-- Mirrored Terrain for Biter Battles -- by MewMew local event = require 'utils.event' local direction_translation = { [0] = 4, [1] = 5, [2] = 6, [3] = 7, [4] = 0, [5] = 1, [6] = 2, [7] = 3 } local cliff_orientation_translation = { ["east-to-none"] = "west-to-none", ["east-to-north"] = "west-to-south", ["east-to-south"] = "west-to-north", ["east-to-west"] = "west-to-east", ["north-to-east"] = "south-to-west", ["north-to-none"] = "south-to-none", ["north-to-south"] = "south-to-north", ["north-to-west"] = "south-to-east", ["south-to-east"] = "north-to-west", ["south-to-none"] = "north-to-none", ["south-to-north"] = "north-to-south", ["south-to-west"] = "north-to-east", ["west-to-east"] = "east-to-west", ["west-to-none"] = "east-to-none", ["west-to-north"] = "east-to-south", ["west-to-south"] = "east-to-north", ["none-to-east"] = "none-to-west", ["none-to-north"] = "none-to-south", ["none-to-south"] = "none-to-north", ["none-to-west"] = "none-to-east" } local valid_types = { ["tree"] = true, ["simple-entity"] = true, ["cliff"] = true, ["resource"] = true, ["unit-spawner"] = true, ["turret"] = true, ["rocket-silo"] = true, ["character"] = true, ["ammo-turret"] = true, ["wall"] = true, ["fish"] = true, } local function process_entity(surface, entity) if not entity.valid then return end if not valid_types[entity.type] then return end local new_pos = {x = entity.position.x * -1, y = entity.position.y * -1} if entity.type == "tree" then if not surface.can_place_entity({name = entity.name, position = new_pos}) then return end entity.clone({position=new_pos, surface=surface, force="neutral"}) return end if entity.type == "simple-entity" then local new_e = {name = entity.name, position = new_pos, direction = direction_translation[entity.direction]} if not surface.can_place_entity(new_e) then return end local e = surface.create_entity(new_e) e.graphics_variation = entity.graphics_variation return end if entity.type == "cliff" then local new_e = {name = entity.name, position = new_pos, cliff_orientation = cliff_orientation_translation[entity.cliff_orientation]} if not surface.can_place_entity(new_e) then return end surface.create_entity(new_e) return end if entity.type == "resource" then surface.create_entity({name = entity.name, position = new_pos, amount = entity.amount}) return end --if entity.type == "unit-spawner" or entity.type == "unit" or entity.type == "turret" then if entity.type == "unit-spawner" or entity.type == "turret" then local new_e = {name = entity.name, position = new_pos, direction = direction_translation[entity.direction], force = "south_biters"} if not surface.can_place_entity(new_e) then return end surface.create_entity(new_e) return end if entity.name == "rocket-silo" then if surface.count_entities_filtered({name = "rocket-silo", area = {{new_pos.x - 8, new_pos.y - 8},{new_pos.x + 8, new_pos.y + 8}}}) > 0 then return end global.rocket_silo["south"] = surface.create_entity({name = entity.name, position = new_pos, direction = direction_translation[entity.direction], force = "south"}) global.rocket_silo["south"].minable = false return end if entity.name == "gun-turret" or entity.name == "stone-wall" then if not surface.can_place_entity({name = entity.name, position = new_pos, force = "south"}) then return end entity.clone({position=new_pos, surface=surface, force="south"}) return end if entity.name == "character" then return end if entity.name == "fish" then local new_e = {name = entity.name, position = new_pos, direction = direction_translation[entity.direction]} if not surface.can_place_entity(new_e) then return end local e = surface.create_entity(new_e) return end end local function clear_chunk(surface, area) surface.destroy_decoratives{area=area} if area.left_top.y > 32 or area.left_top.x > 32 or area.left_top.x < -32 then for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area})) do if e.valid then e.destroy() end end else for _, e in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area})) do if e.valid then if e.name ~= "character" then e.destroy() end end end end end local function mirror_chunk(surface, chunk) --local x = chunk.x * -32 + 32 --local y = chunk.y * -32 + 32 --clear_chunk(surface, {left_top = {x = x, y = y}, right_bottom = {x = x + 32, y = y + 32}}) local chunk_area = {left_top = {x = chunk.x * 32, y = chunk.y * 32}, right_bottom = {x = chunk.x * 32 + 32, y = chunk.y * 32 + 32}} if not surface.is_chunk_generated(chunk) then surface.request_to_generate_chunks({x = chunk_area.left_top.x - 16, y = chunk_area.left_top.y - 16}, 1) surface.force_generate_chunk_requests() end for _, tile in pairs(surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = chunk_area})) do surface.set_tiles({{name = tile.name, position = {x = tile.position.x * -1, y = (tile.position.y * -1) - 1}}}, true) end for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area = chunk_area})) do process_entity(surface, entity) end for _, decorative in pairs(surface.find_decoratives_filtered{area=chunk_area}) do surface.create_decoratives{ check_collision=false, decoratives={{name = decorative.decorative.name, position = {x = decorative.position.x * -1, y = (decorative.position.y * -1) - 1}, amount = decorative.amount}} } end end local function on_chunk_generated(event) if event.area.left_top.y < 0 then return end if event.surface.name ~= "biter_battles" then return end clear_chunk(event.surface, event.area) local x = ((event.area.left_top.x + 16) * -1) - 16 local y = ((event.area.left_top.y + 16) * -1) - 16 local delay = 30 if not global.chunks_to_mirror[game.tick + delay] then global.chunks_to_mirror[game.tick + delay] = {} end global.chunks_to_mirror[game.tick + delay][#global.chunks_to_mirror[game.tick + delay] + 1] = {x = x / 32, y = y / 32} end local function ocg (event) if event.area.left_top.y < 0 then return end if event.surface.name ~= "biter_battles" then return end event.surface.destroy_decoratives{ area = event.area } -- Destroy biters here before they get active and attack other biters; -- prevents threat decrease for _, e in pairs(event.surface.find_entities_filtered{ area = event.area, force = "enemy" }) do if e.valid then e.destroy() end end local x = ((event.area.left_top.x + 16) * -1) - 16 local y = ((event.area.left_top.y + 16) * -1) - 16 if not global.ctp then global.ctp = { continue = 1, last = 0 } end local idx = global.ctp.last + 1 global.ctp[idx] = {x = x / 32, y = y / 32, state = 1} global.ctp.last = idx end local function ticking_work() if not global.ctp then return end local work = global.mws or 137 -- define the number of work per tick here (for copies, creations, deletions) -- 136.5333 is the number of work needed to finish 4*(32*32) operations over 30 ticks (spreading a chunk copy over 30 ticks) local w = 0 local i = global.ctp.continue local c = global.ctp[i] if not c then return end local state = c.state local d = c.data local area = { left_top = {x = c.x * 32, y = c.y * 32}, right_bottom = {x = c.x * 32 + 32, y = c.y * 32 + 32} } local inverted_area = { left_top = { -area.right_bottom.x, -area.right_bottom.y }, right_bottom = { -area.left_top.x, -area.left_top.y } } local surface = game.surfaces["biter_battles"] if not surface.is_chunk_generated(c) then -- game.print("Chunk not generated yet, requesting..") surface.request_to_generate_chunks({x = area.left_top.x - 16, y = area.left_top.y - 16}, 1) return end local tasks = { [1] = { name = "Clearing entities", list = function () return surface.find_entities_filtered({area = inverted_area, name = "character", invert = true}) end, action = function (e) e.destroy() end }, [2] = { name = "Tile copy", list = function () return surface.find_tiles_filtered({area = area}) end, action = function (tile) surface.set_tiles({{ name = tile.name, position = {x = tile.position.x * -1, y = (tile.position.y * -1) - 1} }}, true) end }, [3] = { name = "Entity copy", list = function () return surface.find_entities_filtered({area = area}) end, action = function (entity) process_entity(surface, entity) end }, [4] = { name = "Decorative copy", list = function () return surface.find_decoratives_filtered{area = area} end, action = function (decorative) surface.create_decoratives{ check_collision = false, decoratives = {{ name = decorative.decorative.name, position = {x = decorative.position.x * -1, y = (decorative.position.y * -1) - 1}, amount = decorative.amount }} } end } } local task = tasks[c.state] -- game.print(task.name) d = d or task.list() for k, v in pairs(d) do task.action(v) d[k] = nil w = w + 1 if w > work then break end end if #d == 0 then c.state = c.state + 1 c.data = nil else c.data = d end if c.state == 5 then -- game.print("Finished processing chunk "..c.x..","..c.y) global.ctp.continue = i+1 global.ctp[i] = nil else global.ctp.continue = i end end local function mirror_map() --local limit = 32 for i, c in pairs(global.chunks_to_mirror) do if i < game.tick then for k, chunk in pairs(global.chunks_to_mirror[i]) do mirror_chunk(game.surfaces["biter_battles"], chunk) --global.chunks_to_mirror[i][k] = nil --limit = limit - 1 --if limit == 0 then return end end global.chunks_to_mirror[i] = nil end end end event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, ocg) -- event.add(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, on_chunk_generated) return ticking_work -- return mirror_map