--- Resources for use in interacting with discord. return { --- The names of the discord channels that can be referenced by name. -- See features.server.to_discord_named channel_names = { mtn_channel = 'mount-fortress', scenario_notifications = 'scenario-notifications', bb_channel = 'biter_battles', bot_quarters = 'bot-quarters', announcements = 'announcements', mod_lounge = 'mods-lounge', dev = 'dev', helpdesk = 'helpdesk' }, --- The strings that mention the discord role. -- Has to be used with features.server.to_discord_raw variants else the mention is sanitized server side. role_mentions = { test_role = '<@&821767672642797649>', mtn_fortress = '<@&821485320133410846>', fish_defender = '<@&821485656576360538>', biter_battles = '<@&821486037401600000>', chronosphere = '<@&821485811430064179>', modded = '<@&520169053055221770>', map_updates = '<@&821509848746295336>', mods = '<@&497677008705290251>' } }