local Public = {} Public.treasures = { ["wooden-chest"] = { tech_bonus = 0.1, amount_multiplier = 1, --description = "an old crate, containing some useful goods.", }, ["iron-chest"] = { tech_bonus = 0.15, amount_multiplier = 1.5, --description = "an iron crate.", }, ["steel-chest"] = { tech_bonus = 0.2, amount_multiplier = 2, description = "a shiny metal box!", }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-1"] = { tech_bonus = 0.25, amount_multiplier = 2.5, description = "a spaceship wreck piece!", }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-2"] = { tech_bonus = 0.25, amount_multiplier = 2.5, description = "a space station wreck piece, containing some precious scrap!", }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-medium-3"] = { tech_bonus = 0.25, amount_multiplier = 2.5, description = "a wreck piece, containing rare scrap!", }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-1"] = { tech_bonus = 0.30, amount_multiplier = 3, description = "a big wreck.", }, ["crash-site-spaceship-wreck-big-2"] = { tech_bonus = 0.30, amount_multiplier = 3, description = "a station wreck!", }, ["big-ship-wreck-1"] = { tech_bonus = 0.35, amount_multiplier = 3.5, description = "a crashed space ship! The cargo is still intact!", }, ["big-ship-wreck-2"] = { tech_bonus = 0.35, amount_multiplier = 3.5, description = "a crashed space ship!", }, ["big-ship-wreck-3"] = { tech_bonus = 0.35, amount_multiplier = 3.5, description = "a crashed starship!", }, ["crash-site-chest-1"] = { tech_bonus = 0.40, amount_multiplier = 4, description = "a drop pod capsule! It is filled with useful loot!", }, ["crash-site-chest-2"] = { tech_bonus = 0.40, amount_multiplier = 4, description = "a cargo pod capsule! It is filled with nice things!", }, ["crash-site-spaceship"] = { tech_bonus = 0.5, amount_multiplier = 5, description = "a big crashed spaceship! There are treasures inside..", }, } Public.starting_items = { ["pistol"] = 1, ["firearm-magazine"] = 8, ["wood"] = 8, ["raw-fish"] = 3, } Public.reveal_chain_brush_sizes = { ["unit"] = 7, ["unit-spawner"] = 15, ["turret"] = 9, } Public.spawn_market_items = { {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'rail', count = 2}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'rail-signal', count = 1}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'rail-chain-signal', count = 1}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 8}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'train-stop'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 50}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'locomotive'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 20}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'cargo-wagon'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'red-wire', count = 2}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'green-wire', count = 2}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 3}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'decider-combinator'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 3}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'arithmetic-combinator'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 2}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'constant-combinator'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 4}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'programmable-speaker'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 2}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'small-lamp'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'firearm-magazine', count = 2}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 2}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'piercing-rounds-magazine'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'grenade'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'land-mine'}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'explosives', count = 4}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'wood', count = 10}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'iron-ore', count = 10}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'copper-ore', count = 10}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'stone', count = 10}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'coal', count = 10}}, {price = {{"raw-fish", 1}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = 'uranium-ore', count = 5}}, {price = {{'wood', 15}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{'iron-ore', 15}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{'copper-ore', 15}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{'stone', 15}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{'coal', 15}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}}, {price = {{'uranium-ore', 7}}, offer = {type = 'give-item', item = "raw-fish", count = 1}} } Public.pickaxe_tiers = { "Wood", "Plastic", "Bone", "Alabaster", "Lead", "Zinc", "Tin", "Salt", "Bauxite", "Borax", "Bismuth", "Amber", "Galena", "Calcite", "Aluminium", "Silver", "Gold", "Copper", "Marble", "Brass", "Flourite", "Platinum", "Nickel", "Iron", "Manganese", "Apatite", "Uraninite", "Turquoise", "Hematite", "Glass", "Magnetite", "Concrete", "Pyrite", "Steel", "Zircon", "Titanium", "Silicon", "Quartz", "Garnet", "Flint", "Tourmaline", "Beryl", "Topaz", "Chrysoberyl", "Chromium", "Tungsten", "Corundum", "Tungsten", "Diamond", "Netherite", "Penumbrite", "Meteorite", "Crimtane", "Obsidian", "Demonite", "Mythril", "Adamantite", "Chlorophyte", "Densinium", "Luminite", } return Public