local simplex_noise = require 'utils.simplex_noise'.d2 -- local map_data = require 'maps.fish_defender_v2.fish_defender_layout' local map_data = require 'maps.fish_defender_v2.cat_defender_layout_v2' local random = math.random local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local scale = 1 local Public = {} local tile_map = { [1] = false, [2] = true, [3] = 'concrete', [4] = 'deepwater-green', [5] = 'deepwater', [6] = 'dirt-1', [7] = 'dirt-2', [8] = 'dirt-3', [9] = 'dirt-4', [10] = 'dirt-5', [11] = 'dirt-6', [12] = 'dirt-7', [13] = 'dry-dirt', [14] = 'grass-1', [15] = 'grass-2', [16] = 'grass-3', [17] = 'grass-4', [18] = 'hazard-concrete-left', [19] = 'hazard-concrete-right', [20] = 'lab-dark-1', [21] = 'lab-dark-2', [22] = 'lab-white', [23] = 'out-of-map', [24] = 'red-desert-0', [25] = 'red-desert-1', [26] = 'red-desert-2', [27] = 'red-desert-3', [28] = 'sand-1', [29] = 'sand-2', [30] = 'sand-3', [31] = 'stone-path', [32] = 'water-green', [33] = 'water' } local rock_raffle = { 'sand-rock-big', 'sand-rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-big', 'rock-huge' } local function decompress() local decompressed = {} local data = map_data.data local height = map_data.height local width = map_data.width for y = 1, height do local row = data[y] local u_row = {} decompressed[y] = u_row local x = 1 for index = 1, #row, 2 do local pixel = row[index] local count = row[index + 1] for _ = 1, count do u_row[x] = pixel x = x + 1 end end end return decompressed, width, height end local tile_data, width, height = decompress() local function get_pos(x, y) -- the plus one is because lua tables are one based. local half_width = floor(width / 2) + 1 local half_height = floor(height / 2) + 1 x = x / scale y = y / scale x = floor(x) y = floor(y) local x2 = x + half_width local y2 = y + half_height if y2 > 0 and y2 <= height and x2 > 0 and x2 <= width then return tile_map[tile_data[y2][x2]] end end local ores = {'coal', 'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'stone'} local function plankton_territory(position, seed, ent) local noise = simplex_noise(position.x * 0.009, position.y * 0.009, seed) local d = 196 if get_pos(position.x, position.y) then return end if position.x + position.y > (d * -1) - (abs(noise) * d * 3) and position.x > position.y - (d + (abs(noise) * d * 3)) then return 'out-of-map' end local noise_2 = simplex_noise(position.x * 0.0075, position.y * 0.0075, seed + 10000) --if noise_2 > 0.87 then surface.set_tiles({{name = "deepwater-green", position = position}}, true) return true end if noise_2 > 0.87 then return 'deepwater-green' end if noise_2 > 0.75 then local i = floor(noise * 6) % 4 + 1 --surface.set_tiles({{name = "grass-" .. i, position = position}}, true) ent[#ent + 1] = {name = ores[i], position = position, amount = 1 + 2500 * abs(noise_2 * 3)} return ('grass-' .. i) end if noise_2 < -0.76 then local i = floor(noise * 6) % 4 + 1 --surface.set_tiles({{name = "grass-" .. i, position = position}}, true) if noise_2 < -0.86 then ent[#ent + 1] = {name = 'uranium-ore', position = position, amount = 1 + 1000 * abs(noise_2 * 2)} return ('grass-' .. i) end if random(1, 3) ~= 1 then ent[#ent + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = position} end return ('grass-' .. i) end if noise < 0.12 and noise > -0.12 then local i = floor(noise * 32) % 4 + 1 --surface.set_tiles({{name = "grass-" .. i, position = position}}, true) if random(1, 5) == 1 then ent[#ent + 1] = {name = rock_raffle[random(1, #rock_raffle)], position = position} end return ('grass-' .. i) end --surface.set_tiles({{name = "water", position = position}}, true) if random(1, 128) == 1 then ent[#ent + 1] = {name = 'fish', position = position} end return 'water' end local function get_random_ore(position) local noise = (position.x * 0.009) local i = floor(noise * 6) % 4 + 1 local ore = ores[i] return ore end function Public.make_chunk(event) local map_name = 'fish_defender' if string.sub(event.surface.name, 0, #map_name) ~= map_name then return end local surface = event.surface local x1 = event.area.left_top.x local y1 = event.area.left_top.y local x2 = event.area.right_bottom.x local y2 = event.area.right_bottom.y local seed = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed local noise = {} local tiles = {} local ent = {} for x = x1, x2 do for y = y1, y2 do local pos = {x = x, y = y} local new = get_pos(x, y) local ore = get_random_ore(pos) if new and type(new) == 'string' then if new == 'lab-dark-2' then ent[#ent + 1] = {name = ore, position = pos, amount = 2500} else tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = new, position = pos} end else local tile_to_set = plankton_territory(pos, seed, ent) if tile_to_set then noise[#noise + 1] = {name = tile_to_set, position = pos} end end end end surface.set_tiles(tiles, true) surface.set_tiles(noise, true) for i = 1, #ent do if ent[i].amount then surface.create_entity({name = ent[i].name, position = ent[i].position, amount = ent[i].amount}) else surface.create_entity({name = ent[i].name, position = ent[i].position}) end end end return Public