-- track state of units by Gerkiz local Event = require 'utils.event' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Public = require 'modules.wave_defense.table' local Difficulty = require 'modules.difficulty_vote_by_amount' local Beams = require 'modules.render_beam' local de = defines.events local ev = Public.events local random = math.random local abs = math.abs local floor = math.floor local set_timeout_in_ticks = Task.set_timeout_in_ticks local this = { states = {}, settings = { frenzy_length = 3600, frenzy_burst_length = 160, update_rate = 120, enabled = true, track_bosses_only = true, wave_number = 0, unit_limit = 300, }, target_settings = {} } Public._esp = {} Global.register( this, function (tbl) this = tbl for _, state in pairs(this.states) do setmetatable(state, { __index = Public._esp }) end end ) local projectiles = { 'slowdown-capsule', 'defender-capsule', 'slowdown-capsule', 'destroyer-capsule', 'distractor-capsule', 'slowdown-capsule', 'rocket', 'slowdown-capsule', 'explosive-rocket', 'grenade', 'rocket', 'grenade' } local tiers = { ['small-biter'] = 'medium-biter', ['medium-biter'] = 'big-biter', ['big-biter'] = 'behemoth-biter', ['behemoth-biter'] = 'behemoth-biter', ['small-spitter'] = 'medium-spitter', ['medium-spitter'] = 'big-spitter', ['big-spitter'] = 'behemoth-spitter', ['behemoth-spitter'] = 'behemoth-spitter' } local tier_damage = { ['small-biter'] = { min = 25, max = 50 }, ['medium-biter'] = { min = 50, max = 100 }, ['big-biter'] = { min = 75, max = 150 }, ['behemoth-biter'] = { min = 100, max = 200 }, ['small-spitter'] = { min = 25, max = 50 }, ['medium-spitter'] = { min = 50, max = 100 }, ['big-spitter'] = { min = 75, max = 150 }, ['behemoth-spitter'] = { min = 100, max = 200 } } local commands = { ['flee'] = 'goto', ['goto'] = 'attack_area', ['attack'] = 'attack', ['attack_area'] = 'attack_area', } --- A token to register tasks that entities are given local work_token work_token = Token.register( function (event) if not event then return end local state = Public.get_unit(event.unit_number) local tick = game.tick if not state then return end if state:validate() then state:work(tick) state.command = commands[state.command] set_timeout_in_ticks(state:get_update_rate(), work_token, event) else state:remove() end end ) --- Restores a given entity to their original force local restore_force_token = Token.register( function (event) if not event then return end local force_name = event.force_name if not force_name then return end local state = Public.get_unit(event.unit_number) if state then state:set_force() state.frenzied = false end end ) local function has_unit_limit_reached() local uid = Public.get_count() if uid >= (this.settings.unit_limit and this.settings.unit_limit) then Public.debug_print('has_unit_limit_reached - Max units reached?') return true end return false end local function is_closer(pos1, pos2, pos) return ((pos1.x - pos.x) ^ 2 + (pos1.y - pos.y) ^ 2) < ((pos2.x - pos.x) ^ 2 + (pos2.y - pos.y) ^ 2) end local function shuffle_distance(tbl, position) local size = #tbl for i = size, 1, -1 do local rand = random(size) if is_closer(tbl[i].position, tbl[rand].position, position) and i > rand then tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i] end end return tbl end local function aoe_punch(entity, target, damage) if not (target and target.valid) then return end local base_vector = { target.position.x - entity.position.x, target.position.y - entity.position.y } local vector = { base_vector[1], base_vector[2] } vector[1] = vector[1] * 1000 vector[2] = vector[2] * 1000 if abs(vector[1]) > abs(vector[2]) then local d = abs(vector[1]) if abs(vector[1]) > 0 then vector[1] = vector[1] / d end if abs(vector[2]) > 0 then vector[2] = vector[2] / d end else local d = abs(vector[2]) if abs(vector[2]) > 0 then vector[2] = vector[2] / d end if abs(vector[1]) > 0 and d > 0 then vector[1] = vector[1] / d end end vector[1] = vector[1] * 1.5 vector[2] = vector[2] * 1.5 local a = 0.20 local cs = entity.surface local cp = entity.position local valid_enemy_forces = Public.get('valid_enemy_forces') for i = 1, 16, 1 do for x = i * -1 * a, i * a, 1 do for y = i * -1 * a, i * a, 1 do local p = { cp.x + x + vector[1] * i, cp.y + y + vector[2] * i } cs.create_trivial_smoke({ name = 'train-smoke', position = p }) for _, e in pairs(cs.find_entities({ { p[1] - a, p[2] - a }, { p[1] + a, p[2] + a } })) do if e.valid then if e.health then if e.destructible and e.minable and not valid_enemy_forces[e.force.name] then if e.force.index ~= entity.force.index then if e.valid then e.health = e.health - damage * 0.05 if e.health <= 0 then e.die(e.force.name, entity) end end end end end end end end end end end local function do_projectile(surface, name, _position, _force, target, max_range) surface.create_entity( { name = name, position = _position, force = _force, source = _position, target = target or nil, max_range = max_range or nil, speed = 0.4, fast_replace = true, create_build_effect_smoke = false } ) return true end local function area_of_effect(entity, radius, callback, find_entities) if not radius then return end local function get_area(pos, dist) local area = { left_top = { x = pos.x - dist, y = pos.y - dist }, right_bottom = { x = pos.x + dist, y = pos.y + dist } } return area end local cs = entity.surface local cp = entity.position if radius and radius > 256 then radius = 256 end local area = get_area(cp, radius) for x = area.left_top.x, area.right_bottom.x, 1 do for y = area.left_top.y, area.right_bottom.y, 1 do local d = floor((cp.x - x) ^ 2 + (cp.y - y) ^ 2) if d < radius then local p = { x = x, y = y } if find_entities then for _, e in pairs(cs.find_entities({ { p.x - 1, p.y - 1 }, { p.x + 1, p.y + 1 } })) do if e and e.valid and e.name ~= 'character' and e.health and e.destructible then callback(e, p) end end else callback(p) end end end end end local function shoot_laser(surface, source, enemy) local force = source.force surface.create_entity { name = 'laser-beam', position = source.position, force = 'player', target = enemy, source = source, max_length = 32, duration = 60 } enemy.damage(20 * (1 + force.get_ammo_damage_modifier('laser') + force.get_gun_speed_modifier('laser')), force, 'laser', source) end local function set_forces() local aggressors = game.forces.aggressors local aggressors_frenzy = game.forces.aggressors_frenzy local enemy = game.forces.enemy if not aggressors then aggressors = game.create_force('aggressors') end if not aggressors_frenzy then aggressors_frenzy = game.create_force('aggressors_frenzy') end aggressors.set_friend('aggressors_frenzy', true) aggressors.set_cease_fire('aggressors_frenzy', true) aggressors.set_friend('enemy', true) aggressors.set_cease_fire('enemy', true) aggressors_frenzy.set_friend('aggressors', true) aggressors_frenzy.set_cease_fire('aggressors', true) aggressors_frenzy.set_friend('enemy', true) aggressors_frenzy.set_cease_fire('enemy', true) enemy.set_friend('aggressors', true) enemy.set_cease_fire('aggressors', true) enemy.set_friend('aggressors_frenzy', true) enemy.set_cease_fire('aggressors_frenzy', true) end local function on_init() this.states = {} this.settings.spawned_units = 0 this.settings.frenzy_length = 3600 this.settings.frenzy_burst_length = 160 this.settings.update_rate = 120 this.target_settings = {} this.settings.final_battle = false set_forces() end local function on_wave_created(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local wave_number = event.wave_number if not wave_number then return end this.settings.wave_number = wave_number if wave_number % 50 == 0 then local state = Public.get_any() if state then local old = state:get_melee_speed() state:set_attack_speed(old + 0.05) end elseif wave_number % 100 == 0 then Public.enemy_weapon_damage('aggressors') Public.enemy_weapon_damage('aggressors_frenzy') end end local function on_unit_group_created(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end if not this.settings.enabled_ug then return end local unit_group = event.unit_group if not unit_group or not unit_group.valid then return end for _, entity in pairs(unit_group.members) do if not Public.get_unit(entity.unit_number) then local data = { entity = entity } local state = Public.new(data) if not state then return end state:set_burst_frenzy() end end end local function on_target_aquired(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local target = event.target if not target or not target.valid then return end if this.target_settings.main_target and this.target_settings.main_target.valid then if this.target_settings.main_target.unit_number ~= target.unit_number then this.target_settings.main_target = event.target end else this.target_settings.main_target = event.target end end local function on_entity_created(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local entity = event.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local state = Public.get_unit(entity.unit_number) if not state then local data = { entity = entity } if this.settings.track_bosses_only then if event.boss_unit then state = Public.new(data) if not state then return end state:set_burst_frenzy() state:set_boss() end else state = Public.new(data) if not state then entity.destroy() return end state:set_burst_frenzy() if event.boss_unit then state:set_boss() end end end end local function on_evolution_factor_changed(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local evolution_factor = event.evolution_factor if not evolution_factor then return end local forces = game.forces local surface_index = Public.get('surface_index') if forces.aggressors.get_evolution_factor(surface_index) == 1 and evolution_factor == 1 then return end forces.aggressors.set_evolution_factor(evolution_factor, surface_index) forces.aggressors_frenzy.set_evolution_factor(evolution_factor, surface_index) end local function on_entity_died(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end local state = Public.get_unit(entity.unit_number) if state then state:remove(true) end end local function on_entity_damaged(event) if not this.settings.enabled then return end local entity = event.entity if not (entity and entity.valid) then return end local state = Public.get_unit(entity.unit_number) if not state then return end local max = entity.prototype.max_health if state.boss_unit then state:spawn_children() end if random(1, 128) == 1 then state:flee_command() end if state.boss_unit and entity.health <= max / 2 and state.teleported < 5 then state.teleported = state.teleported + 1 if random(1, 4) == 1 then state:switch_position() end end end --- Creates a new state for a boss unit. ---@param data table ---@return table|nil function Public.new(data) if has_unit_limit_reached() then if data.entity and data.entity.valid then data.entity.destroy() end return end local uid = Public.get_count() local state = setmetatable({}, { __index = Public._esp }) local tick = game.tick state.entity = data.entity state.surface_id = state.entity.surface_index state.force = game.forces.aggressors state.unit_number = state.entity.unit_number state.teleported = 0 state.uid = uid state.command = 'goto' state.id = state.entity.unit_number state.update_rate = this.settings.update_rate + (10 * state.uid) state.ttl = data.ttl or tick + (5 * 3600) -- 5 minutes duration state:validate() set_timeout_in_ticks(state.update_rate, work_token, { unit_number = state.unit_number }) this.states[state.id] = state return state end -- Adjusts the damage function Public.enemy_weapon_damage(force) if not force then return end local e = game.forces[force] local data = { ['artillery-shell'] = 0.05, ['biological'] = 0.06, ['beam'] = 0.08, ['bullet'] = 0.08, ['capsule'] = 0.08, ['electric'] = 0.08, ['flamethrower'] = 0.08, ['laser'] = 0.08, ['landmine'] = 0.08, ['melee'] = 0.08 } for k, v in pairs(data) do local new = Difficulty.get().value * v local e_old = e.get_ammo_damage_modifier(k) e.set_ammo_damage_modifier(k, new + e_old) end end -- Gets a given unit --- @param unit_number number ---@return table|nil function Public.get_unit(unit_number) return this.states[unit_number] end -- Gets a boss unit ---@return table|nil function Public.get_boss_unit() for _, state in pairs(this.states) do if state and state.boss_unit then return state end end end -- Clears invalid units ---@return table|nil function Public.check_states() local c = 0 for _, state in pairs(this.states) do if state then if not (state.entity and state.entity.valid) then state:remove() else c = c + 1 end end end this.settings.spawned_units = c end -- Gets a boss unit ---@return integer function Public.get_count() local c = 1 for _, state in pairs(this.states) do if state then c = c + 1 end end this.settings.spawned_units = c return c end -- Gets a first matched unit ---@return table|nil function Public.get_any() for _, state in pairs(this.states) do if state then return state end end end -- Removes the given entity from tracking function Public._esp:remove(raised) if not raised and self.entity and self.entity.valid then self.entity.destroy() end this.states[self.id] = nil end function Public._esp:get_update_rate() return self.update_rate end -- Sets the entity force function Public._esp:set_force() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end entity.force = game.forces.aggressors self.force = entity.force end -- Grants the unit a frenzy attack speed function Public._esp:set_frenzy() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end if self.frenzied then return end self.frenzied = true entity.force = game.forces.aggressors_frenzy self.force = entity.force end -- Grants the unit a frenzy attack speed for a short time function Public._esp:set_burst_frenzy() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end if self.frenzied then return end self.frenzied = true set_timeout_in_ticks(this.settings.frenzy_burst_length, restore_force_token, { force_name = self.force.name, unit_number = self.unit_number }) entity.force = game.forces.aggressors_frenzy self.force = entity.force end -- Spawns biters that are one tier higher than the entity function Public._esp:spawn_children() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end if has_unit_limit_reached() then return end local tier = tiers[entity.name] if not tier then return end local max = entity.prototype.max_health if entity.health <= max / 4 and not self.spawned_children then self.spawned_children = true Public.buried_biter(entity.surface, entity.position, 1, tier, entity.force.name) end end -- Sets unit_group for the given unit if any function Public._esp:unit_group(unit_group) local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end if not unit_group then return end self.unit_group = unit_group end --- Creates a beam. function Public._esp:beam() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end Beams.new_beam_delayed(entity.surface, random(500, 3000)) end --- Creates a laser. function Public._esp:laser(boss) local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local limit = boss or 3 local surface = entity.surface local enemies = surface.find_entities_filtered { radius = 10, limit = limit, force = 'player', position = entity.position } if enemies == nil or #enemies == 0 then return end for i = 1, #enemies, 1 do local enemy = enemies[i] if enemy and enemy.valid and enemy.health and enemy.health > 0 and enemy.destructible then shoot_laser(surface, entity, enemy) end end end --- Creates spew. function Public._esp:spew_damage() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local position = { entity.position.x + (-5 + random(0, 10)), entity.position.y + (-5 + random(0, 10)) } entity.surface.create_entity({ name = 'acid-stream-spitter-medium', position = position, target = position, source = position }) end --- Creates a projectile. function Public._esp:fire_projectile() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local position = { entity.position.x + (-10 + random(0, 20)), entity.position.y + (-10 + random(0, 20)) } entity.surface.create_entity( { name = projectiles[random(1, #projectiles)], position = entity.position, force = entity.force.name, source = entity.position, target = position, max_range = 16, speed = 0.01 } ) end --- Creates a aoe attack. function Public._esp:aoe_attack() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local position = { x = entity.position.x + (-10 + random(0, 20)), y = entity.position.y + (-10 + random(0, 20)) } local target = { valid = true, position = position } local damage = tier_damage[entity.name] if not damage then return end aoe_punch(entity, target, random(damage.min, damage.max)) end --- Creates aoe attack. function Public._esp:area_of_spit_attack(range) local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end area_of_effect( entity, range or 10, function (p) do_projectile(entity.surface, 'acid-stream-spitter-big', p, entity.force, p) end, false ) end function Public._esp:find_targets() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end if not self.last_searched then self.last_searched = 0 end if game.tick < self.last_searched then return end self.last_searched = game.tick + 200 local unit_group_command_step_length = Public.get('unit_group_command_step_length') local step_length = unit_group_command_step_length local obstacles = entity.surface.find_entities_filtered { position = entity.position, radius = step_length / 2, type = { 'simple-entity', 'tree' }, limit = 50 } if obstacles then shuffle_distance(obstacles, entity.position) self.commands = self.commands or {} for ii = 1, #obstacles, 1 do if obstacles[ii].valid then self.commands[#self.commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack, target = obstacles[ii], distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything } end end end end -- Sets the attack speed for the given force function Public._esp:set_attack_speed(speed) if not speed then speed = 1 end self.force.set_gun_speed_modifier('melee', speed) self.force.set_gun_speed_modifier('biological', speed * 2) end -- Gets the melee speed for the given force ---@return number function Public._esp:get_melee_speed() return self.force.get_gun_speed_modifier('melee') end --- Sets a new position near the LuaEntity. ---@return table|nil function Public._esp:switch_position() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local position = { entity.position.x + (-5 + random(0, 15)), entity.position.y + (5 + random(0, 15)) } local rand = entity.surface.find_non_colliding_position(entity.name, position, 0.2, 0.5) if rand then self.entity.teleport(rand) end return position end --- Validates if a state is valid. ---@return boolean|integer function Public._esp:validate() if not self.id then self:remove() return false end if self.entity and self.entity.valid then return true else self:remove() return false end end --- Sets a unit as a boss unit function Public._esp:set_boss() local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end local tick = game.tick self.boss_unit = true self:set_ttl(game.tick + (20 * 3600)) if this.settings.final_battle then self.go_havoc = true self.proj_int = tick + 120 self.clear_go_havoc = tick + 3600 end if this.settings.wave_number > 1499 then if this.settings.wave_number % 100 == 0 then self.go_havoc = true self.proj_int = tick + 120 self.clear_go_havoc = tick + 3600 end end end --- Sets the time to live timer for the unit function Public._esp:set_ttl(ttl) if not ttl then error('No ttl given') end self.ttl = ttl end function Public._esp:go_to_location_command() local unit = this.target_settings.main_target if not unit or not unit.valid then return end local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end pcall(entity.set_command, { type = defines.command.go_to_location, destination_entity = unit, radius = 3 }) end function Public._esp:attack_command() local unit = this.target_settings.main_target if not unit or not unit.valid then return end local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end pcall(entity.set_command, { type = defines.command.attack, target = unit }) end function Public._esp:attack_area_command() local unit = this.target_settings.main_target if not unit or not unit.valid then return end local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end pcall(entity.set_command, { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = { x = unit.position.x, y = unit.position.y }, radius = 15, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything }) end function Public._esp:flee_command() local unit = this.target_settings.main_target if not unit or not unit.valid then return end local entity = self.entity if not entity or not entity.valid then return end pcall(entity.set_command, { type = defines.command.flee, from = unit, }) end function Public._esp:work(tick) if self.go_frenzy then self:set_frenzy() end if self.command == 'goto' then self:go_to_location_command() elseif self.command == 'attack' then self:attack_command() elseif self.command == 'attack_area' then self:attack_area_command() end if self.go_havoc and self.clear_go_havoc > tick then if tick < self.proj_int then self:fire_projectile() self.proj_int = tick + 120 end return end if self.boss_unit then if random(1, 20) == 1 then self:spew_damage() elseif random(1, 30) == 1 then self:set_burst_frenzy() elseif random(1, 40) == 1 then self:find_targets() elseif random(1, 50) == 1 then self:fire_projectile() elseif random(1, 60) == 1 then self:laser(6) elseif random(1, 70) == 1 then if this.settings.wave_number >= 200 then self:area_of_spit_attack() end elseif random(1, 80) == 1 then if this.settings.wave_number >= 200 then self:aoe_attack() end end if tick > self.ttl then self:remove() end elseif tick < self.ttl then if random(1, 30) == 1 then self:find_targets() elseif random(1, 40) == 1 then self:spew_damage() elseif random(1, 50) == 1 then self:set_burst_frenzy() elseif random(1, 60) == 1 then self:laser() end else self:remove() end end Event.on_init(on_init) Event.add(de.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) Event.add(de.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) Event.add(ev.on_wave_created, on_wave_created) Event.add(ev.on_unit_group_created, on_unit_group_created) Event.add(ev.on_entity_created, on_entity_created) Event.add(ev.on_target_aquired, on_target_aquired) Event.add(ev.on_evolution_factor_changed, on_evolution_factor_changed) Event.add(ev.on_game_reset, on_init) Event.on_nth_tick(100, Public.check_states) --- This gets values from our table -- @param key function Public.get_es(key) if key then return this[key] else return this end end --- This sets values to our table -- use with caution. -- @param key -- @param value function Public.set_es(key, value) if key and (value or value == false or value == 'nil') then if value == 'nil' then this[key] = nil else this[key] = value end return this[key] elseif key then return this[key] else return this end end ---@param value boolean function Public.set_module_status(value) on_init() this.settings.enabled = value or false end ---@param value boolean function Public.set_track_bosses_only(value) this.settings.track_bosses_only = value or false end ---@param value integer|number function Public.set_es_unit_limit(value) this.settings.unit_limit = value or 300 end Public.has_unit_limit_reached = has_unit_limit_reached return Public