local table_sort = table.sort local string_rep = string.rep local string_format = string.format local debug_getinfo = debug.getinfo local Color = require 'utils.color_presets' local Task = require 'utils.task' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Public = { call_tree = nil, is_running = false } local stop_profiler_token = Token.register( function() Public.stop() game.print('[PROFILER] Stopped!') log('[PROFILER] Stopped!') end ) -- we can have this on runtime, -- but never ever can a player run this without notifying us. local allowed = { ['Gerkiz'] = true, ['mewmew'] = true } local ignored_functions = { [debug.sethook] = true } local named_sources = { ['[string "local n, v = "serpent", "0.30" -- (C) 2012-17..."]'] = 'serpent' } local function start_command(command) local player = game.player if player then if player ~= nil then if not player.admin then local p = player.print p('[ERROR] Only admins are allowed to run this command!', Color.fail) return else if allowed[player.name] then Public.start(command.parameter ~= nil) elseif _DEBUG then Public.start(command.parameter ~= nil) end end end end end local function stop_command(command) local player = game.player if player then if player ~= nil then if not player.admin then local p = player.print p('[ERROR] Only admins are allowed to run this command!', Color.fail) return else if allowed[player.name] then Public.stop(command.parameter ~= nil, nil) elseif _DEBUG then Public.stop(command.parameter ~= nil, nil) end end end end end ignored_functions[start_command] = true ignored_functions[stop_command] = true commands.add_command('start_profiler', 'Starts profiling', start_command) commands.add_command('stop_profiler', 'Stops profiling', stop_command) --local assert_raw = assert --function assert(expr, ...) -- if not expr then -- Public.stop(false, "Assertion failed") -- end -- assert_raw(expr, ...) --end local error_raw = error --luacheck: ignore error function error(...) Public.stop(false, 'Error raised') error_raw(...) end function Public.start(exclude_called_ms) if Public.is_running then return end local create_profiler = game.create_profiler Public.is_running = true Public.call_tree = { name = 'root', calls = 0, profiler = create_profiler(), next = {} } -- Array of Call local stack = {[0] = Public.call_tree} local stack_count = 0 debug.sethook( function(event) local info = debug_getinfo(2, 'nSf') if ignored_functions[info.func] then return end if event == 'call' or event == 'tail call' then local prev_call = stack[stack_count] if exclude_called_ms and prev_call then prev_call.profiler.stop() end local what = info.what local name if what == 'C' then name = string_format('C function %q', info.name or 'anonymous') else local source = info.short_src local namedSource = named_sources[source] if namedSource ~= nil then source = namedSource elseif string.sub(source, 1, 1) == '@' then source = string.sub(source, 1) end name = string_format('%q in %q, line %d', info.name or 'anonymous', source, info.linedefined) end local prev_call_next = prev_call.next if prev_call_next == nil then prev_call_next = {} prev_call.next = prev_call_next end local currCall = prev_call_next[name] local profilerStartFunc if currCall == nil then local prof = create_profiler() currCall = { name = name, calls = 1, profiler = prof } prev_call_next[name] = currCall profilerStartFunc = prof.reset else currCall.calls = currCall.calls + 1 profilerStartFunc = currCall.profiler.restart end stack_count = stack_count + 1 stack[stack_count] = currCall profilerStartFunc() end if event == 'return' or event == 'tail call' then if stack_count > 0 then stack[stack_count].profiler.stop() stack[stack_count] = nil stack_count = stack_count - 1 if exclude_called_ms then stack[stack_count].profiler.restart() end end end end, 'cr' ) end ignored_functions[Public.start] = true local function dump_tree(averageMs) local function sort_Call(a, b) return a.calls > b.calls end local fullStr = {''} local str = fullStr local line = 1 local function recurse(curr, depth) local sort = {} local i = 1 for k, v in pairs(curr) do sort[i] = v i = i + 1 end table_sort(sort, sort_Call) for ii = 1, #sort do local call = sort[ii] if line >= 19 then --Localised string can only have up to 20 parameters local newStr = {''} --So nest them! str[line + 1] = newStr str = newStr line = 1 end if averageMs then call.profiler.divide(call.calls) end str[line + 1] = string_format('\n%s%dx %s. %s ', string_rep('\t', depth), call.calls, call.name, averageMs and 'Average' or 'Total') str[line + 2] = call.profiler line = line + 2 local next = call.next if next ~= nil then recurse(next, depth + 1) end end end if Public.call_tree.next ~= nil then recurse(Public.call_tree.next, 0) return fullStr end return 'No calls' end function Public.stop(averageMs, message) if not Public.is_running then return end debug.sethook() local text = {'', '\n\n----------PROFILER DUMP----------\n', dump_tree(averageMs), '\n\n----------PROFILER STOPPED----------\n'} if message ~= nil then text[#text + 1] = string.format('Reason: %s\n', message) end log(text) Public.call_tree = nil Public.is_running = false end ignored_functions[Public.stop] = true if _PROFILE and _PROFILE_ON_INIT then Event.on_init( function() game.print('[PROFILER] Started!') log('[PROFILER] Started!') Public.start() Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(3600, stop_profiler_token) end ) end return Public