local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures' local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' local Surfaces = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.surfaces' local Islands = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.islands' local IslandsCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.common' local Sea = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.sea.sea' local Crew = require 'maps.pirates.crew' local Quest = require 'maps.pirates.quest' local Public = {} local function fake_boat_target() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if memory.boat and memory.boat.position then return {valid = true, position = {x = memory.boat.position.x - 60, y = memory.boat.position.y} or nil, name = 'boatarea'} end end -- fff 283 discussed pollution mechanics: https://factorio.com/blog/post/fff-283 local side_attack_target_names = { 'character', 'pumpjack', 'radar', 'burner-mining-drill', 'electric-mining-drill', 'nuclear-reactor', 'boiler', 'oil-refinery', 'centrifuge', } --=== Tick Actions function Public.Tick_actions(tickinterval) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() if (not destination.type) or (not destination.type == Surfaces.enum.ISLAND) then return end if (not memory.boat.state) or (not (memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.LANDED or memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.RETREATING)) then return end if (memory.game_lost) or (destination.dynamic_data.timeratlandingtime and destination.dynamic_data.timer < destination.dynamic_data.timeratlandingtime + Common.seconds_after_landing_to_enable_AI) then return end if game.tick % (tickinterval * 2) == 0 and memory.boat.state == Boats.enum_state.LANDED then local extra_evo = 2 * tickinterval/60 * Balance.evolution_per_second() Common.increment_evo(extra_evo) destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_time = destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_time + extra_evo end -- if destination.subtype and destination.subtype == Islands.enum.RED_DESERT then return end -- This was a hack to stop biter boats causing attacks, but, it has the even worse effect of stopping all floating_pollution gathering. local minute_cycle = {-- even seconds only [2] = Public.eat_up_fraction_of_all_pollution_wrapped, [4] = Public.try_rogue_attack, [6] = Public.poke_script_groups, [12] = Public.try_main_attack, [16] = Public.poke_script_groups, -- [18] = Public.try_secondary_attack, --commenting out: less attacks per minute, but stronger. @TODO need to do more here [20] = Public.tell_biters_near_silo_to_attack_it, [26] = Public.poke_script_groups, [28] = Public.eat_up_fraction_of_all_pollution_wrapped, [30] = Public.try_secondary_attack, [36] = Public.poke_script_groups, [46] = Public.poke_script_groups, [50] = Public.tell_biters_near_silo_to_attack_it, [52] = Public.create_mail_delivery_biters, [56] = Public.poke_script_groups, [58] = Public.poke_inactive_scripted_biters, } if minute_cycle[(game.tick / 60) % 60] then minute_cycle[(game.tick / 60) % 60]() end end function Public.eat_up_fraction_of_all_pollution_wrapped() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] Public.eat_up_fraction_of_all_pollution(surface, 0.05) end function Public.eat_up_fraction_of_all_pollution(surface, fraction_of_global_pollution) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name local pollution_available = memory.floating_pollution local chunk_positions = {} for i = 1, Math.ceil(surface.map_gen_settings.width/32),1 do for j = 1, Math.ceil(surface.map_gen_settings.height/32),1 do chunk_positions[#chunk_positions + 1] = {x = 16 + i * 32 - surface.map_gen_settings.width/2, y = 16 + j * 32 - surface.map_gen_settings.height/2} end end for i = 1, #chunk_positions do local p = chunk_positions[i] local pollution = surface.get_pollution(p) local pollution_to_eat = pollution * fraction_of_global_pollution surface.pollute(p, - pollution_to_eat) -- Radioactive world doesn't absorb map pollution: if not (Common.current_destination().subtype and Common.current_destination().subtype == Islands.enum.RADIOACTIVE) then pollution_available = pollution_available + pollution_to_eat end end -- if _DEBUG then -- game.print(string.format('ate %f pollution', pollution_available)) -- end memory.floating_pollution = pollution_available end function Public.try_main_attack() local wave_size_multiplier = 1 local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if memory.overworldx > 0 then if Math.random(2) == 1 then -- log('attack aborted by chance') return nil end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(10) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 1.8 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(60) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 3.2 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(500) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 5 end --variance in attack sizes end local group = Public.spawn_group_of_scripted_biters(2/3, 6, 180, wave_size_multiplier) local target = Public.generate_main_attack_target() if not group or not group.valid or not target or not target.valid then return end -- group.set_command(Public.attack_target(target)) Public.group_set_commands(group, Public.attack_target(target)) -- if _DEBUG then game.print(game.tick .. string.format(": sending main attack of %s units from {%f,%f} to %s", #group.members, group.position.x, group.position.y, target.name)) end end function Public.try_secondary_attack() local wave_size_multiplier = 1 local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if memory.overworldx > 0 then if Math.random(2) == 1 then log('attack aborted by chance') end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(10) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 1.8 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(60) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 3.2 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(500) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 5 end --variance in attack sizes end local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] local group = Public.spawn_group_of_scripted_biters(2/3, 12, 180, wave_size_multiplier) if not (group and group.valid) then return end local target if Math.random(2) == 1 then target = Public.generate_main_attack_target() else target = Public.generate_side_attack_target(surface, group.position) end if not group or not group.valid or not target or not target.valid then log('target invalid') return end -- group.set_command(Public.attack_target(target)) Public.group_set_commands(group, Public.attack_target(target)) -- if _DEBUG then game.print(game.tick .. string.format(": sending main attack of %s units from {%f,%f} to %s", #group.members, group.position.x, group.position.y, target.name)) end end function Public.try_rogue_attack() local wave_size_multiplier = 1 local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() if memory.overworldx > 0 then if Math.random(2) == 1 then log('attack aborted by chance') end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(10) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 1.8 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(60) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 3.2 end --variance in attack sizes if Math.random(500) == 1 then wave_size_multiplier = 5 end --variance in attack sizes end local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] local group = Public.spawn_group_of_scripted_biters(1/2, 6, 180, wave_size_multiplier) if not (group and group.valid) then return end local target = Public.generate_side_attack_target(surface, group.position) if not (target and target.valid) then return end -- group.set_command(Public.attack_target(target)) Public.group_set_commands(group, Public.attack_target(target)) -- if _DEBUG then game.print(game.tick .. string.format(": sending rogue attack of %s units from {%f,%f} to %s", #group.members, group.position.x, group.position.y, target.name)) end end function Public.tell_biters_near_silo_to_attack_it() -- careful with this function, you don't want to pull biters onto the silo before any aggro has happened local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name] local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name -- don't do this too early if destination.dynamic_data.timer < destination.dynamic_data.timeratlandingtime + Common.seconds_after_landing_to_enable_AI * 4 then return end if not (destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1] and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].valid and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].destructible) then return end local attackcommand = Public.attack_target_entity(destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1]) if attackcommand then surface.set_multi_command( { command = attackcommand, unit_count = Math.random(1, Math.floor(1 + memory.evolution_factor * 100)), force = enemy_force_name, unit_search_distance = 10 } ) end end function Public.poke_script_groups() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() for index, group in pairs(memory.scripted_unit_groups) do local groupref = group.ref if not groupref.valid or groupref.surface.index ~= game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name].index or #groupref.members < 1 then memory.scripted_unit_groups[index] = nil else if groupref.state == defines.group_state.finished then if Math.random(20) == 20 then local command = Public.attack_obstacles(groupref.surface, {x = groupref.position.x, y = groupref.position.y}) groupref.set_command(command) else groupref.set_autonomous() --means go home, really end elseif group.state == defines.group_state.gathering then groupref.start_moving() -- elseif group.state == defines.group_state.wander_in_group then -- groupref.set_autonomous() --means go home, really end end end end function Public.poke_inactive_scripted_biters() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() for unit_number, biter in pairs(memory.scripted_biters) do if Public.is_biter_inactive(biter) then memory.scripted_biters[unit_number] = nil if biter.entity and biter.entity.valid then local target = Public.nearest_target() if target and target.valid then Public.group_set_commands(biter.entity, Public.attack_target(target)) end end end end end function Public.create_mail_delivery_biters() --these travel cross-map between bases to add a little life and spookyness local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = 'biter-spawner', force = enemy_force_name} local try_how_many_groups = Math.min(Math.max(0, (#spawners - 8) / 100), 4) for i = 1, try_how_many_groups do if Math.random(2) == 1 then local s1 = spawners[Math.random(#spawners)] local far_spawners = {} for j = 1, #spawners do local s2 = spawners[i] if not (i == j or Math.distance(s1.position, s2.position) < 250) then far_spawners[#far_spawners + 1] = s2 end end if #far_spawners > 0 then local s2 = far_spawners[Math.random(#far_spawners)] memory.floating_pollution = memory.floating_pollution + 64 local units = Public.try_spawner_spend_fraction_of_available_pollution_on_biters(s1.position, 1/4, 4, 32, 1, 'small-biter') memory.floating_pollution = memory.floating_pollution - 64 if (not units) or (not #units) or (#units == 0) then return end local start_p = surface.find_non_colliding_position('rocket-silo', s1.position, 256, 2) or s1.position local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = start_p, force = enemy_force_name}) for _, unit in pairs(units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end memory.scripted_unit_groups[unit_group.group_number] = {ref = unit_group, script_type = 'mail-delivery'} Public.group_set_commands(unit_group, { Public.move_to(s2.position), Public.wander_around(), }) -- game.print(string.format('%f biters delivering mail from %f, %f to %f, %f', #units, s1.position.x, s1.position.y, s2.position.x, s2.position.y)) end end end end --=== Spawn scripted biters function Public.spawn_group_of_scripted_biters(fraction_of_floating_pollution, minimum_avg_units, maximum_units, wave_size_multiplier) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name -- @TODO: bring this 512 constant out into a variable somewhere if Public.get_scripted_biter_count() > 512 * memory.difficulty then return nil end local spawner = Public.get_random_spawner(surface) if not spawner then log('no spawner found') return end local nearby_units_to_bring if #memory.scripted_biters >= 9/10 * CoreData.total_max_biters then -- pick up nearby units that might be idle: nearby_units_to_bring = surface.find_units{area = {{spawner.position.x - 8, spawner.position.y - 8}, {spawner.position.x + 8, spawner.position.y + 8}}, force = enemy_force_name} else nearby_units_to_bring = {} end local new_units = Public.try_spawner_spend_fraction_of_available_pollution_on_biters(spawner.position, fraction_of_floating_pollution, minimum_avg_units, maximum_units, 1/wave_size_multiplier) if (new_units and nearby_units_to_bring and (#new_units + #nearby_units_to_bring) == 0) then return end local position = surface.find_non_colliding_position('rocket-silo', spawner.position, 256, 2) or spawner.position local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = position, force = enemy_force_name}) for _, unit in pairs(nearby_units_to_bring) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end for _, unit in pairs(new_units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end memory.scripted_unit_groups[unit_group.group_number] = {ref = unit_group, script_type = 'attacker'} return unit_group end function Public.try_spawner_spend_fraction_of_available_pollution_on_biters(spawnposition, fraction_of_floating_pollution, minimum_avg_units, maximum_units, unit_pollutioncost_multiplier, enforce_type) maximum_units = maximum_units or 256 -- log('ai spawning attempt params: ' .. (fraction_of_floating_pollution or '') .. ' ' .. (minimum_avg_units or '') .. ' ' .. (maximum_units or '') .. ' ' .. (unit_pollutioncost_multiplier or '') .. ' ' .. (enforce_type or '')) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] -- local surface = spawner.surface -- local spawnposition = spawner.position local difficulty = memory.difficulty local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name local evolution = memory.evolution_factor local units_created_count = 0 local units_created = {} local temp_floating_pollution = memory.floating_pollution local budget = fraction_of_floating_pollution * temp_floating_pollution local initialpollution = memory.floating_pollution local initialbudget = budget local base_pollution_cost_multiplier = 1 local destination = Common.current_destination() if destination.dynamic_data and destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count then local initial_spawner_count = destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count if initial_spawner_count > 0 then local spawnerscount = Common.spawner_count(surface) if spawnerscount > 0 then -- if Common.current_destination().subtype and Common.current_destination().subtype == Islands.enum.RADIOACTIVE then -- -- destroying spawners doesn't do quite as much here: -- base_pollution_cost_multiplier = (initial_spawner_count/spawnerscount)^(1/3) -- else -- base_pollution_cost_multiplier = (initial_spawner_count/spawnerscount)^(1/2) -- end -- base_pollution_cost_multiplier = (initial_spawner_count/spawnerscount)^(1/2) -- Now directly proportional: base_pollution_cost_multiplier = initial_spawner_count/spawnerscount if memory.overworldx == 0 then base_pollution_cost_multiplier = Math.max(1, base_pollution_cost_multiplier) end -- The first map not being fully loaded when you get there commonly means it records too few initial spawners, which this helps fix else base_pollution_cost_multiplier = 1000000 end end end if memory.overworldx == 0 then -- less biters: base_pollution_cost_multiplier = base_pollution_cost_multiplier * 2.30 --tuned to teach players to defend, but then to feel relaxing once they do end base_pollution_cost_multiplier = base_pollution_cost_multiplier * unit_pollutioncost_multiplier base_pollution_cost_multiplier = base_pollution_cost_multiplier * Balance.scripted_biters_pollution_cost_multiplier() if destination.subtype and destination.subtype == IslandsCommon.enum.SWAMP then base_pollution_cost_multiplier = base_pollution_cost_multiplier * 0.85 --biters 15% more aggressive end if destination.subtype and destination.subtype == IslandsCommon.enum.MAZE then base_pollution_cost_multiplier = base_pollution_cost_multiplier * 1.25 --biters 25% less aggressive end if budget >= minimum_avg_units * Common.averageUnitPollutionCost(evolution) * base_pollution_cost_multiplier then local function spawn(name2) units_created_count = units_created_count + 1 local unittype_pollutioncost = CoreData.biterPollutionValues[name2] * base_pollution_cost_multiplier local p = surface.find_non_colliding_position(name2, spawnposition, 60, 1) if not p then p = spawnposition log('no position found, using spawnposition') end local biter = surface.create_entity({name = name2, force = enemy_force_name, position = p}) units_created[#units_created + 1] = biter memory.scripted_biters[biter.unit_number] = {entity = biter, created_at = game.tick} temp_floating_pollution = temp_floating_pollution - unittype_pollutioncost budget = budget - unittype_pollutioncost -- flow statistics should reflect the number of biters generated. Therefore it should mismatch the actual pollution spent, because it should miss all the factors that can vary: game.pollution_statistics.on_flow(name2, - CoreData.biterPollutionValues[name2] * Balance.scripted_biters_pollution_cost_multiplier()) return biter.unit_number end local mixed = (Math.random(3) <= 2) if mixed then local whilesafety = 1000 local next_name = enforce_type or Common.get_random_unit_type(evolution) while units_created_count < maximum_units and budget >= CoreData.biterPollutionValues[next_name] * base_pollution_cost_multiplier and #memory.scripted_biters < CoreData.total_max_biters and whilesafety > 0 do whilesafety = whilesafety - 1 spawn(next_name) next_name = enforce_type or Common.get_random_unit_type(evolution) end else local name = enforce_type or Common.get_random_unit_type(evolution) local whilesafety = 1000 while units_created_count < maximum_units and budget >= CoreData.biterPollutionValues[name] * base_pollution_cost_multiplier and #memory.scripted_biters < CoreData.total_max_biters and whilesafety > 0 do whilesafety = whilesafety - 1 spawn(name) end end memory.floating_pollution = temp_floating_pollution end if units_created_count > 0 then --@TEMP: Logging attack spending log('Spent ' .. Math.floor(100 * (initialpollution - temp_floating_pollution) / initialpollution) .. '% of ' .. Math.ceil(initialpollution) .. ' pollution budget on biters, at ' .. Math.ceil(base_pollution_cost_multiplier*100)/100 .. 'x price.') end return units_created end --=== Misc Functions function Public.generate_main_attack_target() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local destination = Common.current_destination() local target = nil local fractioncharged = 0 if (not destination.dynamic_data.rocketlaunched) and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1] and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].valid and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].destructible and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded > 0 then fractioncharged = destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed / destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded end local rng = Math.random() if rng <= fractioncharged^(1/2) then target = destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1] else target = fake_boat_target() end return target end function Public.generate_side_attack_target(surface, position) local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = side_attack_target_names} if not entities then return end if Math.random(20) >= #entities then return end entities = Math.shuffle(entities) entities = Math.shuffle_distancebiased(entities, position) local weights = {} for index, _ in pairs(entities) do weights[#weights + 1] = 1 + Math.floor((#entities - index) / 2) end return Math.raffle(entities, weights) end function Public.nearest_target(surface, position) local names = {'rocket-silo'} for _, name in pairs(side_attack_target_names) do names[#names + 1] = name end local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered{name = names} local d = 9999 local nearest = nil for i = 1, #entities do local e = entities[i] if e and e.valid and Math.distance(e.position, position) < d then nearest = e end end return nearest end -- function Public.try_spend_pollution(surface, position, amount, flow_statistics_source) -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- local force_name = memory.force_name -- flow_statistics_source = flow_statistics_source or 'medium-biter' -- if not (position and surface and surface.valid) then return end -- local pollution = surface.get_pollution(position) -- if pollution > amount then -- surface.pollute(position, -amount) -- game.forces[force_name].pollution_statistics.on_flow(flow_statistics_source, -amount) -- return true -- end -- return false -- end function Public.get_random_spawner(surface) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'unit-spawner', force = memory.enemy_force_name}) if (not spawners) or (not spawners[1]) then return end return spawners[Math.random(#spawners)] end function Public.is_biter_inactive(biter) if (not biter.entity) or (not biter.entity.valid) then return true end if game.tick - biter.created_at > 30*60*60 then biter.entity.destroy() return true end return false end function Public.get_scripted_biter_count() local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local count = 0 for k, biter in pairs(memory.scripted_biters) do if biter.entity and biter.entity.valid then count = count + 1 else memory.scripted_biters[k] = nil end end return count end -----------commands----------- function Public.stop() local command = { type = defines.command.stop, distraction = defines.distraction.stop } return command end function Public.move_to(position) local command = { type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination = position, distraction = defines.distraction.anything } return command end function Public.attack_target_entity(target) if not target and target.valid then return end local command = { type = defines.command.attack, target = target, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything } return command end function Public.attack_area(position, radius) local command = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = position, radius = radius or 25, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything } return command end function Public.attack_obstacles(surface, position) local commands = {} local obstacles = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = position, radius = 25, type = {'simple-entity', 'tree', 'simple-entity-with-owner'}, limit = 100} if obstacles then Math.shuffle(obstacles) Math.shuffle_distancebiased(obstacles, position) for i = 1, #obstacles, 1 do if obstacles[i].valid then commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack, target = obstacles[i], distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything } end end end commands[#commands + 1] = Public.move_to(position) local command = { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = commands } return command end function Public.wander_around(ticks_to_wait) --wander individually inside group radius local command = { type = defines.command.wander, distraction = defines.distraction.anything, ticks_to_wait = ticks_to_wait, } return command end function Public.group_set_commands(group, commands) if #commands > 0 then local command = { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = commands } group.set_command(command) end end function Public.attack_target(target) if not target then return end local commands if target.name == 'boatarea' then commands = { Public.attack_area(target.position, 32), Public.attack_area(target.position, 32), } else commands = { Public.attack_area(target.position, 8), Public.attack_target_entity(target), } end -- if Math.random(20) == 20 then -- commands = { -- Public.attack_obstacles(group.surface, {x = (group.position.x * 0.90 + target.position.x * 0.10), y = (group.position.y * 0.90 + target.position.y * 0.10)}), -- attackcommand, -- } -- else -- commands = {attackcommand} -- end return commands end --- small group of revenge biters --- function Public.revenge_group(surface, p, target, type, bonus_evo, amount_multiplier) amount_multiplier = amount_multiplier or 1 bonus_evo = bonus_evo or 0 type = type or 'biter' local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name local name, count if type == 'biter' then name = Common.get_random_biter_type(memory.evolution_factor + bonus_evo) if name == 'small-biter' then count = 5 elseif name == 'medium-biter' then count = 3 elseif name == 'big-biter' then count = 2 elseif name == 'behemoth-biter' then count = 1 end elseif type == 'spitter' then name = Common.get_random_spitter_type(memory.evolution_factor + bonus_evo) if name == 'small-spitter' then count = 7 elseif name == 'medium-spitter' then count = 5 elseif name == 'big-spitter' then count = 3 elseif name == 'behemoth-spitter' then count = 2 end end if (not (name and count and count>0)) then return end local units = {} for i = 1, Math.floor(count * amount_multiplier) do local p2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('wooden-chest', p, 5, 0.5) if p2 then local biter = surface.create_entity({name = name, force = enemy_force_name, position = p}) -- local biter = surface.create_entity({name = name, force = enemy_force_name, position = p2}) units[#units + 1] = biter end end if #units > 0 then local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = p, force = enemy_force_name}) for _, unit in pairs(units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end if target and target.valid then Public.group_set_commands(unit_group, Public.attack_target(target)) end unit_group.set_autonomous() end end ----------- biter raiding parties ----------- function Public.spawn_boat_biters(boat, max_evo, count, width) -- max_evolution_bonus = max_evolution_bonus or 0.3 local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[boat.surface_name] local difficulty = memory.difficulty local enemy_force_name = boat.force_name -- local evolution = memory.evolution_factor local p = {boat.position.x - width/2, boat.position.y} local units = {} for i = 1, count do local name = Common.get_random_unit_type(max_evo - i * 0.04) -- local name = Common.get_random_unit_type(evolution + i/15 * max_evolution_bonus) -- local name = Common.get_random_unit_type(evolution + 3 * i/100) local p2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('wooden-chest', p, 8, 0.5) --needs to be wooden-chest for collisions to work properly if p2 then local biter = surface.create_entity({name = name, force = enemy_force_name, position = p2}) memory.scripted_biters[biter.unit_number] = {entity = biter, created_at = game.tick} units[#units + 1] = biter end end if #units > 0 then local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = p, force = enemy_force_name}) for _, unit in pairs(units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end boat.unit_group = {ref = unit_group, script_type = 'landing-party'} end end function Public.update_landing_party_unit_groups(boat, step_distance) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- move unit groups: local group = boat.unit_group local surface = game.surfaces[boat.surface_name] if not (group and surface and surface.valid) then return end local groupref = group.ref if not (groupref and groupref.valid) then return end local p2 = groupref.position if not p2 then return end local enemy_force_name = memory.enemy_force_name local m = groupref.members groupref.destroy() local new_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = {x = p2.x + step_distance, y = p2.y}, force = enemy_force_name}) boat.unit_group = {ref = new_group, script_type = 'landing-party'} for i = 1, #m do local b = m[i] new_group.add_member(b) end -- if boat.spawner and boat.spawner.valid then -- new_group.set_command(Public.move_to(boat.spawner.position)) -- end end -- function Public.destroy_inactive_scripted_biters() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- local floating_pollution_accrued = 0 -- for unit_number, biter in pairs(memory.scripted_biters) do -- if Public.is_biter_inactive(biter) then -- memory.floating_pollution = memory.floating_pollution + CoreData.biterPollutionValues[biter.entity.name] -- floating_pollution_accrued = floating_pollution_accrued + CoreData.biterPollutionValues[biter.entity.name] -- memory.scripted_biters[unit_number] = nil -- end -- end -- if _DEBUG and floating_pollution_accrued > 0 then game.print(game.tick .. string.format(":%f of spare pollution accrued", floating_pollution_accrued)) end -- end --=== Data return Public