local Event = require 'utils.event' local Biters = require 'modules.wave_defense.biter_rolls' local Functions = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.functions' local Generate_resources = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.resource_generator' local WPT = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table' local get_perlin = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.get_perlin' local Public = {} local random = math.random local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local ceil = math.ceil Public.level_depth = WPT.level_depth Public.level_width = WPT.level_width local worm_level_modifier = 0.19 local start_ground_tiles = { 'black-refined-concrete', 'nuclear-ground' } local wagon_raffle = { 'cargo-wagon', 'cargo-wagon', 'cargo-wagon', 'locomotive', 'fluid-wagon' } local rock_raffle = { 'sand-rock-big', 'sand-rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-huge' } local size_of_rock_raffle = #rock_raffle local tree_raffle = { 'dry-tree', 'tree-01', 'tree-02-red', 'tree-04', 'tree-08-brown' } local size_of_tree_raffle = #tree_raffle local scrap_entities = { 'medium-ship-wreck', 'small-ship-wreck', 'medium-ship-wreck', 'small-ship-wreck', 'medium-ship-wreck', 'small-ship-wreck', 'medium-ship-wreck', 'small-ship-wreck' } local scrap_entities_index = #scrap_entities local scrap_entities_friendly = { 'crash-site-chest-1', 'crash-site-chest-2', 'crash-site-chest-1', 'crash-site-chest-2', 'crash-site-chest-1', 'crash-site-chest-2' } local scrap_entities_friendly_index = #scrap_entities_friendly local spawner_raffle = { 'biter-spawner', 'biter-spawner', 'biter-spawner', 'spitter-spawner' } local trees = { 'dead-tree-desert', 'dead-dry-hairy-tree', 'dry-hairy-tree', 'tree-06', 'tree-06-brown', 'dry-tree' } local callback = { [1] = {callback = Functions.refill_turret_callback, data = Functions.firearm_magazine_ammo}, [2] = {callback = Functions.refill_turret_callback, data = Functions.piercing_rounds_magazine_ammo}, [3] = {callback = Functions.refill_turret_callback, data = Functions.uranium_rounds_magazine_ammo}, [4] = {callback = Functions.refill_turret_callback, data = Functions.uranium_rounds_magazine_ammo}, [5] = {callback = Functions.refill_liquid_turret_callback, data = Functions.light_oil_ammo}, [6] = {callback = Functions.refill_artillery_turret_callback, data = Functions.artillery_shell_ammo} } local turret_list = { [1] = {name = 'gun-turret', callback = callback[1]}, [2] = {name = 'gun-turret', callback = callback[2]}, [3] = {name = 'gun-turret', callback = callback[3]}, [4] = {name = 'gun-turret', callback = callback[4]}, [5] = {name = 'flamethrower-turret', callback = callback[5]}, [6] = {name = 'artillery-turret', callback = callback[6]} } local function get_scrap_mineable_entities() local scrap_mineable_entities = { 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-1', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-1', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-2', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-2', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-3', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-3', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-4', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-4', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-5', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-5', 'crash-site-spaceship-wreck-small-6' } local scrap_mineable_entities_index = #scrap_mineable_entities return scrap_mineable_entities, scrap_mineable_entities_index end local function is_position_near(area, table_to_check) local status = false local function inside(pos) local lt = area.left_top local rb = area.right_bottom return pos.x >= lt.x and pos.y >= lt.y and pos.x <= rb.x and pos.y <= rb.y end for i = 1, #table_to_check do if inside(table_to_check[i], area) then status = true end end return status end local function place_wagon(data) local placed_trains_in_zone = WPT.get('placed_trains_in_zone') if not placed_trains_in_zone.randomized then placed_trains_in_zone.limit = random(1, 2) placed_trains_in_zone.randomized = true placed_trains_in_zone = WPT.get('placed_trains_in_zone') end if placed_trains_in_zone.placed >= placed_trains_in_zone.limit then return end local surface = data.surface local tiles = data.hidden_tiles local entities = data.entities local top_y = data.top_y local position = {x = data.x, y = top_y + random(4, 12) * 2} local wagon_mineable = { callback = Functions.disable_minable_and_ICW_callback } local rail_mineable = { callback = Functions.disable_destructible_callback } local radius = 300 local area = { left_top = {x = position.x - radius, y = position.y - radius}, right_bottom = {x = position.x + radius, y = position.y + radius} } if is_position_near(area, placed_trains_in_zone.positions) then return end local location local direction local r1 = random(2, 4) * 2 local r2 = random(2, 4) * 2 if random(1, 2) == 1 then location = surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = {{position.x, position.y - r1}, {position.x + 2, position.y + r2}}}) direction = 0 else location = surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = {{position.x - r1, position.y}, {position.x + r2, position.y + 2}}}) direction = 2 end for k, tile in pairs(location) do tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = tile.position} if tile.position.y % 1 == 0 and tile.position.x % 1 == 0 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'straight-rail', position = tile.position, force = 'player', direction = direction, callback = rail_mineable } end end entities[#entities + 1] = { name = wagon_raffle[random(1, #wagon_raffle)], position = position, force = 'player', callback = wagon_mineable } placed_trains_in_zone.placed = placed_trains_in_zone.placed + 1 placed_trains_in_zone.positions[#placed_trains_in_zone.positions + 1] = position return true end local function get_oil_amount(p) return (abs(p.y) * 200 + 10000) * random(75, 125) * 0.01 end local function spawn_turret(entities, p, probability) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = turret_list[probability].name, position = p, force = 'enemy', callback = turret_list[probability].callback, direction = 4, collision = true, note = true } end local function wall(p, data) local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local surface = data.surface local treasure = data.treasure local stone_wall = {callback = Functions.disable_minable_callback} local enable_arties = WPT.get('enable_arties') local alert_zone_1 = WPT.get('alert_zone_1') local seed = data.seed local y = data.yv local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed + 204000) local cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed + 120400) if y > 9 + cave_ponds * 6 and y < 23 + small_caves * 6 then if small_caves > 0.02 or cave_ponds > 0.02 then if small_caves > 0.005 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 26) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'land-mine', position = p, force = 'enemy' } end end if random(1, 48) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if random(1, 5) ~= 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = p} if random(1, 26) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'land-mine', position = p, force = 'enemy' } end end end else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if surface.can_place_entity( { name = 'stone-wall', position = p, force = 'enemy' } ) then if random(1, 512) == 1 and y > 3 and y < 28 then if random(1, 2) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} else treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'steel-chest'} end end if y < 4 or y > 25 then if y <= 23 then if random(1, y + 1) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'stone-wall', position = p, force = 'player', callback = stone_wall } if not alert_zone_1 then local x_min = -WPT.level_width / 2 local x_max = WPT.level_width / 2 surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {x_min, p.y}, source = {x_min, p.y}, target = {x_max, p.y}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {x_min, p.y}, source = {x_min, p.y}, target = {x_max, p.y}}) WPT.set('alert_zone_1', true) rendering.draw_text { text = 'Breaching the far side wall will start collapse.', surface = surface, target = {0, p.y + 35}, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}, scale = 8, font = 'heading-1', alignment = 'center', scale_with_zoom = false } rendering.draw_text { text = 'Breaching the far side wall will start collapse', surface = surface, target = {-180, p.y + 35}, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}, scale = 8, font = 'heading-1', alignment = 'center', scale_with_zoom = false } rendering.draw_text { text = 'Breaching the far side wall will start collapse', surface = surface, target = {180, p.y + 35}, color = {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}, scale = 8, font = 'heading-1', alignment = 'center', scale_with_zoom = false } end end else if random(1, 32 - y) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'stone-wall', position = p, force = 'player', callback = stone_wall } end end end end if random(1, 40) == 1 then if surface.can_place_entity( { name = 'medium-worm-turret', position = p, force = 'enemy' } ) then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end end if random(1, 25) == 1 then if abs(p.y) < Public.level_depth * 1.5 then if random(1, 16) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 1) else spawn_turret(entities, p, 2) end elseif abs(p.y) < Public.level_depth * 2.5 then if random(1, 8) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 3) end elseif abs(p.y) < Public.level_depth * 3.5 then if random(1, 4) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) else spawn_turret(entities, p, 3) end elseif abs(p.y) < Public.level_depth * 4.5 then if random(1, 4) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) else spawn_turret(entities, p, 5) end elseif abs(p.y) < Public.level_depth * 5.5 then if random(1, 4) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) elseif random(1, 2) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 5) end end elseif abs(p.y) > Public.level_depth * 5.5 then if random(1, 15) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, random(3, enable_arties)) end end end end local function process_level_14_position(x, y, data) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 40000) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.71 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if small_caves > -0.21 and small_caves < 0.21 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-3', position = p} if random(1, 768) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end if small_caves < -0.34 or small_caves > 0.34 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end return end if small_caves > -0.41 and small_caves < 0.41 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.35 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. random(1, 4), position = p} if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end return end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.23 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-4', position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} end local function process_level_13_position(x, y, data) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 70000) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if small_caves > -0.22 and small_caves < 0.22 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-3', position = p} if random(1, 768) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end if small_caves < -0.35 or small_caves > 0.35 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end return end if small_caves > -0.40 and small_caves < 0.40 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.35 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(1, 4), position = p} if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end return end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.25 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} end local function process_level_12_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local noise_1 = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) local noise_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 20000) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 60000) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if noise_1 > 0.65 then if random(1, 100) > 88 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} else if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end end if random(1, 48) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end if noise_1 < -0.72 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} if random(1, 100) > 88 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end if noise_1 > -0.30 and noise_1 < 0.30 then if noise_1 > -0.14 and noise_1 < 0.14 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} end return end if random(1, 64) == 1 and noise_2 > 0.65 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'stone', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} elseif random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'iron-ore', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} elseif random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'copper-ore', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} elseif random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'coal', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} end end if random(1, 8192) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'crash-site-chest-' .. random(1, 2), position = p, force = 'neutral' } end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'tutorial-grid', position = p} end local function process_level_11_position(x, y, data) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local noise_1 = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) local noise_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 10000) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 50000) if noise_1 > 0.7 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 48) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if noise_1 < -0.72 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'lab-dark-1', position = p} entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'uranium-ore', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1 * 3} return end if noise_1 > -0.30 and noise_1 < 0.30 then if noise_1 > -0.14 and noise_1 < 0.14 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} end return end if random(1, 64) == 1 and noise_2 > 0.65 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 8192) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'crash-site-chest-' .. random(1, 2), position = p, force = 'neutral' } end local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end local noise_forest_location = get_perlin('forest_location', p, seed) if noise_forest_location > 0.095 then if noise_forest_location > 0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'red-refined-concrete', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'green-refined-concrete', position = p} end end return end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'blue-refined-concrete', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'red-refined-concrete', position = p} end end return end end local function process_level_10_position(x, y, data) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local treasure = data.treasure local scrapyard = get_perlin('scrapyard', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 45000) if scrapyard < -0.70 or scrapyard > 0.70 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-3', position = p} if random(1, 40) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if scrapyard < -0.65 or scrapyard > 0.65 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-green', position = p} return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if abs(scrapyard) > 0.40 and abs(scrapyard) < 0.65 then if random(1, 64) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-mud', position = p} return end if abs(scrapyard) > 0.25 and abs(scrapyard) < 0.40 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} return end local noise_forest_location = get_perlin('forest_location', p, seed) if scrapyard > -0.15 and scrapyard < 0.15 then if noise_forest_location > 0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location > 0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-03', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-01', position = p} end end return end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'dry-tree', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02-red', position = p} end end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-6', position = p} return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-2', position = p} end local function process_level_9_position(x, y, data) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local maze_p = {x = floor(p.x - p.x % 10), y = floor(p.y - p.y % 10)} local maze_noise = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', maze_p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 40000) if maze_noise > -0.35 and maze_noise < 0.35 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed) if random(1, 2) == 1 and no_rocks_2 > -0.5 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end if maze_noise > 0 and maze_noise < 0.45 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 512) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end if maze_noise < -0.5 or maze_noise > 0.5 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = p} if random(1, 96) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 96) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end end --SCRAPYARD local function process_scrap_zone_1(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local treasure = data.treasure local scrapyard = get_perlin('scrapyard', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 35000) --Chasms local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) if noise_cave_ponds < 0.15 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.15 then if small_caves > 0.35 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.35 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end if scrapyard < -0.25 or scrapyard > 0.25 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then if random(1, 8) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 3) else spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if scrapyard < -0.55 or scrapyard > 0.55 then if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end if scrapyard < -0.28 or scrapyard > 0.28 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 96) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = scrap_entities[random(1, scrap_entities_index)], position = p, force = 'enemy' } end if random(1, 96) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = scrap_entities_friendly[random(1, scrap_entities_friendly_index)], position = p, force = 'player' } end local scrap_mineable_entities, scrap_mineable_entities_index = get_scrap_mineable_entities() if random(1, 5) > 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = scrap_mineable_entities[random(1, scrap_mineable_entities_index)], position = p, force = 'neutral'} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'land-mine', position = p, force = 'enemy'} end return end return end local cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) if cave_ponds < -0.6 and scrapyard > -0.2 and scrapyard < 0.2 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end local large_caves = get_perlin('large_caves', p, seed) if scrapyard > -0.15 and scrapyard < 0.15 then if floor(large_caves * 10) % 4 < 3 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end end if random(1, 64) == 1 and cave_ponds > 0.6 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'stone-path', position = p} if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'land-mine', position = p, force = 'enemy'} end end local function process_level_7_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local cave_rivers_3 = get_perlin('cave_rivers_3', p, seed) local cave_rivers_4 = get_perlin('cave_rivers_4', p, seed + 50000) local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 30000) if cave_rivers_3 > -0.025 and cave_rivers_3 < 0.025 and no_rocks_2 > -0.6 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end if cave_rivers_4 > -0.025 and cave_rivers_4 < 0.025 and no_rocks_2 > -0.6 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end local noise_ores = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 25000) if cave_rivers_3 > -0.20 and cave_rivers_3 < 0.20 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. floor(cave_rivers_3 * 32) % 3 + 1, position = p} if cave_rivers_3 > -0.10 and cave_rivers_3 < 0.10 then if random(1, 8) == 1 and no_rocks_2 > -0.25 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-01', position = p} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if noise_ores < -0.5 and no_rocks_2 > -0.6 then if cave_rivers_3 > 0 and cave_rivers_3 < 0.07 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'iron-ore', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} end end end if random(1, 64) == 1 and no_rocks_2 > 0.7 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if cave_rivers_4 > -0.20 and cave_rivers_4 < 0.20 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. floor(cave_rivers_4 * 32) % 3 + 1, position = p} if cave_rivers_4 > -0.10 and cave_rivers_4 < 0.10 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 8) == 1 and no_rocks_2 > -0.25 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02', position = p} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if noise_ores < -0.5 and no_rocks_2 > -0.6 then if cave_rivers_4 > 0 and cave_rivers_4 < 0.07 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'copper-ore', position = p, amount = abs(p.y) + 1} end end end if random(1, 64) == 1 and no_rocks_2 > 0.7 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end --Chasms local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) if noise_cave_ponds < 0.25 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.25 then if small_caves > 0.55 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.55 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < -0.72 then if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 100) > 15 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end end local function process_forest_zone_2(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local large_caves = get_perlin('large_caves', p, seed) local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 25000) --Chasms local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) if noise_cave_ponds < 0.45 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.45 then if small_caves > 0.45 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.45 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end if large_caves > -0.03 and large_caves < 0.03 and cave_rivers < 0.25 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-green', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end local noise_forest_location = get_perlin('forest_location', p, seed) if cave_rivers > -0.1 and cave_rivers < 0.1 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 36) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 100) > 15 then if noise_forest_location > 0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location > 0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-08-brown', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-01', position = p} end end return end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-04', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02-red', position = p} end end return end end if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 4096) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 8096) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end end end local function process_level_5_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('small_caves', p, seed) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 20000) if small_caves > -0.24 and small_caves < 0.24 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 768) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end if small_caves < -0.50 or small_caves > 0.50 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 128) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 4) end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end if small_caves > -0.40 and small_caves < 0.40 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.35 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(1, 4), position = p} if random(1, 256) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 256) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end return end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.25 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} end local function process_level_4_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local noise_large_caves = get_perlin('large_caves', p, seed) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 15000) if abs(noise_large_caves) > 0.7 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end if abs(noise_large_caves) > 0.6 then if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02', position = p} end if random(1, 32) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end end if abs(noise_large_caves) > 0.5 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-2', position = p} if random(1, 620) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 384) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if abs(noise_large_caves) > 0.475 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.15 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.15 then if small_caves > 0.75 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.75 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end if small_caves > -0.15 and small_caves < 0.15 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 2) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end if noise_large_caves > -0.2 and noise_large_caves < 0.2 then --Main Rock Terrain local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 75000) if no_rocks_2 > 0.80 or no_rocks_2 < -0.80 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. floor(no_rocks_2 * 8) % 2 + 5, position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 100) > 30 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} end local function process_level_3_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local buildings = data.buildings local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed + 50000) local small_caves_2 = get_perlin('small_caves_2', p, seed + 70000) local noise_large_caves = get_perlin('large_caves', p, seed + 60000) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local cave_miner = get_perlin('cave_miner_01', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 60000) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end --Market Spots if noise_cave_ponds < -0.77 then if noise_cave_ponds > -0.79 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. floor(noise_cave_ponds * 32) % 3 + 1, position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end end return end if noise_large_caves > -0.15 and noise_large_caves < 0.15 or small_caves_2 > 0 then --Green Water Ponds if noise_cave_ponds > 0.80 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.12 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.12 then if small_caves > 0.85 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.85 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Rivers local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed + 100000) if cave_rivers < 0.024 and cave_rivers > -0.024 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.2 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end local cave_rivers_2 = get_perlin('cave_rivers_2', p, seed) if cave_rivers_2 < 0.024 and cave_rivers_2 > -0.024 then if noise_cave_ponds < 0.4 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.725 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(4, 6), position = p} return end local no_rocks = get_perlin('no_rocks', p, seed + 25000) --Worm oil Zones if no_rocks < 0.20 and no_rocks > -0.20 then if small_caves > 0.35 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. floor(noise_cave_ponds * 32) % 7 + 1, position = p} if random(1, 320) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 50) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 3) end if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'dead-tree-desert', position = p} end return end end --Main Rock Terrain local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 75000) if no_rocks_2 > 0.80 or no_rocks_2 < -0.80 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. floor(no_rocks_2 * 8) % 2 + 5, position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-7', position = p} if random(1, 100) > 30 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end if cave_miner < 0.32 and cave_miner > -0.32 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} end end local function process_level_2_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local tiles = data.tiles local buildings = data.buildings local entities = data.entities local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed) local noise_large_caves = get_perlin('large_caves', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 15000) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end if noise_large_caves > -0.75 and noise_large_caves < 0.75 then local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.15 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.15 then if small_caves > 0.32 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.32 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Green Water Ponds if noise_cave_ponds > 0.80 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Rivers local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed + 100000) if cave_rivers < 0.037 and cave_rivers > -0.037 then if noise_cave_ponds < 0.1 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.66 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. random(4, 6), position = p} return end --Market Spots if noise_cave_ponds < -0.80 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. floor(noise_cave_ponds * 32) % 3 + 1, position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end local no_rocks = get_perlin('no_rocks', p, seed + 25000) --Worm oil Zones if no_rocks < 0.20 and no_rocks > -0.20 then if small_caves > 0.30 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'dirt-' .. floor(noise_cave_ponds * 32) % 7 + 1, position = p} if random(1, 450) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 256) == 1 then spawn_turret(entities, p, 2) end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'dead-tree-desert', position = p} end return end end --Main Rock Terrain local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 75000) if no_rocks_2 > 0.80 or no_rocks_2 < -0.80 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. random(1, 4), position = p} if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'wooden-chest'} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. random(1, 4), position = p} if random(1, 100) > 25 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} end local function process_forest_zone_1(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local buildings = data.buildings local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed + 33322) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 33333) --Resource Spots if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.101 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.102 then if small_caves > 0.52 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.52 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Water Ponds if noise_cave_ponds > 0.670 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.750 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'landfill', position = p} if random(1, 4) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 4) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Rivers local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed + 200000) if cave_rivers < 0.041 and cave_rivers > -0.042 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.74 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'landfill', position = p} if cave_rivers < -0.502 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'refined-hazard-concrete-right', position = p} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end local no_rocks = get_perlin('no_rocks', p, seed + 30000) --Worm oil Zones if p.y < -64 + noise_cave_ponds * 10 then if no_rocks < 0.11 and no_rocks > -0.11 then if small_caves > 0.31 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'brown-refined-concrete', position = p} if random(1, 450) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 96) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end end end --Main Rock Terrain local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 5000) if no_rocks_2 > 0.64 or no_rocks_2 < -0.64 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'landfill', position = p} local noise_forest_location = get_perlin('forest_location', p, seed) if noise_forest_location > 0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location > 0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-08-brown', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-01', position = p} end end return end if noise_forest_location < -0.095 then if random(1, 256) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if noise_forest_location < -0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-04', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-02-red', position = p} end end return end end local function process_level_1_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local buildings = data.buildings local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed) if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater-green', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 32) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end return end --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.110 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.112 then if small_caves > 0.5 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.5 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Water Ponds if noise_cave_ponds > 0.670 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.750 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'grass-' .. floor(noise_cave_ponds * 32) % 3 + 1, position = p} if random(1, 4) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 4) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Rivers local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed + 300000) if cave_rivers < 0.042 and cave_rivers > -0.042 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.74 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'acid-refined-concrete', position = p} if cave_rivers < -0.502 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'refined-hazard-concrete-right', position = p} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end local no_rocks = get_perlin('no_rocks', p, seed + 50000) --Worm oil Zones if p.y < -64 + noise_cave_ponds * 10 then if no_rocks < 0.12 and no_rocks > -0.12 then if small_caves > 0.30 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'brown-refined-concrete', position = p} if random(1, 450) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 96) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy', note = true } end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end end end --Main Rock Terrain local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 75000) if no_rocks_2 > 0.66 or no_rocks_2 < -0.66 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end local random_tiles = get_perlin('forest_location', p, seed) if random_tiles > 0.095 then if random_tiles > 0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'sand-2', position = p} end end end if random_tiles < -0.095 then if random_tiles < -0.6 then if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} end else if random(1, 100) > 42 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'lab-dark-1', position = p} end end end if random(1, 100) > 25 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end end local function process_level_0_position(x, y, data, void_or_lab) local p = {x = x, y = y} local seed = data.seed local buildings = data.buildings local tiles = data.tiles local entities = data.entities local markets = data.markets local treasure = data.treasure local small_caves = get_perlin('dungeons', p, seed + 34883) local noise_cave_ponds = get_perlin('cave_ponds', p, seed + 28939) local smol_areas = get_perlin('smol_areas', p, seed + 3992) local no_rocks_2 = get_perlin('no_rocks_2', p, seed + 1922) local cave_rivers = get_perlin('cave_rivers', p, seed) local no_rocks = get_perlin('no_rocks', p, seed) if smol_areas < 0.055 and smol_areas > -0.025 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} if random(1, 32) == 1 then Generate_resources(buildings, p, Public.level_depth) end if random(1, 128) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy' } end return end --Chasms if noise_cave_ponds < 0.105 and noise_cave_ponds > -0.112 then if small_caves > 0.52 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end if small_caves < -0.52 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = void_or_lab, position = p} return end end --Water Ponds if noise_cave_ponds > 0.64 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.74 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'acid-refined-concrete', position = p} if random(1, 4) == 1 then markets[#markets + 1] = p end if random(1, 4) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'deepwater', position = p} if random(1, 16) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end --Rivers if cave_rivers < 0.042 and cave_rivers > -0.062 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.1 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'water-shallow', position = p} if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = p} end return end end if noise_cave_ponds > 0.622 then if noise_cave_ponds > 0.542 then if cave_rivers > -0.302 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'refined-hazard-concrete-right', position = p} end end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = tree_raffle[random(1, size_of_tree_raffle)], position = p} end return end --Worm oil Zones if no_rocks < 0.035 and no_rocks > -0.145 then if small_caves > 0.081 then tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'brown-refined-concrete', position = p} if random(1, 250) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'crude-oil', position = p, amount = get_oil_amount(p)} end if random(1, 96) == 1 then Biters.wave_defense_set_worm_raffle(abs(p.y) * worm_level_modifier) entities[#entities + 1] = { name = Biters.wave_defense_roll_worm_name(), position = p, force = 'enemy' } end if random(1, 1024) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end if random(1, 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end return end end --Main Rock Terrain if no_rocks_2 > 0.334 and no_rocks_2 < 0.544 then local success = place_wagon(data) if success then return end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if random(1, 18) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = 'tree-0' .. random(1, 9), position = p} end if random(1, 512) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end return end if random(1, 2048) == 1 then treasure[#treasure + 1] = {position = p, chest = 'iron-chest'} end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'nuclear-ground', position = p} if random(1, 100) > 25 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, size_of_rock_raffle)], position = p} end end Public.levels = { process_level_0_position, process_level_1_position, process_forest_zone_1, -- zone 3 process_level_3_position, process_level_5_position, process_scrap_zone_1, -- zone 6 process_level_9_position, process_level_4_position, process_level_2_position, process_level_3_position, process_forest_zone_2, -- zone 11 process_level_4_position, process_level_5_position, process_forest_zone_2, -- zone 14 process_level_7_position, process_scrap_zone_1, -- zone 16 process_level_9_position, process_level_10_position, process_level_11_position, process_level_12_position, process_level_13_position, process_level_14_position } local function is_out_of_map(p) if p.x < 480 and p.x >= -480 then return end return true end local function process_bits(p, data) local levels = Public.levels local left_top_y = data.area.left_top.y local index = floor((abs(left_top_y / Public.level_depth)) % 22) + 1 local process_level = levels[index] if not process_level then process_level = levels[#levels] end local void_or_tile = WPT.get('void_or_tile') local x = p.x local y = p.y process_level(x, y, data, void_or_tile) end local function border_chunk(p, data) local entities = data.entities local decoratives = data.decoratives local tiles = data.tiles local pos = p if random(1, ceil(pos.y + pos.y) + 64) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = trees[random(1, #trees)], position = pos} end local noise = get_perlin('dungeons', pos, 14882) local index = floor(noise * 32) % 2 + 1 tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = start_ground_tiles[index], position = pos} local scrap_mineable_entities, scrap_mineable_entities_index = get_scrap_mineable_entities() if not is_out_of_map(pos) then if random(1, ceil(pos.y + pos.y) + 32) == 1 then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = scrap_mineable_entities[random(1, scrap_mineable_entities_index)], position = pos, force = 'neutral'} end if random(1, pos.y + 2) == 1 then decoratives[#decoratives + 1] = { name = 'rock-small', position = pos, amount = random(1, 32) } end if random(1, pos.y + 2) == 1 then decoratives[#decoratives + 1] = { name = 'rock-tiny', position = pos, amount = random(1, 32) } end end end local function biter_chunk(p, data) local surface = data.surface local entities = data.entities local tile_positions = {} tile_positions[#tile_positions + 1] = p local disable_spawners = { callback = Functions.deactivate_callback } local disable_worms = { callback = Functions.active_not_destructible_callback } if random(1, 128) == 1 then local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('biter-spawner', tile_positions[random(1, #tile_positions)], 16, 2) if position then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = spawner_raffle[random(1, #spawner_raffle)], position = position, force = 'enemy', callback = disable_spawners } end end if random(1, 128) == 1 then local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('big-worm-turret', tile_positions[random(1, #tile_positions)], 16, 2) if position then entities[#entities + 1] = { name = 'big-worm-turret', position = position, force = 'enemy', callback = disable_worms } end end end local function out_of_map(p, data) local tiles = data.tiles tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = 'out-of-map', position = p} end function Public.heavy_functions(data) local top_y = data.top_y local surface = data.surface local p = data.position local get_tile = surface.get_tile(p) local map_name = 'mountain_fortress_v3' if string.sub(surface.name, 0, #map_name) ~= map_name then return end if not data.seed then data.seed = surface.map_gen_settings.seed end if get_tile.valid and get_tile.name == 'out-of-map' then return end if top_y % Public.level_depth == 0 and top_y < 0 then WPT.set().left_top = data.left_top return wall(p, data) end if top_y < 0 then return process_bits(p, data) end if top_y > 120 then return out_of_map(p, data) end if top_y > 75 then return biter_chunk(p, data) end if top_y >= 0 then return border_chunk(p, data) end end Event.add( defines.events.on_chunk_generated, function(e) local surface = e.surface local map_name = 'mountain_fortress_v3' if string.sub(surface.name, 0, #map_name) ~= map_name then return end local area = e.area local left_top = area.left_top if not surface then return end if not surface.valid then return end local winter_mode = WPT.get('winter_mode') if winter_mode then rendering.draw_sprite( { sprite = 'tile/lab-white', x_scale = 32, y_scale = 32, target = left_top, surface = surface, tint = {r = 0.6, g = 0.6, b = 0.6, a = 0.6}, render_layer = 'ground' } ) end if left_top.y == -128 and left_top.x == -128 then local locomotive = WPT.get('locomotive') if locomotive and locomotive.valid then local position = locomotive.position for _, entity in pairs( surface.find_entities_filtered({area = {{position.x - 5, position.y - 6}, {position.x + 5, position.y + 10}}, type = 'simple-entity'}) ) do entity.destroy() end end end if left_top.y > 32 then game.forces.player.chart(surface, {{left_top.x, left_top.y}, {left_top.x + 31, left_top.y + 31}}) end end ) return Public