local Public = {} local BiterRaffle = require "functions.biter_raffle" local LootRaffle = require "functions.loot_raffle" local Get_noise = require "utils.get_noise" local table_shuffle_table = table.shuffle_table local table_insert = table.insert local table_remove = table.remove local math_random = math.random local math_abs = math.abs local math_floor = math.floor function Public.get_dungeon_evolution_factor() local e = global.dungeons.depth * 0.0005 return e end function Public.roll_spawner_name() if math_random(1, 3) == 1 then return "spitter-spawner" end return "biter-spawner" end function Public.roll_worm_name() return BiterRaffle.roll("worm", Public.get_dungeon_evolution_factor()) end function Public.get_crude_oil_amount() return math_random(200000, 400000) + global.dungeons.depth * 500 end function Public.get_common_resource_amount() return math_random(350, 700) + global.dungeons.depth * 8 end function Public.common_loot_crate(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(global.dungeons.depth * 2 + math_random(8, 16), 16) local container = surface.create_entity({name = "wooden-chest", position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end end function Public.uncommon_loot_crate(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(global.dungeons.depth * 4 + math_random(32, 64), 16) local container = surface.create_entity({name = "iron-chest", position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end end function Public.rare_loot_crate(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(global.dungeons.depth * 8 + math_random(128, 256), 32) local container = surface.create_entity({name = "steel-chest", position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end end function Public.epic_loot_crate(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(global.dungeons.depth * 16 + math_random(512, 1024), 48) local container = surface.create_entity({name = "steel-chest", position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end end function Public.crash_site_chest(surface, position) local item_stacks = LootRaffle.roll(global.dungeons.depth * 6 + math_random(160, 320), 48) local container = surface.create_entity({name = "crash-site-chest-" .. math_random(1, 2), position = position, force = "neutral"}) for _, item_stack in pairs(item_stacks) do container.insert(item_stack) end end function Public.add_room_loot_crates(surface, room) if not room.room_border_tiles[1] then return end for key, tile in pairs(room.room_tiles) do if math_random(1, 384) == 1 then Public.common_loot_crate(surface, tile.position) else if math_random(1, 1024) == 1 then Public.uncommon_loot_crate(surface, tile.position) else if math_random(1, 4096) == 1 then Public.rare_loot_crate(surface, tile.position) else if math_random(1, 16384) == 1 then Public.epic_loot_crate(surface, tile.position) end end end end end end function Public.set_spawner_tier(spawner) local tier = math_floor(Public.get_dungeon_evolution_factor() * 8 - math_random(0, 8)) + 1 if tier < 1 then tier = 1 end global.dungeons.spawner_tier[spawner.unit_number] = tier --[[ rendering.draw_text{ text = "-Tier " .. tier .. "-", surface = spawner.surface, target = spawner, target_offset = {0, -2.65}, color = {25, 0, 100, 255}, scale = 1.25, font = "default-game", alignment = "center", scale_with_zoom = false } ]] end function Public.spawn_random_biter(surface, position) local name = BiterRaffle.roll("mixed", Public.get_dungeon_evolution_factor()) local non_colliding_position = surface.find_non_colliding_position(name, position, 16, 1) local unit if non_colliding_position then unit = surface.create_entity({name = name, position = non_colliding_position, force = "enemy"}) else unit = surface.create_entity({name = name, position = position, force = "enemy"}) end unit.ai_settings.allow_try_return_to_spawner = false unit.ai_settings.allow_destroy_when_commands_fail = false end function Public.place_border_rock(surface, position) local vectors = {{0, -1}, {0, 1}, {1, 0}, {-1, 0}} table_shuffle_table(vectors) local key = false for k, v in pairs(vectors) do local tile = surface.get_tile({position.x + v[1], position.y + v[2]}) if tile.name == "out-of-map" then key = k break end end local pos = {x = position.x + 0.5, y = position.y + 0.5} if key then pos = {pos.x + vectors[key][1] * 0.45, pos.y + vectors[key][2] * 0.45} end surface.create_entity({name = "rock-big", position = pos}) end function Public.mining_events(entity) if math_random(1, 16) == 1 then Public.spawn_random_biter(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1, 24) == 1 then Public.common_loot_crate(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1, 128) == 1 then Public.uncommon_loot_crate(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1, 512) == 1 then Public.rare_loot_crate(entity.surface, entity.position) return end if math_random(1, 1024) == 1 then Public.epic_loot_crate(entity.surface, entity.position) return end end function Public.draw_spawn(surface) local spawn_size = global.dungeons.spawn_size for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities({{spawn_size * -1, spawn_size * -1}, {spawn_size, spawn_size}})) do e.destroy() end local tiles = {} local i = 1 for x = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do for y = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do local position = {x = x, y = y} if math_abs(position.x) < 2 or math_abs(position.y) < 2 then tiles[i] = {name = "dirt-7", position = position} i = i + 1 tiles[i] = {name = "stone-path", position = position} i = i + 1 else tiles[i] = {name = "dirt-7", position = position} i = i + 1 end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) local tiles = {} local i = 1 for x = -2, 2, 1 do for y = -2, 2, 1 do local position = {x = x, y = y} if math_abs(position.x) > 1 or math_abs(position.y) > 1 then tiles[i] = {name = "black-refined-concrete", position = position} i = i + 1 else tiles[i] = {name = "purple-refined-concrete", position = position} i = i + 1 end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) local tiles = {} local i = 1 for x = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do for y = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do local position = {x = x, y = y} local r = math.sqrt(position.x ^ 2 + position.y ^ 2) if r < 2 then tiles[i] = {name = "purple-refined-concrete", position = position} i = i + 1 else if r < 2.5 then tiles[i] = {name = "black-refined-concrete", position = position} i = i + 1 else if r < 4.5 then tiles[i] = {name = "dirt-7", position = position} i = i + 1 tiles[i] = {name = "concrete", position = position} i = i + 1 end end end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) local decoratives = {"brown-hairy-grass", "brown-asterisk", "brown-fluff", "brown-fluff-dry", "brown-asterisk", "brown-fluff", "brown-fluff-dry"} local a = spawn_size * -1 + 1 local b = spawn_size - 1 for _, decorative_name in pairs(decoratives) do local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed + math_random(1, 1000000) for x = a, b, 1 do for y = a, b, 1 do local position = {x = x + 0.5, y = y + 0.5} if surface.get_tile(position).name == "dirt-7" or math_random(1, 5) == 1 then local noise = Get_noise("decoratives", position, seed) if math_abs(noise) > 0.37 then surface.create_decoratives{check_collision = false, decoratives = {{name = decorative_name, position = position, amount = math.floor(math.abs(noise * 3)) + 1}}} end end end end end local entities = {} local i = 1 for x = spawn_size * -1 - 16, spawn_size + 16, 1 do for y = spawn_size * -1 - 16, spawn_size + 16, 1 do local position = {x = x, y = y} if position.x <= spawn_size and position.y <= spawn_size and position.x >= spawn_size * -1 and position.y >= spawn_size * -1 then if position.x == spawn_size then entities[i] = {name = "rock-big", position = {position.x + 0.95, position.y}} i = i + 1 end if position.y == spawn_size then entities[i] = {name = "rock-big", position = {position.x, position.y + 0.95}} i = i + 1 end if position.x == spawn_size * -1 or position.y == spawn_size * -1 then entities[i] = {name = "rock-big", position = position} i = i + 1 end end end end for k, e in pairs(entities) do if k % 3 > 0 then surface.create_entity(e) end end local trees = { "dead-grey-trunk", "dead-tree-desert", "dry-hairy-tree", "dry-tree", "tree-04"} local size_of_trees = #trees local r = 4 for x = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do for y = spawn_size * -1, spawn_size, 1 do local position = {x = x + 0.5, y = y + 0.5} if position.x > 5 and position.y > 5 and math_random(1, r) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = trees[math_random(1, size_of_trees)], position = position}) end if position.x <= -4 and position.y <= -4 and math_random(1, r) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = trees[math_random(1, size_of_trees)], position = position}) end if position.x > 5 and position.y <= -4 and math_random(1, r) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = trees[math_random(1, size_of_trees)], position = position}) end if position.x <= -4 and position.y > 5 and math_random(1, r) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = trees[math_random(1, size_of_trees)], position = position}) end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) end return Public