--this adds a button that stashes/sorts your inventory into nearby chests in some kind of intelligent way - mewmew -- modified by gerkiz local Global = require 'utils.global' local Event = require 'utils.event' local math_floor = math.floor local print_color = {r = 120, g = 255, b = 0} local autostash = { floating_text_y_offsets = {}, whitelist = {}, insert_into_wagon = false } local Public = {} Global.register( autostash, function(t) autostash = t end ) local function create_floaty_text(surface, position, name, count) if autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[position.x .. '_' .. position.y] then autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[position.x .. '_' .. position.y] = autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[position.x .. '_' .. position.y] - 0.5 else autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[position.x .. '_' .. position.y] = 0 end surface.create_entity( { name = 'flying-text', position = { position.x, position.y + autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[position.x .. '_' .. position.y] }, text = {'', '-', count, ' ', game.item_prototypes[name].localised_name}, color = {r = 255, g = 255, b = 255} } ) end local function chest_is_valid(chest) if chest.type == 'cargo-wagon' then local t = {} local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) for index = 1, 40 do if chest_inventory.get_filter(index) ~= nil then local n = chest_inventory.get_filter(index) t[n] = true end end if not next(t) then return false, {} end return true, t end for _, e in pairs( chest.surface.find_entities_filtered( { type = {'inserter', 'loader'}, area = {{chest.position.x - 1, chest.position.y - 1}, {chest.position.x + 1, chest.position.y + 1}} } ) ) do if e.name ~= 'long-handed-inserter' then if e.position.x == chest.position.x then if e.direction == 0 or e.direction == 4 then return false end end if e.position.y == chest.position.y then if e.direction == 2 or e.direction == 6 then return false end end end end local i1 = chest.surface.find_entity('long-handed-inserter', {chest.position.x - 2, chest.position.y}) if i1 then if i1.direction == 2 or i1.direction == 6 then return false end end local i2 = chest.surface.find_entity('long-handed-inserter', {chest.position.x + 2, chest.position.y}) if i2 then if i2.direction == 2 or i2.direction == 6 then return false end end local i3 = chest.surface.find_entity('long-handed-inserter', {chest.position.x, chest.position.y - 2}) if i3 then if i3.direction == 0 or i3.direction == 4 then return false end end local i4 = chest.surface.find_entity('long-handed-inserter', {chest.position.x, chest.position.y + 2}) if i4 then if i4.direction == 0 or i4.direction == 4 then return false end end return true end local function sort_entities_by_distance(position, entities) local t = {} local distance local index local size_of_entities = #entities if size_of_entities < 2 then return end for _, entity in pairs(entities) do distance = (entity.position.x - position.x) ^ 2 + (entity.position.y - position.y) ^ 2 index = math_floor(distance) + 1 if not t[index] then t[index] = {} end table.insert(t[index], entity) end local i = 0 for _, range in pairs(t) do for _, entity in pairs(range) do i = i + 1 entities[i] = entity end end end local function get_nearby_chests(player, a) local r = player.force.character_reach_distance_bonus + 10 local r_square = r * r local chests = {} local size_of_chests = 0 local area = {{player.position.x - r, player.position.y - r}, {player.position.x + r, player.position.y + r}} area = a or area local container_type = {'container', 'logistic-container', 'furnace'} local containers = {} local i = 0 if autostash.insert_into_wagon then table.insert(container_type, 'cargo-wagon') end for _, e in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered({type = container_type, area = area, force = 'player'})) do if ((player.position.x - e.position.x) ^ 2 + (player.position.y - e.position.y) ^ 2) <= r_square then i = i + 1 containers[i] = e end end sort_entities_by_distance(player.position, containers) for _, entity in pairs(containers) do size_of_chests = size_of_chests + 1 chests[size_of_chests] = entity end return chests end local function does_inventory_contain_item_type(inventory, item_subgroup) for name, _ in pairs(inventory.get_contents()) do local t = game.item_prototypes[name] if t and t.subgroup.name == item_subgroup then return true end end return false end local function insert_item_into_chest(player_inventory, chests, filtered_chests, name, count, wagon) local container = { ['container'] = true, ['logistic-container'] = true } local to_insert = math.floor(count / #chests) local variator = count % #chests if wagon then -- Attempt to load filtered cargo wagon for _, chest in pairs(chests) do if chest.type == 'cargo-wagon' then local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.cargo_wagon) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end end --Attempt to store into furnaces. for _, chest in pairs(chests) do local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.furnace_source) if chest_inventory and chest.type == 'furnace' then if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end for _, chest in pairs(chests) do if chest.type == 'furnace' then local amount = to_insert if variator > 0 then amount = amount + 1 variator = variator - 1 end if amount <= 0 then return end local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = amount}) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = amount}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) end end end --Attempt to store in chests that already have the same item. for _, chest in pairs(chests) do if container[chest.type] then local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then if chest_inventory.find_item_stack(name) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end end --Attempt to store in empty chests. for _, chest in pairs(filtered_chests) do if container[chest.type] then local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then if chest_inventory.is_empty() then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end end --Attempt to store in chests with same item subgroup. local item_subgroup = game.item_prototypes[name].subgroup.name if item_subgroup then for _, chest in pairs(filtered_chests) do if container[chest.type] then local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then if does_inventory_contain_item_type(chest_inventory, item_subgroup) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end end end --Attempt to store in mixed chests. for _, chest in pairs(filtered_chests) do if container[chest.type] then local chest_inventory = chest.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) if chest_inventory.can_insert({name = name, count = count}) then local inserted_count = chest_inventory.insert({name = name, count = count}) player_inventory.remove({name = name, count = inserted_count}) create_floaty_text(chest.surface, chest.position, name, inserted_count) count = count - inserted_count if count <= 0 then return end end end end end local function auto_stash(player, event) local button = event.button local shift = event.shift if not player.character then player.print('It seems that you are not in the realm of the living.', print_color) return end if not player.character.valid then player.print('It seems that you are not in the realm of the living.', print_color) return end local inventory = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_main) if inventory.is_empty() then player.print('Inventory is empty.', print_color) return end local chests local r = 1 local area = {{player.position.x - r, player.position.y - r}, {player.position.x + r, player.position.y + r}} if shift then if button == defines.mouse_button_type.right or button == defines.mouse_button_type.left and autostash.insert_into_wagon then chests = get_nearby_chests(player, area) end else chests = get_nearby_chests(player) end if not chests[1] then player.print('No valid nearby containers found.', print_color) return end local filtered_chests = {} local filtered_allowed for _, e in pairs(chests) do local is_valid, t = chest_is_valid(e) filtered_allowed = t if is_valid then filtered_chests[#filtered_chests + 1] = e end end autostash.floating_text_y_offsets = {} local hotbar_items = {} for i = 1, 100, 1 do local prototype = player.get_quick_bar_slot(i) if prototype then hotbar_items[prototype.name] = true end end for name, count in pairs(inventory.get_contents()) do local is_resource = autostash.whitelist[name] if not inventory.find_item_stack(name).grid and not hotbar_items[name] then if shift and autostash.insert_into_wagon then if button == defines.mouse_button_type.left then if is_resource then insert_item_into_chest(inventory, chests, filtered_chests, name, count, true) end end if button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then if filtered_allowed and is_resource and filtered_allowed[name] then insert_item_into_chest(inventory, chests, filtered_chests, name, count, true) end end elseif button == defines.mouse_button_type.right then if is_resource then insert_item_into_chest(inventory, chests, filtered_chests, name, count) end elseif button == defines.mouse_button_type.left then insert_item_into_chest(inventory, chests, filtered_chests, name, count) end end end local c = autostash.floating_text_y_offsets for k, _ in pairs(c) do autostash.floating_text_y_offsets[k] = nil end end local function create_gui_button(player) if player.gui.top.auto_stash then return end local tooltip if autostash.insert_into_wagon then tooltip = 'Sort your inventory into nearby chests.\nLMB: Everything, excluding quickbar items.\nRMB: Only ores.\nSHIFT+LMB: Only ores to wagon\nSHIFT+RMB: Only ores onto filtered slots to wagon.' else tooltip = 'Sort your inventory into nearby chests.\nLMB: Everything, excluding quickbar items.\nRMB: Only ores.' end local b = player.gui.top.add( { type = 'sprite-button', sprite = 'item/wooden-chest', name = 'auto_stash', tooltip = tooltip } ) b.style.font_color = {r = 0.11, g = 0.8, b = 0.44} b.style.font = 'heading-1' b.style.minimal_height = 38 b.style.minimal_width = 38 b.style.maximal_height = 38 b.style.maximal_width = 38 b.style.padding = 1 b.style.margin = 0 end local function do_whitelist() local resources = game.entity_prototypes autostash.whitelist = {} for k, _ in pairs(resources) do if resources[k] and resources[k].type == 'resource' and resources[k].mineable_properties then if resources[k].mineable_properties.products[1] then local r = resources[k].mineable_properties.products[1].name autostash.whitelist[r] = true elseif resources[k].mineable_properties.products[2] then local r = resources[k].mineable_properties.products[2].name autostash.whitelist[r] = true end end end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) create_gui_button(game.players[event.player_index]) end local function on_gui_click(event) if not event.element then return end if not event.element.valid then return end if event.element.name == 'auto_stash' then auto_stash(game.players[event.player_index], event) end end function Public.insert_into_wagon(value) if value then autostash.insert_into_wagon = value or false end end Event.on_configuration_changed = function() do_whitelist() log('[Autostash] on_configuration_changed was called, rebuilding resource whitelist.') end Event.on_init(do_whitelist) Event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) Event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click) return Public