mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-03-05 15:06:02 +02:00
2024-10-27 00:01:15 +02:00

2300 lines
89 KiB

-- .luacheckrc
-- This file is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-- Anyone is free to copy, modify, publish, use, compile, sell, or
-- distribute this file, either in source code form or as a compiled
-- binary, for any purpose, commercial or non-commercial, and by any
-- means.
-- In jurisdictions that recognize copyright laws, the author or authors
-- of this file dedicate any and all copyright interest in the
-- software to the public domain. We make this dedication for the benefit
-- of the public at large and to the detriment of our heirs and
-- successors. We intend this dedication to be an overt act of
-- relinquishment in perpetuity of all present and future rights to this
-- software under copyright law.
-- For more information, please refer to <http://unlicense.org/>
-- ]]
-- Current Factorio Version 0.17.0, luacheck version 0.23.0
--[Set Defaults]--
local LINE_LENGTH = false -- It is 2017 limits on length are a waste
local IGNORE = { '21./%w+_$', '21./^_%w+$', '213/[ijk]', '213/index', '213/key', '58[1-2]' }
local NOT_GLOBALS = { 'coroutine', 'io', 'socket', 'dofile', 'loadfile' } -- These globals are not available to the factorio API
local STD_CONTROL = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+stdlib+factorio_defines'
local STD_DATA = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+stdlib+stdlib_data+factorio_defines'
-- In a perfect world these would be STD_DATA and STD_CONTROL (mostly)
local STD_BASE_DATA = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+factorio_defines+factorio_base_data'
local STD_BASE_CONTROL = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+factorio_defines+factorio_base_control'
--[Assume Factorio Control stage as default]--
globals = {
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
not_globals = NOT_GLOBALS
ignore = IGNORE
quiet = 1 -- pass -q option
max_cyclomatic_complexity = 75
codes = true
--List of files and directories to exclude
exclude_files = {
--Ignore special folders
'**/.*/*', --Ignore if path starts with .
--Ignore development mods
--[Mod Prototypes]--
--Set default prototype files
files['**/data.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/data-updates.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/data-final-fixes.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings-updates.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings-final-fixes.lua'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/prototypes/'].std = STD_DATA
files['**/settings/'].std = STD_DATA
--Find and replace ignores *.cfg, migrations, *.txt, control.lua, *.json, trailer, scenarios, campaigns, *.glsl
local base_scenarios = {
std = STD_BASE_CONTROL .. '+factorio_base_scenarios+factorio_base_story',
--ignore = {'212/event', '111', '112', '113', '211', '212', '213', '311', '411', '412', '421', '422', '423', '431', '432', '512'}
ignore = { '...' }
files['**/base/scenarios/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/tutorials/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/campaigns/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/wip-scenario/'] = base_scenarios
files['**/base/migrations/'] = { std = STD_BASE_CONTROL }
files['**/core/lualib/'] = { std = STD_BASE_CONTROL }
files['**/core/lualib/util.lua'] = { globals = { 'util', 'table' }, ignore = { '432/object' } }
files['**/core/lualib/silo-script.lua'] = { globals = { 'silo_script' }, ignore = { '4../player' } }
files['**/core/lualib/production-score.lua'] = {
globals = { 'production_score', 'get_price_recursive' },
ignore = { '4../player' }
files['**/core/lualib/story*'] = { std = '+factorio_base_story', ignore = { '42./k', '42./filter' } }
files['**/core/lualib/mod-gui.lua'] = { globals = { 'mod_gui' } }
files['**/core/lualib/camera.lua'] = { globals = { 'camera' } }
files['**/core/lualib/builder.lua'] = { globals = { 'Builder', 'builder', 'action', 'down', 'right' } }
files['**/core/lualib/bonus-gui-ordering/'] = { std = STD_BASE_DATA }
files['**/core/lualib/dataloader.lua'] = { globals = { 'data' } }
files['**/core/lualib/circuit-connector-*'] = { std = STD_BASE_DATA .. '+factorio_circuit_connector_generated' }
files['**/core/lualib/bonus-gui-ordering.lua'] = { globals = { 'bonus_gui_ordering' } }
files['**/base/prototypes/'] = { std = STD_BASE_DATA }
files['**/core/prototypes/'] = { std = STD_BASE_DATA }
files['**/core/prototypes/noise-programs.lua'] = { ignore = { '212/x', '212/y', '212/tile', '212/map' } }
--(( stdlib ))--
local stdlib_control = {
std = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_control+stdlib+factorio_defines',
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
local stdlib_data = {
std = 'lua52c+factorio+factorio_data+stdlib+factorio_defines',
max_line_length = LINE_LENGTH
-- Assume control stage for stdlib
files['**/stdlib/'] = stdlib_control
-- Assume generic content for stdlib utils
files['**/stdlib/utils/**'].std = 'lua52c+stdlib'
-- STDLIB data files
files['**/stdlib/data/'] = stdlib_data
-- STDLIB Busted Spec
files['**/spec/**'] = {
globals = { 'serpent', 'log', 'SLOG', 'RESET' },
std = 'lua52c+busted+factorio_defines+factorio_control+stdlib'
} --))
--(( Factorio ))--
stds.factorio = {
--Set the read only variables
read_globals = {
-- @log@: Gives writing access to Factorio's logger instance.
-- @serpent@: Lua serializer and pretty printer. (https://github.com/pkulchenko/serpent)
-- @table_size@: Returns the number of elements inside an LUA table
util = {
fields = {
table = {
fields = {
table = {
fields = {
stds.factorio_control = {
read_globals = {
-- @commands@:
commands = {
fields = {
other_fields = false
-- @settings@:
settings = {
fields = {
startup = { read_only = false, other_fields = true },
global = { read_only = false, other_fields = true },
player = { read_only = false, other_fields = true }
-- @script@: Provides an interface for registering event handlers.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaBootstrap.html)
script = {
fields = {
other_fields = false
-- @remote@: Allows inter-mod communication by providing a repository of interfaces that is shared by all mods.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaRemote.html)
remote = {
fields = {
interfaces = { read_only = false, other_fields = true },
read_only = true,
other_fields = false
rcon = {
fields = { 'print' }
rendering = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
-- @game@: Main object through which most of the API is accessed.
-- It is, however, not available inside handlers registered with @script.on_load@.
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/LuaGameScript.html)
game = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = false,
fields = {
active_mods = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
ammo_category_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
autoplace_control_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
backer_names = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
connected_players = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
custom_input_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
damage_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
decorative_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
default_map_gen_settings = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
difficulty = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
difficulty_settings = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
enemy_has_vision_on_land_mines = { read_only = false, other_fields = false },
entity_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_grid_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
finished = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
fluid_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
forces = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
map_settings = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
mod_setting_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
noise_layer_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
permissions = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
player = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
players = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
recipe_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
speed = { read_only = false, other_fields = false },
styles = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
surfaces = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
technology_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
tick = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
tick_paused = { read_only = false, other_fields = false },
ticks_played = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
ticks_to_run = { read_only = false, other_fields = false },
tile_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
virtual_signal_prototypes = { read_only = true, other_fields = true }
prototypes = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
achievement = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
active_trigger = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
airborne_pollutant = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
ammo_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
asteroid_chunk = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
autoplace_control = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
burner_usage = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
collision_layer = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
custom_event = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
custom_input = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
damage = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
decorative = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
entity = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
recipe = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_grid = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
fluid = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
font = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
fuel_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item_group = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item_subgroup = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
map_gen_preset = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
mod_setting = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
module_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
named_noise_expression = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
named_noise_function = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
particle = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
procession = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
procession_layer_inheritance_group = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
quality = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
recipe_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
resource_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
shortcut = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
space_connection = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
space_location = { read_only = false, other_fields = true },
style = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
surface = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
surface_property = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
technology = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
tile = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
trivial_smoke = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
virtual_signal = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
globals = {
-- @global@: The global dictionary, useful for storing data persistent across a save-load cycle.
-- Writing access is given to the mod-id field (for mod-wise saved data).
-- (http://lua-api.factorio.com/latest/storage.html)
-- @MOD@: Keep it organized, use this variable for anything that "NEEDS" to be global for some reason.
stds.factorio_data = {
read_globals = {
data = {
fields = {
raw = {
other_fields = true,
read_only = false
settings = {
fields = {
--Popular mods
angelsmods = {
other_fields = true
bobmods = {
other_fields = true
mods = {
other_fields = true
prototypes = {
other_fields = false,
read_only = true,
fields = {
achievement = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
active_trigger = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
airborne_pollutant = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
ammo_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
asteroid_chunk = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
autoplace_control = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
burner_usage = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
collision_layer = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
custom_event = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
custom_input = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
damage = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
decorative = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
entity = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
recipe = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
equipment_grid = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
fluid = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
font = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
fuel_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item_group = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
item_subgroup = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
map_gen_preset = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
mod_setting = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
module_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
named_noise_expression = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
named_noise_function = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
particle = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
procession = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
procession_layer_inheritance_group = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
quality = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
recipe_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
resource_category = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
shortcut = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
space_connection = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
space_location = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
style = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
surface = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
surface_property = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
technology = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
tile = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
trivial_smoke = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
virtual_signal = { read_only = true, other_fields = true },
} --))
--(( Factorio Globals are bad mkay ))--
stds.factorio_base_control = {
read_globals = { 'silo_script', 'mod_gui', 'camera' }
stds.factorio_base_scenarios = {
globals = {
stds.factorio_base_data = {
globals = {
--Circuit Connectors
--Inserter Circuit Connectors
stds.factorio_base_story = {
globals = {
stds.factorio_circuit_connector_generated = {
globals = {
} --))
--(( STDLIB ))--
stds.stdlib = {
read_globals = {
table = {
fields = {
string = {
fields = {
math = {
fields = {
globals = {
stds.stdlib_control = {}
stds.stdlib_data = {
globals = {
} --))
stds.factorio_defines = {
read_globals = {
defines = {
fields = {
alert_type = {
fields = {
anticolor = { other_fields = true },
build_mode = { fields = { 'forced', 'normal', 'superforced' } },
behavior_result = { fields = { 'success', 'in_progress', 'deleted', 'fail' } },
build_check_type = { fields = { 'script', 'manual', 'ghost_revive', 'ghost_place' } },
chain_signal_state = { fields = { 'partially_open', 'none_open', 'none', 'all_open' } },
chunk_generated_status = {
fields = { 'basic_tiles', 'corrected_tiles', 'entities', 'nothing', 'tiles', 'custom_tiles' }
circuit_condition_index = {
fields = {
circuit_connector_id = {
fields = {
color = { other_fields = true },
command = {
fields = {
compound_command = { fields = { 'return_last', 'logical_and', 'logical_or' } },
control_behavior = {
fields = {
inserter = {
fields = {
circuit_mode_of_operation = {
fields = {
hand_read_mode = { fields = { 'hold', 'pulse' } }
lamp = { fields = { circuit_mode_of_operation = { fields = { 'use_colors' } } } },
logistic_container = {
fields = { circuit_mode_of_operation = { fields = { 'set_requests', 'send_contents' } } }
mining_drill = { fields = { resource_read_mode = { fields = { 'this_miner', 'entire_patch' } } } },
transport_belt = { fields = { content_read_mode = { fields = { 'hold', 'pulse' } } } },
type = {
fields = {
controllers = { fields = { 'spectator', 'character', 'god', 'cutscene', 'editor', 'ghost', 'remote' } },
deconstruction_item = {
fields = {
entity_filter_mode = { fields = { 'whitelist', 'blacklist' } },
tile_filter_mode = { fields = { 'whitelist', 'blacklist' } },
tile_selection_mode = { fields = { 'only', 'never', 'always', 'normal' } }
difficulty = { fields = { 'hard', 'easy', 'normal' } },
difficulty_settings = {
fields = {
recipe_difficulty = { fields = { 'normal', 'expensive' } },
technology_difficulty = { fields = { 'normal', 'expensive' } }
direction = {
fields = { 'southwest', 'north', 'northeast', 'west', 'east', 'northwest', 'south', 'southeast' }
entity_status_diode = {
fields = { 'green', 'red', 'yellow' }
wire_origin = {
fields = {
wire_connector_id = {
fields = {
disconnect_reason = {
fields = {
distraction = { fields = { 'by_damage', 'by_anything', 'by_enemy', 'none' } },
entity_status = {
fields = {
events = {
fields = {
flow_precision_index = {
fields = {
group_state = {
fields = {
gui_type = {
fields = {
input_action = {
fields = {
inventory = {
fields = {
lightcolor = { other_fields = true },
logistic_member_index = {
fields = {
logistic_mode = {
fields = { 'passive_provider', 'active_provider', 'requester', 'storage', 'buffer', 'none' }
mouse_button_type = { fields = { 'left', 'middle', 'right', 'none' } },
rail_connection_direction = { fields = { 'left', 'straight', 'right', 'none' } },
rail_direction = { fields = { 'back', 'front' } },
relative_gui_position = { fields = { 'bottom', 'top', 'left', 'right' } },
relative_gui_type = {
fields = {
render_mode = { fields = { 'chart_zoomed_in', 'game', 'chart' } },
rich_text_setting = { fields = { 'disabled', 'enabled', 'highlight' } },
riding = {
fields = {
acceleration = { fields = { 'reversing', 'accelerating', 'nothing', 'braking' } },
direction = { fields = { 'left', 'straight', 'right' } }
shooting = { fields = { 'shooting_selected', 'not_shooting', 'shooting_enemies' } },
signal_state = { fields = { 'reserved_by_circuit_network', 'reserved', 'closed', 'open' } },
time = { fields = { 'hour', 'week', 'year', 'month', 'minute', 'second', 'day' } },
train_state = {
fields = {
transport_line = {
fields = {
wire_connection_id = { fields = { 'power_switch_right', 'power_switch_left', 'electric_pole' } },
wire_type = { fields = { 'copper', 'green', 'red' } }
--[[ Options
"ignore", "std", "globals", "unused_args", "self", "compat", "global", "unused", "redefined",
"unused_secondaries", "allow_defined", "allow_defined_top", "module",
"read_globals", "new_globals", "new_read_globals", "enable", "only", "not_globals",
"max_line_length", "max_code_line_length", "max_string_line_length", "max_comment_line_length",
--[[ Warnings list
-- 011 A syntax error.
-- 021 An invalid inline option.
-- 022 An unpaired inline push directive.
-- 023 An unpaired inline pop directive.
-- 111 Setting an undefined global variable.
-- 112 Mutating an undefined global variable.
-- 113 Accessing an undefined global variable.
-- 121 Setting a read-only global variable.
-- 122 Setting a read-only field of a global variable.
-- 131 Unused implicitly defined global variable.
-- 142 Setting an undefined field of a global variable.
-- 143 Accessing an undefined field of a global variable.
-- 211 Unused local variable.
-- 212 Unused argument.
-- 213 Unused loop variable.
-- 221 Local variable is accessed but never set.
-- 231 Local variable is set but never accessed.
-- 232 An argument is set but never accessed.
-- 233 Loop variable is set but never accessed.
-- 241 Local variable is mutated but never accessed.
-- 311 Value assigned to a local variable is unused.
-- 312 Value of an argument is unused.
-- 313 Value of a loop variable is unused.
-- 314 Value of a field in a table literal is unused.
-- 321 Accessing uninitialized local variable.
-- 331 Value assigned to a local variable is mutated but never accessed.
-- 341 Mutating uninitialized local variable.
-- 411 Redefining a local variable.
-- 412 Redefining an argument.
-- 413 Redefining a loop variable.
-- 421 Shadowing a local variable.
-- 422 Shadowing an argument.
-- 423 Shadowing a loop variable.
-- 431 Shadowing an upvalue.
-- 432 Shadowing an upvalue argument.
-- 433 Shadowing an upvalue loop variable.
-- 511 Unreachable code.
-- 512 Loop can be executed at most once.
-- 521 Unused label.
-- 531 Left-hand side of an assignment is too short.
-- 532 Left-hand side of an assignment is too long.
-- 541 An empty do end block.
-- 542 An empty if branch.
-- 551 An empty statement.
-- 611 A line consists of nothing but whitespace.
-- 612 A line contains trailing whitespace.
-- 613 Trailing whitespace in a string.
-- 614 Trailing whitespace in a comment.
-- 621 Inconsistent indentation (SPACE followed by TAB).
-- 631 Line is too long.