local Public = {} local table_shuffle_table = table.shuffle_table local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local math_random = math.random local room_spacing = 4 local room_spacing2 = room_spacing * 2 local function build_room_rect(surface, position, vector, room_center_position, room_size, offset) local room = {} --local a = room_radius - 1 local room_area = { left_top = { x = room_center_position.x - room_size.x + 1, y = room_center_position.y - room_size.y + 1 }, right_bottom = { x = room_center_position.x + room_size.x, y = room_center_position.y + room_size.y } } room.room_tiles = surface.find_tiles_filtered({ area = room_area }) room.path_tiles = {} for d = 1, room_spacing, 1 do local p = { position.x + vector[1] * d + offset.x, position.y + vector[2] * d + offset.y } local tile = surface.get_tile(p) table_insert(room.path_tiles, tile) end room.entrance_tile = surface.get_tile({ position.x + offset.x + vector[1] * (room_spacing + 1), position.y + offset.y + vector[2] * (room_spacing + 1) }) room.room_border_tiles = {} local left_top = { x = room_area.left_top.x - 1, y = room_area.left_top.y - 1 } local right_bottom = { x = room_area.right_bottom.x, y = room_area.right_bottom.y } local t = room.room_border_tiles for d = 0, room_size.x * 2, 1 do table_insert(t, surface.get_tile({ left_top.x + d, left_top.y })) table_insert(t, surface.get_tile({ left_top.x + d, right_bottom.y })) end for d = 1, room_size.y * 2 - 1, 1 do table_insert(t, surface.get_tile({ left_top.x, left_top.y + d })) table_insert(t, surface.get_tile({ right_bottom.x, left_top.y + d })) end room.center = room_center_position room.radius = math.min(room_size.x, room_size.y) room.size = room_size return room end local function scan_area_empty(surface, search_area) local tiles = surface.find_tiles_filtered({ area = search_area }) for _, tile in pairs(tiles) do if not tile.collides_with('resource') then return false end end return true end local function scan_strip_empty(surface, position, vector, length) for d = 0, length, 1 do local p = { position.x + vector[1] * d, position.y + vector[2] * d } local tile = surface.get_tile(p) if not tile.collides_with('resource') then return false end end return true end --Scans the X and Y independantly for best size local function scan_direction_full(surface, position, vector, room_max, room_min) local best = { x = room_min, y = room_min } -- make the center of the room a steps in the direction of vector. -- +2 because with only +1 the calculation would end up overlapping quite often with the current position local a = room_min + room_spacing + 2 local room_center_pos = { x = position.x + vector[1] * a, y = position.y + vector[2] * a } local search_area = { { x = room_center_pos.x - best.x - room_spacing, y = room_center_pos.y - best.y - room_spacing }, { x = room_center_pos.x + best.x + room_spacing + 1, y = room_center_pos.y + best.y + room_spacing + 1 } } if not scan_area_empty(surface, search_area) then return { x = 0, y = 0 } end local x_end = false local y_end = false if vector[1] == 0 then local yy = position.y + vector[2] repeat if not x_end then if not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = position.x + best.x + room_spacing + 1, y = yy }, vector, best.y * 2 + room_spacing2) or not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = position.x - best.x - room_spacing - 1, y = yy }, vector, best.y * 2 + room_spacing2) then x_end = true else best.x = best.x + 1 end if best.x >= room_max.x then x_end = true end end if not y_end then local xx = position.x - best.x - room_spacing - 1 if not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = xx, y = position.y + vector[2] * (best.y * 2 + room_spacing2 + 1) }, { 1, 0 }, best.x * 2 + room_spacing2) or not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = xx, y = position.y + vector[2] * (best.y * 2 + room_spacing2 + 2) }, { 1, 0 }, best.x * 2 + room_spacing2) then y_end = true else best.y = best.y + 1 end if best.y >= room_max.y then y_end = true end end until (x_end and y_end) else local xx = position.x + vector[1] repeat if not y_end then if not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = xx, y = position.y + best.y + room_spacing + 1 }, vector, best.x * 2 + room_spacing2) or not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = xx, y = position.y - best.y - room_spacing - 1 }, vector, best.x * 2 + room_spacing2) then y_end = true else best.y = best.y + 1 end if best.y >= room_max.y then y_end = true end end if not x_end then local yy = position.y - best.y - room_spacing - 1 if not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = position.x + vector[1] * (best.x * 2 + room_spacing2 + 1), y = yy }, { 0, 1 }, best.y * 2 + room_spacing2) or not scan_strip_empty(surface, { x = position.x + vector[1] * (best.x * 2 + room_spacing2 + 2), y = yy }, { 0, 1 }, best.y * 2 + room_spacing2) then x_end = true else best.x = best.x + 1 end if best.x >= room_max.x then x_end = true end end until (x_end and y_end) end return best end --get room tiles and build a room with best fit and add a chance for offset local function get_room_tiles_wiggle(surface, position, size, shape) local vectors = { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 } } table_shuffle_table(vectors) local room_max = { x = size, y = size } if shape == 'wide' then room_max.x = room_max.x + 4 elseif shape == 'tall' then room_max.y = room_max.y + 4 elseif shape == 'big' then room_max.x = room_max.x + 3 room_max.y = room_max.y + 3 end for _, v in pairs(vectors) do local full = scan_direction_full(surface, position, v, room_max, 3) if full.x > 0 then local new_pos = position local offset = { x = 0, y = 0 } if v[1] == 0 then if full.x > 6 then local max_roll = math.abs(full.x * 0.5) if shape == 'square' then max_roll = math.min(max_roll, math.abs(full.y * 0.5)) end local roll = math_random(1 - max_roll, max_roll - 1) new_pos.x = new_pos.x + roll offset.x = -roll full.x = full.x - (1 + math.abs(roll * 0.5)) end else if full.y > 6 then local max_roll = math.abs(full.y * 0.5) if shape == 'square' then max_roll = math.min(max_roll, math.abs(full.x * 0.5)) end local roll = math_random(1 - max_roll, max_roll - 1) new_pos.y = new_pos.y + roll offset.y = -roll full.y = full.y - (1 + math.abs(roll * 0.5)) end end if shape == 'square' then --game.print("forcing square") if full.x > full.y then full.x = full.y else full.y = full.x end end local room_center_position = { x = new_pos.x + v[1] * (full.x + room_spacing + 1), y = new_pos.y + v[2] * (full.y + room_spacing + 1) } return build_room_rect(surface, new_pos, v, room_center_position, full, offset) end end end local function expand_path_tiles_width(surface, room) if not room then return end local max_expansion_count = 1 if math_random(1, 4) == 1 then max_expansion_count = 2 end if math_random(1, 16) == 1 then max_expansion_count = 3 end --if max_expansion_count == 0 then return end local path_tiles = room.path_tiles local vectors = { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 } } local entrance_tile local exit_tile local position = path_tiles[1].position local expansion_vectors = {} for _, v in pairs(vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile({ position.x + v[1], position.y + v[2] }) if not tile.collides_with('resource') then entrance_tile = tile exit_tile = surface.get_tile({ path_tiles[#path_tiles].position.x + v[1] * -1, path_tiles[#path_tiles].position.y + v[2] * -1 }) if v[1] == 0 then expansion_vectors = { { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 } } else expansion_vectors = { { 0, 1 }, { 0, -1 } } end break end end if not entrance_tile then return end local ent_tile_pos = entrance_tile.position for k, v in pairs(expansion_vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile({ ent_tile_pos.x + v[1], ent_tile_pos.y + v[2] }) if tile.collides_with('resource') then table_remove(expansion_vectors, k) end end if #expansion_vectors == 0 then return end if not exit_tile.collides_with('resource') then local exit_tile_pos = exit_tile.position for k, v in pairs(expansion_vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile({ exit_tile_pos.x + v[1], exit_tile_pos.y + v[2] }) if tile.collides_with('resource') then table_remove(expansion_vectors, k) end end end if #expansion_vectors == 0 then return end if #expansion_vectors > 1 then table_shuffle_table(expansion_vectors) end local tiles = {} for k, v in pairs(expansion_vectors) do if k > max_expansion_count then break end for _, path_tile in pairs(path_tiles) do local tile = surface.get_tile({ path_tile.position.x + v[1], path_tile.position.y + v[2] }) if tile.collides_with('resource') then table_insert(tiles, tile) end end end for k, tile in pairs(tiles) do table_insert(path_tiles, tile) end end local function is_bridge_valid(surface, vector, room) local bridge_tiles = room.path_tiles local scan_vector if vector[1] == 0 then scan_vector = { 1, 0 } else scan_vector = { 0, 1 } end for _, tile in pairs(bridge_tiles) do for d = -5, 5, 1 do local p = { tile.position.x + scan_vector[1] * d, tile.position.y + scan_vector[2] * d } tile = surface.get_tile(p) if not tile.collides_with('resource') then return end end end return true end local function build_bridge(surface, position) if math_random(1, 8) == 1 then return end local vectors = { { 0, -1 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 0 }, { -1, 0 } } table_shuffle_table(vectors) local room = {} room.path_tiles = {} room.room_border_tiles = {} room.room_tiles = {} local a = room_spacing * 4 for _, v in pairs(vectors) do for d = 1, a, 1 do local p = { position.x + v[1] * d, position.y + v[2] * d } local tile = surface.get_tile(p) if not tile.collides_with('resource') then break end table_insert(room.path_tiles, tile) if d == a then room.path_tiles = {} end end if room.path_tiles[1] then if is_bridge_valid(surface, v, room) then return room else room.path_tiles = {} end end end end function Public.get_room(surface, position, shape) if not shape then shape = 'square' end local room_max = math_random(3, 14) local room = get_room_tiles_wiggle(surface, position, room_max, shape) if room then expand_path_tiles_width(surface, room) return room end room = build_bridge(surface, position) if room then expand_path_tiles_width(surface, room) return room end end function Public.draw_random_room(surface, position, shape) if not shape then shape = 'square' end local room = Public.get_room(surface, position, shape) if not room then return end for _, tile in pairs(room.path_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'dirt-3', position = tile.position } }, true) end for _, tile in pairs(room.room_border_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'dirt-7', position = tile.position } }, true) if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then surface.create_entity({ name = 'rock-big', position = tile.position }) end end for _, tile in pairs(room.room_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({ { name = 'dirt-5', position = tile.position } }, true) end end return Public