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synced 2025-02-09 13:37:02 +02:00
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225 lines
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local Event = require 'utils.event'
local ScenarioTable = require 'maps.scrap_towny_ffa.table'
local math_random = math.random
local math_abs = math.abs
local table_shuffle = table.shuffle_table
local Public = {}
--local Server = require 'utils.server'
local map_width = 2560
local map_height = 2560
function Public.nuke(position)
local surface = game.surfaces['nauvis']
surface.create_entity({name = 'atomic-rocket', position = position, target = position, speed = 0.5})
function Public.armageddon()
local targets = {}
local offset = 1
local this = ScenarioTable.get_table()
for _, town_center in pairs(this.town_centers) do
local market = town_center.market
if market and market.valid then
for _ = 1, 5 do
local px = market.position.x + math_random(1, 256) - 128
local py = market.position.y + math_random(1, 256) - 128
targets[offset] = {x = px, y = py}
offset = offset + 1
targets[offset] = {x = market.position.x, y = market.position.y}
offset = offset + 1
for _, spaceship in pairs(this.spaceships) do
local market = spaceship.market
if market and market.valid then
for _ = 1, 5 do
local px = market.position.x + math_random(1, 256) - 128
local py = market.position.y + math_random(1, 256) - 128
targets[offset] = {x = px, y = py}
offset = offset + 1
targets[offset] = {x = market.position.x, y = market.position.y}
offset = offset + 1
for i, pos in pairs(targets) do
local position = pos
local future = game.tick + i * 60
-- schedule to run this method again with a higher radius on next tick
if not this.nuke_tick_schedule[future] then
this.nuke_tick_schedule[future] = {}
this.nuke_tick_schedule[future][#this.nuke_tick_schedule[future] + 1] = {
callback = 'nuke',
params = {position}
local function get_seed()
local max = 4294967296
local salt = game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed
local seed = math_abs(salt + math_random(1, max)) % max + 1
return seed
function Public.initialize()
if game.surfaces['nauvis'] then
-- clear the surface
local surface = game.surfaces['nauvis']
-- this overrides what is in the map_gen_settings.json file
local mgs = surface.map_gen_settings
mgs.default_enable_all_autoplace_controls = true -- don't mess with this!
mgs.autoplace_controls = {
coal = {frequency = 2, size = 0.1, richness = 0.2},
stone = {frequency = 2, size = 0.1, richness = 0.2},
['copper-ore'] = {frequency = 5, size = 0.1, richness = 0.2},
['iron-ore'] = {frequency = 5, size = 0.1, richness = 0.2},
['uranium-ore'] = {frequency = 1, size = 0.1, richness = 0.2},
['crude-oil'] = {frequency = 5, size = 0.05, richness = 0.5},
trees = {frequency = 2, size = 1, richness = 1},
['enemy-base'] = {frequency = 2, size = 2, richness = 1}
mgs.autoplace_settings = {
entity = {
settings = {
['rock-huge'] = {frequency = 2, size = 12, richness = 'very-high'},
['rock-big'] = {frequency = 3, size = 12, richness = 'very-high'},
['sand-rock-big'] = {frequency = 3, size = 12, richness = 1, 'very-high'}
decorative = {
settings = {
['rock-tiny'] = {frequency = 10, size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
['rock-small'] = {frequency = 5, size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
['rock-medium'] = {frequency = 2, size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
['sand-rock-small'] = {frequency = 10, size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'},
['sand-rock-medium'] = {frequency = 5, size = 'normal', richness = 'normal'}
mgs.cliff_settings = {
name = 'cliff',
cliff_elevation_0 = 5,
cliff_elevation_interval = 10,
richness = 0.4
-- water = 0 means no water allowed
-- water = 1 means elevation is not reduced when calculating water tiles (elevation < 0)
-- water = 2 means elevation is reduced by 10 when calculating water tiles (elevation < 0)
-- or rather, the water table is 10 above the normal elevation
mgs.water = 0.5
mgs.peaceful_mode = false
mgs.starting_area = 'none'
mgs.terrain_segmentation = 8
-- terrain size is 64 x 64 chunks, water size is 80 x 80
mgs.width = map_width
mgs.height = map_height
--mgs.starting_points = {
-- {x = 0, y = 0}
-- here we put the named noise expressions for the specific noise-layer if we want to override them
mgs.property_expression_names = {
-- here we are overriding the moisture noise-layer with a fixed value of 0 to keep moisture consistently dry across the map
-- it allows to free up the moisture noise expression
-- low moisture
--moisture = 0,
-- here we are overriding the aux noise-layer with a fixed value to keep aux consistent across the map
-- it allows to free up the aux noise expression
-- aux should be not sand, nor red sand
--aux = 0.5,
-- here we are overriding the temperature noise-layer with a fixed value to keep temperature consistent across the map
-- it allows to free up the temperature noise expression
-- temperature should be 20C or 68F
--temperature = 20,
-- here we are overriding the cliffiness noise-layer with a fixed value of 0 to disable cliffs
-- it allows to free up the cliffiness noise expression (which may or may not be useful)
-- disable cliffs
--cliffiness = 0,
-- we can disable starting lakes two ways, one by setting starting-lake-noise-amplitude = 0
-- or by making the elevation a very large number
-- make sure starting lake amplitude is 0 to disable starting lakes
['starting-lake-noise-amplitude'] = 0,
-- allow enemies to get up close on spawn
['starting-area'] = 0,
-- this accepts a string representing a named noise expression
-- or number to determine the elevation based on x, y and distance from starting points
-- we can not add a named noise expression at this point, we can only reference existing ones
-- if we have any custom noise expressions defined from a mod, we will be able to use them here
-- setting it to a fixed number would mean a flat map
-- elevation < 0 means there is water unless the water table has been changed
--elevation = -1,
--elevation = 0,
--elevation-persistence = 0,
-- testing
--["control-setting:moisture:bias"] = 0.5,
--["control-setting:moisture:frequency:multiplier"] = 0,
--["control-setting:aux:bias"] = 0.5,
--["control-setting:aux:frequency:multiplier"] = 1,
--["control-setting:temperature:bias"] = 0.01,
--["control-setting:temperature:frequency:multiplier"] = 100,
--["tile:water:probability"] = -1000,
--["tile:deep-water:probability"] = -1000,
-- a constant intensity means base distribution will be consistent with regard to distance
['enemy-base-intensity'] = 1,
-- adjust this value to set how many nests spawn per tile
['enemy-base-frequency'] = 0.4,
-- this will make and average base radius around 12 tiles
['enemy-base-radius'] = 12
mgs.seed = get_seed(game.surfaces[1].map_gen_settings.seed)
surface.map_gen_settings = mgs
surface.peaceful_mode = false
surface.always_day = false
surface.freeze_daytime = false
surface.regenerate_entity({'rock-huge', 'rock-big', 'sand-rock-big'})
-- this will force generate the entire map
--Server.to_discord_embed('ScrapTownyFFA Map Regeneration in Progress')
--Server.to_discord_embed('Regeneration Complete')
local function on_tick()
local this = ScenarioTable.get_table()
if not this.nuke_tick_schedule[game.tick] then
for _, token in pairs(this.nuke_tick_schedule[game.tick]) do
local callback = token.callback
local params = token.params
if callback == 'nuke' then
this.nuke_tick_schedule[game.tick] = nil
function Public.clear_nuke_schedule()
local this = ScenarioTable.get_table()
this.nuke_tick_schedule = {}
Event.add(defines.events.on_tick, on_tick)
return Public