-- localised functions local format = string.format local match = string.match local gsub = string.gsub local serialize = serpent.line local debug_getupvalue = debug.getupvalue -- this local Debug = {} ---@return number next index local function increment() storage.debug_message_count = storage.debug_message_count or {} local next = storage.debug_message_count + 1 storage.debug_message_count = next return next end --- Takes the table output from debug.getinfo and pretties it local function cleanup_debug(debug_table) local short_src = match(debug_table.source, '/[^/]*/[^/]*$') -- require will not return a valid string so short_src may be nil here if short_src then short_src = gsub(short_src, '%.lua', '') end return format('[function: %s file: %s line number: %s]', debug_table.name, short_src, debug_table.currentline) end ---Shows the given message if debug is enabled. Uses serpent to print non scalars. -- @param message <table|string|number|boolean> -- @param stack_traceback <number|nil> levels of stack trace to give, defaults to 1 level if nil function Debug.print(message, trace_levels) if not _DEBUG then return end if not trace_levels then trace_levels = 2 else trace_levels = trace_levels + 1 end local traceback_string = '' if type(message) ~= 'string' and type(message) ~= 'number' and type(message) ~= 'boolean' then message = serialize(message) end message = format('[%d] %s', increment(), tostring(message)) if trace_levels >= 2 then for i = 2, trace_levels do local debug_table = debug.getinfo(i) if debug_table then traceback_string = format('%s -> %s', traceback_string, cleanup_debug(debug_table)) else break end end message = format('%s - Traceback%s', message, traceback_string) end if _LIFECYCLE == _STAGE.runtime then game.print(message) end log(message) end local function get(obj, prop) return obj[prop] end local function get_lua_object_type_safe(obj) local s, r = pcall(get, obj, 'help') if not s then return end return r():match('Lua%a+') end --- Returns the value of the key inside the object -- or 'InvalidLuaObject' if the LuaObject is invalid. -- or 'InvalidLuaObjectKey' if the LuaObject does not have an entry at that key -- @param object <table> LuaObject or metatable -- @param key <string> -- @return <any> function Debug.get_meta_value(object, key) if Debug.object_type(object) == 'InvalidLuaObject' then return 'InvalidLuaObject' end local suc, value = pcall(get, object, key) if not suc then return 'InvalidLuaObjectKey' end return value end --- Returns the Lua data type or the factorio LuaObject type -- or 'NoHelpLuaObject' if the LuaObject does not have a help function -- or 'InvalidLuaObject' if the LuaObject is invalid. -- @param object <any> -- @return string function Debug.object_type(object) local obj_type = type(object) if obj_type ~= 'table' or type(object.__self) ~= 'userdata' then return obj_type end local suc, valid = pcall(get, object, 'valid') if not suc then -- no 'valid' property return get_lua_object_type_safe(object) or 'NoHelpLuaObject' end if not valid then return 'InvalidLuaObject' else return get_lua_object_type_safe(object) or 'NoHelpLuaObject' end end ---Shows the given message if debug is on. ---@param position MapPosition ---@param message string function Debug.print_position(position, message) Debug.print(format('%s %s', serialize(position), message)) end ---Executes the given callback if cheating is enabled. ---@param callback function function Debug.cheat(callback) if _CHEATS then callback() end end --- Returns true if the function is a closure, false otherwise. -- A closure is a function that contains 'upvalues' or in other words -- has a reference to a local variable defined outside the function's scope. -- @param func<function> -- @return boolean function Debug.is_closure(func) if debug_getupvalue == nil then return false end local i = 1 while true do local n = debug_getupvalue(func, i) if n == nil then return false elseif n ~= '_ENV' then return true end i = i + 1 end end return Debug