--spiral troopers-- mewmew wrote this -- inspired from kyte local event = require 'utils.event' require "modules.dynamic_landfill" require "modules.spawners_contain_biters" require "modules.satellite_score" local map_functions = require "tools.map_functions" --require "rewards" local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end local function treasure_chest(position, surface) local math_random = math.random local chest_raffle = {} local chest_loot = { {{name = "submachine-gun", count = math_random(1,3)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "slowdown-capsule", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "poison-capsule", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "uranium-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "explosive-uranium-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "explosive-cannon-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "shotgun", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "shotgun-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "combat-shotgun", count = 1}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "piercing-shotgun-shell", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "flamethrower", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "flamethrower-ammo", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "rocket-launcher", count = 1}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "rocket", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "explosive-rocket", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "land-mine", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "grenade", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "cluster-grenade", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "firearm-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "piercing-rounds-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "uranium-rounds-magazine", count = math_random(32,128)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "railgun", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "railgun-dart", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "defender-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "distractor-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "destroyer-capsule", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 10, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "atomic-bomb", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "light-armor", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "heavy-armor", count = 1}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "modular-armor", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "power-armor", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "power-armor-mk2", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.8, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "battery-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "battery-mk2-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.6, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "belt-immunity-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "solar-panel-equipment", count = math_random(1,4)}, weight = 5, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "discharge-defense-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "energy-shield-equipment", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "energy-shield-mk2-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "exoskeleton-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fusion-reactor-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "night-vision-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "personal-laser-defense-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "exoskeleton-equipment", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "iron-gear-wheel", count = math_random(80,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "copper-cable", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "electric-engine-unit", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "battery", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "advanced-circuit", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "electronic-circuit", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "processing-unit", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "explosives", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "lubricant-barrel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "rocket-fuel", count = math_random(4,10)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.7}, --{{name = "computer", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "steel-plate", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "nuclear-fuel", count = 1}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-inserter", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "inserter", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "long-handed-inserter", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "fast-inserter", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "filter-inserter", count = math_random(16,32)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-filter-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "stack-inserter", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-electric-pole", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "medium-electric-pole", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "big-electric-pole", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "substation", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "wooden-chest", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "iron-chest", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.4}, {{name = "steel-chest", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "small-lamp", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "rail", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "assembling-machine-1", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "assembling-machine-2", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "assembling-machine-3", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "accumulator", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "offshore-pump", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "beacon", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.7, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "boiler", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "steam-engine", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "steam-turbine", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "nuclear-reactor", count = 1}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "centrifuge", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "heat-pipe", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "heat-exchanger", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "arithmetic-combinator", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "constant-combinator", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "decider-combinator", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "power-switch", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "programmable-speaker", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "green-wire", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "red-wire", count = math_random(100,200)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "chemical-plant", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "burner-mining-drill", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.2}, {{name = "electric-mining-drill", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "express-transport-belt", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "express-splitter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fast-transport-belt", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-underground-belt", count = math_random(4,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "fast-splitter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "transport-belt", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "underground-belt", count = math_random(4,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "splitter", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "oil-refinery", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "pipe", count = math_random(40,50)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "pipe-to-ground", count = math_random(25,50)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "pumpjack", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "pump", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "solar-panel", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.4, evolution_max = 0.9}, {{name = "electric-furnace", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "steel-furnace", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "stone-furnace", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, {{name = "radar", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.3}, {{name = "rail-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "rail-chain-signal", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.8}, {{name = "stone-wall", count = math_random(50,100)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "gate", count = math_random(8,16)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.1, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "storage-tank", count = math_random(4,8)}, weight = 3, evolution_min = 0.3, evolution_max = 0.6}, {{name = "train-stop", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "express-loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.5, evolution_max = 1}, {{name = "fast-loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.2, evolution_max = 0.7}, {{name = "loader", count = math_random(1,2)}, weight = 1, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.5}, {{name = "lab", count = math_random(2,4)}, weight = 2, evolution_min = 0.0, evolution_max = 0.1}, } local level = global.spiral_troopers_level / 40 if level > 1 then level = 1 end for _, t in pairs (chest_loot) do for x = 1, t.weight, 1 do if t.evolution_min <= level and t.evolution_max >= level then table.insert(chest_raffle, t[1]) end end end local chest_type_raffle = {"steel-chest", "iron-chest", "wooden-chest"} local e = surface.create_entity {name = chest_type_raffle[math_random(1,#chest_type_raffle)], position = position, force = "player"} e.destructible = false local i = e.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) for x = 1, math_random(3,4), 1 do local loot = chest_raffle[math_random(1,#chest_raffle)] i.insert(loot) end end local function level_finished() local spiral_cords = { {x = 0, y = -1}, {x = -1, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 0} } local entities = {} local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] if not global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level then global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level = 1 else global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level = global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level + 1 end local evolution = global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level / 40 if evolution > 1 then evolution = 1 end game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor = evolution for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do player.play_sound{path="utility/new_objective", volume_modifier=0.6} end game.print("Level " .. global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level .. " finished. Area Unlocked!") if not global.current_beaten_chunk then global.current_beaten_chunk = {x = 0, y = -1} end if global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level == 1 then return end local current_growth_direction = global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level % 4 if current_growth_direction == 0 then current_growth_direction = 4 end local old_growth_direction = (global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level - 1) % 4 if old_growth_direction == 0 then old_growth_direction = 4 end for levelsize = 1, global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level, 1 do if levelsize == 1 then global.current_beaten_chunk = { x = global.current_beaten_chunk.x + spiral_cords[old_growth_direction].x, y = global.current_beaten_chunk.y + spiral_cords[old_growth_direction].y } else global.current_beaten_chunk = { x = global.current_beaten_chunk.x + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].x, y = global.current_beaten_chunk.y + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].y } end local tiles = {} for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = global.current_beaten_chunk.x * 32 + x, y = global.current_beaten_chunk.y * 32 + y} table.insert(tiles,{name = "water", position = pos}) if math.random(1,50) == 1 then table.insert(entities,{name = "fish", position = pos}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end for _, e in pairs(entities) do surface.create_entity(e) end local radius = (global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level / 2)* 32 radius = radius + 160 game.forces.player.chart(surface,{{x = -1 * radius, y = -1 * radius}, {x = radius, y = radius}}) end local rock_raffle = {"sand-rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-big","rock-huge"} local ore_rotation = {"iron-ore", "copper-ore", "coal", "stone"} local function get_furthest_chunk() local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] local x = 1 while true do if not surface.is_chunk_generated({0 + x, 0}) then break end x = x + 1 end x = x - 1 local y = 1 while true do if not surface.is_chunk_generated({0, 0 + y}) then break end y = y + 1 end y = y - 1 return x, y end local function clear_chunk_of_enemies(chunk, surface) local a = { left_top = {x = chunk.x * 32, y = chunk.y * 32}, right_bottom = {x = (chunk.x * 32) + 31, y = (chunk.y * 32) + 31} } local enemies = surface.find_entities_filtered({force = "enemy", area = a}) if enemies[1] then for i = 1, #enemies, 1 do enemies[i].destroy() end end end local function grow_level() if not global.current_chunk then global.current_chunk = {x = 0, y = -1} end local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] local entities = {} local spiral_cords = { {x = 0, y = -1}, {x = -1, y = 0}, {x = 0, y = 1}, {x = 1, y = 0} } if not global.spiral_troopers_level then global.spiral_troopers_level = 1 else global.spiral_troopers_level = global.spiral_troopers_level + 1 end if not global.checkpoint_barriers then global.checkpoint_barriers = {} end global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_level] = {} local current_growth_direction = global.spiral_troopers_level % 4 if current_growth_direction == 0 then current_growth_direction = 4 end for levelsize = 1, global.spiral_troopers_level, 1 do global.current_chunk = { x = global.current_chunk.x + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].x, y = global.current_chunk.y + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].y } if levelsize == global.spiral_troopers_level then local tiles = {} local checkpoint_chunk = { x = global.current_chunk.x + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].x, y = global.current_chunk.y + spiral_cords[current_growth_direction].y } local reward_chunk_offset = (global.spiral_troopers_level - 1) % 4 if reward_chunk_offset == 0 then reward_chunk_offset = 4 end local reward_chunk = { x = checkpoint_chunk.x + spiral_cords[reward_chunk_offset].x, y = checkpoint_chunk.y + spiral_cords[reward_chunk_offset].y } clear_chunk_of_enemies(checkpoint_chunk, surface) clear_chunk_of_enemies(reward_chunk, surface) for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = checkpoint_chunk.x * 32 + x, y = checkpoint_chunk.y * 32 + y} table.insert(tiles,{name = "water-green", position = pos}) if math.random(1,2) == 1 then table.insert(entities,{name = rock_raffle[math.random(1,#rock_raffle)], position = pos}) end end end for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = reward_chunk.x * 32 + x, y = reward_chunk.y * 32 + y} if x == 16 and y == 16 then local ore = ore_rotation[current_growth_direction] if global.spiral_troopers_level % 12 == 0 then ore = "uranium-ore" end map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle(pos, ore, surface, 14, 400 * global.spiral_troopers_level) local unlocker = surface.create_entity({name = "burner-inserter", position = pos, force = "player"}) unlocker.destructible = false unlocker.minable = false end if x >= 4 and x <= 5 and y >= 4 and y <= 5 then if math.random(1,3) ~= 1 then treasure_chest(pos, surface) end end if x >= 26 and x <= 27 and y >= 26 and y <= 27 then if math.random(1,3) ~= 1 then treasure_chest(pos, surface) end end if x >= 26 and x <= 27 and y >= 4 and y <= 5 then if math.random(1,3) ~= 1 then treasure_chest(pos, surface) end end if x >= 4 and x <= 5 and y >= 26 and y <= 27 then if math.random(1,3) ~= 1 then treasure_chest(pos, surface) end end if x >= 3 and x <= 6 and y >= 3 and y <= 6 then table.insert(tiles,{name = "concrete", position = pos}) end if x >= 25 and x <= 28 and y >= 25 and y <= 28 then table.insert(tiles,{name = "concrete", position = pos}) end if x >= 25 and x <= 28 and y >= 3 and y <= 6 then table.insert(tiles,{name = "concrete", position = pos}) end if x >= 3 and x <= 6 and y >= 25 and y <= 28 then table.insert(tiles,{name = "concrete", position = pos}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end local tiles = {} for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do local pos = {x = global.current_chunk.x * 32 + x, y = global.current_chunk.y * 32 + y} table.insert(tiles,{name = "out-of-map", position = pos}) end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end for x, e in pairs(entities) do local entity = surface.create_entity(e) entity.destructible = false entity.minable = false table.insert(global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_level], entity) end global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_level] = shuffle(global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_level]) end local worm_raffle = {} worm_raffle[1] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[2] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[3] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[4] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[5] = {"small-worm-turret", "small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[6] = {"small-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[7] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[8] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[9] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} worm_raffle[10] = {"medium-worm-turret", "medium-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret", "big-worm-turret"} local function on_chunk_generated(event) local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] if event.surface.name ~= surface.name then return end if not global.spiral_troopers_spawn_ores then if get_furthest_chunk() > 7 then map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle({x = -16, y = 16}, "copper-ore", surface, 16, 450) map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle({x = 16, y = 16}, "coal", surface, 16, 450) map_functions.draw_smoothed_out_ore_circle({x = 48, y = 16}, "iron-ore", surface, 16, 450) map_functions.draw_noise_tile_circle({x = -20, y = -16}, "water", surface, 7) local radius = 256 game.forces.player.chart(surface,{{x = -1 * radius, y = -1 * radius}, {x = radius, y = radius}}) global.spiral_troopers_spawn_ores = true end end local spawner_density_modifier = 100 local worm_density_modifier = 1000 if global.spiral_troopers_level then spawner_density_modifier = spawner_density_modifier - (global.spiral_troopers_level * 10) worm_density_modifier = worm_density_modifier - (global.spiral_troopers_level * 50) end if spawner_density_modifier < 10 then spawner_density_modifier = 10 end if worm_density_modifier < 5 then worm_density_modifier = 5 end if event.area.left_top.x > 64 or event.area.left_top.x < -64 or event.area.left_top.y > 32 or event.area.left_top.y < -48 then for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do if math.random(1, spawner_density_modifier) == 1 then local pos = {x = event.area.left_top.x + x, y = event.area.left_top.y + y} if surface.can_place_entity({name = "spitter-spawner", position = pos}) then if math.random(1,3) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = "spitter-spawner", position = pos}) else surface.create_entity({name = "biter-spawner", position = pos}) end end end end end for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do if math.random(1, worm_density_modifier) == 1 then local pos = {x = event.area.left_top.x + x, y = event.area.left_top.y + y} local level = 0.1 if global.spiral_troopers_level then level = global.spiral_troopers_level / 40 end local index = math.ceil(level * 10, 0) if index < 1 then index = 1 end if index > 10 then index = 10 end local name = worm_raffle[index][math.random(1, #worm_raffle[index])] if surface.can_place_entity({name = name, position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = name, position = pos}) end end end end else for x = 0, 31, 1 do for y = 0, 31, 1 do if math.random(1, 10) == 1 then local pos = {x = event.area.left_top.x + x, y = event.area.left_top.y + y} if surface.can_place_entity({name = "tree-03", position = pos}) then surface.create_entity({name = "tree-03", position = pos}) end end end end end local chunk_position_x = event.area.left_top.x / 32 local chunk_position_y = event.area.left_top.y / 32 if chunk_position_x < 0 then chunk_position_x = chunk_position_x * -1 end if chunk_position_y < 0 then chunk_position_y = chunk_position_y * -1 end local level = 1 if global.spiral_troopers_level then level = (global.spiral_troopers_level / 2) + 2 end if chunk_position_x > level and chunk_position_y > level then grow_level() end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not global.map_init_done then local map_gen_settings = {} map_gen_settings.water = "none" map_gen_settings.cliff_settings = {cliff_elevation_interval = 50, cliff_elevation_0 = 50} map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls = { ["coal"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["stone"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["copper-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["iron-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["uranium-ore"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["crude-oil"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["trees"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "none"}, ["enemy-base"] = {frequency = "none", size = "none", richness = "very-good"} } game.create_surface("spiral_troopers", map_gen_settings) game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0.0 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor = 0.0001 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0.0 game.forces["player"].set_spawn_position({0,0},game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"]) game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery-shell-range-1"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery-shell-speed-1"].enabled = false game.forces["player"].technologies["artillery"].enabled = false local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] local radius = 256 game.forces.player.chart(surface,{{x = -1 * radius, y = -1 * radius}, {x = radius, y = radius}}) global.map_init_done = true end local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] if player.online_time < 5 and surface.is_chunk_generated({0,0}) then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position("player", {0,0}, 2, 1), "spiral_troopers") else if player.online_time < 5 then player.teleport({0,0}, "spiral_troopers") end end if player.online_time < 10 then if global.show_floating_killscore then global.show_floating_killscore[player.name] = true end player.insert {name = 'iron-plate', count = 32} player.insert {name = 'pistol', count = 1} player.insert {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 64} end end local function on_player_rotated_entity(event) if event.entity.name == "burner-inserter" and event.entity.destructible == false then game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"].create_entity{name = "big-explosion", position = event.entity.position} event.entity.destroy() level_finished() end end local disabled_entities = {"gun-turret", "laser-turret", "flamethrower-turret"} local function on_built_entity(event) for _, e in pairs(disabled_entities) do if e == event.created_entity.name then local a = { left_top = {x = event.created_entity.position.x - 31, y = event.created_entity.position.y - 31}, right_bottom = {x = event.created_entity.position.x + 32, y = event.created_entity.position.y + 32} } local enemy_count = event.created_entity.surface.count_entities_filtered({force = "enemy", area = a, limit = 1}) if enemy_count > 0 then event.created_entity.active = false if event.player_index then local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.print("The turret seems to be malfunctioning near those creatures.", {r=0.75, g=0.0, b=0.0}) end end end end end local function on_entity_damaged(event) for _, e in pairs(disabled_entities) do if e == event.entity.name then if event.entity.health <= event.final_damage_amount then event.entity.active = true event.entity.die("enemy") end end end end local function on_robot_built_entity(event) on_built_entity(event) end local entity_drop_amount = { ['small-biter'] = {low = 10, high = 20}, ['small-spitter'] = {low = 10, high = 20}, ['medium-spitter'] = {low = 15, high = 30}, ['big-spitter'] = {low = 20, high = 40}, ['behemoth-spitter'] = {low = 30, high = 50}, ['biter-spawner'] = {low = 50, high = 100}, ['spitter-spawner'] = {low = 50, high = 100} } local ore_spill_raffle = {"iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","iron-ore","coal","coal","coal","copper-ore","copper-ore","stone", "landfill"} local function on_entity_died(event) if event.entity.name == "biter-spawner" or event.entity.name == "spitter-spawner" then if math.random(1, 50) == 1 then local amount = 100000 * (1 + (game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor * 20)) event.entity.surface.create_entity({name = "crude-oil", position = event.entity.position, amount = amount}) end end if entity_drop_amount[event.entity.name] then if game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor < 0.5 then local amount = math.ceil(math.random(entity_drop_amount[event.entity.name].low, entity_drop_amount[event.entity.name].high) * (0.5 - game.forces.enemy.evolution_factor) * 2, 0) event.entity.surface.spill_item_stack(event.entity.position,{name = ore_spill_raffle[math.random(1,#ore_spill_raffle)], count = amount},true) end end end local function on_player_built_tile(event) local placed_tiles = event.tiles local player = game.players[event.player_index] for _, t in pairs(placed_tiles) do if t.old_tile.name == "water-green" then local tiles = {} table.insert(tiles, {name = "water-green", position = t.position}) game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"].set_tiles(tiles,true) end end end local kabooms = {"big-artillery-explosion", "big-explosion", "explosion"} local function on_tick(event) if not global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level then return end if not global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level] then return end if game.tick % 2 == 1 then if global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level][#global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level]].valid == true then local pos = global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level][#global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level]].position local surface = game.surfaces["spiral_troopers"] surface.create_entity{name = kabooms[math.random(1,#kabooms)], position = pos} local a = { left_top = {x = pos.x - 10, y = pos.y - 10}, right_bottom = {x = pos.x + 10, y = pos.y + 10} } local greenwater = surface.find_tiles_filtered({name = "water-green", area = a}) if greenwater then if greenwater[1] then local tiles = {} for _, tile in pairs(greenwater) do table.insert(tiles, {name = "grass-1", position = tile.position}) end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end end global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level][#global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level]].destroy() end global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level][#global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level]] = nil if #global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level] == 0 then global.checkpoint_barriers[global.spiral_troopers_beaten_level] = nil end end end event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) event.add(defines.events.on_player_built_tile, on_player_built_tile) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) event.add(defines.events.on_player_rotated_entity, on_player_rotated_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game)