--luacheck: ignore require 'modules.biter_reanimator' require 'maps.native_war.share_chat' require 'maps.native_war.mineable_wreckage_yields_scrap' require 'maps.native_war.gui' local Global = require 'utils.global' local Gui = require 'utils.gui' local Map_score = require 'modules.map_score' local Team = require 'maps.native_war.team' local Terrain = require 'maps.native_war.terrain' local Init = require 'maps.native_war.init' local Settings = require 'maps.native_war.settings' local Reset = require 'functions.soft_reset' local Map = require 'maps.native_war.map_info' local Team_manager = require 'maps.native_war.team_manager' local math_random = math.random local Public = {} local worm_turret_spawn_radius = 18 local worm_turret_vectors = {} worm_turret_vectors.west = {} for x = 0, worm_turret_spawn_radius, 1 do for y = worm_turret_spawn_radius * -1, worm_turret_spawn_radius, 1 do local d = math.sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) if d <= worm_turret_spawn_radius and d > 3 then table.insert(worm_turret_vectors.west, {x, y}) end end end worm_turret_vectors.east = {} for x = worm_turret_spawn_radius * -1, 0, 1 do for y = worm_turret_spawn_radius * -1, worm_turret_spawn_radius, 1 do local d = math.sqrt(x ^ 2 + y ^ 2) if d <= worm_turret_spawn_radius and d > 3 then table.insert(worm_turret_vectors.east, {x, y}) end end end function create_beams(surface, energy, force) if force == 'west' then local beams = surface.find_entities_filtered {area = {{-140, -100}, {-30, 100}}, name = 'electric-beam'} for _, e in pairs(beams) do e.destroy() end local beams = surface.find_entities_filtered {area = {{-30, 20}, {30, 100}}, name = 'electric-beam'} for _, e in pairs(beams) do e.destroy() end global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -137, y = 0} if energy >= 6 and energy < 12 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-120, -35}, source = {-120, -35}, target = {-137, -35}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-120, -35}, source = {-120, -35}, target = {-102, -35}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -120, y = -32} end if energy >= 12 and energy < 18 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-120, -98}, source = {-120, -98}, target = {-137, -98}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-120, -98}, source = {-120, -98}, target = {-102, -98}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -120, y = -96} end if energy >= 18 and energy < 24 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, -98}, source = {-60, -98}, target = {-77, -98}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, -98}, source = {-60, -98}, target = {-42, -98}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -60, y = -100} end if energy >= 24 and energy < 30 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, -35}, source = {-60, -35}, target = {-77, -35}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, -35}, source = {-60, -35}, target = {-42, -35}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -60, y = -37} end if energy >= 30 and energy < 36 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, 30}, source = {-60, 30}, target = {-77, 30}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, 30}, source = {-60, 30}, target = {-42, 30}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -60, y = 28} end if energy >= 36 and energy < 42 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, 93}, source = {-60, 93}, target = {-77, 93}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {-60, 93}, source = {-60, 93}, target = {-42, 93}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = -60, y = 91} end if energy >= 42 and energy < 48 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, 93}, source = {0, 93}, target = {-17, 93}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, 93}, source = {0, 93}, target = {18, 93}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 0, y = 95} end if energy >= 48 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -35}, source = {0, 30}, target = {-17, 30}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -35}, source = {0, 30}, target = {18, 30}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 0, y = -33} end elseif force == 'east' then local beams2 = surface.find_entities_filtered {area = {{30, -100}, {140, 100}}, name = 'electric-beam'} for _, e in pairs(beams2) do e.destroy() end local beams2 = surface.find_entities_filtered {area = {{-30, -100}, {30, -20}}, name = 'electric-beam'} for _, e in pairs(beams2) do e.destroy() end global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 137, y = 0} if energy >= 6 and energy < 12 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {120, -35}, source = {120, 30}, target = {103, 30}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {120, -35}, source = {120, 30}, target = {138, 30}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 120, y = 32} end if energy >= 12 and energy < 18 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {120, 93}, source = {120, 93}, target = {103, 93}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {120, 93}, source = {120, 93}, target = {138, 93}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 120, y = 96} end if energy >= 18 and energy < 24 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, 93}, source = {60, 93}, target = {43, 93}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, 93}, source = {60, 93}, target = {78, 93}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 60, y = 100} end if energy >= 24 and energy < 30 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, 30}, source = {60, 30}, target = {43, 30}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, 30}, source = {60, 30}, target = {78, 30}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 60, y = 37} end if energy >= 30 and energy < 36 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, -35}, source = {60, -35}, target = {43, -35}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, -35}, source = {60, -35}, target = {78, -35}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 60, y = -28} end if energy >= 36 and energy < 42 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, -98}, source = {60, -98}, target = {43, -98}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {60, -98}, source = {60, -98}, target = {78, -98}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 60, y = -91} end if energy >= 42 and energy < 48 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -98}, source = {0, -98}, target = {-17, -98}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -98}, source = {0, -98}, target = {18, -98}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 0, y = -95} end if energy >= 48 then surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -35}, source = {0, -35}, target = {-17, -35}}) surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-beam', position = {0, -35}, source = {0, -35}, target = {18, -35}}) global.map_forces[force].spawn = {x = 0, y = 33} end else end end local function initial_worm_turret(surface) for _, force_name in pairs({'west', 'east'}) do for k, pos in pairs(global.map_forces[force_name].worm_turrets_positions) do surface.create_entity({name = 'small-worm-turret', position = pos, force = force_name}) end end end local function get_belts(market) local belts = market.surface.find_entities_filtered( { type = 'transport-belt', area = {{market.position.x - 2, market.position.y - 1}, {market.position.x + 2, market.position.y + 1}}, force = market.force } ) return belts end local function eat_food_from_belt(belt) for i = 1, 2, 1 do local line = belt.get_transport_line(i) for _, science_name in pairs(Settings.science_pack_name) do --if global.map_forces[belt.force.name].unit_count > global.map_forces[belt.force.name].max_unit_count then return end local removed_item_count = line.remove_item({name = science_name, count = 8}) global.map_forces[belt.force.name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] = global.map_forces[belt.force.name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] + removed_item_count end end end local function spawn_wave_from_belt(force_name) for _, science_name in pairs(Settings.science_pack_name) do local nb_science = global.map_forces[force_name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] if nb_science >= Settings.wave_price[science_name].price then Team.on_buy_wave('native_war', force_name, Settings.science_pack[science_name].short) global.map_forces[force_name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] = global.map_forces[force_name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] - Settings.wave_price[science_name].price --if global.map_forces[belt.force.name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] < 0 then global.map_forces[belt.force.name].ate_buffer_potion[science_name] =0 end end end end local function nom() local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] for key, force in pairs(global.map_forces) do if not force.hatchery then return end force.hatchery.health = force.hatchery.health + 5 local belts = get_belts(force.hatchery) for _, belt in pairs(belts) do eat_food_from_belt(belt) end spawn_wave_from_belt(key) end end local function get_units(force_name) local units = {} local count = 1 for _, unit in pairs(global.map_forces[force_name].units) do if not unit.unit_group then --if math_random(1, 3) ~= 1 then units[count] = unit count = count + 1 -- end end end return units end local function send_unit_groups() local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] for key, force in pairs(global.map_forces) do local units = get_units(key) if #units > 0 then --alert_bubble(key, units[1]) local vectors = worm_turret_vectors[key] local vector = vectors[math_random(1, #vectors)] local position = {x = global.map_forces[key].spawn.x + 10 + vector[1], y = global.map_forces[key].spawn.y + vector[2]} local unit_group = surface.create_unit_group({position = position, force = key}) for _, unit in pairs(units) do unit_group.add_member(unit) end if not force.target then return end if not force.target.valid then return end --unit.ai_settings.allow_destroy_when_commands_fail = false --unit.ai_settings.allow_try_return_to_spawner = false unit_group.set_command( { type = defines.command.compound, structure_type = defines.compound_command.return_last, commands = { { type = defines.command.attack_area, destination = {x = force.target.position.x, y = force.target.position.y}, radius = 6, distraction = defines.distraction.by_anything }, { type = defines.command.attack, target = force.target, distraction = defines.distraction.by_enemy } } } ) unit_group.start_moving() end end end local function randomize_worms() for k, pos in pairs(global.map_forces['west'].worm_turrets_positions) do local vx = math.random(0, 8) - 4 local vy = math.random(0, 8) - 4 global.map_forces['west'].worm_turrets_positions[k].x = pos.x + vx global.map_forces['west'].worm_turrets_positions[k].y = pos.y + vy global.map_forces['east'].worm_turrets_positions[k].x = global.map_forces['east'].worm_turrets_positions[k].x - vx global.map_forces['east'].worm_turrets_positions[k].y = global.map_forces['east'].worm_turrets_positions[k].y - vy end end local function on_player_changed_position(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.position.y > -175 and player.position.y < -173 and player.position.x <= 15 and player.position.x >= -15 then player.teleport({player.position.x, 175}, game.surfaces['native_war']) end if player.position.y < 175 and player.position.y > 173 and player.position.x <= 15 and player.position.x >= -15 then player.teleport({player.position.x, -175}, game.surfaces['native_war']) end if math.abs(player.position.x) > 256 then if player.gui.screen['market_frame'] then player.gui.screen['market_frame'].destroy() end end end local function on_entity_died(event) local entity = event.entity if not entity.valid then return end if global.game_reset_tick then return end if entity.type == 'unit' then local team = global.map_forces[entity.force.name] team.unit_count = team.unit_count - 1 team.units[entity.unit_number] = nil return end if entity.name == 'radar' then global.map_forces[entity.force.name].radar[entity.unit_number] = nil end if entity.type ~= 'market' then return end if entity.force.name == 'east' then game.print('East lost their Market.', {100, 100, 100}) game.forces.east.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_lost', volume_modifier = 0.85} game.print('>>>> WEST TEAM HAS WON THE GAME!!! <<<<', {250, 120, 0}) game.forces.west.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_won', volume_modifier = 0.85} for _, player in pairs(game.forces.west.connected_players) do if global.map_forces.east.player_count > 0 then Map_score.set_score(player, Map_score.get_score(player) + 1) end end else game.print('West lost their Market.', {100, 100, 100}) game.forces.west.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_lost', volume_modifier = 0.85} game.print('>>>> EAST TEAM HAS WON THE GAME!!! <<<<', {250, 120, 0}) game.forces.east.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_won', volume_modifier = 0.85} for _, player in pairs(game.forces.east.connected_players) do if global.map_forces.west.player_count > 0 then Map_score.set_score(player, Map_score.get_score(player) + 1) end end end game.print('Next round starting in 60 seconds..', {150, 150, 150}) game.forces.spectator.play_sound {path = 'utility/game_won', volume_modifier = 0.85} global.game_reset_tick = game.tick + 3600 game.delete_surface('mirror_terrain') for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do for _, child in pairs(player.gui.left.children) do child.destroy() end Gui.call_existing_tab(player, 'Map Scores') end end local function on_built_entity(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if event.created_entity.name == 'radar' then local unit_number = event.created_entity.unit_number local entity = event.created_entity global.map_forces[player.force.name].radar[unit_number] = entity end end -- on robot build radar is elsewhere EVL local function on_player_mined_entity(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] if event.entity.name == 'radar' then global.map_forces[player.force.name].radar[event.entity.unit_number] = nil end end local function on_robot_mined_entity(event) if event.entity.name == 'radar' then global.map_forces[event.robot.force.name].radar[event.entity.unit_number] = nil end end local function on_player_joined_game(event) local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] local player = game.players[event.player_index] if player.online_time == 0 then player.spectator = true player.force = game.forces.spectator if surface.is_chunk_generated({0, -190}) then player.teleport(surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', game.forces.player.get_spawn_position(surface), 32, 0.5), surface) else player.teleport({0, -190}, surface) end player.character.destructible = false game.permissions.get_group('spectator').add_player(player) end Map.player_joined_game(player) Team_manager.draw_top_toggle_button(player) end local function on_gui_click(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local element = event.element if not element then return end if not element.valid then return end if Map.gui_click(player, element) then return end Team_manager.gui_click(event) end local function reveal_map(surface, force_name) local actif_radar_count = 0 local radar_range_x = 16 if force_name == 'east' then -- find_entities_filtered{name="radar", force="east"} for k, ent in pairs(global.map_forces['east'].radar) do if ent.energy >= 5000 then actif_radar_count = actif_radar_count + 1 end end if actif_radar_count == 0 then return end local x_east = -224 + actif_radar_count * radar_range_x * -1 game.forces.east.chart(surface, {{x_east, (x_east) * 0.5}, {-224, (-x_east) * 0.5}}) end if force_name == 'west' then for k, ent in pairs(global.map_forces['west'].radar) do if ent.energy >= 5000 then actif_radar_count = actif_radar_count + 1 end end if actif_radar_count == 0 then return end local x_west = 224 + actif_radar_count * radar_range_x game.forces.west.chart(surface, {{224, (-x_west) * 0.5}, {x_west, (x_west) * 0.5}}) end end local function reset_operable_market(surface) local market = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = {-197, 0}, radius = 5, type = 'market'} market[1].operable = true local market = surface.find_entities_filtered {position = {197, 0}, radius = 5, type = 'market'} market[1].operable = true end local function tick() local game_tick = game.tick if game_tick == 120 then randomize_worms() initial_worm_turret(game.surfaces['native_war']) end if game_tick % 240 == 0 then --400 ou 200 local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] reset_operable_market(surface) local area = {{-224, -150}, {224, 150}} game.forces.west.chart(surface, area) game.forces.east.chart(surface, area) Team_manager.refresh() end if game_tick % 480 == 0 then -- was 600 local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] reveal_map(surface, 'east') end if (game_tick + 240) % 480 == 0 then -- was +300 % 600 local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] reveal_map(surface, 'west') end if game_tick % 900 == 0 then local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] for _, force_name in pairs({'west', 'east'}) do local structs = game.surfaces['native_war'].find_entities_filtered {position = global.map_forces[force_name].eei, radius = 5, type = 'electric-energy-interface'} local energy = structs[1].energy / 100000 if energy < global.map_forces[force_name].energy then local new_global_energy = global.map_forces[force_name].energy - 6 if new_global_energy <= 0 then new_global_energy = 0 end game.print(force_name .. ' recule son beam') create_beams(surface, new_global_energy, force_name) global.map_forces[force_name].energy = new_global_energy end end end if game_tick % 1800 == 0 then local surface = game.surfaces['native_war'] for _, force_name in pairs({'west', 'east'}) do local structs = game.surfaces['native_war'].find_entities_filtered {position = global.map_forces[force_name].eei, radius = 5, type = 'electric-energy-interface'} local energy = structs[1].energy / 100000 if energy >= global.map_forces[force_name].energy + 6 then local new_global_energy = global.map_forces[force_name].energy + 6 if new_global_energy >= 48 then new_global_energy = 48 end game.print(force_name .. ' avance son beam') create_beams(surface, new_global_energy, force_name) global.map_forces[force_name].energy = new_global_energy end end end end --Construction Robot Restriction local robot_build_restriction = { ['east'] = function(x, y) if x < 170 then return true end if (x - 160) * (x - 160) + y * y <= 40 * 40 then return true end end, ['west'] = function(x, y) if x > -170 then return true end if (x + 160) * (x + 160) + y * y <= 40 * 40 then return true end end } local function on_robot_built_entity(event) if not robot_build_restriction[event.robot.force.name] then return end if not robot_build_restriction[event.robot.force.name](event.created_entity.position.x, event.created_entity.position.y) then if event.created_entity.name == 'radar' then local unit_number = event.created_entity.unit_number local entity = event.created_entity global.map_forces[event.robot.force.name].radar[unit_number] = entity end return end local inventory = event.robot.get_inventory(defines.inventory.robot_cargo) inventory.insert({name = event.created_entity.name, count = 1}) event.robot.surface.create_entity({name = 'explosion', position = event.created_entity.position}) game.print('Team ' .. event.robot.force.name .. "'s construction drone had an accident.", {r = 200, g = 50, b = 100}) event.created_entity.destroy() end local function on_entity_damaged(event) local entity = event.entity local cause = event.cause if not entity.valid then return end if entity.type == 'unit' or entity.type == 'turret' then if cause.type == 'unit' then if cause.name == 'small-biter' or cause.name == 'medium-biter' or cause.name == 'big-biter' or cause.name == 'behemoth-biter' then local modified_damage = event.original_damage_amount * global.map_forces[cause.force.name].modifier.damage * global.map_forces[entity.force.name].modifier.resistance entity.health = entity.health - modified_damage elseif cause.name == 'small-spitter' or cause.name == 'medium-spitter' or cause.name == 'big-spitter' or cause.name == 'behemoth-spitter' then local modified_damage = event.original_damage_amount * global.map_forces[cause.force.name].modifier.splash * global.map_forces[entity.force.name].modifier.resistance entity.health = entity.health - modified_damage end end end if entity.type ~= 'market' then return end if cause then if cause.valid then if cause.type == 'unit' then if math_random(1, 5) == 1 then return end end end end entity.health = entity.health + event.final_damage_amount end local function show_color_force() local force_name1 = 'east' local force_name2 = 'west' for _, unit in pairs(global.map_forces[force_name1].units) do rendering.draw_circle { color = {255, 1, 1}, radius = 0.1, filled = true, target = unit, target_offset = {-0.1, -0.1}, surface = unit.surface, time_to_live = 60, only_in_alt_mode = true } end for _, unit in pairs(global.map_forces[force_name2].units) do rendering.draw_circle { color = {1, 1, 255}, radius = 0.1, filled = true, target = unit, target_offset = {-0.1, -0.1}, surface = unit.surface, time_to_live = 60, only_in_alt_mode = true } end end local function on_init() game.difficulty_settings.technology_price_multiplier = 1 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = 0 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = 0 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor = 0 game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled = false game.map_settings.pollution.enabled = false global.map_forces = { ['west'] = {}, ['east'] = {} } Init.settings() Init.surface() Init.forces() kill_entities_combat_zone(surface) end local event = require 'utils.event' event.on_init(on_init) event.on_nth_tick(60, tick) event.on_nth_tick(60, show_color_force) event.on_nth_tick(30, nom) event.on_nth_tick(300, send_unit_groups) event.add(defines.events.on_robot_built_entity, on_robot_built_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_died, on_entity_died) event.add(defines.events.on_built_entity, on_built_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_player_mined_entity, on_player_mined_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_robot_mined_entity, on_robot_mined_entity) event.add(defines.events.on_player_joined_game, on_player_joined_game) event.add(defines.events.on_player_changed_position, on_player_changed_position) event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged) event.add(defines.events.on_gui_click, on_gui_click)