local Functions = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.functions" local Gui = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.gui" local Init = require "maps.biter_battles_v2.init" local Score = require "comfy_panel.score" local Server = require 'utils.server' local math_random = math.random local Public = {} local gui_values = { ["north"] = {c1 = "Team North", color1 = {r = 0.55, g = 0.55, b = 0.99}}, ["south"] = {c1 = "Team South", color1 = {r = 0.99, g = 0.33, b = 0.33}} } local function shuffle(tbl) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = math.random(size) tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end return tbl end function Public.reveal_map() for _, f in pairs({"north", "south", "player", "spectator"}) do local r = 768 game.forces[f].chart(game.surfaces["biter_battles"], {{r * -1, r * -1}, {r, r}}) end end local function create_victory_gui(player) local values = gui_values[global.bb_game_won_by_team] local c = values.c1 if global.tm_custom_name[global.bb_game_won_by_team] then c = global.tm_custom_name[global.bb_game_won_by_team] end local frame = player.gui.left.add {type = "frame", name = "bb_victory_gui", direction = "vertical", caption = c .. " won!" } frame.style.font = "heading-1" frame.style.font_color = values.color1 local l = frame.add {type = "label", caption = global.victory_time} l.style.font = "heading-2" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.77, g = 0.77, b = 0.77} end local function silo_kaboom(entity) local surface = entity.surface local center_position = entity.position local force = entity.force surface.create_entity( { name = "atomic-rocket", position = center_position, force = force, source = center_position, target = center_position, max_range = 1, speed = 0.1 } ) local drops = {} for x = -32, 32, 1 do for y = -32, 32, 1 do local p = {x = center_position.x + x, y = center_position.y + y} local distance_to_silo = math.sqrt((center_position.x - p.x) ^ 2 + (center_position.y - p.y) ^ 2) local count = math.floor((32 - distance_to_silo * 1.2) * 0.28) if distance_to_silo < 32 and count > 0 then table.insert(drops, {p, count}) end end end for _, drop in pairs(drops) do for _ = 1, drop[2], 1 do entity.surface.spill_item_stack({drop[1].x + math.random(0, 9) * 0.1, drop[1].y + math.random(0, 9) * 0.1}, {name = "raw-fish", count = 1}, false, nil, true) end end end local function get_sorted_list(column_name, score_list) for x = 1, #score_list, 1 do for y = 1, #score_list, 1 do if not score_list[y + 1] then break end if score_list[y][column_name] < score_list[y + 1][column_name] then local key = score_list[y] score_list[y] = score_list[y + 1] score_list[y + 1] = key end end end return score_list end local function get_mvps(force) local get_score = Score.get_table().score_table if not get_score[force] then return false end local score = get_score[force] local score_list = {} for _, p in pairs(game.players) do if score.players[p.name] then local killscore = 0 if score.players[p.name].killscore then killscore = score.players[p.name].killscore end local deaths = 0 if score.players[p.name].deaths then deaths = score.players[p.name].deaths end local built_entities = 0 if score.players[p.name].built_entities then built_entities = score.players[p.name].built_entities end local mined_entities = 0 if score.players[p.name].mined_entities then mined_entities = score.players[p.name].mined_entities end table.insert(score_list, {name = p.name, killscore = killscore, deaths = deaths, built_entities = built_entities, mined_entities = mined_entities}) end end local mvp = {} score_list = get_sorted_list("killscore", score_list) mvp.killscore = {name = score_list[1].name, score = score_list[1].killscore} score_list = get_sorted_list("deaths", score_list) mvp.deaths = {name = score_list[1].name, score = score_list[1].deaths} score_list = get_sorted_list("built_entities", score_list) mvp.built_entities = {name = score_list[1].name, score = score_list[1].built_entities} return mvp end local function show_mvps(player) local get_score = Score.get_table().score_table if not get_score then return end if player.gui.left["mvps"] then return end local frame = player.gui.left.add({type = "frame", name = "mvps", direction = "vertical"}) local l = frame.add({type = "label", caption = "MVPs - North:"}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.55, g = 0.55, b = 0.99} local t = frame.add({type = "table", column_count = 2}) local mvp = get_mvps("north") if mvp then local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Defender >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.killscore.name .. " with a score of " .. mvp.killscore.score}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Builder >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.built_entities.name .. " built " .. mvp.built_entities.score .. " things"}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Deaths >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.deaths.name .. " died " .. mvp.deaths.score .. " times"}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} if not global.results_sent_north then local result = {} table.insert(result, 'NORTH: \\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Defender: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.killscore.name .. " with a score of " .. mvp.killscore.score .. "\\n" ) table.insert(result, '\\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Builder: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.built_entities.name .. " built " .. mvp.built_entities.score .. " things\\n" ) table.insert(result, '\\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Deaths: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.deaths.name .. " died " .. mvp.deaths.score .. " times" ) local message = table.concat(result) Server.to_discord_embed(message) global.results_sent_north = true end end local l = frame.add({type = "label", caption = "MVPs - South:"}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.99, g = 0.33, b = 0.33} local t = frame.add({type = "table", column_count = 2}) local mvp = get_mvps("south") if mvp then local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Defender >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.killscore.name .. " with a score of " .. mvp.killscore.score}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Builder >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.built_entities.name .. " built " .. mvp.built_entities.score .. " things"}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = "Deaths >> "}) l.style.font = "default-listbox" l.style.font_color = {r = 0.22, g = 0.77, b = 0.44} local l = t.add({type = "label", caption = mvp.deaths.name .. " died " .. mvp.deaths.score .. " times"}) l.style.font = "default-bold" l.style.font_color = {r=0.33, g=0.66, b=0.9} if not global.results_sent_south then local result = {} table.insert(result, 'SOUTH: \\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Defender: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.killscore.name .. " with a score of " .. mvp.killscore.score .. "\\n" ) table.insert(result, '\\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Builder: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.built_entities.name .. " built " .. mvp.built_entities.score .. " things\\n" ) table.insert(result, '\\n') table.insert(result, 'MVP Deaths: \\n') table.insert(result, mvp.deaths.name .. " died " .. mvp.deaths.score .. " times" ) local message = table.concat(result) Server.to_discord_embed(message) global.results_sent_south = true end end end local enemy_team_of = { ["north"] = "south", ["south"] = "north" } function Public.server_restart() if not global.server_restart_timer then return end global.server_restart_timer = global.server_restart_timer - 5 if global.server_restart_timer == 150 then return end if global.server_restart_timer == 10 then game.delete_surface(game.surfaces.bb_source) return end if global.server_restart_timer == 5 then Init.source_surface() return end if global.server_restart_timer == 0 then game.print("Map is restarting!", {r=0.22, g=0.88, b=0.22}) local message = 'Map is restarting! ' Server.to_discord_bold(table.concat{'*** ', message, ' ***'}) Init.tables() Init.forces() Init.load_spawn() for _, player in pairs(game.players) do Functions.init_player(player) for _, e in pairs(player.gui.left.children) do e.destroy() end Gui.create_main_gui(player) end game.surfaces.biter_battles.clear(true) game.reset_time_played() global.server_restart_timer = nil game.speed = 1 return end if global.server_restart_timer % 30 == 0 then game.print("Map will restart in " .. global.server_restart_timer .. " seconds!", {r=0.22, g=0.88, b=0.22}) end end local function set_victory_time() local tick = game.ticks_played local minutes = tick % 216000 local hours = tick - minutes minutes = math.floor(minutes / 3600) hours = math.floor(hours / 216000) if hours > 0 then hours = hours .. " hours and " else hours = "" end global.victory_time = "Time - " .. hours global.victory_time = global.victory_time .. minutes global.victory_time = global.victory_time .. " minutes" end local function freeze_all_biters(surface) for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force = "north_biters"})) do e.active = false end for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({force = "south_biters"})) do e.active = false end end local function biter_killed_the_silo(event) local cause = event.cause if cause and cause.valid and cause.type == "unit" then return true end return end function Public.silo_death(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if entity.name ~= "rocket-silo" then return end if global.bb_game_won_by_team then return end if entity == global.rocket_silo.south or entity == global.rocket_silo.north then --Respawn Silo in case of friendly fire if not biter_killed_the_silo(event) then global.rocket_silo[entity.force.name] = entity.clone({position = entity.position, surface = entity.surface, force = entity.force}) global.rocket_silo[entity.force.name].health = 5 return end global.bb_game_won_by_team = enemy_team_of[entity.force.name] set_victory_time() for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do player.play_sound{path="utility/game_won", volume_modifier=1} if player.gui.left["bb_main_gui"] then player.gui.left["bb_main_gui"].visible = false end create_victory_gui(player) show_mvps(player) --[[ player.set_controller({ type = defines.controllers.cutscene, waypoints = {{position = {event.entity.position.x, event.entity.position.y}, transition_time = 0, time_to_wait = 900, zoom = 0.5}}, start_position = {player.position.x, player.position.y}, start_zoom = 1, final_transition_time = 180 }) ]] end global.spy_fish_timeout["north"] = game.tick + 999999 global.spy_fish_timeout["south"] = game.tick + 999999 global.server_restart_timer = 150 local c = gui_values[global.bb_game_won_by_team].c1 if global.tm_custom_name[global.bb_game_won_by_team] then c = global.tm_custom_name[global.bb_game_won_by_team] end Server.to_discord_embed(c .. " has won!") Server.to_discord_embed(global.victory_time) silo_kaboom(entity) freeze_all_biters(entity.surface) end end return Public