--luacheck:ignore local Public = {} local BiterRaffle = require 'maps.biter_battles_v2.biter_raffle' local Functions = require 'maps.biter_battles_v2.functions' local bb_config = require 'maps.biter_battles_v2.config' local math_random = math.random local math_abs = math.abs local vector_radius = 512 local attack_vectors = {} attack_vectors.north = {} attack_vectors.south = {} for x = vector_radius * -1, vector_radius, 1 do for y = 0, vector_radius, 1 do local r = math.sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) if r < vector_radius and r > vector_radius - 1 then attack_vectors.north[#attack_vectors.north + 1] = {x, y * -1} attack_vectors.south[#attack_vectors.south + 1] = {x, y} end end end local size_of_vectors = #attack_vectors.north local unit_type_raffle = {'biter', 'biter', 'biter', 'mixed', 'mixed', 'spitter'} local size_of_unit_type_raffle = #unit_type_raffle local threat_values = { ['small-spitter'] = 1.5, ['small-biter'] = 1.5, ['medium-spitter'] = 4.5, ['medium-biter'] = 4.5, ['big-spitter'] = 13, ['big-biter'] = 13, ['behemoth-spitter'] = 38.5, ['behemoth-biter'] = 38.5, ['small-worm-turret'] = 8, ['medium-worm-turret'] = 16, ['big-worm-turret'] = 24, ['behemoth-worm-turret'] = 32, ['biter-spawner'] = 32, ['spitter-spawner'] = 32 } local function get_active_biter_count(biter_force_name) local count = 0 for _, _ in pairs(global.active_biters[biter_force_name]) do count = count + 1 end return count end local function get_target_entity(force_name) local force_index = game.forces[force_name].index local target_entity = Functions.get_random_target_entity(force_index) if not target_entity then print('Unable to get target entity for ' .. force_name .. '.') return end for _ = 1, 2, 1 do local e = Functions.get_random_target_entity(force_index) if math_abs(e.position.x) < math_abs(target_entity.position.x) then target_entity = e end end if not target_entity then print('Unable to get target entity for ' .. force_name .. '.') return end --print("Target entity for " .. force_name .. ": " .. target_entity.name .. " at x=" .. target_entity.position.x .. " y=" .. target_entity.position.y) return target_entity end local function get_threat_ratio(biter_force_name) if global.bb_threat[biter_force_name] <= 0 then return 0 end local t1 = global.bb_threat['north_biters'] local t2 = global.bb_threat['south_biters'] if t1 == 0 and t2 == 0 then return 0.5 end if t1 < 0 then t1 = 0 end if t2 < 0 then t2 = 0 end local total_threat = t1 + t2 local ratio = global.bb_threat[biter_force_name] / total_threat return ratio end local function is_biter_inactive(biter, unit_number, biter_force_name) if not biter.entity then if global.bb_debug then print('BiterBattles: active unit ' .. unit_number .. ' removed, possibly died.') end return true end if not biter.entity.valid then if global.bb_debug then print('BiterBattles: active unit ' .. unit_number .. ' removed, biter invalid.') end return true end if not biter.entity.unit_group then if global.bb_debug then print('BiterBattles: active unit ' .. unit_number .. ' at x' .. biter.entity.position.x .. ' y' .. biter.entity.position.y .. ' removed, had no unit group.') end return true end if not biter.entity.unit_group.valid then if global.bb_debug then print('BiterBattles: active unit ' .. unit_number .. ' removed, unit group invalid.') end return true end if game.tick - biter.active_since > bb_config.biter_timeout then if global.bb_debug then print('BiterBattles: ' .. biter_force_name .. ' unit ' .. unit_number .. ' timed out at tick age ' .. game.tick - biter.active_since .. '.') end biter.entity.destroy() return true end end local function set_active_biters(group) if not group.valid then return end local active_biters = global.active_biters[group.force.name] for _, unit in pairs(group.members) do if not active_biters[unit.unit_number] then active_biters[unit.unit_number] = {entity = unit, active_since = game.tick} end end end Public.destroy_inactive_biters = function() local biter_force_name = global.next_attack .. '_biters' for _, group in pairs(global.unit_groups) do set_active_biters(group) end for unit_number, biter in pairs(global.active_biters[biter_force_name]) do if is_biter_inactive(biter, unit_number, biter_force_name) then global.active_biters[biter_force_name][unit_number] = nil end end end Public.send_near_biters_to_silo = function() if game.tick < 108000 then return end if not global.rocket_silo['north'] then return end if not global.rocket_silo['south'] then return end game.surfaces['biter_battles'].set_multi_command( { command = { type = defines.command.attack, target = global.rocket_silo['north'], distraction = defines.distraction.none }, unit_count = 8, force = 'north_biters', unit_search_distance = 64 } ) game.surfaces['biter_battles'].set_multi_command( { command = { type = defines.command.attack, target = global.rocket_silo['south'], distraction = defines.distraction.none }, unit_count = 8, force = 'south_biters', unit_search_distance = 64 } ) end local function get_random_spawner(biter_force_name) local spawners = global.unit_spawners[biter_force_name] local size_of_spawners = #spawners for _ = 1, 256, 1 do if size_of_spawners == 0 then return end local index = math_random(1, size_of_spawners) local spawner = spawners[index] if spawner and spawner.valid then return spawner else table.remove(spawners, index) size_of_spawners = size_of_spawners - 1 end end end local function select_units_around_spawner(spawner, force_name, side_target) local biter_force_name = spawner.force.name local valid_biters = {} local i = 0 local threat = global.bb_threat[biter_force_name] * math_random(8, 32) * 0.01 --threat modifier for outposts local m = math_abs(side_target.position.x) - 512 if m < 0 then m = 0 end m = 1 - m * 0.001 if m < 0.5 then m = 0.5 end threat = threat * m local unit_count = 0 local max_unit_count = math.floor(global.bb_threat[biter_force_name] * 0.25) + math_random(6, 12) if max_unit_count > bb_config.max_group_size then max_unit_count = bb_config.max_group_size end --Collect biters around spawners if math_random(1, 2) == 1 then local biters = spawner.surface.find_enemy_units(spawner.position, 160, force_name) if biters[1] then for _, biter in pairs(biters) do if unit_count >= max_unit_count then break end if biter.force.name == biter_force_name and global.active_biters[biter.force.name][biter.unit_number] == nil then i = i + 1 valid_biters[i] = biter global.active_biters[biter.force.name][biter.unit_number] = {entity = biter, active_since = game.tick} unit_count = unit_count + 1 threat = threat - threat_values[biter.name] end if threat < 0 then break end end end end --Manual spawning of units local roll_type = unit_type_raffle[math_random(1, size_of_unit_type_raffle)] for _ = 1, max_unit_count - unit_count, 1 do if threat < 0 then break end local unit_name = BiterRaffle.roll(roll_type, global.bb_evolution[biter_force_name]) local position = spawner.surface.find_non_colliding_position(unit_name, spawner.position, 128, 2) if not position then break end local biter = spawner.surface.create_entity({name = unit_name, force = biter_force_name, position = position}) threat = threat - threat_values[biter.name] i = i + 1 valid_biters[i] = biter global.active_biters[biter.force.name][biter.unit_number] = {entity = biter, active_since = game.tick} end if global.bb_debug then game.print(get_active_biter_count(biter_force_name) .. ' active units for ' .. biter_force_name) end return valid_biters end local function send_group(unit_group, force_name, side_target) local target if side_target then target = side_target else target = get_target_entity(force_name) end if not target then print('No target for ' .. force_name .. ' biters.') return end target = target.position local commands = {} local vector = attack_vectors[force_name][math_random(1, size_of_vectors)] local distance_modifier = math_random(25, 100) * 0.01 local position = {target.x + (vector[1] * distance_modifier), target.y + (vector[2] * distance_modifier)} position = unit_group.surface.find_non_colliding_position('stone-furnace', position, 96, 1) if position then if math.abs(position.y) < math.abs(unit_group.position.y) then commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = position, radius = 16, distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } end end commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = target, radius = 32, distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } commands[#commands + 1] = { type = defines.command.attack, target = global.rocket_silo[force_name], distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } unit_group.set_command( { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.logical_and, commands = commands } ) return true end local function get_unit_group_position(spawner) local p if spawner.force.name == 'north_biters' then p = {x = spawner.position.x, y = spawner.position.y + 4} else p = {x = spawner.position.x, y = spawner.position.y - 4} end p = spawner.surface.find_non_colliding_position('electric-furnace', p, 512, 1) if not p then if global.bb_debug then game.print('No unit_group_position found for team ' .. spawner.force.name) end return end return p end local function get_active_threat(biter_force_name) local active_threat = 0 for _, biter in pairs(global.active_biters[biter_force_name]) do if biter.entity then if biter.entity.valid then active_threat = active_threat + threat_values[biter.entity.name] end end end return active_threat end local function get_nearby_biter_nest(target_entity) local center = target_entity.position local biter_force_name = target_entity.force.name .. '_biters' local spawner = get_random_spawner(biter_force_name) if not spawner then return end local best_distance = (center.x - spawner.position.x) ^ 2 + (center.y - spawner.position.y) ^ 2 for i = 1, 16, 1 do local new_spawner = get_random_spawner(biter_force_name) local new_distance = (center.x - new_spawner.position.x) ^ 2 + (center.y - new_spawner.position.y) ^ 2 if new_distance < best_distance then spawner = new_spawner best_distance = new_distance end end if not spawner then return end --print("Nearby biter nest found at x=" .. spawner.position.x .. " y=" .. spawner.position.y .. ".") return spawner end local function create_attack_group(surface, force_name, biter_force_name) local threat = global.bb_threat[biter_force_name] if get_active_threat(biter_force_name) > threat * 1.20 then return end if threat <= 0 then return false end if bb_config.max_active_biters - get_active_biter_count(biter_force_name) < bb_config.max_group_size then if global.bb_debug then game.print('Not enough slots for biters for team ' .. force_name .. '. Available slots: ' .. bb_config.max_active_biters - get_active_biter_count(biter_force_name)) end return false end local side_target = get_target_entity(force_name) if not side_target then print('No side target found for ' .. force_name .. '.') return end local spawner = get_nearby_biter_nest(side_target) if not spawner then print('No spawner found for ' .. force_name .. '.') return end local unit_group_position = get_unit_group_position(spawner) if not unit_group_position then return end local units = select_units_around_spawner(spawner, force_name, side_target) if not units then return end local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = unit_group_position, force = biter_force_name}) for _, unit in pairs(units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end send_group(unit_group, force_name, side_target) global.unit_groups[unit_group.group_number] = unit_group end Public.pre_main_attack = function() local force_name = global.next_attack if not global.training_mode or (global.training_mode and #game.forces[force_name].connected_players > 0) then local biter_force_name = force_name .. '_biters' global.main_attack_wave_amount = math.ceil(get_threat_ratio(biter_force_name) * 7) if global.bb_debug then game.print(global.main_attack_wave_amount .. ' unit groups designated for ' .. force_name .. ' biters.') end else global.main_attack_wave_amount = 0 end end Public.perform_main_attack = function() if global.main_attack_wave_amount > 0 then local surface = game.surfaces['biter_battles'] local force_name = global.next_attack local biter_force_name = force_name .. '_biters' create_attack_group(surface, force_name, biter_force_name) global.main_attack_wave_amount = global.main_attack_wave_amount - 1 end end Public.post_main_attack = function() global.main_attack_wave_amount = 0 if global.next_attack == 'north' then global.next_attack = 'south' else global.next_attack = 'north' end end Public.wake_up_sleepy_groups = function() local force_name = global.next_attack local biter_force_name = force_name .. '_biters' local entity local unit_group for _, biter in pairs(global.active_biters[biter_force_name]) do entity = biter.entity if entity then if entity.valid then unit_group = entity.unit_group if unit_group then if unit_group.valid then if unit_group.state == defines.group_state.finished then send_group(unit_group, force_name) --print("BiterBattles: Woke up Unit Group at x" .. unit_group.position.x .. " y" .. unit_group.position.y .. ".") return end end end end end end end Public.raise_evo = function() if global.freeze_players then return end if not global.training_mode and (#game.forces.north.connected_players == 0 or #game.forces.south.connected_players == 0) then return end local amount = math.ceil(global.difficulty_vote_value * global.evo_raise_counter * 0.75) if not global.total_passive_feed_redpotion then global.total_passive_feed_redpotion = 0 end global.total_passive_feed_redpotion = global.total_passive_feed_redpotion + amount local biter_teams = {['north_biters'] = 'north', ['south_biters'] = 'south'} local a_team_has_players = false for bf, pf in pairs(biter_teams) do if #game.forces[pf].connected_players > 0 then set_evo_and_threat(amount, 'automation-science-pack', bf) a_team_has_players = true end end if not a_team_has_players then return end global.evo_raise_counter = global.evo_raise_counter + (1 * 0.50) end --Biter Threat Value Substraction function Public.subtract_threat(entity) if not threat_values[entity.name] then return end if entity.type == 'unit' then global.active_biters[entity.force.name][entity.unit_number] = nil end global.bb_threat[entity.force.name] = global.bb_threat[entity.force.name] - threat_values[entity.name] return true end return Public