--luacheck: ignore local Public = {} local Table = require 'modules.towny.table' local math_random = math.random local math_floor = math.floor local math_sqrt = math.sqrt local math_round = math.round local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local function get_commmands(target, group) local commands = {} local group_position = {x = group.position.x, y = group.position.y} local step_length = 128 local target_position = target.position local distance_to_target = math_floor(math_sqrt((target_position.x - group_position.x) ^ 2 + (target_position.y - group_position.y) ^ 2)) local steps = math_floor(distance_to_target / step_length) + 1 local vector = {math_round((target_position.x - group_position.x) / steps, 3), math_round((target_position.y - group_position.y) / steps, 3)} for i = 1, steps, 1 do group_position.x = group_position.x + vector[1] group_position.y = group_position.y + vector[2] local position = group.surface.find_non_colliding_position('small-biter', group_position, step_length, 2) if position then commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = {x = position.x, y = position.y}, radius = 16, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything } end end commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = target.position, radius = 12, distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack, target = target, distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } return commands end local function roll_market() local townytable = Table.get_table() local r_max = 0 local town_centers = townytable.town_centers --Skip Towns that are too low in reserach for the current biter evolution. local research_threshold = game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor * #game.technology_prototypes * 0.175 for k, town_center in pairs(town_centers) do if town_center.research_counter >= research_threshold then r_max = r_max + town_center.research_counter end end if r_max == 0 then return end local r = math_random(0, r_max) local chance = 0 for k, town_center in pairs(town_centers) do if town_center.research_counter >= research_threshold then chance = chance + town_center.research_counter if r <= chance then return town_center end end end end local function get_random_close_spawner(surface, market) local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'unit-spawner'}) if not spawners[1] then return false end local size_of_spawners = #spawners local center = market.position local spawner = spawners[math_random(1, size_of_spawners)] for i = 1, 64, 1 do local spawner_2 = spawners[math_random(1, size_of_spawners)] if (center.x - spawner_2.position.x) ^ 2 + (center.y - spawner_2.position.y) ^ 2 < (center.x - spawner.position.x) ^ 2 + (center.y - spawner.position.y) ^ 2 then spawner = spawner_2 end end return spawner end local function is_swarm_valid(swarm) local group = swarm.group if not group then return end if not group.valid then return end if game.tick >= swarm.timeout then group.destroy() return end return true end function Public.validate_swarms() local townytable = Table.get_table() for k, swarm in pairs(townytable.swarms) do if not is_swarm_valid(swarm) then table_remove(townytable.swarms, k) end end end --Destroy biters that are out of the current evolution range. function Public.wipe_units_out_of_evo_range() local units_to_wipe = {} local evo = game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor if evo > 0.80 then return end units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'behemoth-biter' units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'behemoth-spitter' if evo < 0.40 then units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'big-biter' units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'big-spitter' end if evo < 0.10 then units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'medium-biter' units_to_wipe[#units_to_wipe + 1] = 'medium-spitter' end for k, surface in pairs(game.surfaces) do for k2, unit in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({name = units_to_wipe, force = 'enemy'})) do unit.destroy() end end end function Public.clear_spawn_for_player(player) local area = {{player.position.x - 64, player.position.y - 64}, {player.position.x + 64, player.position.y + 64}} for _, e in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered({force = 'enemy', type = {'unit-spawner', 'unit', 'turret'}, area = area})) do e.destroy() end end function Public.unit_groups_start_moving() local townytable = Table.get_table() for k, swarm in pairs(townytable.swarms) do if swarm.group then if swarm.group.valid then swarm.group.start_moving() end end end end function Public.swarm() local townytable = Table.get_table() local count = 0 for k, swarm in pairs(townytable.swarms) do count = count + 1 end if count > 6 then return end local town_center = roll_market() if not town_center then return end local market = town_center.market local surface = market.surface local spawner = get_random_close_spawner(surface, market) if not spawner then return end local units = spawner.surface.find_enemy_units(spawner.position, 160, market.force) if not units[1] then return end local unit_group_position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('market', units[1].position, 256, 1) if not unit_group_position then return end local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = unit_group_position, force = units[1].force}) local count = (town_center.research_counter * 1.5) + 4 for key, unit in pairs(units) do if key > count then break end unit_group.add_member(unit) end unit_group.set_command( { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = get_commmands(market, unit_group) } ) table_insert(townytable.swarms, {group = unit_group, timeout = game.tick + 36000}) end function Public.set_evolution() local townytable = Table.get_table() local town_center_count = townytable.size_of_town_centers if town_center_count == 0 then game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = 0 return end local max_research_count = math_floor(#game.technology_prototypes * 0.30) local evo = 0 for _, town_center in pairs(townytable.town_centers) do evo = evo + town_center.research_counter end evo = evo / town_center_count evo = evo / max_research_count if evo > 1 then evo = 1 end game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = evo end return Public