local Public = {} Public.food_values = { ['automation-science-pack'] = {value = 0.001, name = 'automation science', color = '255, 50, 50'}, ['logistic-science-pack'] = {value = 0.00263, name = 'logistic science', color = '50, 255, 50'}, ['military-science-pack'] = {value = 0.00788, name = 'military science', color = '105, 105, 105'}, ['chemical-science-pack'] = {value = 0.02121, name = 'chemical science', color = '100, 200, 255'}, ['production-science-pack'] = {value = 0.1008, name = 'production science', color = '150, 25, 255'}, ['utility-science-pack'] = {value = 0.1099, name = 'utility science', color = '210, 210, 60'}, ['space-science-pack'] = {value = 0.4910, name = 'space science', color = '255, 255, 255'} } Public.gui_foods = {} for k, v in pairs(Public.food_values) do Public.gui_foods[k] = math.floor(v.value * 10000) .. ' Mutagen strength' end Public.gui_foods['raw-fish'] = 'Send spy' Public.force_translation = { ['south_biters'] = 'south', ['north_biters'] = 'north' } Public.enemy_team_of = { ['north'] = 'south', ['south'] = 'north' } Public.wait_messages = { 'please get comfy.', 'get comfy!!', 'go and grab a drink.', 'take a short healthy break.', 'go and stretch your legs.', 'please pet the cat.', 'time to get a bowl of snacks :3' } Public.food_names = { ['automation-science-pack'] = true, ['logistic-science-pack'] = true, ['military-science-pack'] = true, ['chemical-science-pack'] = true, ['production-science-pack'] = true, ['utility-science-pack'] = true, ['space-science-pack'] = true } Public.food_long_and_short = { [1] = {short_name = 'automation', long_name = 'automation-science-pack'}, [2] = {short_name = 'logistic', long_name = 'logistic-science-pack'}, [3] = {short_name = 'military', long_name = 'military-science-pack'}, [4] = {short_name = 'chemical', long_name = 'chemical-science-pack'}, [5] = {short_name = 'production', long_name = 'production-science-pack'}, [6] = {short_name = 'utility', long_name = 'utility-science-pack'}, [7] = {short_name = 'space', long_name = 'space-science-pack'} } Public.food_long_to_short = { ['automation-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'automation', indexScience = 1}, ['logistic-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'logistic', indexScience = 2}, ['military-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'military', indexScience = 3}, ['chemical-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'chemical', indexScience = 4}, ['production-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'production', indexScience = 5}, ['utility-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'utility', indexScience = 6}, ['space-science-pack'] = {short_name = 'space', indexScience = 7} } Public.forces_list = {'all teams', 'north', 'south'} Public.science_list = { 'all science', 'very high tier (space, utility, production)', 'high tier (space, utility, production, chemical)', 'mid+ tier (space, utility, production, chemical, military)', 'space', 'utility', 'production', 'chemical', 'military', 'logistic', 'automation' } Public.evofilter_list = {'all evo jump', 'no 0 evo jump', '10+ only', '5+ only', '4+ only', '3+ only', '2+ only', '1+ only'} Public.food_value_table_version = { Public.food_values['automation-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['logistic-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['military-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['chemical-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['production-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['utility-science-pack'].value, Public.food_values['space-science-pack'].value } return Public