-- Threading simulation module -- Task.sleep() -- @author Valansch and Grilledham -- github: https://github.com/Refactorio/RedMew -- ======================================================= -- local Queue = require 'utils.queue' local PriorityQueue = require 'utils.priority_queue' local Event = require 'utils.event' local Token = require 'utils.token' local Global = require 'utils.global' local floor = math.floor local log10 = math.log10 local Token_get = Token.get local pcall = pcall local Queue_peek = Queue.peek local Queue_pop = Queue.pop local Queue_push = Queue.push local PriorityQueue_peek = PriorityQueue.peek local PriorityQueue_pop = PriorityQueue.pop local PriorityQueue_push = PriorityQueue.push local Task = {} local function comparator(a, b) return a.time < b.time end local callbacks = PriorityQueue.new(comparator) local task_queue = Queue.new() local primitives = { next_async_callback_time = -1, total_task_weight = 0, task_queue_speed = 1, task_per_tick = 1 } Global.register( {callbacks = callbacks, task_queue = task_queue, primitives = primitives}, function(tbl) callbacks = tbl.callbacks task_queue = tbl.task_queue primitives = tbl.primitives PriorityQueue.load(callbacks, comparator) end ) local function get_task_per_tick(tick) if tick % 300 == 0 then local size = primitives.total_task_weight local task_per_tick = floor(log10(size + 1)) * primitives.task_queue_speed if task_per_tick < 1 then task_per_tick = 1 end primitives.task_per_tick = task_per_tick return task_per_tick end return primitives.task_per_tick end local function on_tick() local tick = game.tick for i = 1, get_task_per_tick(tick) do local task = Queue_peek(task_queue) if task ~= nil then -- result is error if not success else result is a boolean for if the task should stay in the queue. local success, result = pcall(Token_get(task.func_token), task.params) if not success then if _DEBUG then error(result) else log(result) end Queue_pop(task_queue) primitives.total_task_weight = primitives.total_task_weight - task.weight elseif not result then Queue_pop(task_queue) primitives.total_task_weight = primitives.total_task_weight - task.weight end end end local callback = PriorityQueue_peek(callbacks) while callback ~= nil and tick >= callback.time do local success, result = pcall(Token_get(callback.func_token), callback.params) if not success then if _DEBUG then error(result) else log(result) end end PriorityQueue_pop(callbacks) callback = PriorityQueue_peek(callbacks) end end --- Allows you to set a timer (in ticks) after which the tokened function will be run with params given as an argument -- Cannot be called before init -- @param ticks <number> -- @param func_token <number> a token for a function store via the token system -- @param params <any> the argument to send to the tokened function function Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(ticks, func_token, params) if not game then error('cannot call when game is not available', 2) end local time = game.tick + ticks local callback = {time = time, func_token = func_token, params = params} PriorityQueue_push(callbacks, callback) end --- Allows you to set a timer (in seconds) after which the tokened function will be run with params given as an argument -- Cannot be called before init -- @param sec <number> -- @param func_token <number> a token for a function store via the token system -- @param params <any> the argument to send to the tokened function function Task.set_timeout(sec, func_token, params) if not game then error('cannot call when game is not available', 2) end Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(60 * sec, func_token, params) end --- Queueing allows you to split up heavy tasks which don't need to be completed in the same tick. -- Queued tasks are generally run 1 per tick. If the queue backs up, more tasks will be processed per tick. -- @param func_token <number> a token for a function stored via the token system -- If this function returns `true` it will run again the next tick, delaying other queued tasks (see weight) -- @param params <any> the argument to send to the tokened function -- @param weight <number> (defaults to 1) weight is the number of ticks a task is expected to take. -- Ex. if the task is expected to repeat multiple times (ie. the function returns true and loops several ticks) function Task.queue_task(func_token, params, weight) weight = weight or 1 primitives.total_task_weight = primitives.total_task_weight + weight Queue_push(task_queue, {func_token = func_token, params = params, weight = weight}) end function Task.get_queue_speed() return primitives.task_queue_speed end function Task.set_queue_speed(value) value = value or 1 if value < 0 then value = 0 end primitives.task_queue_speed = value end Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick) return Task