local Token = require 'utils.token' local Task = require 'utils.task' local ICW = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.icw.main' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local this = { power_sources = {index = 1}, refill_turrets = {index = 1}, magic_crafters = {index = 1}, magic_fluid_crafters = {index = 1}, art_table = {index = 1}, surface_cleared = false } Global.register( this, function(t) this = t end ) local Public = {} local random = math.random local floor = math.floor local sqrt = math.sqrt local magic_crafters_per_tick = 3 local magic_fluid_crafters_per_tick = 8 local artillery_target_entities = { 'character', 'tank', 'car', 'furnace', 'straight-rail', 'curved-rail' } local function fast_remove(tbl, index) local count = #tbl if index > count then return elseif index < count then tbl[index] = tbl[count] end tbl[count] = nil end local function do_refill_turrets() local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local index = refill_turrets.index if index > #refill_turrets then refill_turrets.index = 1 return end local turret_data = refill_turrets[index] local turret = turret_data.turret if not turret.valid then fast_remove(refill_turrets, index) return end refill_turrets.index = index + 1 local data = turret_data.data if data.liquid then turret.fluidbox[1] = data elseif data then turret.insert(data) end end local function turret_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local number = entity.unit_number if not number then return end local power_sources = this.power_sources local ps_data = power_sources[number] if ps_data then power_sources[number] = nil local ps_entity = ps_data.entity local ps_pole = ps_data.pole if ps_entity and ps_entity.valid then ps_entity.destroy() end if ps_pole and ps_pole.valid then ps_pole.destroy() end end end local function do_magic_crafters() local magic_crafters = this.magic_crafters local limit = #magic_crafters if limit == 0 then return end local index = magic_crafters.index for i = 1, magic_crafters_per_tick do if index > limit then index = 1 end local data = magic_crafters[index] local entity = data.entity if not entity.valid then fast_remove(magic_crafters, index) limit = limit - 1 if limit == 0 then return end else index = index + 1 local tick = game.tick local last_tick = data.last_tick local rate = data.rate local count = (tick - last_tick) * rate local fcount = floor(count) if fcount > 0 then entity.get_output_inventory().insert {name = data.item, count = fcount} data.last_tick = tick - (count - fcount) / rate end end end magic_crafters.index = index end local function do_magic_fluid_crafters() local magic_fluid_crafters = this.magic_fluid_crafters local limit = #magic_fluid_crafters if limit == 0 then return end local index = magic_fluid_crafters.index for i = 1, magic_fluid_crafters_per_tick do if index > limit then index = 1 end local data = magic_fluid_crafters[index] local entity = data.entity if not entity.valid then fast_remove(magic_fluid_crafters, index) limit = limit - 1 if limit == 0 then return end else index = index + 1 local tick = game.tick local last_tick = data.last_tick local rate = data.rate local count = (tick - last_tick) * rate local fcount = floor(count) if fcount > 0 then local fluidbox_index = data.fluidbox_index local fb = entity.fluidbox local fb_data = fb[fluidbox_index] or {name = data.item, amount = 0} fb_data.amount = fb_data.amount + fcount fb[fluidbox_index] = fb_data data.last_tick = tick - (count - fcount) / rate end end end magic_fluid_crafters.index = index end local artillery_target_callback = Token.register( function(data) local position = data.position local entity = data.entity if not entity.valid then return end local tx, ty = position.x, position.y local pos = entity.position local x, y = pos.x, pos.y local dx, dy = tx - x, ty - y local d = dx * dx + dy * dy if d >= 1024 then -- 32 ^ 2 entity.surface.create_entity { name = 'artillery-projectile', position = position, target = entity, speed = 1.5 } end end ) local function do_artillery_turrets_targets() local art_table = this.art_table local index = art_table.index if index > #art_table then art_table.index = 1 return end art_table.index = index + 1 local outpost = art_table[index] local now = game.tick if now - outpost.last_fire_tick < 480 then return end local turrets = outpost.artillery_turrets for i = #turrets, 1, -1 do local turret = turrets[i] if not turret.valid then fast_remove(turrets, i) end end local count = #turrets if count == 0 then fast_remove(art_table, index) return end outpost.last_fire_tick = now local turret = turrets[1] local area = outpost.artillery_area local surface = turret.surface local entities = surface.find_entities_filtered {area = area, name = artillery_target_entities} if #entities == 0 then return end local position = turret.position for i = 1, count do local entity = entities[random(#entities)] if entity and entity.valid then local data = {position = position, entity = entity} Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(i * 60, artillery_target_callback, data) end end end local function add_magic_crafter_output(entity, output, distance) local magic_fluid_crafters = this.magic_fluid_crafters local magic_crafters = this.magic_crafters local rate = output.min_rate + output.distance_factor * distance local fluidbox_index = output.fluidbox_index local data = { entity = entity, last_tick = game.tick, base_rate = rate, rate = rate, item = output.item, fluidbox_index = fluidbox_index } if fluidbox_index then magic_fluid_crafters[#magic_fluid_crafters + 1] = data else magic_crafters[#magic_crafters + 1] = data end end local function tick() do_refill_turrets() do_magic_crafters() do_magic_fluid_crafters() do_artillery_turrets_targets() end Public.deactivate_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.active = false entity.operable = false entity.destructible = false end end ) Public.neutral_force = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.force = 'neutral' end end ) Public.enemy_force = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.force = 'enemy' end end ) Public.active_not_destructible_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.active = true entity.operable = false entity.destructible = false end end ) Public.disable_minable_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.minable = false end end ) Public.disable_minable_and_ICW_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.minable = false local wagon = ICW.register_wagon(entity, true) wagon.entity_count = 999 end end ) Public.disable_destructible_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.destructible = false entity.minable = false end end ) Public.disable_active_callback = Token.register( function(entity) if entity and entity.valid then entity.active = false end end ) local disable_active_callback = Public.disable_active_callback Public.refill_turret_callback = Token.register( function(turret, data) local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local callback_data = data.callback_data turret.direction = 3 refill_turrets[#refill_turrets + 1] = {turret = turret, data = callback_data} end ) Public.refill_artillery_turret_callback = Token.register( function(turret, data) local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local art_table = this.art_table local index = art_table.index turret.direction = 3 refill_turrets[#refill_turrets + 1] = {turret = turret, data = data.callback_data} local artillery_data = art_table[index] if not artillery_data then artillery_data = {} end local artillery_turrets = artillery_data.artillery_turrets if not artillery_turrets then artillery_turrets = {} artillery_data.artillery_turrets = artillery_turrets local pos = turret.position local x, y = pos.x, pos.y artillery_data.artillery_area = {{x - 112, y}, {x + 112, y + 212}} artillery_data.last_fire_tick = 0 art_table[#art_table + 1] = artillery_data end artillery_turrets[#artillery_turrets + 1] = turret end ) Public.refill_liquid_turret_callback = Token.register( function(turret, data) local refill_turrets = this.refill_turrets local callback_data = data.callback_data callback_data.liquid = true refill_turrets[#refill_turrets + 1] = {turret = turret, data = callback_data} end ) Public.power_source_callback = Token.register( function(turret, data) local power_sources = this.power_sources local callback_data = data.callback_data local power_source = turret.surface.create_entity {name = 'hidden-electric-energy-interface', position = turret.position} power_source.electric_buffer_size = callback_data.buffer_size power_source.power_production = callback_data.power_production power_source.destructible = false local power_pole = turret.surface.create_entity { name = 'crash-site-electric-pole', position = {x = turret.position.x, y = turret.position.y} } power_pole.destructible = false power_pole.disconnect_neighbour() power_sources[turret.unit_number] = {entity = power_source, pole = power_pole} end ) Public.magic_item_crafting_callback = Token.register( function(entity, data) local callback_data = data.callback_data entity.minable = false entity.destructible = false entity.operable = false local recipe = callback_data.recipe if recipe then entity.set_recipe(recipe) else local furance_item = callback_data.furance_item if furance_item then local inv = entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.furnace_result) inv.insert(furance_item) end end local p = entity.position local x, y = p.x, p.y local distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y) local output = callback_data.output if #output == 0 then add_magic_crafter_output(entity, output, distance) else for i = 1, #output do local o = output[i] add_magic_crafter_output(entity, o, distance) end end if not callback_data.keep_active then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(2, disable_active_callback, entity) -- causes problems with refineries. end end ) Public.magic_item_crafting_callback_weighted = Token.register( function(entity, data) local callback_data = data.callback_data entity.minable = false entity.destructible = false entity.operable = false local weights = callback_data.weights local loot = callback_data.loot local p = entity.position local i = random() * weights.total local index = table.binary_search(weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local stack = loot[index].stack if not stack then return end local recipe = stack.recipe if recipe then entity.set_recipe(recipe) else local furance_item = stack.furance_item if furance_item then local inv = entity.get_inventory(defines.inventory.furnace_result) inv.insert(furance_item) end end local x, y = p.x, p.y local distance = sqrt(x * x + y * y) local output = stack.output if #output == 0 then add_magic_crafter_output(entity, output, distance) else for o_i = 1, #output do local o = output[o_i] add_magic_crafter_output(entity, o, distance) end end if not callback_data.keep_active then Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(2, disable_active_callback, entity) -- causes problems with refineries. end end ) function Public.prepare_weighted_loot(loot) local total = 0 local weights = {} for i = 1, #loot do local v = loot[i] total = total + v.weight weights[#weights + 1] = total end weights.total = total return weights end function Public.do_random_loot(entity, weights, loot) if not entity.valid then return end entity.operable = false --entity.destructible = false local i = random() * weights.total local index = table.binary_search(weights, i) if (index < 0) then index = bit32.bnot(index) end local stack = loot[index].stack if not stack then return end local df = stack.distance_factor local count if df then local p = entity.position local x, y = p.x, p.y local d = sqrt(x * x + y * y) count = stack.count + d * df else count = stack.count end entity.insert {name = stack.name, count = count} end Public.firearm_magazine_ammo = {name = 'firearm-magazine', count = 200} Public.piercing_rounds_magazine_ammo = {name = 'piercing-rounds-magazine', count = 200} Public.uranium_rounds_magazine_ammo = {name = 'uranium-rounds-magazine', count = 200} Public.light_oil_ammo = {name = 'light-oil', amount = 100} Public.artillery_shell_ammo = {name = 'artillery-shell', count = 15} Public.laser_turrent_power_source = {buffer_size = 2400000, power_production = 40000} function Public.reset_table() this.power_sources = {index = 1} this.refill_turrets = {index = 1} this.magic_crafters = {index = 1} this.magic_fluid_crafters = {index = 1} end Event.on_nth_tick(10, tick) --Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, tick) Event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, turret_died) return Public