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synced 2025-02-03 13:12:11 +02:00
203 lines
19 KiB
203 lines
19 KiB
--This will add a new game mechanic so that containers with certain fluids explode when they get damaged or are destroyed.
--Made by MewMew
local event = require 'utils.event'
local empty_tile_damage_decay = 50
local out_of_map_tile_health = 1500
local container_types = {
["storage-tank"] = true,
["pipe"] = true,
["pipe-to-ground"] = true
local fluid_damages = { -- Fluid Whitelist -- add fluid and a damage value to enable
["acetylene"] = 7,
["coal-gas"] = 5,
["combustion-mixture1"] = 7,
["combustion-mixture2"] = 8,
["crude-oil"] = 5,
["diborane"] = 7,
["diesel"] = 6,
["gas-butadiene"] = 6,
["gas-butane"] = 8,
["gas-ethane"] = 8,
["gas-ethylbenzene"] = 6,
["gas-hydrogen"] = 8,
["gas-methane"] = 8,
["gas-methanol"] = 6,
["gas-natural-1"] = 5,
["gas-propene"] = 8,
["gas-raw-1"] = 5,
["gasoline"] = 8,
["heavy-oil"] = 6,
["hydrogen"] = 9,
["kerosene"] = 7,
["light-oil"] = 7,
["liquid-fuel"] = 6,
["liquid-fuel-oil"] = 6,
["liquid-multi-phase-oil"] = 4,
["liquid-naphtha"] = 6,
["methanol"] = 5,
["petroleum-gas"] = 8,
["refsyngas"] = 7,
["syngas"] = 6,
["xylenol"] = 5
local function shuffle(tbl)
local size = #tbl
for i = size, 1, -1 do
local rand = math.random(size)
tbl[i], tbl[rand] = tbl[rand], tbl[i]
return tbl
local function process_explosion_tile(pos, explosion_index, current_radius)
local surface = game.surfaces[global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].surface]
local target_entities = surface.find_entities_filtered({area={{pos.x - 0.5, pos.y - 0.5},{pos.x + 0.499, pos.y + 0.499}}})
local explosion_animation = "explosion"
local tile = surface.get_tile(pos)
if tile.name == "out-of-map" then
if global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining >= out_of_map_tile_health then
explosion_animation = "big-explosion"
surface.set_tiles({{name = "dirt-5", position = pos}}, true)
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining = global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining - out_of_map_tile_health
local decay_explosion = true
for _, entity in pairs(target_entities) do
if entity.health then
decay_explosion = false
if decay_explosion then global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining = global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining - empty_tile_damage_decay end
for _, entity in pairs(target_entities) do
if entity.valid then
if entity.health then
if entity.health <= global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining then
explosion_animation = "big-explosion"
if entity.health > 500 then explosion_animation = "big-artillery-explosion" end
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining = global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining - entity.health
if entity.name ~= "player" then
entity.damage(2097152, "player", "explosion")
entity.damage(global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining, "player", "explosion")
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining = 0
if global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining > 5000 and current_radius < 2 then
if math.random(1,2) == 1 then
explosion_animation = "big-explosion"
explosion_animation = "big-artillery-explosion"
surface.create_entity({name = explosion_animation, position = pos})
if global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].damage_remaining <= 0 then return false end
return true
local function create_explosion_schedule(entity)
local explosives_amount = math.floor(entity.fluidbox[1].amount)
if explosives_amount < 1 then return end
local center_position = entity.position
if not global.fluid_explosion_schedule then global.fluid_explosion_schedule = {} end
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule + 1] = {}
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule].surface = entity.surface.name
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule].damage_remaining = fluid_damages[entity.fluidbox[1].name] * explosives_amount
local circle_coordinates = {
[1] = {{x = 0, y = 0}},
[2] = {{x = -1, y = -1},{x = 1, y = -1},{x = 0, y = -1},{x = -1, y = 0},{x = -1, y = 1},{x = 0, y = 1},{x = 1, y = 1},{x = 1, y = 0}},
[3] = {{x = -2, y = -1},{x = -1, y = -2},{x = 1, y = -2},{x = 0, y = -2},{x = 2, y = -1},{x = -2, y = 1},{x = -2, y = 0},{x = 2, y = 1},{x = 2, y = 0},{x = -1, y = 2},{x = 1, y = 2},{x = 0, y = 2}},
[4] = {{x = -1, y = -3},{x = 1, y = -3},{x = 0, y = -3},{x = -3, y = -1},{x = -2, y = -2},{x = 3, y = -1},{x = 2, y = -2},{x = -3, y = 0},{x = -3, y = 1},{x = 3, y = 1},{x = 3, y = 0},{x = -2, y = 2},{x = -1, y = 3},{x = 0, y = 3},{x = 1, y = 3},{x = 2, y = 2}},
[5] = {{x = -3, y = -3},{x = -2, y = -3},{x = -1, y = -4},{x = -2, y = -4},{x = 1, y = -4},{x = 0, y = -4},{x = 2, y = -3},{x = 3, y = -3},{x = 2, y = -4},{x = -3, y = -2},{x = -4, y = -1},{x = -4, y = -2},{x = 3, y = -2},{x = 4, y = -1},{x = 4, y = -2},{x = -4, y = 1},{x = -4, y = 0},{x = 4, y = 1},{x = 4, y = 0},{x = -3, y = 3},{x = -3, y = 2},{x = -4, y = 2},{x = -2, y = 3},{x = 2, y = 3},{x = 3, y = 3},{x = 3, y = 2},{x = 4, y = 2},{x = -2, y = 4},{x = -1, y = 4},{x = 0, y = 4},{x = 1, y = 4},{x = 2, y = 4}},
[6] = {{x = -1, y = -5},{x = -2, y = -5},{x = 1, y = -5},{x = 0, y = -5},{x = 2, y = -5},{x = -3, y = -4},{x = -4, y = -3},{x = 3, y = -4},{x = 4, y = -3},{x = -5, y = -1},{x = -5, y = -2},{x = 5, y = -1},{x = 5, y = -2},{x = -5, y = 1},{x = -5, y = 0},{x = 5, y = 1},{x = 5, y = 0},{x = -5, y = 2},{x = -4, y = 3},{x = 4, y = 3},{x = 5, y = 2},{x = -3, y = 4},{x = -2, y = 5},{x = -1, y = 5},{x = 0, y = 5},{x = 1, y = 5},{x = 3, y = 4},{x = 2, y = 5}},
[7] = {{x = -4, y = -5},{x = -3, y = -5},{x = -2, y = -6},{x = -1, y = -6},{x = 0, y = -6},{x = 1, y = -6},{x = 3, y = -5},{x = 2, y = -6},{x = 4, y = -5},{x = -5, y = -4},{x = -5, y = -3},{x = -4, y = -4},{x = 4, y = -4},{x = 5, y = -4},{x = 5, y = -3},{x = -6, y = -1},{x = -6, y = -2},{x = 6, y = -1},{x = 6, y = -2},{x = -6, y = 1},{x = -6, y = 0},{x = 6, y = 1},{x = 6, y = 0},{x = -5, y = 3},{x = -6, y = 2},{x = 5, y = 3},{x = 6, y = 2},{x = -5, y = 4},{x = -4, y = 4},{x = -4, y = 5},{x = -3, y = 5},{x = 3, y = 5},{x = 4, y = 4},{x = 5, y = 4},{x = 4, y = 5},{x = -1, y = 6},{x = -2, y = 6},{x = 1, y = 6},{x = 0, y = 6},{x = 2, y = 6}},
[8] = {{x = -1, y = -7},{x = -2, y = -7},{x = 1, y = -7},{x = 0, y = -7},{x = 2, y = -7},{x = -5, y = -5},{x = -4, y = -6},{x = -3, y = -6},{x = 3, y = -6},{x = 4, y = -6},{x = 5, y = -5},{x = -6, y = -3},{x = -6, y = -4},{x = 6, y = -4},{x = 6, y = -3},{x = -7, y = -1},{x = -7, y = -2},{x = 7, y = -1},{x = 7, y = -2},{x = -7, y = 1},{x = -7, y = 0},{x = 7, y = 1},{x = 7, y = 0},{x = -7, y = 2},{x = -6, y = 3},{x = 6, y = 3},{x = 7, y = 2},{x = -5, y = 5},{x = -6, y = 4},{x = 5, y = 5},{x = 6, y = 4},{x = -3, y = 6},{x = -4, y = 6},{x = -2, y = 7},{x = -1, y = 7},{x = 0, y = 7},{x = 1, y = 7},{x = 3, y = 6},{x = 2, y = 7},{x = 4, y = 6}},
[9] = {{x = -4, y = -7},{x = -3, y = -7},{x = -2, y = -8},{x = -1, y = -8},{x = 0, y = -8},{x = 1, y = -8},{x = 3, y = -7},{x = 2, y = -8},{x = 4, y = -7},{x = -5, y = -6},{x = -6, y = -6},{x = -6, y = -5},{x = 5, y = -6},{x = 6, y = -5},{x = 6, y = -6},{x = -7, y = -4},{x = -7, y = -3},{x = 7, y = -4},{x = 7, y = -3},{x = -8, y = -2},{x = -8, y = -1},{x = 8, y = -1},{x = 8, y = -2},{x = -8, y = 0},{x = -8, y = 1},{x = 8, y = 1},{x = 8, y = 0},{x = -7, y = 3},{x = -8, y = 2},{x = 7, y = 3},{x = 8, y = 2},{x = -7, y = 4},{x = -6, y = 5},{x = 6, y = 5},{x = 7, y = 4},{x = -5, y = 6},{x = -6, y = 6},{x = -4, y = 7},{x = -3, y = 7},{x = 3, y = 7},{x = 5, y = 6},{x = 4, y = 7},{x = 6, y = 6},{x = -2, y = 8},{x = -1, y = 8},{x = 0, y = 8},{x = 1, y = 8},{x = 2, y = 8}},
[10] = {{x = -3, y = -9},{x = -1, y = -9},{x = -2, y = -9},{x = 1, y = -9},{x = 0, y = -9},{x = 3, y = -9},{x = 2, y = -9},{x = -5, y = -7},{x = -6, y = -7},{x = -5, y = -8},{x = -4, y = -8},{x = -3, y = -8},{x = 3, y = -8},{x = 5, y = -7},{x = 5, y = -8},{x = 4, y = -8},{x = 6, y = -7},{x = -7, y = -5},{x = -7, y = -6},{x = -8, y = -5},{x = 7, y = -5},{x = 7, y = -6},{x = 8, y = -5},{x = -9, y = -3},{x = -8, y = -4},{x = -8, y = -3},{x = 8, y = -4},{x = 8, y = -3},{x = 9, y = -3},{x = -9, y = -1},{x = -9, y = -2},{x = 9, y = -1},{x = 9, y = -2},{x = -9, y = 1},{x = -9, y = 0},{x = 9, y = 1},{x = 9, y = 0},{x = -9, y = 3},{x = -9, y = 2},{x = -8, y = 3},{x = 8, y = 3},{x = 9, y = 3},{x = 9, y = 2},{x = -7, y = 5},{x = -8, y = 5},{x = -8, y = 4},{x = 7, y = 5},{x = 8, y = 5},{x = 8, y = 4},{x = -7, y = 6},{x = -6, y = 7},{x = -5, y = 7},{x = 5, y = 7},{x = 7, y = 6},{x = 6, y = 7},{x = -5, y = 8},{x = -4, y = 8},{x = -3, y = 8},{x = -3, y = 9},{x = -2, y = 9},{x = -1, y = 9},{x = 0, y = 9},{x = 1, y = 9},{x = 3, y = 8},{x = 2, y = 9},{x = 3, y = 9},{x = 5, y = 8},{x = 4, y = 8}},
[11] = {{x = -5, y = -9},{x = -4, y = -9},{x = -3, y = -10},{x = -1, y = -10},{x = -2, y = -10},{x = 1, y = -10},{x = 0, y = -10},{x = 3, y = -10},{x = 2, y = -10},{x = 5, y = -9},{x = 4, y = -9},{x = -7, y = -7},{x = -6, y = -8},{x = 7, y = -7},{x = 6, y = -8},{x = -9, y = -5},{x = -8, y = -6},{x = 9, y = -5},{x = 8, y = -6},{x = -9, y = -4},{x = -10, y = -3},{x = 9, y = -4},{x = 10, y = -3},{x = -10, y = -2},{x = -10, y = -1},{x = 10, y = -1},{x = 10, y = -2},{x = -10, y = 0},{x = -10, y = 1},{x = 10, y = 1},{x = 10, y = 0},{x = -10, y = 2},{x = -10, y = 3},{x = 10, y = 3},{x = 10, y = 2},{x = -9, y = 4},{x = -9, y = 5},{x = 9, y = 5},{x = 9, y = 4},{x = -8, y = 6},{x = -7, y = 7},{x = 7, y = 7},{x = 8, y = 6},{x = -6, y = 8},{x = -5, y = 9},{x = -4, y = 9},{x = 4, y = 9},{x = 5, y = 9},{x = 6, y = 8},{x = -3, y = 10},{x = -2, y = 10},{x = -1, y = 10},{x = 0, y = 10},{x = 1, y = 10},{x = 2, y = 10},{x = 3, y = 10}},
[12] = {{x = -3, y = -11},{x = -2, y = -11},{x = -1, y = -11},{x = 0, y = -11},{x = 1, y = -11},{x = 2, y = -11},{x = 3, y = -11},{x = -7, y = -9},{x = -6, y = -9},{x = -5, y = -10},{x = -4, y = -10},{x = 5, y = -10},{x = 4, y = -10},{x = 7, y = -9},{x = 6, y = -9},{x = -9, y = -7},{x = -7, y = -8},{x = -8, y = -8},{x = -8, y = -7},{x = 7, y = -8},{x = 8, y = -7},{x = 8, y = -8},{x = 9, y = -7},{x = -9, y = -6},{x = -10, y = -5},{x = 9, y = -6},{x = 10, y = -5},{x = -11, y = -3},{x = -10, y = -4},{x = 10, y = -4},{x = 11, y = -3},{x = -11, y = -2},{x = -11, y = -1},{x = 11, y = -1},{x = 11, y = -2},{x = -11, y = 0},{x = -11, y = 1},{x = 11, y = 1},{x = 11, y = 0},{x = -11, y = 2},{x = -11, y = 3},{x = 11, y = 3},{x = 11, y = 2},{x = -10, y = 5},{x = -10, y = 4},{x = 10, y = 5},{x = 10, y = 4},{x = -9, y = 7},{x = -9, y = 6},{x = -8, y = 7},{x = 8, y = 7},{x = 9, y = 7},{x = 9, y = 6},{x = -8, y = 8},{x = -7, y = 8},{x = -7, y = 9},{x = -6, y = 9},{x = 7, y = 8},{x = 7, y = 9},{x = 6, y = 9},{x = 8, y = 8},{x = -5, y = 10},{x = -4, y = 10},{x = -3, y = 11},{x = -2, y = 11},{x = -1, y = 11},{x = 0, y = 11},{x = 1, y = 11},{x = 2, y = 11},{x = 3, y = 11},{x = 4, y = 10},{x = 5, y = 10}},
[13] = {{x = -5, y = -11},{x = -4, y = -11},{x = -3, y = -12},{x = -1, y = -12},{x = -2, y = -12},{x = 1, y = -12},{x = 0, y = -12},{x = 3, y = -12},{x = 2, y = -12},{x = 4, y = -11},{x = 5, y = -11},{x = -8, y = -9},{x = -7, y = -10},{x = -6, y = -10},{x = 6, y = -10},{x = 7, y = -10},{x = 8, y = -9},{x = -10, y = -7},{x = -9, y = -8},{x = 9, y = -8},{x = 10, y = -7},{x = -11, y = -5},{x = -10, y = -6},{x = 10, y = -6},{x = 11, y = -5},{x = -11, y = -4},{x = -12, y = -3},{x = 11, y = -4},{x = 12, y = -3},{x = -12, y = -1},{x = -12, y = -2},{x = 12, y = -1},{x = 12, y = -2},{x = -12, y = 1},{x = -12, y = 0},{x = 12, y = 1},{x = 12, y = 0},{x = -12, y = 3},{x = -12, y = 2},{x = 12, y = 3},{x = 12, y = 2},{x = -11, y = 5},{x = -11, y = 4},{x = 11, y = 4},{x = 11, y = 5},{x = -10, y = 7},{x = -10, y = 6},{x = 10, y = 6},{x = 10, y = 7},{x = -9, y = 8},{x = -8, y = 9},{x = 9, y = 8},{x = 8, y = 9},{x = -7, y = 10},{x = -5, y = 11},{x = -6, y = 10},{x = -4, y = 11},{x = 5, y = 11},{x = 4, y = 11},{x = 7, y = 10},{x = 6, y = 10},{x = -3, y = 12},{x = -2, y = 12},{x = -1, y = 12},{x = 0, y = 12},{x = 1, y = 12},{x = 2, y = 12},{x = 3, y = 12}},
[14] = {{x = -3, y = -13},{x = -1, y = -13},{x = -2, y = -13},{x = 1, y = -13},{x = 0, y = -13},{x = 3, y = -13},{x = 2, y = -13},{x = -7, y = -11},{x = -6, y = -11},{x = -5, y = -12},{x = -6, y = -12},{x = -4, y = -12},{x = 5, y = -12},{x = 4, y = -12},{x = 7, y = -11},{x = 6, y = -11},{x = 6, y = -12},{x = -10, y = -9},{x = -9, y = -9},{x = -9, y = -10},{x = -8, y = -10},{x = 9, y = -9},{x = 9, y = -10},{x = 8, y = -10},{x = 10, y = -9},{x = -11, y = -7},{x = -10, y = -8},{x = 11, y = -7},{x = 10, y = -8},{x = -11, y = -6},{x = -12, y = -6},{x = -12, y = -5},{x = 11, y = -6},{x = 12, y = -6},{x = 12, y = -5},{x = -13, y = -3},{x = -12, y = -4},{x = 12, y = -4},{x = 13, y = -3},{x = -13, y = -2},{x = -13, y = -1},{x = 13, y = -1},{x = 13, y = -2},{x = -13, y = 0},{x = -13, y = 1},{x = 13, y = 1},{x = 13, y = 0},{x = -13, y = 2},{x = -13, y = 3},{x = 13, y = 3},{x = 13, y = 2},{x = -12, y = 5},{x = -12, y = 4},{x = 12, y = 5},{x = 12, y = 4},{x = -11, y = 6},{x = -11, y = 7},{x = -12, y = 6},{x = 11, y = 7},{x = 11, y = 6},{x = 12, y = 6},{x = -10, y = 8},{x = -10, y = 9},{x = -9, y = 9},{x = 9, y = 9},{x = 10, y = 9},{x = 10, y = 8},{x = -9, y = 10},{x = -8, y = 10},{x = -7, y = 11},{x = -6, y = 11},{x = 7, y = 11},{x = 6, y = 11},{x = 8, y = 10},{x = 9, y = 10},{x = -6, y = 12},{x = -5, y = 12},{x = -4, y = 12},{x = -3, y = 13},{x = -2, y = 13},{x = -1, y = 13},{x = 0, y = 13},{x = 1, y = 13},{x = 2, y = 13},{x = 3, y = 13},{x = 5, y = 12},{x = 4, y = 12},{x = 6, y = 12}},
[15] = {{x = -5, y = -13},{x = -6, y = -13},{x = -4, y = -13},{x = -3, y = -14},{x = -1, y = -14},{x = -2, y = -14},{x = 1, y = -14},{x = 0, y = -14},{x = 3, y = -14},{x = 2, y = -14},{x = 5, y = -13},{x = 4, y = -13},{x = 6, y = -13},{x = -9, y = -11},{x = -8, y = -11},{x = -8, y = -12},{x = -7, y = -12},{x = 7, y = -12},{x = 8, y = -12},{x = 8, y = -11},{x = 9, y = -11},{x = -11, y = -9},{x = -10, y = -10},{x = 10, y = -10},{x = 11, y = -9},{x = -12, y = -7},{x = -11, y = -8},{x = -12, y = -8},{x = 11, y = -8},{x = 12, y = -8},{x = 12, y = -7},{x = -13, y = -5},{x = -13, y = -6},{x = 13, y = -5},{x = 13, y = -6},{x = -13, y = -4},{x = -14, y = -3},{x = 13, y = -4},{x = 14, y = -3},{x = -14, y = -2},{x = -14, y = -1},{x = 14, y = -1},{x = 14, y = -2},{x = -14, y = 0},{x = -14, y = 1},{x = 14, y = 1},{x = 14, y = 0},{x = -14, y = 2},{x = -14, y = 3},{x = 14, y = 3},{x = 14, y = 2},{x = -13, y = 4},{x = -13, y = 5},{x = 13, y = 5},{x = 13, y = 4},{x = -13, y = 6},{x = -12, y = 7},{x = 12, y = 7},{x = 13, y = 6},{x = -11, y = 9},{x = -11, y = 8},{x = -12, y = 8},{x = 11, y = 8},{x = 11, y = 9},{x = 12, y = 8},{x = -9, y = 11},{x = -10, y = 10},{x = -8, y = 11},{x = 9, y = 11},{x = 8, y = 11},{x = 10, y = 10},{x = -7, y = 12},{x = -8, y = 12},{x = -6, y = 13},{x = -5, y = 13},{x = -4, y = 13},{x = 5, y = 13},{x = 4, y = 13},{x = 7, y = 12},{x = 6, y = 13},{x = 8, y = 12},{x = -3, y = 14},{x = -2, y = 14},{x = -1, y = 14},{x = 0, y = 14},{x = 1, y = 14},{x = 2, y = 14},{x = 3, y = 14}},
[16] = {{x = -3, y = -15},{x = -1, y = -15},{x = -2, y = -15},{x = 1, y = -15},{x = 0, y = -15},{x = 3, y = -15},{x = 2, y = -15},{x = -7, y = -13},{x = -8, y = -13},{x = -5, y = -14},{x = -6, y = -14},{x = -4, y = -14},{x = 5, y = -14},{x = 4, y = -14},{x = 7, y = -13},{x = 6, y = -14},{x = 8, y = -13},{x = -9, y = -12},{x = -10, y = -11},{x = 9, y = -12},{x = 10, y = -11},{x = -11, y = -10},{x = -12, y = -9},{x = 11, y = -10},{x = 12, y = -9},{x = -13, y = -7},{x = -13, y = -8},{x = 13, y = -7},{x = 13, y = -8},{x = -14, y = -6},{x = -14, y = -5},{x = 14, y = -5},{x = 14, y = -6},{x = -15, y = -3},{x = -14, y = -4},{x = 15, y = -3},{x = 14, y = -4},{x = -15, y = -2},{x = -15, y = -1},{x = 15, y = -1},{x = 15, y = -2},{x = -15, y = 0},{x = -15, y = 1},{x = 15, y = 1},{x = 15, y = 0},{x = -15, y = 2},{x = -15, y = 3},{x = 15, y = 3},{x = 15, y = 2},{x = -14, y = 5},{x = -14, y = 4},{x = 14, y = 5},{x = 14, y = 4},{x = -13, y = 7},{x = -14, y = 6},{x = 13, y = 7},{x = 14, y = 6},{x = -13, y = 8},{x = -12, y = 9},{x = 12, y = 9},{x = 13, y = 8},{x = -11, y = 10},{x = -10, y = 11},{x = 10, y = 11},{x = 11, y = 10},{x = -9, y = 12},{x = -8, y = 13},{x = -7, y = 13},{x = 7, y = 13},{x = 8, y = 13},{x = 9, y = 12},{x = -6, y = 14},{x = -5, y = 14},{x = -4, y = 14},{x = -3, y = 15},{x = -2, y = 15},{x = -1, y = 15},{x = 0, y = 15},{x = 1, y = 15},{x = 2, y = 15},{x = 3, y = 15},{x = 4, y = 14},{x = 5, y = 14},{x = 6, y = 14}}
for current_radius = 1, 16, 1 do
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule][current_radius] = {}
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule][current_radius].trigger_tick = game.tick + (current_radius * 8)
local circle_coords = circle_coordinates[current_radius]
circle_coords = shuffle(circle_coords)
for index, tile_position in pairs(circle_coords) do
local pos = {x = center_position.x + tile_position.x, y = center_position.y + tile_position.y}
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[#global.fluid_explosion_schedule][current_radius][index] = {x = pos.x, y = pos.y}
local function on_entity_damaged(event)
local entity = event.entity
if not entity.health then return end
if not container_types[entity.type] then return end
if not entity.fluidbox[1] then return end
if not fluid_damages[entity.fluidbox[1].name] then return end
if entity.health > entity.prototype.max_health * 0.75 then return end
if math.random(1,3) == 1 or entity.health <= 0 then create_explosion_schedule(entity) return end
local function on_tick(event)
if global.fluid_explosion_schedule then
local tick = game.tick
local explosion_schedule_is_alive = false
for explosion_index = 1, #global.fluid_explosion_schedule, 1 do
if #global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index] > 0 then
explosion_schedule_is_alive = true
local surface = game.surfaces[global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index].surface]
for radius = 1, #global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index], 1 do
if global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index][radius].trigger_tick == tick then
for tile_index = 1, #global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index][radius], 1 do
local continue_explosion = process_explosion_tile(global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index][radius][tile_index], explosion_index, radius)
if not continue_explosion then
global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index] = {}
if radius == #global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index] then global.fluid_explosion_schedule[explosion_index] = {} end
if not explosion_schedule_is_alive then global.fluid_explosion_schedule = nil end
event.add(defines.events.on_entity_damaged, on_entity_damaged)
event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)