-- nighttime is dangerous, stay near your lamps -- by mewmew local event = require 'utils.event' local unearthing_worm = require "functions.unearthing_worm" local unearthing_biters = require "functions.unearthing_biters" local immune_tiles = { ["concrete"] = true, ["hazard-concrete-left"] = true, ["hazard-concrete-right"] = true, ["refined-concrete"] = true, ["refined-hazard-concrete-left"] = true, ["refined-hazard-concrete-right"] = true, ["stone-path"] = true } local function on_player_changed_position(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.character.driving == true then return end if player.surface.daytime < 0.33 then return end if player.surface.daytime > 0.66 then return end if math.random(1,32) ~= 1 then return end for _, lamp in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{player.position.x - 18, player.position.y - 18},{player.position.x + 18, player.position.y + 18}}, name="small-lamp"})) do local circuit = lamp.get_or_create_control_behavior() if circuit then if lamp.energy > 25 and circuit.disabled == false then return end else if lamp.energy > 25 then return end end end local positions = {} local r = 8 for x = r * -1, r, 1 do for y = r * -1, r, 1 do local distance = x^2 + y^2 if distance > 4 and distance < 49 then if player.surface.can_place_entity({name = "stone-furnace", position = {x = player.position.x + x, y = player.position.y + y}}) then if not immune_tiles[player.surface.get_tile({x = player.position.x + x, y = player.position.y + y}).name] then positions[#positions + 1] = {x = player.position.x + x, y = player.position.y + y} end end end end end if #positions == 0 then return end if math.random(1,3) == 1 then unearthing_biters(player.surface, positions[math.random(1, #positions)], math.random(3,9)) else unearthing_worm(player.surface, positions[math.random(1, #positions)]) end end event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_position, on_player_changed_position)