local Functions = require 'maps.dungeons.functions' local Get_noise = require 'utils.get_noise' local DungeonsTable = require 'maps.dungeons.table' local table_shuffle_table = table.shuffle_table local math_random = math.random local math_abs = math.abs local math_floor = math.floor local decoratives = {'green-asterisk', 'green-bush-mini', 'green-carpet-grass', 'green-hairy-grass', 'green-small-grass'} local ores = {'iron-ore', 'iron-ore', 'coal'} local trees = {'tree-01', 'tree-02', 'tree-04', 'tree-05', 'tree-06', 'tree-07', 'tree-08'} local size_of_trees = #trees local function draw_deco(surface, position, decorative_name, seed) if surface.get_tile(position).name == 'water' then return end if surface.count_entities_filtered({type = 'resource', position = position}) > 0 then return end local noise = Get_noise('decoratives', position, seed) if math_abs(noise) > 0.28 then surface.create_decoratives {check_collision = false, decoratives = {{name = decorative_name, position = position, amount = math.floor(math.abs(noise * 3)) + 1}}} end end local function draw_room_decoratives(surface, room) local seed = game.surfaces[surface.index].map_gen_settings.seed + math_random(1, 1000000) local decorative_name = decoratives[math_random(1, #decoratives)] for _, tile in pairs(room.path_tiles) do draw_deco(surface, tile.position, decorative_name, seed) end for _, tile in pairs(room.room_border_tiles) do draw_deco(surface, tile.position, decorative_name, seed) end for _, tile in pairs(room.room_tiles) do draw_deco(surface, tile.position, decorative_name, seed) end end local function add_enemy_units(surface, room) for _, tile in pairs(room.room_border_tiles) do if math_random(1, 32) == 1 then Functions.spawn_random_biter(surface, tile.position) end end for _, tile in pairs(room.room_tiles) do if math_random(1, 32) == 1 then Functions.spawn_random_biter(surface, tile.position) end end end local function grasslands(surface, room) local dungeontable = DungeonsTable.get_dungeontable() for _, tile in pairs(room.path_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({{name = 'grass-1', position = tile.position}}, true) end if not room.room_tiles[1] then draw_room_decoratives(surface, room) return end local seed = game.surfaces[surface.index].map_gen_settings.seed + math_random(1, 1000000) local tree_name = trees[math_random(1, size_of_trees)] table_shuffle_table(room.room_tiles) for key, tile in pairs(room.room_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({{name = 'grass-2', position = tile.position}}, true) if math_random(1, 16) == 1 and Get_noise('n3', tile.position, seed) > 0.1 then surface.create_entity({name = ores[math_random(1, #ores)], position = tile.position, amount = Functions.get_common_resource_amount(surface.index)}) else if math_random(1, math_random(2, 20)) == 1 and math_abs(Get_noise('decoratives', tile.position, seed + 100000)) > 0.2 then surface.create_entity({name = tree_name, position = tile.position}) end end if key % 128 == 1 and math_random(1, 3) == 1 then Functions.set_spawner_tier( surface.create_entity({name = Functions.roll_spawner_name(), position = tile.position, force = dungeontable.enemy_forces[surface.index]}), surface.index ) end if math_random(1, 320) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = Functions.roll_worm_name(surface.index), position = tile.position, force = dungeontable.enemy_forces[surface.index]}) end if math_random(1, 1024) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = 'rock-huge', position = tile.position}) end end Functions.add_room_loot_crates(surface, room) if math_random(1, 4) == 1 then local r_max = math_floor(room.radius * 0.75) local r = math_random(1, r_max) for x = r * -1, r, 1 do for y = r * -1, r, 1 do local p = {room.center.x + x, room.center.y + y} surface.set_tiles({{name = 'water', position = p}}) if math_random(1, 8) == 1 then surface.create_entity({name = 'fish', position = p}) end end end end table_shuffle_table(room.room_border_tiles) for key, tile in pairs(room.room_border_tiles) do surface.set_tiles({{name = 'grass-3', position = tile.position}}, true) end for key, tile in pairs(room.room_border_tiles) do if key % 8 == 1 then Functions.place_border_rock(surface, tile.position) end end draw_room_decoratives(surface, room) draw_room_decoratives(surface, room) add_enemy_units(surface, room) end return grasslands