-- local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect -- local Token = require 'utils.token' -- local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' -- local Task = require 'utils.task' -- local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' -- local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local Public = {} local enum = { IDLE_FLY = 'idle_fly', FLY = 'fly', TIP_FLYING_1 = 'tip_flying_1', TIP_FLYING_2 = 'tip_flying_2', TIP_LANDED_1 = 'tip_landed_1', TIP_LANDED_2 = 'tip_landed_2', TIP_SQUAWK = 'tip_squawk', } Public.enum = enum -- local parrot_tip_interval = 15*60 Public.framecounts = { idle_fly = 5, fly = 8, fly_right = 8, squawk = 6, freak = 2, walk = 8, chill = 1, } -- local parrot_tips = { -- "Why not buy the map designer a coffee! ko-fi.com/thesixthroc!", -- "Why not buy the map designer a coffee! ko-fi.com/thesixthroc!", -- "Make suggestions at getcomfy.eu/discord!", -- "To launch a second run, you need a fifth of the server's pirates to endorse it!", -- "Resources granted to the ship appear in the captain's cabin!", -- "On each island after the first, the ship generates ore!", -- "Charge the silo to launch a rocket!", -- "Launching rockets makes fuel and doubloon!", -- "Charging silos makes pollution and evo!", -- "The number of non-afk crewmembers affects pollution, evo and maximum stay time!", -- "Once a silo has launched a rocket, biters will ignore it!", -- "Charging a silo drains power from everything else on the network...", -- "You can steer the boat from the crow's nest by placing 100 rail signals in one of the blue boxes!", -- "When you visit a dock, the shop is updated with special trades!", -- "Labs produce more research the further you've travelled!", -- "On radioactive islands, biters don\'t care if you emit pollution! They only care how long you stay...", -- "If X marks the spot - use inserters to dig!", -- } function Public.parrot_0() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'We can wait here for as long as we like.') end -- function Public.parrot_80() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'Let\'s build out the ship?') -- end function Public.parrot_boats_warning() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, '200 leagues? I think we\'re being chased...') end function Public.parrot_kraken_warning() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, '400 leagues coming up? What are those pink things I spy...') end function Public.parrot_radioactive_tip_1() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'We\'ll need uranium-235 to push away from this island...') end function Public.parrot_radioactive_tip_2() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'The biters don\'t care if we pollute here, but they evolve fast...') end function Public.parrot_maze_tip_1() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'Something seems wrong with our minimap.') end function Public.parrot_800_tip() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'The resources needed to leave will get a bit harder now...') end function Public.parrot_overstay_tip() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'We\'ve been here quite a while! Check the evo...') end -- function Public.parrot_say_tip() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- local crew_force = memory.force -- local tip = parrot_tips[Math.random(#parrot_tips)] -- Common.parrot_speak(crew_force, tip) -- end -- function Public.parrot_tick() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- if not (memory.boat and memory.boat.surface_name) then return end -- local surface = game.surfaces[memory.boat.surface_name] -- if not surface and surface.valid then return end -- local destination = Common.current_destination() -- if destination.dynamic_data and destination.dynamic_data.timer and destination.dynamic_data.timer == Math.ceil(Balance.expected_time_on_island()) and (not destination.dynamic_data.parrot_gave_overstay_tip) then -- destination.dynamic_data.parrot_gave_overstay_tip = true -- local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'unit-spawner', force = memory.enemy_force_name}) -- local spawnerscount = #spawners or 0 -- if spawnerscount > 0 then --check biter bases actually exist -- Public.parrot_overstay_tip() -- end -- end -- local boat = memory.boat -- local parrot = boat.parrot -- local frame = parrot.frame -- local render = parrot.render -- local render_name = parrot.render_name -- local state = parrot.state -- local state_counter = parrot.state_counter or parrot_tip_interval*60/5 -- local resting_position_relative_to_boat = parrot.resting_position_relative_to_boat -- local position_relative_to_boat = parrot.position_relative_to_boat -- local sprite_extra_offset = boat.parrot.sprite_extra_offset -- local text_extra_offset = boat.parrot.text_extra_offset -- local real_position = Utils.psum{position_relative_to_boat, boat.position} -- if state == enum.IDLE_FLY then -- local ate_fish -- if boat.state and boat.state == 'landed' and state_counter >= parrot_tip_interval*60/5 then -- local nearby_characters = surface.find_entities_filtered{position = real_position, radius = 4, name = 'character'} -- local nearby_characters_count = #nearby_characters -- if nearby_characters_count > 0 then -- local j = 1 -- while j <= nearby_characters_count do -- if nearby_characters[j] and nearby_characters[j].valid and nearby_characters[j].player and Common.validate_player(nearby_characters[j].player) then -- local player = nearby_characters[j].player -- local inv = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) -- if inv and inv.get_item_count('raw-fish') >= 2 then -- Common.give(player, {{name = 'raw-fish', count = -2, color = CoreData.colors.fish}}) -- ate_fish = true -- break -- end -- end -- j = j + 1 -- end -- end -- end -- state_counter = state_counter + 1 -- if ate_fish then -- Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, 'Tasty...') -- local p1 = {x = boat.position.x - 15 - Math.random(35), y = boat.position.y - 8 + Math.random(15)} -- local p2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('stone-furnace', p1, 6, 0.5) -- parrot.spot_to_fly_from = position_relative_to_boat -- local real_fly_to = p2 or p1 -- parrot.spot_to_fly_to = {x = real_fly_to.x - boat.position.x, y = real_fly_to.y - boat.position.y} -- parrot.fly_distance = Math.distance(parrot.spot_to_fly_from, parrot.spot_to_fly_to) -- state = enum.TIP_FLYING_1 -- state_counter = 0 -- else -- if game.tick % 10 == 0 then -- frame = frame + 1 -- end -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state = enum.FLY -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.TIP_FLYING_1 then -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- position_relative_to_boat = resting_position_relative_to_boat -- else -- if game.tick % 10 == 0 then -- frame = frame + 1 -- end -- if state_counter < parrot.fly_distance then -- position_relative_to_boat = Utils.interpolate(parrot.spot_to_fly_from, parrot.spot_to_fly_to, state_counter/parrot.fly_distance) -- state_counter = state_counter + 0.5 -- else -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.TIP_LANDED_1 -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.TIP_LANDED_1 then -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- position_relative_to_boat = resting_position_relative_to_boat -- else -- if state_counter < 20 then -- state_counter = state_counter + 1 -- else -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.TIP_SQUAWK -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.TIP_SQUAWK then -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- position_relative_to_boat = resting_position_relative_to_boat -- else -- if state_counter == 0 then -- Public.parrot_say_tip() -- end -- if state_counter < 18 then -- if game.tick % 15 == 0 then -- frame = frame + 1 -- end -- state_counter = state_counter + 1 -- else -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.TIP_LANDED_2 -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.TIP_LANDED_2 then -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- position_relative_to_boat = resting_position_relative_to_boat -- else -- if state_counter < 20 then -- state_counter = state_counter + 1 -- else -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.TIP_FLYING_2 -- local hold = parrot.spot_to_fly_to -- parrot.spot_to_fly_to = parrot.spot_to_fly_from -- parrot.spot_to_fly_from = hold -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.TIP_FLYING_2 then -- if boat.speed and boat.speed > 0 then -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- position_relative_to_boat = resting_position_relative_to_boat -- else -- if game.tick % 10 == 0 then -- frame = frame + 1 -- end -- if state_counter < parrot.fly_distance then -- position_relative_to_boat = Utils.interpolate(parrot.spot_to_fly_from, parrot.spot_to_fly_to, state_counter/parrot.fly_distance) -- state_counter = state_counter + 0.5 -- else -- state_counter = 0 -- state = enum.IDLE_FLY -- end -- end -- elseif state == enum.FLY then -- if game.tick % 10 == 0 then -- frame = frame + 1 -- end -- if (not boat.speed) or (boat.speed == 0) then state = enum.IDLE_FLY end -- end -- local sprite_name = state -- if state == enum.TIP_FLYING_1 then sprite_name = 'fly' end -- if state == enum.TIP_FLYING_2 then sprite_name = 'fly_right' end -- if state == enum.TIP_LANDED_1 or state == enum.TIP_LANDED_2 then sprite_name = 'chill' end -- if state == enum.TIP_SQUAWK then sprite_name = 'squawk' end -- if frame > Public.framecounts[sprite_name] then frame = 1 end -- parrot.state = state -- parrot.frame = frame -- parrot.state_counter = state_counter -- parrot.position_relative_to_boat = position_relative_to_boat -- rendering.set_sprite(render, "file/parrot/parrot_" .. sprite_name .. "_" .. frame .. ".png") -- rendering.set_target(render, rendering.get_target(render).entity, Utils.psum{sprite_extra_offset, position_relative_to_boat}) -- rendering.set_visible(render, true) -- rendering.set_target(render_name, rendering.get_target(render_name).entity, Utils.psum{text_extra_offset, position_relative_to_boat}) -- rendering.set_visible(render_name, true) -- end return Public