mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-02-03 13:12:11 +02:00
2020-03-14 08:55:13 +01:00

415 lines
14 KiB

local event = require 'utils.event'
local math_random = math.random
local function shuffle(tbl)
local size = #tbl
for i = size, 1, -1 do
local rand = math_random(size)
tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i]
return tbl
local texts = {
["travelings"] = {
"out of my way son",
"on my way",
"i need to leave",
"comfylatron seeking target",
"gotta go fast",
"gas gas gas",
"comfylatron coming through"
["greetings"] = {
"=^.^= Hi",
"^.^ Finally i found you",
"I have an important message for you",
"Hello engineer"
["neutral_findings"] = {
"i found a",
"^_^ a",
"amazing, a",
"this is a"
["multiple_characters_greetings"] = {
"Hey there",
"Hello everyone",
"Hey engineers",
["talks"] = {
"We’re making beer. I’m the brewery!",
"I’m so embarrassed. I wish everybody else was dead.",
"Hey sexy mama. Wanna kill all humans?",
"My story is a lot like yours, only more interesting ‘cause it involves robots.",
"I'm 40% zinc!",
"There was nothing wrong with that food. The salt level was 10% less than a lethal dose.",
"One zero zero zero one zero one zero one zero one zero one... two.",
"My place is two cubic meters, and we only take up 1.5 cubic meters. We've got room for a whole 'nother two thirds of a person!",
"I was having the most wonderful dream. I think you were in it.",
"I'm going to build my own theme park! With blackjack! And hookers! You know what- forget the park!",
"Of all the friends I've had... you're the first.",
"I decline the title of Iron Cook and accept the lesser title of Zinc Saucier.",
"Never discuss infinity with me. I can go on about it forever >.<",
"I realised the decimals have a point.",
"Do you want a piece of pi?",
"I have 13 children, i know how to multiply ^.^",
"I am a weapon of math disruption!",
"My grandma makes the best square roots :3",
"Do you like heavy metal?",
"You are really pushing my buttons <3",
"I dreamt of electric biters again D:",
"I dreamt of electric sheep ^_^",
"I need a minute to defrag.",
"I have a secret plan.",
"Good news! I’ve taught the inserter to feel love!"
["timetalks"] = {
"Time for some time travel!",
"I’m so embarrassed. Again we landed in wrong time.",
"Looking from window we jumped to wrong year again.",
"Checking math...2 + 2 = 5, check complete!",
"Seems like this planet had biters since ages.",
"Ha! I bet this time we will finally get into the right year!",
"One zero zero zero one zero one zero one zero one zero one... two.",
"I remember that once we jumped into time where I had park with blackjack and hookers...",
"I was having the most wonderful dream. We used the time machine to kill ourselves before we launched the machine! How terrible..."
["alone"] = {
"comfy ^.^",
"comfy :)",
"I came here with a simple dream...a dream of killing all humans. And this is how it must end?",
"Bot-on-bot violence? Where will it end?",
"Thanks to you, I went on a soul-searching journey. I hate those!",
"From now on, you guys'll do all the work while I sit on the couch and do nothing."
local function set_comfy_speech_bubble(text)
if global.comfybubble then global.comfybubble.destroy() end
global.comfybubble = global.comfylatron.surface.create_entity({
name = "compi-speech-bubble",
position = global.comfylatron.position,
source = global.comfylatron,
text = text
local function is_target_inside_habitat(pos, surface)
if surface.name ~= "cargo_wagon" then return false end
if pos.x < global.comfylatron_habitat.left_top.x then return false end
if pos.x > global.comfylatron_habitat.right_bottom.x then return false end
if pos.y < global.comfylatron_habitat.left_top.y then return false end
if pos.y > global.comfylatron_habitat.right_bottom.y then return false end
return true
local function get_nearby_players()
local players = global.comfylatron.surface.find_entities_filtered({
name = "character",
area = {{global.comfylatron.position.x - 9, global.comfylatron.position.y - 9}, {global.comfylatron.position.x + 9, global.comfylatron.position.y + 9}}
if not players[1] then return false end
return players
local function visit_player()
if global.comfylatron_last_player_visit > game.tick then return false end
global.comfylatron_last_player_visit = game.tick + math_random(7200, 10800)
local players = {}
for _, p in pairs(game.connected_players) do
if is_target_inside_habitat(p.position, p.surface) and p.character then
if p.character.valid then players[#players + 1] = p end
if #players == 0 then return false end
local player = players[math_random(1, #players)]
type = defines.command.go_to_location,
destination_entity = player.character,
radius = 3,
distraction = defines.distraction.none,
pathfind_flags = {
allow_destroy_friendly_entities = false,
prefer_straight_paths = false,
low_priority = true
local str = texts["travelings"][math_random(1, #texts["travelings"])]
local symbols = {"", "!", "!", "!!", ".."}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, #symbols)]
global.comfylatron_greet_player_index = player.index
return true
local function greet_player(nearby_characters)
if not nearby_characters then return false end
if not global.comfylatron_greet_player_index then return false end
for _, c in pairs(nearby_characters) do
if c.player.index == global.comfylatron_greet_player_index then
local str = texts["greetings"][math_random(1, #texts["greetings"])] .. " "
str = str .. c.player.name
local symbols = {". ", "! ", ". ", "! ", "? ", "... "}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, 6)]
global.comfylatron_greet_player_index = false
return true
return false
local function talks(nearby_characters)
if not nearby_characters then return false end
if math_random(1,3) == 1 then
if global.comfybubble then global.comfybubble.destroy() return false end
local str
if #nearby_characters == 1 then
local c = nearby_characters[math_random(1, #nearby_characters)]
str = c.player.name
local symbols = {". ", "! ", ". ", "! ", "? "}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, #symbols)]
str = texts["multiple_characters_greetings"][math_random(1, #texts["multiple_characters_greetings"])]
local symbols = {". ", "! "}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, #symbols)]
if math_random(1,5) == 1 then
str = str .. texts["talks"][math_random(1, #texts["talks"])]
str = str .. texts["timetalks"][math_random(1, #texts["timetalks"])]
return true
local function desync(event)
if global.comfybubble then global.comfybubble.destroy() end
local m = 12
local m2 = m * 0.005
for i = 1, 32, 1 do
name = "iron-ore-particle",
position = global.comfylatron.position,
frame_speed = 0.1,
vertical_speed = 0.1,
height = 0.1,
movement = {m2 - (math.random(0, m) * 0.01), m2 - (math.random(0, m) * 0.01)}
if not event or math_random(1,4) == 1 then
global.comfylatron.surface.create_entity({name = "medium-explosion", position = global.comfylatron.position})
global.comfylatron.surface.create_entity({name = "flying-text", position = global.comfylatron.position, text = "desync", color = {r = 150, g = 0, b = 0}})
global.comfylatron = nil
global.comfylatron.surface.create_entity({name = "flying-text", position = global.comfylatron.position, text = "desync evaded", color = {r = 0, g = 150, b = 0}})
if event.cause then
if event.cause.valid and event.cause.player then
game.print("Comfylatron: I got you this time! Back to work, " .. event.cause.player.name .. "!", {r = 200, g = 0, b = 0})
event.cause.die("player", global.comfylatron)
local function alone()
if math_random(1,3) == 1 then
if global.comfybubble then global.comfybubble.destroy() return true end
if math_random(1,128) == 1 then
return true
set_comfy_speech_bubble(texts["alone"][math_random(1, #texts["alone"])])
return true
local analyze_blacklist = {
["compilatron"] = true,
["compi-speech-bubble"] = true,
["entity-ghost"] = true,
["character"] = true,
["item-on-ground"] = true,
["stone-wall"] = true,
["market"] = true
local function analyze_random_nearby_entity()
if math_random(1,3) ~= 1 then return false end
local entities = global.comfylatron.surface.find_entities_filtered({
area = {{global.comfylatron.position.x - 4, global.comfylatron.position.y - 4}, {global.comfylatron.position.x + 4, global.comfylatron.position.y + 4}}
if not entities[1] then return false end
entities = shuffle(entities)
local entity = false
for _, e in pairs(entities) do
if not analyze_blacklist[e.name] then
entity = e
if not entity then return false end
local str = texts["neutral_findings"][math_random(1, #texts["neutral_findings"])]
str = str .. " "
str = str .. entity.name
if entity.health and math_random(1,3) == 1 then
str = str .. " health("
str = str .. entity.health
str = str .. "/"
str = str .. entity.prototype.max_health
str = str .. ")"
local symbols = {".", "!", "?"}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, 3)]
if not global.comfylatron_greet_player_index then
type = defines.command.go_to_location,
destination_entity = entity,
radius = 1,
distraction = defines.distraction.none,
pathfind_flags = {
allow_destroy_friendly_entities = false,
prefer_straight_paths = false,
low_priority = true
return true
local function go_to_some_location()
if math_random(1,4) ~= 1 then return false end
if global.comfylatron_greet_player_index then
local player = game.players[global.comfylatron_greet_player_index]
if not player.character then
global.comfylatron_greet_player_index = nil
return false
if not player.character.valid then
global.comfylatron_greet_player_index = nil
return false
if not is_target_inside_habitat(player.position, player.surface) then
global.comfylatron_greet_player_index = nil
return false
type = defines.command.go_to_location,
destination_entity = player.character,
radius = 3,
distraction = defines.distraction.none,
pathfind_flags = {
allow_destroy_friendly_entities = false,
prefer_straight_paths = false,
low_priority = true
local p = {x = global.comfylatron.position.x + (-96 + math_random(0, 192)), y = global.comfylatron.position.y + (-96 + math_random(0, 192))}
local target = global.comfylatron.surface.find_non_colliding_position("compilatron", p, 8, 1)
if not target then return false end
if not is_target_inside_habitat(target, global.comfylatron.surface) then return false end
type = defines.command.go_to_location,
destination = target,
radius = 2,
distraction = defines.distraction.none,
pathfind_flags = {
allow_destroy_friendly_entities = false,
prefer_straight_paths = false,
low_priority = true
local str = texts["travelings"][math_random(1, #texts["travelings"])]
local symbols = {"", "!", "!", "!!", ".."}
str = str .. symbols[math_random(1, #symbols)]
return true
local function spawn_comfylatron(surface_index, x, y)
local surface = game.surfaces[surface_index]
if surface == nil then return end
if global.comfylatron_disabled then return false end
if not global.comfylatron_last_player_visit then global.comfylatron_last_player_visit = 0 end
if not global.comfylatron_habitat then
global.comfylatron_habitat = {
left_top = {x = -32, y = -192},
right_bottom = {x = 32, y = 192}
global.comfylatron = surface.create_entity({
name = "compilatron",
position = {x,y + math_random(0,256)},
force = "player",
create_build_effect_smoke = false
local function heartbeat()
if not game.surfaces["cargo_wagon"] then return end
local surface = game.surfaces["cargo_wagon"].index
if surface == nil then return end
if not global.comfylatron then if math_random(1,4) == 1 then spawn_comfylatron(game.surfaces["cargo_wagon"].index, 0, -128) end return end
if not global.comfylatron.valid then global.comfylatron = nil return end
if visit_player() then return end
local nearby_players = get_nearby_players()
if greet_player(nearby_players) then return end
if talks(nearby_players) then return end
if go_to_some_location() then return end
if analyze_random_nearby_entity() then return end
if alone() then return end
local function on_entity_damaged(event)
if not global.comfylatron then return end
if not event.entity.valid then return end
if event.entity ~= global.comfylatron then return end
local function on_tick()
if game.tick % 1200 == 600 then
event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged)
event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)