local Public_event = {} local tick_tack_trap = require "functions.tick_tack_trap" local unearthing_worm = require "functions.unearthing_worm" local unearthing_biters = require "functions.unearthing_biters" local math_random = math.random local math_floor = math.floor local choppy_entity_yield = { ["tree-01"] = {"iron-ore"}, ["tree-02-red"] = {"copper-ore"}, ["tree-04"] = {"coal"}, ["tree-08-brown"] = {"stone"} } local function get_ore_amount() local scaling = 5 * global.objective.chronojumps local amount = (30 + scaling ) * (1 + game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus / 2) * global.objective.planet[1].ore_richness.factor if amount > 600 then amount = 600 end amount = math_random(math_floor(amount * 0.7), math_floor(amount * 1.3)) return amount end local function reward_ores(amount, mined_loot, surface, player, entity) local a = 0 if player then a = player.insert {name = mined_loot, count = amount} end amount = amount - a if amount > 0 then if amount >= 50 then for i = 1, math_floor(amount / 50), 1 do local e = surface.create_entity{name = "item-on-ground", position = entity.position, stack = {name = mined_loot, count = 50}} e.to_be_looted = true amount = amount - 50 end end if amount > 0 then surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position, {name = mined_loot, count = amount},true) end end end function Public_event.biters_chew_rocks_faster(event) if event.entity.force.index ~= 3 then return end --Neutral Force if not event.cause then return end if not event.cause.valid then return end if event.cause.force.index ~= 2 then return end --Enemy Force event.entity.health = event.entity.health - event.final_damage_amount * 5 end function Public_event.isprotected(entity) if entity.surface.name == "cargo_wagon" then return true end local protected = {global.locomotive, global.locomotive_cargo[1], global.locomotive_cargo[2], global.locomotive_cargo[3]} for i = 1, #global.comfychests,1 do table.insert(protected, global.comfychests[i]) end for i = 1, #protected do if protected[i] == entity then return true end end return false end function Public_event.trap(entity, trap) if trap then tick_tack_trap(entity.surface, entity.position) tick_tack_trap(entity.surface, {x = entity.position.x + math_random(-2,2), y = entity.position.y + math_random(-2,2)}) return end if math_random(1,256) == 1 then tick_tack_trap(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1,128) == 1 then unearthing_worm(entity.surface, entity.surface.find_non_colliding_position("big-worm-turret",entity.position,5,1)) end if math_random(1,64) == 1 then unearthing_biters(entity.surface, entity.position, math_random(4,8)) end end function Public_event.lava_planet(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if not player.character then return end if player.character.driving then return end if player.surface.name == "cargo_wagon" then return end local safe = {"stone-path", "concrete", "hazard-concrete-left", "hazard-concrete-right", "refined-concrete", "refined-hazard-concrete-left", "refined-hazard-concrete-right"} local pavement = player.surface.get_tile(player.position.x, player.position.y) for i = 1, 7, 1 do if pavement.name == safe[i] then return end end if not global.flame_boots[player.index].steps then global.flame_boots[player.index].steps = {} end local steps = global.flame_boots[player.index].steps local elements = #steps steps[elements + 1] = {x = player.position.x, y = player.position.y} if elements > 10 then player.surface.create_entity({name = "fire-flame", position = steps[elements - 1], }) for i = 1, elements, 1 do steps[i] = steps[i+1] end steps[elements + 1] = nil end end function Public_event.shred_simple_entities(entity) --game.print(entity.name) if game.forces["enemy"].evolution_factor < 0.25 then return end local simple_entities = entity.surface.find_entities_filtered({type = {"simple-entity", "tree"}, area = {{entity.position.x - 3, entity.position.y - 3},{entity.position.x + 3, entity.position.y + 3}}}) if #simple_entities == 0 then return end for i = 1, #simple_entities, 1 do if not simple_entities[i] then break end if simple_entities[i].valid then simple_entities[i].die("enemy", simple_entities[i]) end end end function Public_event.spawner_loot(surface, position) local objective = global.objective if math_random(1,20) == 1 then surface.spill_item_stack(position, {name = "railgun-dart", count = math_random(1, 1 + objective.chronojumps)}, true) end end function Public_event.choppy_loot(event) local entity = event.entity if choppy_entity_yield[entity.name] then if event.buffer then event.buffer.clear() end if not event.player_index then return end local amount = get_ore_amount() local second_item_amount = math_random(2,5) local second_item = "wood" local main_item = choppy_entity_yield[entity.name][math_random(1,#choppy_entity_yield[entity.name])] entity.surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = entity.position, text = "+" .. amount .. " [item=" .. main_item .. "] +" .. second_item_amount .. " [item=" .. second_item .. "]", color = {r=0.8,g=0.8,b=0.8} }) local player = game.players[event.player_index] reward_ores(amount, main_item, entity.surface, player, player) local inserted_count = player.insert({name = second_item, count = second_item_amount}) second_item_amount = second_item_amount - inserted_count if second_item_amount > 0 then entity.surface.spill_item_stack(entity.position,{name = second_item, count = second_item_amount}, true) end end end function Public_event.rocky_loot(event) local surface = game.surfaces[global.active_surface_index] local player = game.players[event.player_index] surface.spill_item_stack(player.position,{name = "raw-fish", count = math_random(1,3)},true) local amount = get_ore_amount() local rock_mining = {"iron-ore", "iron-ore", "iron-ore", "iron-ore", "copper-ore", "copper-ore", "copper-ore", "stone", "stone", "coal", "coal"} local mined_loot = rock_mining[math_random(1,#rock_mining)] surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = {player.position.x, player.position.y - 0.5}, text = "+" .. amount .. " [img=item/" .. mined_loot .. "]", color = {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22} }) reward_ores(amount, mined_loot, surface, player, player) end local ore_yield = { ["behemoth-biter"] = 5, ["behemoth-spitter"] = 5, ["behemoth-worm-turret"] = 6, ["big-biter"] = 3, ["big-spitter"] = 3, ["big-worm-turret"] = 4, ["biter-spawner"] = 10, ["medium-biter"] = 2, ["medium-spitter"] = 2, ["medium-worm-turret"] = 3, ["small-biter"] = 1, ["small-spitter"] = 1, ["small-worm-turret"] = 2, ["spitter-spawner"] = 10, } function Public_event.swamp_loot(event) local surface = game.surfaces[global.active_surface_index] local amount = get_ore_amount() / 20 if ore_yield[event.entity.name] then amount = (get_ore_amount() * ore_yield[event.entity.name]) / 20 end if amount > 50 then amount = 50 end local rock_mining = {"iron-ore", "iron-ore", "coal"} local mined_loot = rock_mining[math_random(1,#rock_mining)] --reward_ores(amount, mined_loot, surface, nil, event.entity) if amount < 5 then surface.spill_item_stack(event.entity.position,{name = mined_loot, count = amount}, true) else surface.create_entity{name = "item-on-ground", position = event.entity.position, stack = {name = mined_loot, count = amount}} end --surface.spill_item_stack(event.entity.position,{name = mined_loot, count = amount}, true) end function Public_event.danger_silo(entity) local objective = global.objective if objective.planet[1].name.id == 19 then if objective.dangers and #objective.dangers > 1 then for i = 1, #objective.dangers, 1 do if entity == objective.dangers[i].silo then game.print({"chronosphere.message_silo"}, {r=0.98, g=0.66, b=0.22}) objective.dangers[i].destroyed = true objective.dangers[i].silo = nil objective.dangers[i].speaker.destroy() objective.dangers[i].combinator.destroy() objective.dangers[i].solar.destroy() objective.dangers[i].acu.destroy() objective.dangers[i].pole.destroy() rendering.destroy(objective.dangers[i].text) rendering.destroy(objective.dangers[i].timer) objective.dangers[i].text = -1 objective.dangers[i].timer = -1 end end end end end function Public_event.biter_immunities(event) local planet = global.objective.planet[1].name.id local objective = global.objective if event.damage_type.name == "fire" then if planet == 14 then --lava planet event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount local fire = event.entity.stickers if fire and #fire > 0 then for i = 1, #fire, 1 do if fire[i].sticked_to == event.entity and fire[i].name == "fire-sticker" then fire[i].destroy() break end end end -- else -- other planets -- event.entity.health = math_floor(event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount - (event.final_damage_amount / (1 + 0.02 * global.difficulty_vote_value * objective.chronojumps))) end elseif event.damage_type.name == "poison" then if planet == 18 then --swamp planet event.entity.health = event.entity.health + event.final_damage_amount end end end function Public_event.flamer_nerfs() local objective = global.objective local flamer_power = 0 local difficulty = global.difficulty_vote_value if difficulty > 1 then difficulty = 1 + ((difficulty - 1) / 2) elseif difficulty < 1 then difficulty = 1 - ((1 - difficulty) / 2) end local flame_researches = { [1] = {name = "refined-flammables-1", bonus = 0.2}, [2] = {name = "refined-flammables-2", bonus = 0.2}, [3] = {name = "refined-flammables-3", bonus = 0.2}, [4] = {name = "refined-flammables-4", bonus = 0.3}, [5] = {name = "refined-flammables-5", bonus = 0.3}, [6] = {name = "refined-flammables-6", bonus = 0.4}, [7] = {name = "refined-flammables-7", bonus = 0.2} } for i = 1, 6, 1 do if game.forces.player.technologies[flame_researches[i].name].researched then flamer_power = flamer_power + flame_researches[i].bonus end end flamer_power = flamer_power + (game.forces.player.technologies[flame_researches[7].name].level - 7) * 0.2 game.forces.player.set_ammo_damage_modifier("flamethrower", flamer_power - 0.02 * difficulty * objective.chronojumps) game.forces.player.set_turret_attack_modifier("flamethrower-turret", flamer_power - 0.02 * difficulty * objective.chronojumps) end local mining_researches = { -- these already give .1 productivity so we're only adding .1 to get to 20% ["mining-productivity-1"] = {bonus_productivity = .1, bonus_mining_speed = .2, bonus_inventory = 10}, ["mining-productivity-2"] = {bonus_productivity = .1, bonus_mining_speed = .2, bonus_inventory = 10}, ["mining-productivity-3"] = {bonus_productivity = .1, bonus_mining_speed = .2, bonus_inventory = 10}, ["mining-productivity-4"] = {bonus_productivity = .1, bonus_mining_speed = .2, bonus_inventory = 10, infinite = true, infinite_level = 4}, } function Public_event.mining_buffs(event) if event == nil then -- initialization/reset call game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus + 1 game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier + 1 return end if mining_researches[event.research.name] == nil then return end local tech = mining_researches[event.research.name] if tech.bonus_productivity then if tech.infinite then game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus + tech.bonus_productivity * (event.technology.level - tech.infinite_level) else game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus = game.forces.player.mining_drill_productivity_bonus + tech.bonus_productivity end end if tech.bonus_mining_speed then if tech.infinite then game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier + tech.bonus_mining_speed * (event.technology.level - tech.infinite_level) else game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier = game.forces.player.manual_mining_speed_modifier + tech.bonus_mining_speed end end if tech.bonus_inventory then if tech.infinite then game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus = game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus + tech.bonus_inventory * (event.technology.level - tech.infinite_level) else game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus = game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus + tech.bonus_inventory end end end function Public_event.pistol_buffs(event) if global.objective.pistolupgradetier == 0 then return end if not event.cause then return end if event.cause.name ~= "player" then return end if event.damage_type.name ~= "physical" then return end local player = event.cause if player.shooting_state.state == defines.shooting.not_shooting then return end local weapon = event.cause.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_guns)[event.cause.selected_gun_index].name local ammo = event.cause.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_ammo)[event.cause.selected_gun_index].name game.print(ammo) game.print(wapon) if weapon ~= "pistol" then return end if ammo ~= "firearm-magazine" and ammo ~= "piercing-rounds-magazine" and ammo ~= "uranium-rounds-magazine" then return end event.entity.damage(event.final_damage_amount * 4, player.force, "physical", player) end function Public_event.on_technology_effects_reset(event) if event.force.name == "player" then game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus = game.forces.player.character_inventory_slots_bonus + global.objective.invupgradetier * 10 game.forces.player.character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus = game.forces.player.character_loot_pickup_distance_bonus + global.objective.pickupupgradetier local fake_event = {} Public_event.mining_buffs(nil) for tech in pairs(mining_researches) do tech = game.forces.player.technologies[tech] if tech.researched == true then fake_event.research = tech Public_Event.mining_buffs(fake_event) end end end end return Public_event