mirror of
synced 2025-03-11 14:49:24 +02:00
Changes: - Quartermaster now also increases your physical damage dealt. Previously it only increased nearby crewmate physical damage dealt. - Reduced damage reduction of Samurai from 68% to 55%. - Reduced damage reduction of Hatamoto from 79% to 70%. - Increased extra melee damage done by Samurai from 25 to 30. - Increased extra melee damage done by Hatamoto from 45 to 50.
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769 lines
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-- This file is part of thesixthroc's Pirate Ship softmod, licensed under GPLv3 and stored at https://github.com/danielmartin0/ComfyFactorio-Pirates.
local Public = {}
local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math'
-- local Raffle = require 'maps.pirates.raffle'
-- local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory'
local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common'
-- local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata'
-- local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local'
-- local _inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect
local IslandEnum = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.island_enum'
-- this file is an API to all the balance tuning knobs
-- Kraken related parameters
Public.biter_swim_speed = 1.5
Public.kraken_biter_spawn_radius = 6 -- only used during non automatic forced spawning during kraken's "special ability"
Public.kraken_spit_targeting_player_chance = 0
Public.base_extra_character_speed = 1.44
Public.respawn_speed_boost = 1.85
-- maximum rate at which alert sound can be played when important buildings are damaged (like silo or cannons)
-- NOTE: frequency can sometimes be faster by 1 second than denoted, but accuracy doesn't really matter here
Public.alert_sound_max_frequency_in_seconds = 3
Public.cannon_extra_hp_for_upgrade = 1000
Public.cannon_starting_hp = 2000
Public.cannon_resistance_factor = 2
Public.technology_price_multiplier = 1
Public.base_caught_fish_amount = 3
Public.class_reward_tick_rate_in_seconds = 7
Public.poison_damage_multiplier = 1.85
Public.every_nth_tree_gives_coins = 10
Public.samurai_damage_taken_multiplier = 0.45
Public.samurai_damage_dealt_when_not_melee_multiplier = 0.75
Public.samurai_damage_dealt_with_melee = 30
Public.hatamoto_damage_taken_multiplier = 0.3
Public.hatamoto_damage_dealt_when_not_melee_multiplier = 0.75
Public.hatamoto_damage_dealt_with_melee = 50
Public.iron_leg_damage_taken_multiplier = 0.24
Public.iron_leg_iron_ore_required = 3000
Public.deckhand_extra_speed = 1.25
Public.deckhand_ore_grant_multiplier = 5
Public.boatswain_extra_speed = 1.25
Public.boatswain_ore_grant_multiplier = 8
Public.shoresman_extra_speed = 1.1
Public.shoresman_ore_grant_multiplier = 3
Public.quartermaster_range = 19
Public.quartermaster_bonus_physical_damage = 1.3
Public.scout_extra_speed = 1.3
Public.scout_damage_taken_multiplier = 1.25
Public.scout_damage_dealt_multiplier = 0.6
Public.fisherman_fish_bonus = 2
Public.fisherman_reach_bonus = 10
Public.lumberjack_coins_from_tree_multiplier = 2
Public.lumberjack_ore_base_amount = 8
Public.master_angler_reach_bonus = 16
Public.master_angler_fish_bonus = 4
Public.master_angler_coin_bonus = 20
Public.dredger_reach_bonus = 16
Public.dredger_fish_bonus = 6
Public.gourmet_ore_scaling_enabled = false
Public.chef_fish_received_for_biter_kill = 1
Public.chef_fish_received_for_worm_kill = 3
Public.rock_eater_damage_taken_multiplier = 0.8
Public.rock_eater_required_stone_furnace_to_heal_count = 1
Public.soldier_defender_summon_chance = 0.2
Public.veteran_destroyer_summon_chance = 0.2
Public.veteran_on_hit_slow_chance = 1
Public.medic_heal_radius = 15
Public.medic_heal_percentage_amount = 0.1
Public.doctor_heal_radius = 20
Public.doctor_heal_percentage_amount = 0.15
Public.shaman_energy_required_per_summon = 1000000
Public.shaman_max_charge = 30000000
Public.shaman_summoned_biter_time_to_live = 60 * 2 -- in seconds
Public.shaman_passive_charge = 200000 -- each second
Public.class_cycle_count = 5 -- How many classes should be purchased to have a chance to buy the same class again
Public.maximum_fish_allowed_to_catch_at_sea = 40
Public.prevent_waves_from_spawning_in_cave_timer_length = 10 -- in seconds
Public.min_ore_spawn_distance = 10
Public.biter_boats_start_arrive_x = 40 * 5
Public.need_resources_to_undock_x = 40 * 20
Public.biters_spawned_on_elite_biter_death = 4
Public.walkways_frozen_pool_damage = 12
function Public.starting_boatEEIpower_production_MW()
-- return 3 * Math.sloped(Common.capacity_scale(), 1/2) / 2 --/2 as we have 2
return 3/2
function Public.starting_boatEEIelectric_buffer_size_MJ() --maybe needs to be at least the power_production
-- return 3 * Math.sloped(Common.capacity_scale(), 1/2) / 2 --/2 as we have 2
return 3/2
Public.EEI_stages = { --multipliers
function Public.scripted_biters_pollution_cost_multiplier()
return (1.1 / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 0.7)) * (1 + 1.2 / ((1 + (Common.overworldx()/40))^(1.5+Common.difficulty_scale()))) -- the complicated factor just makes the early-game easier; in particular the first island, but on easier difficulties the next few islands as well
function Public.cost_to_leave_multiplier()
-- return Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 7/10) --should scale with difficulty similar to, but slightly slower than, passive fuel depletion rate --Edit: not sure about this?
-- return Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 9/10)
-- extra factor now that the cost scales with time:
-- return Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 8/10)
return 0.6 * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 0.4)
-- Avoid using e >= 1/4 in calculations "crew_scale()^(e)" to strictly avoid situations where people want to have less people in the crew
function Public.crew_scale()
local ret = Common.activecrewcount()/10
if ret == 0 then ret = 1/10 end --if all players are afk
if ret > 2.1 then ret = 2.1 end --An upper cap on this is important, for two reasons:
-- large crews become disorganised
-- Higher values of this scale lower the amount of time you get on each island. But the amount of time certain island tasks take is fixed; e.g. the amount of ore is mostly invariant, and you need time to mine it.
return ret
function Public.silo_base_est_time()
local T = Public.expected_time_on_island() * Public.crew_scale()^(1/5) --to undo some of the time scaling
local est_secs
if T > 0 then
est_secs = T/6
est_secs = 60 * 6
if Common.overworldx() == 0 then est_secs = 60 * 2 end
return est_secs
function Public.time_quest_seconds()
return 2.8 * Public.silo_base_est_time()
function Public.silo_energy_needed_MJ()
local est_secs = Public.silo_base_est_time()
local est_base_power = 2*Public.starting_boatEEIpower_production_MW() * (1 + 0.05 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(5/3))
return est_secs * est_base_power
-- return est_secs * est_base_power * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/3)
function Public.silo_count()
local E = Public.silo_energy_needed_MJ()
return Math.min(Math.ceil(E/(16.8 * 300)),6)
-- return Math.ceil(E/(16.8 * 300)) --no more than this many seconds to charge it. Players can in fact go even faster using beacons
-- Higher scale = slower game
function Public.game_slowness_scale()
-- return 1 / Public.crew_scale()^(55/100) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/4) --changed crew_scale factor significantly to help smaller crews
-- return 1 / (Public.crew_scale()^(50/100) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/4)) --changed crew_scale factor significantly to help smaller crews
-- local scale = 0.3 + Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), -0.15) / (Public.crew_scale()^(1/8))
local scale = 2.6 * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), -0.2) - Public.crew_scale()^(1/4)
return Math.max(1, scale)
-- In seconds
function Public.max_time_on_island_formula() --always >0 --tuned
-- return 60 * (
-- -- (32 + 2.2 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1/3))
-- (33 + 0.2 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1/3)) --based on observing x=2000, lets try killing the extra time
-- ) * Public.game_slowness_scale()
local minimum_mins_on_island = 30
return Math.ceil(60 * minimum_mins_on_island * Public.game_slowness_scale())
-- In seconds
function Public.max_time_on_island(island_subtype)
local x = Common.overworldx()
if x == 0 then
-- if Common.overworldx() == 0 or ((Common.overworldx()/40) > 20 and (Common.overworldx()/40) < 25) then
return -1
local time = Public.max_time_on_island_formula()
if x == 40 then -- it's important for this island to be somewhat chill, so that it's not such a shock to go here from the first lobby chill island
time = time * 1.2
-- elseif island_subtype == IslandEnum.enum.MAZE then --more time
-- time = time * 1.05
elseif island_subtype == IslandEnum.enum.CAVE then -- supposed to be chill island
time = time * 0.9
elseif island_subtype == IslandEnum.enum.RED_DESERT then --this island has big amount of resources so rather high risk (need time to mine resources) and high reward (lots of iron/copper/stone)
time = time * 0.9
return Math.ceil(time)
Public.expected_time_fraction = 0.7
function Public.expected_time_on_island() --always >0
return Public.expected_time_fraction * Public.max_time_on_island_formula()
function Public.fuel_depletion_rate_static()
if (not Common.overworldx()) then return 0 end
if Common.overworldx() > 0 then
-- With this formula coal consumption becomes 1x, 2x, 3x and 4x with 1, 3, 6, 9 crew members respectively
-- most of the crewsize dependence is through T, i.e. the coal cost per island stays the same... but the extra player dependency accounts for the fact that even in compressed time, more players seem to get more resources per island
-- rate = 570 * ((Common.overworldx()/40)^(9/10)) * Public.crew_scale()^(1/8) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 65/100) / T
-- With this formula coal consumption becomes 1x, 1.24x, 1.44x and 1.57x with 1, 3, 6, 9 crew members respectively.
-- Coal consumption should scale slowly because:
-- - More people doesn't necessarily mean faster progression: people just focus on other things (and on some islands it's hard to "employ" every crew member to be productive, due to lack of activities).
-- - Although more players can setup miners faster, miners don't dig ore faster.
-- - It's not fun being punished when noobs(or just your casual friends) join game and don't contribute "enough" to make up for increased coal consumption (among other things).
return -0.2 * ((Common.overworldx()/40)^(9/10)) * Public.crew_scale()^(1/5) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 4/10)
return 0
function Public.fuel_depletion_rate_sailing()
if (not Common.overworldx()) then return 0 end
return - 7.75 * (1 + 0.135 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(100/100)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/20) --shouldn't depend on difficulty much if at all, as available resources don't depend much on difficulty
function Public.silo_total_pollution()
return (
310 * Common.difficulty_scale() * Public.crew_scale()^(1/5) * (3.2 + 0.7 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1.6)) --shape of the curve with x is tuned.
function Public.boat_passive_pollution_per_minute(time)
local T = Public.max_time_on_island_formula()
if (Common.overworldx()/40) > 25 then T = T * 0.9 end
local boost
if time then --sharp rise approaching T, steady increase thereafter
if time > T then
boost = 20 + 10 * (time - T) / (30/100 * T)
elseif time >= 90/100 * T then
boost = 16
elseif time >= 85/100 * T then
boost = 12
elseif time >= 80/100 * T then
boost = 8
elseif time >= 70/100 * T then
boost = 5
elseif time >= 60/100 * T then
boost = 3
elseif time >= 50/100 * T then
boost = 2
elseif time >= 40/100 * T then
boost = 1.5
boost = 1
boost = 1
return boost * (
2 * Common.difficulty_scale() * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(1.8) * (Public.crew_scale())^(1/5)-- There is no _explicit_ T dependence, but it depends almost the same way on the crew_scale as T does.
function Public.base_evolution_leagues(leagues)
local evo
local overworldx = leagues
if overworldx == 0 then
evo = 0
-- evo = (0.0201 * (overworldx/40)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/5)
-- local difficulty_name = CoreData.get_difficulty_option_informal_name_from_value(Common.difficulty_scale())
-- if difficulty_name == 'normal' then
-- evo = evo + 0.01
-- elseif difficulty_name == 'hard' then
-- evo = evo + 0.02
-- elseif difficulty_name == 'nightmare' then
-- evo = evo + 0.04
-- end
-- if overworldx > 600 and overworldx < 1000 then
-- evo = evo + (0.0025 * (overworldx - 600)/40)
-- elseif overworldx >= 1000 then
-- evo = evo + 0.0025 * 10
-- end --extra slope from 600 to 1000 adds 2.5% evo
evo = (0.0201 * (overworldx/40)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 0.4)
evo = evo + 0.02 * Common.difficulty_scale()
return evo
function Public.expected_time_evo()
return 0.125 --tuned
function Public.evolution_per_second()
local destination = Common.current_destination()
local T = Public.expected_time_on_island() --always greater than 0
local rate = Public.expected_time_evo() / T
if Common.overworldx() == 0 then rate = 0 end
-- scale by biter nests remaining:
if destination and destination.dynamic_data then
local initial_spawner_count = destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count
if initial_spawner_count and initial_spawner_count > 0 then
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if surface and surface.valid then
rate = rate * Common.spawner_count(surface) / destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count
-- if _DEBUG then
-- local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
-- game.print(Common.spawner_count(surface) .. ' ' .. destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count)
-- end
return rate
function Public.evolution_per_nest_kill() --it's important to have evo go up with biter base kills, to provide resistance if you try to plow through all the bases
local destination = Common.current_destination()
if Common.overworldx() == 0 then return 0 end
if destination and destination.dynamic_data and destination.dynamic_data.timer and destination.dynamic_data.timer > 0 and destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count and destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count > 0 then
local initial_spawner_count = destination.dynamic_data.initial_spawner_count
local base_evo_jump = 0.04 * (1/initial_spawner_count) --extra friction to make them hard to mow through, even at late times
local time = destination.dynamic_data.timer
-- local time_to_jump_to = Public.expected_time_on_island() * ((1/Public.expected_time_fraction)^(2/3))
local time_to_jump_to = Public.max_time_on_island_formula()
if time > time_to_jump_to then return base_evo_jump
-- evo it 'would have' contributed:
return (1/initial_spawner_count) * Public.expected_time_evo() * (time_to_jump_to - time)/time_to_jump_to + base_evo_jump
return 0
-- return 0.003 * Common.difficulty_scale()
function Public.evolution_per_full_silo_charge()
--too low and you always charge immediately, too high and you always charge late
-- return 0.05
-- observed x=2000 run, changed this to:
-- return 0.05 + 0.03 * Common.overworldx()/1000
return 0.06 + 0.025 * Common.overworldx()/1000
-- function Public.bonus_damage_to_humans()
-- local ret = 0.025
-- local diff = Common.difficulty_scale()
-- if diff <= 0.7 then ret = 0 end
-- if diff >= 1.3 then ret = 0.050 end
-- return ret
-- end
function Public.biter_timeofday_bonus_damage(darkness) -- a surface having min_brightness of 0.2 will cap darkness at 0.8
return 0.5 * darkness
-- function Public.periodic_free_resources_per_x()
-- return {
-- }
-- -- return {
-- -- {name = 'iron-plate', count = Math.ceil(5 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(2/3))},
-- -- {name = 'copper-plate', count = Math.ceil(1 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(2/3))},
-- -- }
-- end
-- function Public.periodic_free_resources_per_destination_5_seconds()
-- return {
-- }
-- -- return {
-- -- {name = 'iron-ore', count = Math.ceil(7 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(0.6))},
-- -- {name = 'copper-ore', count = Math.ceil(3 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(0.6))},
-- -- }
-- end
function Public.biter_base_density_scale()
local p = Public.crew_scale()
if p >= 1 then
return p^(1/2)
return Math.max((p*10/6)^(1/2), 0.6)
function Public.rocket_launch_fuel_reward()
return Math.ceil(2000 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier())
-- return Math.ceil(1000 * (1 + 0.1 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(8/10)) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/4))
function Public.rocket_launch_coin_reward()
return Math.ceil(3000 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier())
function Public.quest_reward_multiplier()
return 0.9 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier()
function Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier(overworldx)
overworldx = overworldx or Common.overworldx()
-- local base = 0.73
-- local additional = 0.120 * Math.clamp(0, 10, (overworldx/40)^(65/100) * Math.sloped(Public.crew_scale(), 1/40)) --tuned tbh
local base = 0.5
local additional = 0.032 * (overworldx/40)
-- now clamped, because it takes way too long to mine that many more resources
--we don't really have resources scaling by player count in this resource-constrained scenario, but we scale a little, to accommodate each player filling their inventory with useful tools. also, I would do higher than 1/40, but we go even slightly lower because we're applying this somewhat sooner than players actually get there.
-- return base + additional
return Math.clamp(base, 1.5, base + additional)
function Public.resource_quest_multiplier()
return (0.9 + 0.1 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(7/10)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/3) * (Public.crew_scale())^(1/10)
function Public.quest_market_entry_price_scale()
-- Whilst the scenario philosophy says that resource scales tend to be independent of crew size, we account slightly for the fact that more players tend to handcraft more
-- Idea behind formula: small scale for early islands, but scale linearly ~3-4 times every 25 islands (scaling and starting scale is more aggressive for higher difficulties)
-- Returned value examples
-- Assuming parameters:
-- crew_size = 3
-- difficulty = easy (0.5)
-- @NOTE: assuming starting island is 0th island
-- x = 40 (1st island): 0.419
-- x = 200 (5th island): 0.582
-- x = 600 (15th island): 0.992
-- x = 1000 (25th island): 1.401
-- return (1 + 0.05 * (Common.overworldx()/40 - 1)) * ((1 + Public.crew_scale())^(1/3)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/2) - 0.4
local scale = (1 + 0.05 * (Common.overworldx()/40 - 1)) * ((0.6 + Public.crew_scale())^(1/8)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/2) - 0.5
return Math.max(0.1, scale)
function Public.quest_furnace_entry_price_scale()
-- Slower increase with time, because this is more time-constrained than resource-constrained
-- Idea behind formula: small scale for early islands, but scale linearly ~2-3 times every 25 islands (scaling and starting scale is more aggressive for higher difficulties)
-- Returned value examples
-- Assuming parameters:
-- crew_size = 3
-- difficulty = easy (0.5)
-- @NOTE: assuming starting island is 0th island
-- x = 40 (1st island): 0.419
-- x = 200 (5th island): 0.517
-- x = 600 (15th island): 0.762
-- x = 1000 (25th island): 1.008
-- return (1 + 0.03 * (Common.overworldx()/40 - 1)) * ((1 + Public.crew_scale())^(1/3)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/2) - 0.4
local scale = (1 + 0.03 * (Common.overworldx()/40 - 1)) * ((0.6 + Public.crew_scale())^(1/8)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/2) - 0.5
return Math.max(0.1, scale)
-- function Public.apply_crew_buffs_per_league(force, leagues_travelled)
-- force.laboratory_productivity_bonus = force.laboratory_productivity_bonus + Math.max(0, 7/100 * leagues_travelled/40)
-- end
function Public.class_cost(at_dock)
if at_dock then
return 10000
return 6000
-- return Math.ceil(10000 / (Public.crew_scale()*10/4)^(1/6))
Public.quest_structures_first_appear_at = 40
Public.coin_sell_amount = 300
Public.starting_fuel = 4000
Public.silo_max_hp = 5000
Public.silo_resistance_factor = 7
-- Pistol shooting speed = 4/s
-- Submachine gun shooting speed = 10/s
-- Pistol damage multiplier shouldn't be >= 2.5, otherwise Submachine gun isn't worth using.
function Public.pistol_damage_multiplier() return 2.25 end --2.0 slightly too low, 2.5 causes players to yell at each other for not using pistol
Public.kraken_static_evo = 0.35
function Public.kraken_evo_increase_per_shot()
-- return 1/100 * 0.08
return 0
function Public.kraken_evo_increase_per_second()
return (1/100) / 20
function Public.sandworm_evo_increase_per_spawn()
if _DEBUG then
return 1/100
return (1/100) * (1/7) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/5)
function Public.kraken_kill_reward_items()
return {
{name = 'coin', count = Math.ceil(800 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier())},
{name = 'utility-science-pack', count = Math.ceil(8 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier())}
function Public.kraken_kill_reward_fuel()
return Math.ceil(150 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier())
function Public.kraken_health()
-- return Math.ceil(3500 * Math.max(1, 1 + 0.075 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(13/10)) * (Public.crew_scale()^(4/8)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/4))
-- return Math.ceil(3500 * Math.max(1, 1 + 0.08 * ((Common.overworldx()/40)^(13/10)-6)) * (Public.crew_scale()^(5/8)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/4))
return Math.ceil(2200 * Math.max(1, 1 + 0.075 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(13/10)) * (Public.crew_scale()^(1/5)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/4))
Public.kraken_regen_scale = 0.1 --starting off low
function Public.krakens_per_slot()
local rng = Math.random()
if rng < 0.03 then
return 2
elseif rng < 0.25 then
return 1
return 0
function Public.krakens_per_free_slot(overworldx)
local rng = Math.random()
local multiplier = 1
if overworldx and overworldx > 600 then
multiplier = 1 + (overworldx-600)/600
if rng < 0.0025 * multiplier then
return 3
elseif rng < 0.075 * multiplier then
return 2
elseif rng < 0.5 * multiplier then
return 1
return 0
function Public.biter_boat_health()
return Math.ceil(1500 * Math.max(1, 1 + 0.075 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(13/10)) * (Public.crew_scale()^(1/5)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/4))
function Public.elite_spawner_health()
return Math.ceil(5000 * Math.max(1, 1 + 0.075 * (Common.overworldx()/40)^(13/10)) * (Public.crew_scale()^(1/5)) * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 3/4))
function Public.main_shop_cost_multiplier()
return 1
function Public.barter_decay_parameter()
return 0.95
function Public.sandworm_speed()
return 6.4 * Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 1/5)
-- function Public.island_otherresources_prospect_decay_parameter()
-- return 0.95
-- end
Public.research_buffs = { --currently disabled anyway
-- these already give .1 productivity so we're adding .1 to get to 20%
['mining-productivity-1'] = {['mining_drill_productivity_bonus'] = .1},
['mining-productivity-2'] = {['mining_drill_productivity_bonus'] = .1},
['mining-productivity-3'] = {['mining_drill_productivity_bonus'] = .1},
['mining-productivity-4'] = {['mining_drill_productivity_bonus'] = .1},
-- -- these already give .1 productivity so we're adding .1 to get to 20%
-- ['mining-productivity-1'] = {['mining-drill-productivity-bonus'] = .1, ['character-inventory-slots-bonus'] = 5},
-- ['mining-productivity-2'] = {['mining-drill-productivity-bonus'] = .1, ['character-inventory-slots-bonus'] = 5},
-- ['mining-productivity-3'] = {['mining-drill-productivity-bonus'] = .1, ['character-inventory-slots-bonus'] = 5},
-- ['mining-productivity-4'] = {['mining-drill-productivity-bonus'] = .1, ['character-inventory-slots-bonus'] = 5},
function Public.flamers_tech_multipliers()
return 0.7
function Public.flamers_base_nerf()
return -0.4
function Public.player_ammo_damage_modifiers() -- modifiers are fractional. bullet affects gun turrets, but flamethrower does not affect flamer turrets
local data = {
['artillery-shell'] = 0,
['biological'] = 0,
['bullet'] = 0.1,
['cannon-shell'] = 0,
['capsule'] = 0,
['electric'] = 0,
['flamethrower'] = 0, --these nerfs are elsewhere for finer control
['grenade'] = -0.05,
['landmine'] = 0,
['melee'] = 0, -- doesn't do anything apparently
['rocket'] = 0,
['shotgun-shell'] = 0
return data
function Public.player_turret_attack_modifiers()
local data = {
['gun-turret'] = 0,
['artillery-turret'] = 0,
['laser-turret'] = 0,
return data
function Public.player_gun_speed_modifiers()
local data = {
['artillery-shell'] = 0,
['biological'] = 0,
['bullet'] = 0,
['cannon-shell'] = 0,
['capsule'] = 0,
['electric'] = 0,
['flamethrower'] = 0, --these nerfs are elsewhere for finer control
['grenade'] = -0.25,
['landmine'] = 0,
['melee'] = 0, -- doesn't do anything apparently
['rocket'] = 0,
['shotgun-shell'] = 0
return data
Public.starting_items_player = {
['pistol'] = 1,
['firearm-magazine'] = 20,
['raw-fish'] = 4,
['medium-electric-pole'] = 20,
['iron-plate'] = 50,
['copper-plate'] = 20,
['iron-gear-wheel'] = 6,
['copper-cable'] = 20,
['burner-inserter'] = 2,
['gun-turret'] = 1
Public.starting_items_player_late = {
['pistol'] = 1,
['firearm-magazine'] = 10,
['raw-fish'] = 4,
['small-electric-pole'] = 20,
['iron-plate'] = 50,
['copper-plate'] = 20,
['iron-gear-wheel'] = 6,
['copper-cable'] = 20,
['burner-inserter'] = 2,
['gun-turret'] = 1
function Public.starting_items_crew_upstairs()
return {
{['steel-plate'] = 38},
{['stone-brick'] = 60},
{['grenade'] = 3},
{['shotgun'] = 2, ['shotgun-shell'] = 36},
-- {['raw-fish'] = 5},
{['coin'] = 1000},
function Public.starting_items_crew_downstairs()
return {
{['transport-belt'] = Math.random(600,650)},
{['underground-belt'] = 80},
{['splitter'] = Math.random(50,56)},
{['inserter'] = Math.random(120,140)},
{['storage-tank'] = 2},
{['medium-electric-pole'] = Math.random(15,21)},
{['coin'] = 1000},
{['solar-panel'] = 3},
function Public.pick_random_drilling_ore()
local number = Math.random(10)
if number <= 4 then -- 40%
return 'iron-ore'
elseif number <= 7 then -- 30%
return 'copper-ore'
elseif number <= 9 then -- 20%
return 'coal'
else -- 10%
return 'stone'
function Public.pick_drilling_ore_amount()
return Math.ceil(100 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier() * Math.random_float_in_range(0.9, 1.1))
-- Note: 3333 crude oil amount ~= 1% = 0.1/sec
function Public.pick_default_oil_amount()
return Math.ceil(30000 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier() * Math.random_float_in_range(0.9, 1.1))
-- Returns frequency in seconds
function Public.biter_boat_average_arrival_rate()
return Math.ceil((7.5 * 60) / Math.sloped(Common.difficulty_scale(), 0.5))
function Public.coin_amount_from_tree()
return Math.ceil(8 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier() * Math.random_float_in_range(0.7, 1.3))
function Public.coin_amount_from_rock()
return Math.ceil(35 * Public.island_richness_avg_multiplier() * Math.random_float_in_range(0.8, 1.2))
return Public |