-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates. local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory' local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math' local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance' local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common' local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata' local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local' local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats' -- local Lobby = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.lobby' -- local Dock = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.dock' local Hold = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.hold' local Cabin = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.cabin' -- local Sea = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.sea.sea' local Islands = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.islands' local Crowsnest = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.crowsnest' local Quest = require 'maps.pirates.quest' -- local Parrot = require 'maps.pirates.parrot' local ShopMerchants = require 'maps.pirates.shop.merchants' local SurfacesCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.common' -- local Roles = require 'maps.pirates.roles.roles' local Classes = require 'maps.pirates.roles.classes' local IslandEnum = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.island_enum' local Server = require 'utils.server' local Public = {} local enum = SurfacesCommon.enum Public.enum = enum Public[enum.SEA] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.sea.sea' Public[enum.ISLAND] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.islands' Public[enum.DOCK] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.dock' Public[enum.CROWSNEST] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.crowsnest' Public[enum.LOBBY] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.lobby' Public[enum.HOLD] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.hold' Public[enum.CABIN] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.cabin' Public[enum.CHANNEL] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.channel.channel' Public['SurfacesCommon'] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.common' function Public.initialise_destination(o) o = o or {} local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() assert(memory.destinations, o.overworld_position) local scope = Public.get_scope(o) o.destination_index = #memory.destinations + 1 --assuming none are deleted memory.destinations[o.destination_index] = o o.dynamic_data = o.dynamic_data or {} o.static_params = o.static_params or Utils.deepcopy(Public.get_scope(o).Data.static_params_default) o.seed = o.seed or Math.random(1, 10000000) o.iconized_map = o.iconized_map or {} o.boat_extra_distance_from_shore = o.boat_extra_distance_from_shore or 0 o.surface_name = o.surface_name or SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, o.destination_index, o.type, o.subtype) o.dynamic_data.other_map_generation_data = o.dynamic_data.other_map_generation_data or {} if o.type == enum.ISLAND then o.init_boat_state = Boats.enum_state.APPROACHING Public.generate_detailed_island_data(o) elseif o.type == enum.DOCK then o.init_boat_state = Boats.enum_state.APPROACHING o.iconized_map_width = scope.Data.iconized_map_width o.iconized_map_height = scope.Data.iconized_map_height end return o end function Public.get_scope(destination) if destination.type then if destination.subtype then return Public[destination.type][destination.subtype] else return Public[destination.type] end else return {} end end function Public.on_surface_generation(destination) -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- game.map_settings.pollution.enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier = Balance.defaultai_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier() -- Event_functions.flamer_nerfs() if destination.type == enum.ISLAND then local subtype = destination.subtype destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilomaxhp = Balance.silo_max_hp destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilohp = Balance.silo_max_hp destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilochargedbools = {} destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumed = 0 destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyconsumedwithinlasthalfsecond = 0 destination.dynamic_data.energychargedinsilosincelastcheck = 0 destination.dynamic_data.silocharged = false destination.dynamic_data.rocketlaunched = false if subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.STANDARD and subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.STANDARD_VARIANT and subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE and subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RED_DESERT then destination.dynamic_data.hidden_ore_remaining_abstract = Utils.deepcopy(destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts) end if subtype == IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then if not destination.dynamic_data.cave_miner then destination.dynamic_data.cave_miner = {} destination.dynamic_data.cave_miner.reveal_queue = {} destination.dynamic_data.cave_miner.cave_surface = nil Islands[IslandEnum.enum.CAVE].roll_source_surface(destination) end end destination.dynamic_data.wood_remaining = destination.static_params.starting_wood destination.dynamic_data.rock_material_remaining = destination.static_params.starting_rock_material destination.dynamic_data.treasure_remaining = destination.static_params.starting_treasure destination.dynamic_data.ore_types_spawned = {} destination.dynamic_data.buried_treasure = {} -- elseif destination.type == enum.DOCK then end end function Public.destination_on_collide(destination) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local name = destination.static_params.name and destination.static_params.name or 'NameNotFound' local message = {'', '[' .. memory.name .. '] ', {'pirates.approaching_destination', memory.destinationsvisited_indices and (#memory.destinationsvisited_indices + 1) or 0, name}} --notify the whole server Common.notify_game(message) if destination.type ~= Public.enum.DOCK then local index = destination.destination_index Crowsnest.paint_around_destination(index, CoreData.overworld_loading_tile) end if destination and destination.static_params and destination.static_params.base_cost_to_undock then local replace = {} for item, count in pairs(destination.static_params.base_cost_to_undock) do if item == 'uranium-235' or item == 'launch_rocket' then replace[item] = count else replace[item] = Math.ceil(count * Balance.cost_to_leave_multiplier()) end end destination.static_params.base_cost_to_undock = replace end if destination.type == Public.enum.ISLAND then local index = destination.destination_index Crowsnest.paint_around_destination(index, CoreData.overworld_loading_tile) if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_radioactive_tip_1'}) elseif destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_cave_tip_1'}) else local scheduled_raft_raids -- temporarily placed this back here, as moving it to shorehit broke things: local playercount = Common.activecrewcount() local max_evo local difficulty_name = CoreData.get_difficulty_option_informal_name_from_value(Common.difficulty_scale()) if difficulty_name == 'easy' then if memory.overworldx/40 < 20 then max_evo = 0.9 - (20 - memory.overworldx/40) * 1/100 else max_evo = 0.91 + (memory.overworldx/40 - 20) * 0.25/100 end elseif difficulty_name == 'normal' then if memory.overworldx/40 < 15 then max_evo = 0.9 - (15 - memory.overworldx/40) * 0.5/100 else max_evo = 0.91 + (memory.overworldx/40 - 15) * 0.25/100 end else if memory.overworldx/40 < 12 then max_evo = 0.9 else max_evo = 0.91 + (memory.overworldx/40 - 12) * 0.25/100 end end -- Currently biter boats don't spawn properly for cave island, so disabling it for now if destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then if memory.overworldx > 200 then scheduled_raft_raids = {} local times = {600, 360, 215, 210, 120, 30, 10, 5} for i = 1, #times do local t = times[i] if Math.random(6) == 1 and #scheduled_raft_raids < 6 then scheduled_raft_raids[#scheduled_raft_raids + 1] = {timeinseconds = t, max_evo = max_evo} -- scheduled_raft_raids[#scheduled_raft_raids + 1] = {timeinseconds = t, max_bonus_evolution = 0.52} end end elseif memory.overworldx == 200 then local times if playercount <= 2 then times = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20} elseif playercount <= 8 then times = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25} elseif playercount <= 15 then times = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30} elseif playercount <= 21 then times = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35} else times = {1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40} end scheduled_raft_raids = {} for _, t in pairs(times) do -- scheduled_raft_raids[#scheduled_raft_raids + 1] = {timeinseconds = t, max_bonus_evolution = 0.62} scheduled_raft_raids[#scheduled_raft_raids + 1] = {timeinseconds = t, max_evo = max_evo} end end destination.static_params.scheduled_raft_raids = scheduled_raft_raids end end end if memory.overworldx == 40*5 then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_boats_warning'}) -- elseif memory.overworldx == 800 then -- Parrot.parrot_800_tip() end end function Public.destination_on_arrival(destination) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- game.map_settings.pollution.enemy_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier = Balance.defaultai_attack_pollution_consumption_modifier() -- Event_functions.flamer_nerfs() log('Playthrough stats:') log(_inspect(memory.playtesting_stats)) memory.floating_pollution = 0 -- catching a fallthrough error I've observed if not memory.active_sea_enemies then memory.active_sea_enemies = {} end memory.active_sea_enemies.krakens = {} if destination.type == enum.ISLAND then destination.dynamic_data.rocketsiloenergyneeded = Balance.silo_energy_needed_MJ() * 1000000 destination.dynamic_data.rocketcoalreward = Balance.rocket_launch_fuel_reward() if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then destination.dynamic_data.time_remaining = -1 elseif destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.MAZE then --more time destination.dynamic_data.time_remaining = Math.ceil(1.05 * Balance.max_time_on_island()) else destination.dynamic_data.time_remaining = Math.ceil(Balance.max_time_on_island()) end if destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.FIRST and destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE and destination.destination_index ~= 2 then -- if not destination.overworld_position.x ~= Common.first_cost_to_leave_macrox * 40 then if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then Quest.initialise_random_cave_island_quest() else Quest.initialise_random_quest() end -- else -- if _DEBUG then -- Quest.initialise_random_quest() -- end end memory.enemy_force.reset_evolution() local base_evo = Balance.base_evolution_leagues(memory.overworldx) Common.set_evo(base_evo) destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_leagues = base_evo destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_time = 0 if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RED_DESERT then destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_sandwurms = 0 else destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_nests = 0 end if destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then destination.dynamic_data.evolution_accrued_silo = 0 end memory.scripted_biters = {} memory.scripted_unit_groups = {} memory.floating_pollution = 0 if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then Islands[IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE].spawn_structures() end -- -- invulnerable bases on islands 21-25 -- if memory.overworldx >= 21 and memory.overworldx < 25 then -- local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name] -- if not (surface and surface.valid) then return end -- local spawners = surface.find_entities_filtered({type = 'unit-spawner', force = memory.enemy_force_name}) -- for _, s in pairs(spawners) do -- s.destructible = false -- end -- end elseif destination.type == enum.DOCK then -- -- kick players out of crow's nest -- local crowsnestname = SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, 0, enum.CROWSNEST, nil) -- for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do -- if player.surface.name == crowsnestname then -- Public.player_exit_crows_nest(player, {x = 5, y = 0}) -- end -- end -- New dock class sales: local class_for_sale = Classes.generate_class_for_sale() destination.static_params.class_for_sale = class_for_sale end local name = destination.static_params.name and destination.static_params.name or 'NameNotFound' local message = {'pirates.approaching_destination', memory.destinationsvisited_indices and #memory.destinationsvisited_indices or 0, name} if not (#memory.destinationsvisited_indices and #memory.destinationsvisited_indices == 1) then --don't need to notify for the first island Server.to_discord_embed_raw({'',(destination.static_params.discord_emoji or CoreData.comfy_emojis.hype) .. '[' .. memory.name .. '] Approaching ', name, ', ' .. memory.overworldx .. ' leagues.'}, true) end -- if destination.static_params.name == 'Dock' then -- message = message .. ' ' .. 'New trades are available in the Captain\'s Store.' -- end Common.notify_force(memory.force, message) if destination.type == enum.ISLAND then --game.print('spawning ores, quest structures, etc.') local points_to_avoid = {} -- add special chunk structures(small mining base, etc.) to avoid list local structures = destination.dynamic_data.structures_waiting_to_be_placed if structures then for i = #structures, 1, -1 do local structure = structures[i] local special = structure.data local position = special.position local avoid_radius = math.sqrt(special.width * special.width + special.height * special.height) / 2 + 5 points_to_avoid[#points_to_avoid + 1] = {x = position.x, y = position.y, r = avoid_radius} end end if (memory.overworldx >= Balance.quest_structures_first_appear_at and destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE) or _DEBUG then local class_for_sale = Classes.generate_class_for_sale() destination.static_params.class_for_sale = class_for_sale end -- Caves won't have these fancy things for now, because starting place for this island is so small, weird stuff happens (like quest structure spawning on ship) if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then return end -- game.print('spawning silo') if destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then local silo_position = Islands.spawn_silo_setup(points_to_avoid) if silo_position then points_to_avoid[#points_to_avoid + 1] = {x = silo_position.x, y = silo_position.y, r = 22} end end Islands.spawn_ores_on_arrival(destination, points_to_avoid) if (memory.overworldx >= Balance.quest_structures_first_appear_at and destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE) or _DEBUG then local covered = Islands.spawn_quest_structure(destination, points_to_avoid) if covered then points_to_avoid[#points_to_avoid + 1] = {x = covered.x, y = covered.y, r = 25} end end Islands.spawn_treasure_maps(destination, points_to_avoid) Islands.spawn_ghosts(destination, points_to_avoid) if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.MAZE then local force = memory.force force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 1 end end end function Public.destination_on_departure(destination) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- local boat = memory.boat -- need to put tips only where we know there are islands: if memory.overworldx == 40*9 then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_kraken_warning'}) end if destination.subtype and destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.MAZE then local force = memory.force force.manual_mining_speed_modifier = 3 --put back to normal end end function Public.destination_on_crewboat_hits_shore(destination) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local boat = memory.boat destination.dynamic_data.timeratlandingtime = Common.current_destination().dynamic_data.timer Boats.place_landingtrack(boat, CoreData.landing_tile) Boats.place_boat(boat, CoreData.static_boat_floor, false, false) if destination.type == enum.ISLAND then destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count = Common.spawner_count(game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]) if memory.overworldx == 0 then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_0'}) elseif memory.overworldx == 80 then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_night_warning'}) end if destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RADIOACTIVE then -- replace all miners, so that they sit on uranium properly: local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name] local miners = surface.find_entities_filtered({name = 'electric-mining-drill'}) for _, m in pairs(miners) do local direction = m.direction local position = m.position m.destroy() surface.create_entity{name = 'electric-mining-drill', direction = direction, position = position} end Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_radioactive_tip_2'}) elseif destination.subtype == IslandEnum.enum.MAZE and memory.overworldx == Common.maze_minimap_jam_league then Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_maze_tip_1'}) end if (memory.merchant_ships_unlocked or _DEBUG) and destination.subtype ~= IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then Islands.spawn_merchant_ship(destination) ShopMerchants.generate_merchant_trades(destination.dynamic_data.merchant_market) end end end function Public.generate_detailed_island_data(destination) local scope = Public.get_scope(destination) local frame_width = scope.Data.terraingen_frame_width local frame_height = scope.Data.terraingen_frame_height local boat_extra_distance_from_shore = destination.boat_extra_distance_from_shore -- scale 1:32 local chunks_horizontal = 2 * Math.floor(frame_width/64) local chunks_vertical = 2 * Math.floor(frame_height/64) local entities = {} local entitymap = {} local tiles = {} local tiles2 = {} local leftboundary, rightboundary, topboundary, bottomboundary = chunks_horizontal/2 + 1, -chunks_horizontal/2 - 1, chunks_vertical/2 + 1, -chunks_vertical/2 - 1 -- reversed, because we'll iterate -- local subtype = destination.subtype local terrain_fn = scope.terrain local noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator(scope.Data.noiseparams, destination.seed) for y = -chunks_vertical/2, chunks_vertical/2 - 1, 1 do for x = -chunks_horizontal/2, chunks_horizontal/2 - 1, 1 do local macroposition = {x = x + 0.5, y = y + 0.5} local chunk_frameposition_topleft = {x = x * 32, y = y * 32} -- average over the chunk local modalcounts = {} for y2 = 5, 27, 11 do for x2 = 5, 27, 11 do local p2 = {x = chunk_frameposition_topleft.x + x2, y = chunk_frameposition_topleft.y + y2} local tiles3, entities3 = {}, {} terrain_fn{ p = p2, noise_generator = noise_generator, static_params = destination.static_params, tiles = tiles3, entities = entities3, decoratives = {}, specials = {}, seed = destination.seed, iconized_generation = true } local tile = tiles3[1] if modalcounts[tile.name] then modalcounts[tile.name] = modalcounts[tile.name] + 1 else modalcounts[tile.name] = 1 end if y2 == 16 and x2 == 16 and #entities3 > 0 and entities3[1] and entities3[1].visible_on_overworld then entitymap[macroposition] = entities3[1].name end end end local modaltile, max = 'hazard-concrete-left', 0 for k, v in pairs(modalcounts) do if v > max then modaltile, max = k, v end end tiles[#tiles + 1] = {name = modaltile, position = macroposition} if (not Utils.contains(CoreData.water_tile_names, modaltile)) then leftboundary, rightboundary, topboundary, bottomboundary = Math.min(leftboundary, x), Math.max(rightboundary, x + 1), Math.min(topboundary, y), Math.max(bottomboundary, y + 1) end end end leftboundary, rightboundary, topboundary, bottomboundary = leftboundary - 1, rightboundary + 1, topboundary - 1, bottomboundary + 1 --push out by one step to get some water -- construct image, and record where entities can be placed: local positions_free_to_hold_resources = {} for _, tile in pairs(tiles) do local x = tile.position.x local y = tile.position.y if tile.name ~= 'water' and x >= leftboundary and x <= rightboundary and y >= topboundary and y <= bottomboundary then --nil represents water --arrange image so that {0,0} is on the centre of the left edge: local p = {x = x - leftboundary, y = y - (topboundary + bottomboundary)/2} if (topboundary + bottomboundary)/2 % 1 ~= 0 then p.y = p.y + 0.5 --adjust so that tiles land on half-integer positions end tiles2[#tiles2 + 1] = {name = tile.name, position = p} if (not Utils.contains(CoreData.tiles_that_conflict_with_resource_layer, tile.name)) then local ename = entitymap[tile.position] if ename then entities[#entities + 1] = {name = ename, position = p} else if (p.x + 2) % 4 <= 2 and (p.y) % 4 <= 2 then --for the ingame minimap, the ore texture checker only colors these squares local nearby_es = { entitymap[{x = tile.position.x + 1, y = tile.position.y}], entitymap[{x = tile.position.x - 1, y = tile.position.y}], entitymap[{x = tile.position.x, y = tile.position.y + 1}], entitymap[{x = tile.position.x, y = tile.position.y - 1}], } if not (nearby_es[1] or nearby_es[2] or nearby_es[3] or nearby_es[4]) then positions_free_to_hold_resources[#positions_free_to_hold_resources + 1] = p -- if destination.destination_index == 3 then -- game.print(p) -- end end end end end end end if #positions_free_to_hold_resources > 0 then local orestoadd = {} for k, v in pairs(destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts) do if k == 'crude-oil' then local count = Math.ceil((v/20)^(1/2)) --assuming the abstract values are about 20 times as big as for other ores orestoadd[k] = {count = count, sizing_each = Common.oil_abstract_to_real(v)/count} else local count = Math.ceil(v^(1/2)) orestoadd[k] = {count = count, sizing_each = Common.ore_abstract_to_real(v)/count} end end for k, v in pairs(orestoadd) do for i = 1, v.count do if #positions_free_to_hold_resources > 0 then local random_index = Math.random(#positions_free_to_hold_resources) local p = positions_free_to_hold_resources[random_index] entities[#entities + 1] = {name = k, position = p, amount = v.sizing_each} for j = random_index, #positions_free_to_hold_resources - 1 do positions_free_to_hold_resources[j] = positions_free_to_hold_resources[j+1] end positions_free_to_hold_resources[#positions_free_to_hold_resources] = nil end end end end -- get more precise understanding of left-hand shore local xcorrection = 0 for ystep = -10, 10, 10 do for xstep = 0, 300, 3 do local x = leftboundary * 32 + 16 + xstep local y = (topboundary*32 + bottomboundary*32)/2 + ystep local tiles3 = {} terrain_fn{ p = {x = x, y = y}, noise_generator = noise_generator, static_params = destination.static_params, tiles = tiles3, entities = {}, decoratives = {}, specials = {}, seed = destination.seed, iconized_generation = true } local tile = tiles3[1] if (not Utils.contains(CoreData.water_tile_names, tile.name)) then xcorrection = Math.max(xcorrection, xstep + Math.abs(ystep)) break end end end -- if xcorrection == 0 then xcorrection = 300 end local iconwidth, iconheight = rightboundary - leftboundary, bottomboundary - topboundary iconwidth = iconwidth > 0 and iconwidth or 0 --make them 0 if negative iconheight = iconheight > 0 and iconheight or 0 local extension_to_left = Math.ceil(Common.boat_default_starting_distance_from_shore + boat_extra_distance_from_shore + Common.mapedge_distance_from_boat_starting_position - xcorrection) local terraingen_coordinates_offset = {x = (leftboundary*32 + rightboundary*32)/2 - extension_to_left/2, y = (topboundary*32 + bottomboundary*32)/2} local width = rightboundary*32 - leftboundary*32 + extension_to_left local height = bottomboundary*32 - topboundary*32 local deepwater_terraingenframe_xposition = leftboundary*32 - Common.deepwater_distance_from_leftmost_shore local islandcenter_position = {x = extension_to_left/2, y = 0} local deepwater_xposition = deepwater_terraingenframe_xposition - terraingen_coordinates_offset.x -- -- must ceil this, because if it's a half integer big things will teleport badly: -- local boat_starting_xposition = Math.ceil(- width/2 + Common.mapedge_distance_from_boat_starting_position) -- worse, must make this even due to rails: local boat_starting_xposition = 2*Math.ceil( (- width/2 + Common.mapedge_distance_from_boat_starting_position)/2 ) destination.static_params.terraingen_coordinates_offset = terraingen_coordinates_offset destination.static_params.width = width destination.static_params.height = height destination.static_params.islandcenter_position = islandcenter_position destination.static_params.deepwater_xposition = deepwater_xposition destination.static_params.deepwater_terraingenframe_xposition = deepwater_terraingenframe_xposition destination.static_params.boat_starting_xposition = boat_starting_xposition destination.iconized_map.tiles = tiles2 destination.iconized_map.entities = entities destination.iconized_map_width = iconwidth destination.iconized_map_height = iconheight end function Public.create_surface(destination) local surface_name = destination.surface_name if game.surfaces[surface_name] then return end -- maybe can set width and height to be 0 here? if so, will need to change references to map_gen_settings.width elsewhere in code -- local mgs = Utils.deepcopy(Common.default_map_gen_settings( -- self.static_params.width or 512, -- self.static_params.height or 512, -- self.seed or Math.random(1, 1000000) -- )) local mgs = Utils.deepcopy(Common.default_map_gen_settings( Math.max(0,destination.static_params.width) or 128, Math.max(0,destination.static_params.height) or 128, destination.seed or Math.random(1, 1000000) )) --todo: put into static_params mgs.autoplace_settings.decorative.treat_missing_as_default = destination.static_params.default_decoratives local surface = game.create_surface(surface_name, mgs) surface.solar_power_multiplier = destination.static_params.solar_power_multiplier or 1 surface.show_clouds = destination.static_params.clouds or false surface.min_brightness = destination.static_params.min_brightness or 0.15 surface.brightness_visual_weights = destination.static_params.brightness_visual_weights or {1, 1, 1} surface.daytime = destination.static_params.starting_time_of_day or 0 local daynightcycletype = destination.static_params.daynightcycletype or 1 local ticksperday = CoreData.daynightcycle_types[daynightcycletype].ticksperday or 0 if ticksperday == 0 then surface.freeze_daytime = true ticksperday = ticksperday + 1 -- avoid divide by zero else surface.freeze_daytime = false end surface.ticks_per_day = ticksperday Public.on_surface_generation(destination) end function Public.clean_up(destination) -- game.print('clean_up') local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local oldsurface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name] if not (oldsurface and oldsurface.valid) then return end -- assuming sea is always default subtype: local seasurface = game.surfaces[memory.sea_name] Quest.try_resolve_quest() -- handle players that were left on the island -- if there is more than one crew on a surface, this will need to be generalised for _, player in pairs(game.connected_players) do if (player.surface == oldsurface) then if player.character and player.character.valid then player.character.die(memory.force) end player.teleport(memory.spawnpoint, seasurface) end end Islands[IslandEnum.enum.CAVE].cleanup_cave_surface(destination) destination.dynamic_data = {} memory.scripted_biters = nil memory.scripted_unit_groups = nil memory.floating_pollution = nil if memory.enemy_force_name then local ef = memory.enemy_force if ef and ef.valid then memory.enemy_force.reset_evolution() local base_evo = Balance.base_evolution_leagues(memory.overworldx) Common.set_evo(base_evo) end end game.delete_surface(oldsurface) end -- function Public.crowsnest_init_destinations() -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() -- local tiles, entities = {}, {} -- Overworld.try_overworld_move{x = 0, y = 0} -- -- for _, destination_data in pairs(memory.destinations) do -- -- local iconized_map = SurfacesCommon.fetch_iconized_map(destination_data.destination_index) -- -- for _, t in pairs(iconized_map.tiles) do -- -- local x = Crowsnest.platformrightmostedge + destination_data.overworld_position.x + t.position.x -- -- local y = destination_data.overworld_position.y + t.position.y -- -- if Math.abs(x) < Crowsnest.Data.width/2 and Math.abs(y) < Crowsnest.Data.height/2 then -- -- tiles[#tiles+1] = {name = t.name, position = {x = x, y = y}} -- -- end -- -- end -- -- for _, e in pairs(iconized_map.entities) do -- -- local x = Crowsnest.platformrightmostedge + destination_data.overworld_position.x + e.position.x -- -- local y = destination_data.overworld_position.y + e.position.y -- -- if Math.abs(x) < Crowsnest.Data.width/2 then -- -- local e2 = Utils.deepcopy(e) -- -- e2.position = {x = x, y = y} -- -- entities[#entities+1] = e2 -- -- end -- -- end -- -- end -- -- Crowsnest.update_surface(tiles, entities) -- end function Public.player_goto_crows_nest(player, player_relative_pos) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = game.surfaces[SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, 0, enum.CROWSNEST, nil)] local carpos if player_relative_pos.x < 0 then carpos = {x = -2.29687, y = 0} else carpos = {x = 3.29687, y = 0} end local newpos = {x = memory.overworldx + carpos.x - player_relative_pos.x, y = memory.overworldy + carpos.y + player_relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 5, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end -- player.minimap_enabled = false end function Public.player_exit_crows_nest(player, player_relative_pos) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface if Boats.is_boat_at_sea() then surface = game.surfaces[SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, 0, Public.enum.SEA, Public.Sea.enum.DEFAULT)] else surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] end local carpos if player_relative_pos.x > 0 then carpos = Boats.get_scope(memory.boat).Data.entercrowsnest_cars.right else carpos = Boats.get_scope(memory.boat).Data.entercrowsnest_cars.left end local newpos = {x = memory.boat.position.x + carpos.x - player_relative_pos.x, y = memory.boat.position.y + carpos.y + player_relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 10, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end -- player.minimap_enabled = true end function Public.player_goto_hold(player, relative_pos, nth) -- local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = Hold.get_hold_surface(nth) local newpos = {x = Hold.Data.loco_offset.x + 1 + relative_pos.x, y = Hold.Data.loco_offset.y + relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 5, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end end function Public.player_exit_hold(player, relative_pos) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface if Boats.is_boat_at_sea() then surface = game.surfaces[SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, 0, Public.enum.SEA, Public.Sea.enum.DEFAULT)] else surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] end local locopos = Boats.get_scope(memory.boat).Data.loco_pos local newpos = {x = memory.boat.position.x + locopos.x + relative_pos.x, y = memory.boat.position.y + locopos.y + relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 10, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end end function Public.player_goto_cabin(player, relative_pos) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface = Cabin.get_cabin_surface() local newpos = {x = Cabin.Data.car_pos.x - relative_pos.x, y = Cabin.Data.car_pos.y + relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 5, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end if (not memory.captain_cabin_hint_given) and Common.is_captain(player) then memory.captain_cabin_hint_given = true Common.parrot_speak(memory.force, {'pirates.parrot_captain_first_time_in_cabin_hint'}) end end function Public.player_exit_cabin(player, relative_pos) local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory() local surface if Boats.is_boat_at_sea() then surface = game.surfaces[SurfacesCommon.encode_surface_name(memory.id, 0, Public.enum.SEA, Public.Sea.enum.DEFAULT)] else surface = game.surfaces[Common.current_destination().surface_name] end local carpos = Boats.get_scope(memory.boat).Data.cabin_car local newpos = {x = memory.boat.position.x + carpos.x - relative_pos.x, y = memory.boat.position.y + carpos.y + relative_pos.y} local newpos2 = surface.find_non_colliding_position('character', newpos, 10, 0.2) or newpos if newpos2 then player.teleport(newpos2, surface) end end return Public