-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. local Global = require 'utils.global' -- local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local pirates_global_memory = {} local Public = {} -- register only this Global.register( pirates_global_memory, function(tbl) pirates_global_memory = tbl end ) function Public.global_reset_memory() for k, _ in pairs(pirates_global_memory) do pirates_global_memory[k] = nil end pirates_global_memory.config = {} pirates_global_memory.afk_player_indices = {} pirates_global_memory.playerindex_to_time_played_continuously = {} pirates_global_memory.playerindex_to_captainhood_priority = {} pirates_global_memory.player_gui_memories = {} pirates_global_memory.crew_memories = {} pirates_global_memory.crew_active_ids = {} pirates_global_memory.working_id = nil --should only ever be nil, 1, 2 or 3 pirates_global_memory.lobby_boats = {} pirates_global_memory.active_crews_cap = nil pirates_global_memory.crew_capacity_min = nil pirates_global_memory.crewproposals = {} pirates_global_memory.global_delayed_tasks = {} pirates_global_memory.global_buffered_tasks = {} end function Public.initialise_crew_memory(id) --mostly serves as a dev reference of memory entries -- but not _everything_ is stored here, it's just a guide to the most important things pirates_global_memory.crew_memories[id] = {} local memory = pirates_global_memory.crew_memories[id] memory.secs_id = nil memory.id = nil memory.age = nil memory.real_age = nil memory.completion_time = nil memory.force_name = nil memory.enemy_force_name = nil memory.original_proposal = nil memory.name = nil memory.difficulty_option = nil memory.capacity_option = nil -- memory.mode_option = nil memory.difficulty = nil memory.capacity = nil -- memory.mode = nil memory.destinations = nil memory.currentdestination_index = nil memory.hold_surface_count = nil memory.merchant_ships_unlocked = nil memory.boat = nil memory.available_classes_pool = nil memory.crewplayerindices = nil memory.spectatorplayerindices = nil memory.tempbanned_from_joining_data = nil memory.playerindex_captain = nil memory.captain_accrued_time_data = nil memory.max_players_recorded = nil memory.temporarily_logged_off_characters = nil memory.speed_boost_characters = nil memory.enemyboats = nil memory.overworld_krakens = nil memory.active_sea_enemies = nil memory.kraken_stream_registrations = nil memory.mainshop_availability_bools = nil memory.delayed_tasks = nil memory.buffered_tasks = nil memory.game_lost = false memory.game_won = false memory.crew_disband_tick = nil memory.destinationsvisited_indices = nil memory.overworldx = nil memory.overworldy = nil memory.mapbeingloadeddestination_index = nil memory.loadingticks = nil memory.stored_fuel = nil memory.spawnpoint = nil memory.evolution_factor = nil memory.scripted_biters = nil memory.scripted_unit_groups = nil memory.floating_pollution = nil memory.playtesting_stats = nil end function Public.fallthrough_crew_memory() --could make this a metatable, but metatables and factorio global seem not to play nicely return { id = 0, difficulty = 1, force_name = 'player', boat = {}, destinations = {}, spectatorplayerindices = {}, crewplayerindices = {}, --[[boat = { type = nil, state = nil, speed = nil, speedticker1 = nil, speedticker2 = nil, speedticker3 = nil, stored_resources = {}, position = nil, --the far right edge of the boat decksteeringchests = nil, crowsneststeeringchests = nil, cannons = nil, EEI = nil, EEIpower_production = nil, EEIelectric_buffer_size = nil, dockedposition = nil, surface_name = nil, }]] } end function Public.get_crew_memory() if pirates_global_memory.working_id and pirates_global_memory.working_id > 0 then return pirates_global_memory.crew_memories[pirates_global_memory.working_id] or Public.fallthrough_crew_memory() else return Public.fallthrough_crew_memory() end end function Public.get_global_memory() return pirates_global_memory end function Public.set_working_id(id) pirates_global_memory.working_id = id end return Public