthing_worm(entity.surface, entity.position) if not global.choppy_wormsdugup then global.choppy_wormsdugup = 0 end global.choppy_wormsdugup = global.choppy_wormsdugup + 1 end if math_random(1, 128) == 1 then unearthing_biters(entity.surface, entity.position, math_random(4, 8)) end end local function treasure(player, amount) local prizes = {'loader'} --if amount > 80 then prizes = {"loader","loader","fast-loader"} end --if amount > 160 then prizes = {"loader","fast-loader","fast-loader"} end --if amount > 240 then prizes = {"fast-loader"} end --if amount > 300 then prizes = {"fast-loader","fast-loader","express-loader"} end --if amount > 360 then prizes = {"fast-loader","express-loader"} end --if amount > 420 then prizes = {"fast-loader","express-loader","express-loader"} end --if amount > 500 then prizes = {"express-loader"} end if amount > 500 then prizes = {'express-loader'} elseif amount > 420 then prizes = {'fast-loader', 'express-loader', 'express-loader'} elseif amount > 360 then prizes = {'fast-loader', 'express-loader'} elseif amount > 300 then prizes = {'fast-loader', 'fast-loader', 'express-loader'} elseif amount > 240 then prizes = {'fast-loader'} elseif amount > 160 then prizes = {'loader', 'fast-loader', 'fast-loader'} elseif amount > 80 then prizes = {'loader', 'loader', 'fast-loader'} end local prize = prizes[math_random(1, #prizes)] local give = 1 local inserted_count = player.insert({name = prize, count = give}) give = give - inserted_count if give > 0 then player.surface.spill_item_stack(player.position, {name = prize, count = give}, true) end if not global.choppy_loaderswon then global.choppy_loaderswon = 0 end global.choppy_loaderswon = global.choppy_loaderswon + 1 player.print("You notice a strange device underneath the roots of the tree. It's a " .. prize .. ', talk about lucky!!', {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) end local function generate_treevein(entity, player) local surface = entity.surface --player.print("hmmmmmmm") local p = entity.position --local tile_distance_to_center = p.x^2 + p.y^2 local ore_count = get_amount(entity) local mined_loot if not global.choppy_nightmare then mined_loot = global.entity_yield[entity.name][math_random(1, #global.entity_yield[entity.name])] else local ore = get_ore_from_entpos(entity) --game.print(ore) mined_loot = global.entity_yield[ore][math_random(1, #global.entity_yield[ore])] end --if ore_count > 40 then local radius = 28 --player.print("checking") if surface.count_entities_filtered { area = {{p.x - radius, p.y - radius}, {p.x + radius, p.y + radius}}, name = {'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'coal', 'stone', 'uranium-ore'}, limit = 1 } == 0 then --player.print("yes") --local size_raffle = {{"huge", 24, 40},{"big", 16, 28},{"small", 8, 18},{"tiny", 5, 10}} local size_raffle = {{'huge', 24, 40}, {'big', 16, 28}, {'small', 8, 18}} local size = size_raffle[math_random(1, #size_raffle)] player.print("You notice something underneath the roots of the tree. It's a " .. size[1] .. ' vein of ' .. mined_loot .. '!!', {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) --tile_distance_to_center = math.sqrt(tile_distance_to_center) local ore_entities_placed = 0 local modifier_raffle = {{0, -1}, {-1, 0}, {1, 0}, {0, 1}} local ores_to_place = math_random(size[2], size[3]) + math.floor(ore_count * 0.040) while ore_entities_placed < ores_to_place do local a = math.ceil(math_random(ore_count * 14, ore_count * 20) + ore_entities_placed * 8, 0) for x = 1, 150, 1 do local m = modifier_raffle[math_random(1, #modifier_raffle)] local pos = {x = p.x + m[1], y = p.y + m[2]} if surface.can_place_entity({name = mined_loot, position = pos, amount = a}) then surface.create_entity {name = mined_loot, position = pos, amount = a} p = pos break end end ore_entities_placed = ore_entities_placed + 1 end if not global.choppy_veinsfound then global.choppy_veinsfound = 0 end global.choppy_veinsfound = global.choppy_veinsfound + 1 return true end return false --end end local function on_player_mined_entity(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.type == 'tree' then trap(entity) end if global.entity_yield[entity.name] then if event.buffer then event.buffer.clear() end if not event.player_index then return end local amount = get_amount(entity) local second_item_amount = math_random(2, 5) local second_item = 'wood' local main_item if not global.choppy_nightmare then main_item = global.entity_yield[entity.name][math_random(1, #global.entity_yield[entity.name])] else local ore = get_ore_from_entpos(entity) --game.print(ore) main_item = global.entity_yield[ore][math_random(1, #global.entity_yield[ore])] end if entity.type == 'simple-entity' then main_item = 'uranium-ore' amount = amount * 2 second_item_amount = math_random(8, 16) second_item = 'stone' end local player = game.players[event.player_index] if math_random(1, 200) == 1 then if amount > 22 then if generate_treevein(entity, player) then return end end else local chance = math.ceil(1600 - amount * 0.60) if chance < 1100 then chance = 1100 end if math_random(1, chance) == 1 then if amount > 28 then treasure(player, amount) end end end --local main_item = global.entity_yield[entity.name][math_random(1,#global.entity_yield[entity.name])] entity.surface.create_entity( { name = 'flying-text', position = entity.position, text = '+' .. amount .. ' [item=' .. main_item .. '] +' .. second_item_amount .. ' [item=' .. second_item .. ']', color = {r = 0.8, g = 0.8, b = 0.8} } ) local inserted_count = player.insert({name = main_item, count = amount}) amount = amount - inserted_count if amount > 0 then entity.surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position, {name = main_item, count = amount}, true) end local inserted_count = player.insert({name = second_item, count = second_item_amount}) second_item_amount = second_item_amount - inserted_count if second_item_amount > 0 then entity.surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position, {name = second_item, count = second_item_amount}, true) end end end local function on_research_finished(event) local team = event.research.force --character_resource_reach_distance_bonus --0.1 per lvl of mining_drill_productivity --bullet damage ammo modifier starts at 0, progresses 0.1x2 0.2x3 0.4xinfinity --10-20-40-60-080-120-160-200+40 --20-40-60-80-100-120-140-160-180-200 --bullet speed modifier stats 10x1 20x2 30x2 40x1 10-30-50-80-110-150 --character_resource_reach_distance_bonus is bonus in tile distance --event.research.force.print(game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus) --event.research.force.print(event.research.force.get_ammo_damage_modifier("bullet")) team.character_resource_reach_distance_bonus = math.ceil(team.get_gun_speed_modifier('bullet') * 7) team.character_inventory_slots_bonus = math.ceil(team.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 500) if not team.technologies['steel-axe'].researched then return end --event.research.force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1 + game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus * 2 team.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1 + team.get_ammo_damage_modifier('bullet') end local function on_entity_died(event) on_player_mined_entity(event) if not event.entity.valid then return end if event.entity.type == 'tree' then for _, entity in pairs( event.entity.surface.find_entities_filtered( { area = { {event.entity.position.x - 4, event.entity.position.y - 4}, {event.entity.position.x + 4, event.entity.position.y + 4} }, name = 'fire-flame-on-tree' } ) ) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end end end local on_init = function() local T = Map.Pop_info() T.main_caption = 'Choppy' T.sub_caption = '' T.text = [[ You are a lumberjack with a passion to chop. Different kinds of trees yield different kinds of ore and wood. Rocks seem to contain Uranium within the stone. The yield you get increases with distance. Sometimes you will find good things under them. Beware, sometimes there are some bugs hiding underneath the trees. Even dangerous traps have been encountered before. -Research Buffs- Bullet Damage gives a increase in mining speed Bullet Speed gives you extra mining reach Mining Productivity will give you extra Inventory space -Choppy Choppy Wood- Senario Created by MewMew - Tweeked By Neko Baron ]] T.main_caption_color = {r = 0, g = 120, b = 0} T.sub_caption_color = {r = 255, g = 0, b = 255} global.chunk_queue = {} game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 4 end Event.on_init(on_init) Event.on_nth_tick(25, process_chunk_queue) Event.add(defines.events.on_research_finished, on_research_finished) Event.add(defines.events.on_marked_for_deconstruction, on_marked_for_deconstruction) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated)