mirror of https://github.com/ComfyFactory/ComfyFactorio.git synced 2025-02-03 13:12:11 +02:00
danielmartin0 c88934e91b v1.0.4.8
2022-03-10 22:11:51 +00:00

393 lines
13 KiB

local Memory = require 'maps.pirates.memory'
local Math = require 'maps.pirates.math'
local Balance = require 'maps.pirates.balance'
local Structures = require 'maps.pirates.structures.structures'
local Boats = require 'maps.pirates.structures.boats.boats'
local Common = require 'maps.pirates.common'
local CoreData = require 'maps.pirates.coredata'
local Utils = require 'maps.pirates.utils_local'
local IslandsCommon = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.common'
local Hunt = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.hunt'
local Ores = require 'maps.pirates.ores'
local Quest = require 'maps.pirates.quest'
local inspect = require 'utils.inspect'.inspect
local Token = require 'utils.token'
local Task = require 'utils.task'
local Public = {}
local enum = IslandsCommon.enum
Public.enum = enum
Public[enum.FIRST] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.first.first'
Public[enum.STANDARD] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.standard.standard'
Public[enum.STANDARD_VARIANT] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.standard_variant.standard_variant'
Public[enum.WALKWAYS] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.walkways.walkways'
Public[enum.RADIOACTIVE] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.radioactive.radioactive'
Public[enum.RED_DESERT] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.red_desert.red_desert'
Public[enum.HORSESHOE] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.horseshoe.horseshoe'
Public[enum.SWAMP] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.swamp.swamp'
Public[enum.MAZE] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.maze.maze'
Public['IslandsCommon'] = require 'maps.pirates.surfaces.islands.common'
local function render_silo_hp()
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local destination = Common.current_destination()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not (destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1] and destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1].valid) then return end
destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilohptext = rendering.draw_text{
text = 'HP: ' .. destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilohp .. ' / ' .. destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilomaxhp,
surface = surface,
target = destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[1],
target_offset = {0, 4.5},
color = {0, 255, 0},
scale = 1.20,
font = 'default-game',
alignment = 'center',
scale_with_zoom = true
function Public.spawn_treasure_maps(destination, points_to_avoid)
points_to_avoid = points_to_avoid or {}
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
local num = destination.static_params.starting_treasure_maps
if not destination.dynamic_data.treasure_maps then destination.dynamic_data.treasure_maps = {} end
local args = {
static_params = destination.static_params,
noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator({}, 0),
for i = 1, num do
local map = {}
local p = Hunt.mid_farness_position_1(args, points_to_avoid)
map.position = p
map.mapobject_rendering = rendering.draw_sprite{
surface = surface,
target = p,
sprite = 'utility/gps_map_icon',
render_layer = '125',
x_scale = 2.4,
y_scale = 2.4,
map.state = 'on_ground'
map.x_renderings = nil
map.buried_treasure_position = nil
destination.dynamic_data.treasure_maps[#destination.dynamic_data.treasure_maps + 1] = map
function Public.spawn_ghosts(destination, points_to_avoid)
points_to_avoid = points_to_avoid or {}
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
if not (destination.dynamic_data and destination.dynamic_data.quest_type and destination.dynamic_data.quest_type == Quest.enum.FIND) then return end
local num = destination.dynamic_data.quest_progressneeded
if not destination.dynamic_data.ghosts then destination.dynamic_data.ghosts = {} end
local args = {
static_params = destination.static_params,
noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator({}, 0),
for i = 1, num do
local ghost = {}
local p = Hunt.mid_farness_position_1(args, points_to_avoid)
ghost.position = p
ghost.ghostobject_rendering = rendering.draw_sprite{
surface = surface,
target = p,
sprite = 'utility/ghost_time_to_live_modifier_icon',
render_layer = '125',
x_scale = 1,
y_scale = 1,
ghost.state = 'on_ground'
destination.dynamic_data.ghosts[#destination.dynamic_data.ghosts + 1] = ghost
function Public.spawn_covered(destination, points_to_avoid)
points_to_avoid = points_to_avoid or {}
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
local args = {
static_params = destination.static_params,
noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator({}, 0),
local p
for i = 1, 1 do
p = Hunt.mid_farness_position_1(args, points_to_avoid)
local structureData = Structures.IslandStructures.ROC.covered1.Data
local special = {
position = p,
components = structureData.components,
width = structureData.width,
height = structureData.height,
name = structureData.name,
if not destination.dynamic_data.structures_waiting_to_be_placed then
destination.dynamic_data.structures_waiting_to_be_placed = {}
destination.dynamic_data.structures_waiting_to_be_placed[#destination.dynamic_data.structures_waiting_to_be_placed + 1] = {data = special, tick = game.tick}
local requirement = destination.dynamic_data.covered1_requirement.price
local rendering1 = rendering.draw_text{
surface = surface,
target = {x = p.x + 4, y = p.y + 6.85},
color = CoreData.colors.renderingtext_green,
scale = 1.5,
font = 'default-game',
alignment = 'right',
local rendering2 = rendering.draw_sprite{
sprite = 'item/' .. requirement.name,
surface = surface,
target = {x = p.x + 4.85, y = p.y + 7.5},
x_scale = 1.5,
y_scale = 1.5
destination.dynamic_data.covered_data = {
position = p,
state = 'covered',
requirement = requirement,
rendering1 = rendering1,
rendering2 = rendering2,
log('covered market position: ' .. p.x .. ', ' .. p.y)
return p
function Public.spawn_ores_on_arrival(destination, points_to_avoid)
points_to_avoid = points_to_avoid or {}
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
if (destination.subtype and (destination.subtype == enum.STANDARD or destination.subtype == enum.STANDARD_VARIANT or destination.subtype == enum.MAZE)) then
local ores = {'iron-ore', 'copper-ore', 'stone', 'coal', 'crude-oil'}
local args = {
static_params = destination.static_params,
noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator({}, 0),
local farness_boost_low, farness_boost_high = 0, 0
if destination.subtype == enum.MAZE then
farness_boost_low = 0.08
farness_boost_high = 0.25
for _, ore in pairs(ores) do
if destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts[ore] then
local p = Hunt.close_position_try_avoiding_entities(args, points_to_avoid, farness_boost_low, farness_boost_high)
if p then points_to_avoid[#points_to_avoid + 1] = {x=p.x, y=p.y, r=11} end
if ore == 'crude-oil' then
local amount = Common.oil_abstract_to_real(destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts[ore])
surface.create_entity{name = 'crude-oil', amount = amount, position = p}
--@TODO: Make this into a collection of multiple oil patches
destination.dynamic_data.ore_types_spawned[ore] = true
local amount = Common.ore_abstract_to_real(destination.static_params.abstract_ore_amounts[ore])
local placed = Ores.draw_noisy_ore_patch(surface, p, ore, amount, 10000, 30, true, true)
if placed > 0 then
destination.dynamic_data.ore_types_spawned[ore] = true
function Public.spawn_merchant_ship(destination)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
local args = {
static_params = destination.static_params,
noise_generator = Utils.noise_generator({}, 0),
local p = Hunt.merchant_ship_position(args)
if p then
local boat = {
state = Boats.enum_state.LANDED,
type = Boats.enum.MERCHANT,
position = p,
force_name = 'environment',
surface_name = surface.name,
market = nil,
Boats.place_landingtrack(boat, CoreData.landing_tile, true)
Boats.place_boat(boat, CoreData.static_boat_floor, true, true, true, false)
destination.dynamic_data.merchant_market = boat.market
return boat.market
local silo_chart_tag = Token.register(
local p_silo = data.p_silo
local surface_name = data.surface_name
local surface = game.surfaces[surface_name]
if not surface and surface.valid then return end
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
if memory.game_lost then return end
local destination = Common.current_destination()
local force = memory.force
destination.dynamic_data.silo_chart_tag = force.add_chart_tag(surface, {icon = {type = 'item', name = 'rocket-silo'}, position = p_silo})
function Public.spawn_silo_setup()
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local destination = Common.current_destination()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
local subtype = destination.subtype
local force = memory.force
local p_silo = Public[subtype].generate_silo_setup_position()
if not p_silo then return end
-- log(string.format("placing silo at x=%f, y = %f", p_silo.x, p_silo.y))
local silo_count = Balance.silo_count()
if not (silo_count and silo_count >= 1) then return end
if _DEBUG then
if silo_count >= 2 then game.print('debug - silo count: ' .. silo_count) end
for i=1,silo_count do
local silo = surface.create_entity({name = 'rocket-silo', position = {p_silo.x + 9*(i-1), p_silo.y}, force = force, create_build_effect_smoke = false})
if silo and silo.valid then
if not destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos then destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos = {} end
destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos[#destination.dynamic_data.rocketsilos + 1]= silo
silo.minable = false
silo.rotatable = false
silo.operable = false
if i == 1 then
silo.auto_launch = true
silo.destructible = false
local modulesinv = silo.get_module_inventory()
modulesinv.insert{name = 'productivity-module-3', count = 4}
-- local substation = surface.create_entity({name = 'substation', position = {x = p_silo.x - 8.5, y = p_silo.y - 0.5}, force = force, create_build_effect_smoke = false})
-- if substation and substation.valid then
-- substation.destructible = false
-- substation.minable = false
-- substation.rotatable = false
-- end
-- local eei = surface.create_entity({name = 'electric-energy-interface', position = {x = p_silo.x - 8.5, y = p_silo.y + 1.5}, force = force, create_build_effect_smoke = false})
-- if eei and eei.valid then
-- memory.islandeei = eei
-- eei.destructible = false
-- eei.minable = false
-- eei.rotatable = false
-- eei.operable = false
-- eei.electric_buffer_size = memory.islandeeijoulesperrocket / 100
-- eei.power_production = 0
-- eei.power_usage = 0
-- end
if CoreData.rocket_silo_death_causes_loss or (destination.static_params and destination.static_params.cost_to_leave and destination.static_params.cost_to_leave['launch_rocket'] and destination.static_params.cost_to_leave['launch_rocket'] == true) then
-- we need to know where it is
force.chart(surface, {{p_silo.x - 4, p_silo.y - 4},{p_silo.x + 4, p_silo.y + 4}})
Task.set_timeout_in_ticks(2, silo_chart_tag, {p_silo = p_silo, surface_name = destination.surface_name, crew_id = memory.id})
return p_silo
function Public.spawn_enemy_boat(type)
local memory = Memory.get_crew_memory()
local destination = Common.current_destination()
local surface = game.surfaces[destination.surface_name]
local offsets = {50, -50, 63, -63}
local enemyboats = memory.enemyboats
if enemyboats then
local boat = {
state = Boats.enum_state.APPROACHING,
type = type,
speed = 4.5,
position = {x = - surface.map_gen_settings.width/2 + 17.5, y = (memory.boat.dockedposition or memory.boat.position).y + offsets[Math.random(4)]},
force_name = memory.enemy_force_name,
surface_name = surface.name,
unit_group = nil,
spawner = nil,
enemyboats[#enemyboats + 1] = boat
Boats.place_boat(boat, CoreData.static_boat_floor, true, true)
local e = surface.create_entity({name = 'biter-spawner', force = boat.force_name, position = {boat.position.x + Boats.get_scope(boat).Data.spawn_point.x, boat.position.y + Boats.get_scope(boat).Data.spawn_point.y}})
boat.spawner = e
return enemyboats[#enemyboats]
return Public