local Server = require 'utils.server' local Session = require 'utils.datastore.session_data' local Modifers = require 'utils.player_modifiers' local Public = require 'maps.mountain_fortress_v3.table' local mapkeeper = '[color=blue]Mapkeeper:[/color]' local function show_all_gui(player) for _, child in pairs(player.gui.top.children) do child.visible = true end end local function clear_spec_tag(player) if player.tag == '[Spectator]' then player.tag = '' end end local function reset_forces(new_surface, old_surface) for _, f in pairs(game.forces) do local spawn = { x = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(old_surface).x, y = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(old_surface).y } f.reset() f.reset_evolution() f.set_spawn_position(spawn, new_surface) end for _, tech in pairs(game.forces.player.technologies) do tech.researched = false game.forces.player.set_saved_technology_progress(tech, 0) end end local function teleport_players(surface) game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({-27, 25}, surface) local position = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface) if not position then game.forces.player.set_spawn_position({-27, 25}, surface) position = game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface) end for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', position, 3, 0, 5), surface) end end local function equip_players(player_starting_items, data) for k, player in pairs(game.players) do if player.character and player.character.valid then player.character.destroy() end if player.connected then if not player.character then player.set_controller({type = defines.controllers.god}) player.create_character() end player.clear_items_inside() Modifers.update_player_modifiers(player) for item, amount in pairs(player_starting_items) do player.insert({name = item, count = amount}) end show_all_gui(player) clear_spec_tag(player) else data.players[player.index] = nil Session.clear_player(player) game.remove_offline_players({player.index}) end end end function Public.soft_reset_map(old_surface, map_gen_settings, player_starting_items) local this = Public.get() if not this.soft_reset_counter then this.soft_reset_counter = 0 end if not this.original_surface_name then this.original_surface_name = old_surface.name end this.soft_reset_counter = this.soft_reset_counter + 1 local new_surface = game.create_surface(this.original_surface_name .. '_' .. tostring(this.soft_reset_counter), map_gen_settings) new_surface.request_to_generate_chunks({0, 0}, 0.1) new_surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() reset_forces(new_surface, old_surface) teleport_players(new_surface) equip_players(player_starting_items, this) game.delete_surface(old_surface) local radius = 512 local area = {{x = -radius, y = -radius}, {x = radius, y = radius}} for _, entity in pairs(new_surface.find_entities_filtered {area = area, type = 'logistic-robot'}) do entity.destroy() end for _, entity in pairs(new_surface.find_entities_filtered {area = area, type = 'construction-robot'}) do entity.destroy() end local message = table.concat({mapkeeper .. ' Welcome to ', this.original_surface_name, '!'}) local message_to_discord = table.concat({'** Welcome to ', this.original_surface_name, '! **'}) if this.soft_reset_counter > 1 then message = table.concat( { mapkeeper, ' The world has been reshaped, welcome to attempt number ', tostring(this.soft_reset_counter), '!' } ) end game.print(message, {r = 0.98, g = 0.66, b = 0.22}) Server.to_discord_embed(message_to_discord) return new_surface end return Public