mirror of
synced 2024-12-04 09:43:00 +02:00
Remove a bunch of old code and fix some incorrect lua param syntax.
This commit is contained in:
@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ end
---Create an items selection section
---@param container LuaGuiElement
---@param surface_name string
---@param header string
---@param header LocalisedString
---@param setting_name string
---@param max_count integer?
---@return nil
@ -320,10 +320,10 @@ end
---Create an integer textfield with a label
---@param container LuaGuiElement
---@param surface_name string
---@param label string
---@param label LocalisedString
---@param setting_name string
---@param entry_name string
---@param tooltip string
---@param tooltip LocalisedString
---@return nil
function CreateSpawnConfigIntegerField(container, surface_name, label, setting_name, entry_name, tooltip)
@ -25,16 +25,6 @@ MAX_INT32_NEG = -2147483648
-- -- General Helper Functions
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Prints flying text.
-- -- Color is optional
-- function FlyingText(msg, pos, color, surface)
-- if color == nil then
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = pos, text = msg })
-- else
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "flying-text", position = pos, text = msg, color = color })
-- end
-- end
-- Get a printable GPS string
---@param surface_name string
---@param position MapPosition
@ -43,23 +33,6 @@ function GetGPStext(surface_name, position)
return "[gps=" .. position.x .. "," .. position.y .. "," .. surface_name .. "]"
-- -- Requires having an on_tick handler.
-- function DisplaySpeechBubble(player, text, timeout_secs)
-- if (storage.oarc_speech_bubbles == nil) then
-- storage.oarc_speech_bubbles = {}
-- end
-- if (player and player.character) then
-- local sp = player.surface.create_entity{name = "compi-speech-bubble",
-- position = player.position,
-- text = text,
-- source = player.character}
-- table.insert(storage.oarc_speech_bubbles, {entity=sp,
-- timeout_tick=game.tick+(timeout_secs*TICKS_PER_SECOND)})
-- end
-- end
---Render some text on the ground. Visible to all players. Forever.
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param position MapPosition
@ -101,22 +74,6 @@ function TemporaryHelperText(text, surface, position, ttl, alignment)
table.insert(storage.oarc_renders_fadeout, rid)
-- -- Every second, check a global table to see if we have any speech bubbles to kill.
-- function TimeoutSpeechBubblesOnTick()
-- if ((game.tick % (TICKS_PER_SECOND)) == 3) then
-- if (storage.oarc_speech_bubbles and (#storage.oarc_speech_bubbles > 0)) then
-- for k,sp in pairs(storage.oarc_speech_bubbles) do
-- if (game.tick > sp.timeout_tick) then
-- if (sp.entity ~= nil) and (sp.entity.valid) then
-- sp.entity.start_fading_out()
-- end
-- table.remove(storage.oarc_speech_bubbles, k)
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
---Every tick, check a global table to see if we have any rendered thing that needs fading out.
---@return nil
function FadeoutRenderOnTick()
@ -187,14 +144,6 @@ function IsSurfaceBlacklisted(surface_name)
return false
-- -- Simple way to write to a file. Always appends. Only server.
-- -- Has a global setting for enable/disable
-- function ServerWriteFile(filename, msg)
-- if (storage.ocfg.enable_server_write_files) then
-- game.write_file(filename, msg, true, 0)
-- end
-- end
---Useful for displaying game time in mins:secs format
---@param ticks number
---@return string
@ -216,24 +165,6 @@ function FormatTimeHoursSecs(ticks)
return string.format("%dh:%02dm", hours, minutes)
-- -- Simple math clamp
-- function clamp(val, min, max)
-- if (val > max) then
-- return max
-- elseif (val < min) then
-- return min
-- end
-- return val
-- end
-- function clampInt32(val)
-- return clamp(val, MAX_INT32_NEG, MAX_INT32_POS)
-- end
-- function MathRound(num)
-- return math.floor(num+0.5)
-- end
-- Fisher-Yares shuffle
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35572435/how-do-you-do-the-fisher-yates-shuffle-in-lua
---@param T table
@ -274,18 +205,6 @@ function GetTableKey(table, val)
return nil
-- ---Remove a value from a table
-- ---@param table table
-- ---@param val any
-- ---@return nil
-- function TableRemove(t, val)
-- for i = #t, 1, -1 do
-- if t[i] == val then
-- table.remove(t, i)
-- end
-- end
-- end
function TableRemoveOneUsingPairs(t, val)
for k,v in pairs(t) do
if v == val then
@ -307,66 +226,6 @@ function GetRandomPointWithinCircle(radius, center)
return {x=x, y=y}
-- -- Get a random KEY from a table.
-- function GetRandomKeyFromTable(t)
-- local keyset = {}
-- for k,v in pairs(t) do
-- table.insert(keyset, k)
-- end
-- return keyset[math.random(#keyset)]
-- end
-- -- A safer way to attempt to get the next key in a table. CHECK TABLE SIZE BEFORE CALLING THIS!
-- -- Ensures the key points to a valid entry before calling next. Otherwise it restarts.
-- -- If you get nil as a return, it means you hit the return.
-- function NextButChecksKeyIsValidFirst(table_in, key)
-- -- if (table_size(table_in) == 0) then you're fucked end
-- if ((not key) or (not table_in[key])) then
-- return next(table_in, nil)
-- else
-- return next(table_in, key)
-- end
-- end
-- -- Gets the next key, even if we have to start again.
-- function NextKeyInTableIncludingRestart(table_in, key)
-- local next_key = NextButChecksKeyIsValidFirst(table_in, key)
-- if (not next_key) then
-- return NextButChecksKeyIsValidFirst(table_in, next_key)
-- else
-- return next_key
-- end
-- end
-- function GetRandomValueFromTable(t)
-- return t[GetRandomKeyFromTable(t)]
-- end
-- -- Given a table of positions, returns key for closest to given pos.
-- function GetClosestPosFromTable(pos, pos_table)
-- local closest_dist = nil
-- local closest_key = nil
-- for k,p in pairs(pos_table) do
-- local new_dist = util.distance(pos, p)
-- if (closest_dist == nil) then
-- closest_dist = new_dist
-- closest_key = k
-- elseif (closest_dist > new_dist) then
-- closest_dist = new_dist
-- closest_key = k
-- end
-- end
-- if (closest_key == nil) then
-- log("GetClosestPosFromTable ERROR - None found?")
-- return nil
-- end
-- return pos_table[closest_key]
-- end
-- Chart area for a force
---@param force string|integer|LuaForce
---@param position MapPosition
@ -487,62 +346,6 @@ function GetBuddySpawnPosition(position, surface_name, moat_enabled)
return buddy_position
-- -- Modular armor quick start
-- function GiveQuickStartModularArmor(player)
-- player.insert{name="modular-armor", count = 1}
-- if player and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor) ~= nil and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)[1] ~= nil then
-- local p_armor = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)[1].grid
-- if p_armor ~= nil then
-- p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-equipment"})
-- for i=1,15 do
-- p_armor.put({name = "solar-panel-equipment"})
-- end
-- end
-- player.insert{name="construction-robot", count = 40}
-- end
-- end
-- -- Cheater's quick start
-- function GiveQuickStartPowerArmor(player)
-- player.insert{name="power-armor", count = 1}
-- if player and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor) ~= nil and player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)[1] ~= nil then
-- local p_armor = player.get_inventory(defines.inventory.character_armor)[1].grid
-- if p_armor ~= nil then
-- p_armor.put({name = "fusion-reactor-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "exoskeleton-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "personal-roboport-mk2-equipment"})
-- p_armor.put({name = "battery-mk2-equipment"})
-- for i=1,7 do
-- p_armor.put({name = "solar-panel-equipment"})
-- end
-- end
-- player.insert{name="construction-robot", count = 100}
-- player.insert{name="belt-immunity-equipment", count = 1}
-- end
-- end
-- TEST_KIT = {
-- {name="infinity-chest", count = 50},
-- {name="infinity-pipe", count = 50},
-- {name="electric-energy-interface", count = 50},
-- {name="express-loader", count = 50},
-- {name="express-transport-belt", count = 50},
-- }
-- function GiveTestKit(player)
-- for _,item in pairs(TEST_KIT) do
-- player.insert(item)
-- end
-- end
-- Safer teleport
---@param player LuaPlayer
---@param surface LuaSurface
@ -596,34 +399,6 @@ function ConfigurePlayerForceRelationships(cease_fire, friends)
-- ---Set all forces to ceasefire
-- ---@return nil
-- function SetCeaseFireBetweenAllPlayerForces()
-- for name, team in pairs(game.forces) do
-- if name ~= "neutral" and name ~= ABANDONED_FORCE_NAME and not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES, name) then
-- for x, _ in pairs(game.forces) do
-- if x ~= "neutral" and x ~= ABANDONED_FORCE_NAME and not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES, x) then
-- team.set_cease_fire(x, true)
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- ---Set all forces to friendly
-- ---@return nil
-- function SetFriendlyBetweenAllPlayerForces()
-- for name, team in pairs(game.forces) do
-- if name ~= "neutral" and name ~= ABANDONED_FORCE_NAME and not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES, name) then
-- for x, _ in pairs(game.forces) do
-- if x ~= "neutral" and x ~= ABANDONED_FORCE_NAME and not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES, x) then
-- team.set_friend(x, true)
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- end
---For each other player force, share a chat msg.
---@param player LuaPlayer
@ -752,46 +527,6 @@ function ClearNearbyEnemies(pos, safeDist, surface)
-- ---Function to find coordinates of ungenerated map area in a given direction starting from the center of the map
-- ---@param direction_vector MapPosition
-- ---@param surface LuaSurface
-- ---@return MapPosition
-- function FindMapEdge(direction_vector, surface)
-- local position = {x=0,y=0}
-- local chunk_position = {x=0,y=0}
-- -- Keep checking chunks in the direction of the vector
-- while(true) do
-- -- Set some absolute limits.
-- if ((math.abs(chunk_position.x) > 1000) or (math.abs(chunk_position.y) > 1000)) then
-- break
-- -- If chunk is already generated, keep looking
-- elseif (surface.is_chunk_generated(chunk_position)) then
-- chunk_position.x = chunk_position.x + direction_vector.x
-- chunk_position.y = chunk_position.y + direction_vector.y
-- -- Found a possible ungenerated area
-- else
-- chunk_position.x = chunk_position.x + direction_vector.x
-- chunk_position.y = chunk_position.y + direction_vector.y
-- -- Check there are no generated chunks in a 10x10 area.
-- if IsChunkAreaUngenerated(chunk_position, 10, surface) then
-- position.x = (chunk_position.x*CHUNK_SIZE) + (CHUNK_SIZE/2)
-- position.y = (chunk_position.y*CHUNK_SIZE) + (CHUNK_SIZE/2)
-- break
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- -- log("spawn: x=" .. position.x .. ", y=" .. position.y)
-- return position
-- end
---Pick a random direction, go at least the minimum distance, and start looking for ungenerated chunks
---We try a few times (hardcoded) and then try a different random direction if we fail (up to max_tries)
---@param surface_name string Surface name because we might need to force the creation of a new surface
@ -889,38 +624,6 @@ function FindUngeneratedCoordinates(surface_name, minimum_distance_chunks, max_t
return final_position
-- -- General purpose function for removing a particular recipe
-- function RemoveRecipe(force, recipeName)
-- local recipes = force.recipes
-- if recipes[recipeName] then
-- recipes[recipeName].enabled = false
-- end
-- end
-- -- General purpose function for adding a particular recipe
-- function AddRecipe(force, recipeName)
-- local recipes = force.recipes
-- if recipes[recipeName] then
-- recipes[recipeName].enabled = true
-- end
-- end
-- -- General command for disabling a tech.
-- function DisableTech(force, techName)
-- if force.technologies[techName] then
-- force.technologies[techName].enabled = false
-- force.technologies[techName].visible_when_disabled = true
-- end
-- end
-- -- General command for enabling a tech.
-- function EnableTech(force, techName)
-- if force.technologies[techName] then
-- force.technologies[techName].enabled = true
-- end
-- end
---Get a square area given a position and distance. Square length = 2x distance
---@param pos MapPosition
---@param dist number
@ -947,30 +650,6 @@ function GetChunkPosFromTilePos(tile_pos)
return {x=math.floor(tile_pos.x/32), y=math.floor(tile_pos.y/32)}
-- function GetCenterTilePosFromChunkPos(c_pos)
-- return {x=c_pos.x*32 + 16, y=c_pos.y*32 + 16}
-- end
-- -- Get the left_top
-- function GetChunkTopLeft(pos)
-- return {x=pos.x-(pos.x % 32), y=pos.y-(pos.y % 32)}
-- end
-- -- Get area given chunk
-- function GetAreaFromChunkPos(chunk_pos)
-- return {left_top={x=chunk_pos.x*32, y=chunk_pos.y*32},
-- right_bottom={x=chunk_pos.x*32+31, y=chunk_pos.y*32+31}}
-- end
-- Removes the entity type from the area given
-- function RemoveInArea(surface, area, type)
-- for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area=area, type= type}) do
-- if entity.valid and entity and entity.position then
-- entity.destroy()
-- end
-- end
-- end
---Removes the entity type from the area given. Only if it is within given distance from given position.
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param area BoundingBox
@ -1004,543 +683,4 @@ function RemoveInSquare(surface, area, type, pos, dist)
-- -- For easy local testing of map gen settings. Just set what you want and uncomment usage in CreateGameSurface!
-- function SurfaceSettingsHelper(settings)
-- settings.terrain_segmentation = 4
-- settings.water = 3
-- settings.starting_area = 0
-- local r_freq = 1.20
-- local r_rich = 5.00
-- local r_size = 0.18
-- settings.autoplace_controls["coal"].frequency = r_freq
-- settings.autoplace_controls["coal"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["coal"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["copper-ore"].frequency = r_freq
-- settings.autoplace_controls["copper-ore"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["copper-ore"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["crude-oil"].frequency = r_freq
-- settings.autoplace_controls["crude-oil"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["crude-oil"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["iron-ore"].frequency = r_freq
-- settings.autoplace_controls["iron-ore"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["iron-ore"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["stone"].frequency = r_freq
-- settings.autoplace_controls["stone"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["stone"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["uranium-ore"].frequency = r_freq*0.5
-- settings.autoplace_controls["uranium-ore"].richness = r_rich
-- settings.autoplace_controls["uranium-ore"].size = r_size
-- settings.autoplace_controls["enemy-base"].frequency = 0.80
-- settings.autoplace_controls["enemy-base"].richness = 0.70
-- settings.autoplace_controls["enemy-base"].size = 0.70
-- settings.autoplace_controls["trees"].frequency = 1.00
-- settings.autoplace_controls["trees"].richness = 1.00
-- settings.autoplace_controls["trees"].size = 1.00
-- settings.cliff_settings.cliff_elevation_0 = 3
-- settings.cliff_settings.cliff_elevation_interval = 200
-- settings.cliff_settings.richness = 3
-- settings.property_expression_names["control-setting:aux:bias"] = "0.00"
-- settings.property_expression_names["control-setting:aux:frequency:multiplier"] = "5.00"
-- settings.property_expression_names["control-setting:moisture:bias"] = "0.40"
-- settings.property_expression_names["control-setting:moisture:frequency:multiplier"] = "50"
-- return settings
-- end
-- -- Create another surface so that we can modify map settings and not have a screwy nauvis map.
-- function CreateGameSurface()
-- if (GAME_SURFACE_NAME ~= "nauvis") then
-- -- Get starting surface settings.
-- local nauvis_settings = game.surfaces["nauvis"].map_gen_settings
-- if storage.ocfg.enable_vanilla_spawns then
-- nauvis_settings.starting_points = CreateVanillaSpawns(storage.ocfg.vanilla_spawn_count, storage.ocfg.vanilla_spawn_spacing)
-- if (storage.ocfg.silo_islands) then
-- nauvis_settings.property_expression_names.elevation = "0_17-island"
-- end
-- end
-- -- Enable this to test things out easily.
-- -- nauvis_settings = SurfaceSettingsHelper(nauvis_settings)
-- -- Create new game surface
-- local s = game.create_surface(GAME_SURFACE_NAME, nauvis_settings)
-- end
-- -- Add surface and safe areas
-- if storage.ocfg.enable_regrowth then
-- RegrowthMarkAreaSafeGivenChunkPos({x=0,y=0}, 4, true)
-- end
-- end
-- function CreateTileArrow(surface, pos, type)
-- tiles = {}
-- if (type == "LEFT") then
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+1, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+2, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+3, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+1, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+2, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+3, pos.y+1}})
-- elseif (type == "RIGHT") then
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+1, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+2, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-right", position = {pos.x+3, pos.y}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+1, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+2, pos.y+1}})
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = "hazard-concrete-left", position = {pos.x+3, pos.y+1}})
-- end
-- surface.set_tiles(tiles, true)
-- end
-- -- Allowed colors: red, green, blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple, black, brown, cyan, acid
-- function CreateFixedColorTileArea(surface, area, color)
-- tiles = {}
-- for i=area.left_top.x,area.right_bottom.x do
-- for j=area.left_top.y,area.right_bottom.y do
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = color.."-refined-concrete", position = {i,j}})
-- end
-- end
-- surface.set_tiles(tiles, true)
-- end
-- -- Find closest player-owned entity
-- function FindClosestPlayerOwnedEntity(player, name, radius)
-- local entities = player.surface.find_entities_filtered{position=player.position,
-- radius=radius,
-- name=name,
-- force=player.force}
-- if (not entities or (#entities == 0)) then return nil end
-- return player.surface.get_closest(player.position, entities)
-- end
-- -- Add Long Reach to Character
-- function GivePlayerLongReach(player)
-- player.character.character_build_distance_bonus = BUILD_DIST_BONUS
-- player.character.character_reach_distance_bonus = REACH_DIST_BONUS
-- -- player.character.character_resource_reach_distance_bonus = RESOURCE_DIST_BONUS
-- end
-- -- General purpose cover an area in tiles.
-- function CoverAreaInTiles(surface, area, tile_name)
-- tiles = {}
-- for x = area.left_top.x,area.left_top.x+31 do
-- for y = area.left_top.y,area.left_top.y+31 do
-- table.insert(tiles, {name = tile_name, position = {x=x, y=y}})
-- end
-- end
-- surface.set_tiles(tiles, true)
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Anti-griefing Stuff & Gravestone (My own version)
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- function AntiGriefing(force)
-- force.zoom_to_world_deconstruction_planner_enabled=false
-- SetForceGhostTimeToLive(force)
-- end
-- function SetForceGhostTimeToLive(force)
-- if storage.ocfg.ghost_ttl ~= 0 then
-- force.ghost_time_to_live = storage.ocfg.ghost_ttl+1
-- end
-- end
-- function SetItemBlueprintTimeToLive(event)
-- local type = event.created_entity.type
-- if type == "entity-ghost" or type == "tile-ghost" then
-- if storage.ocfg.ghost_ttl ~= 0 then
-- event.created_entity.time_to_live = storage.ocfg.ghost_ttl
-- end
-- end
-- end
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Resource patch and starting area generation
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---Circle spawn shape (handles land, trees and moat)
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param centerPos MapPosition
---@param chunkArea BoundingBox
---@param tileRadius number
---@param fillTile string
---@param moat boolean
---@param bridge boolean
---@return nil
function CreateCropCircle(surface, centerPos, chunkArea, tileRadius, fillTile, moat, bridge)
local tile_radius_sqr = tileRadius ^ 2
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local moat_radius_sqr = ((tileRadius + moat_width)^2)
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
local tree_radius_sqr_inner = ((tileRadius - 1 - tree_width) ^ 2) -- 1 less to make sure trees are inside the spawn area
local tree_radius_sqr_outer = ((tileRadius - 1) ^ 2)
local surface_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name]
local liquid_tile = surface_config.spawn_config.liquid_tile
local fish_enabled = (liquid_tile == "water")
local dirtTiles = {}
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
-- This ( X^2 + Y^2 ) is used to calculate if something is inside a circle area.
-- We avoid using sqrt for performance reasons.
local distSqr = math.floor((centerPos.x - i) ^ 2 + (centerPos.y - j) ^ 2)
-- Fill in all unexpected water (or force grass)
if (distSqr <= tile_radius_sqr) then
if (surface.get_tile(i, j).collides_with("water_tile") or
storage.ocfg.spawn_general.force_grass) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = fillTile, position = { i, j } })
-- -- Create a tree ring
-- if ((distSqr < tree_radius_sqr_outer) and (distSqr > tree_radius_sqr_inner)) then
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-02", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
-- end
-- Fill moat with water.
if (moat) then
if (bridge and ((j == centerPos.y - 1) or (j == centerPos.y) or (j == centerPos.y + 1))) then
-- This will leave the tiles "as is" on the left and right of the spawn which has the effect of creating
-- land connections if the spawn is on or near land.
elseif ((distSqr < moat_radius_sqr) and (distSqr > tile_radius_sqr)) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = liquid_tile, position = { i, j } })
--5% chance of fish in water
if fish_enabled and (math.random(1,20) == 1) then
surface.create_entity({name="fish", position={i + 0.5, j + 0.5}})
--Create trees (needs to be done after setting tiles!)
local tree_entity = surface_config.spawn_config.tree_entity
if (tree_entity == nil) then return end
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
local distSqr = math.floor((centerPos.x - i) ^ 2 + (centerPos.y - j) ^ 2)
if ((distSqr < tree_radius_sqr_outer) and (distSqr > tree_radius_sqr_inner)) then
local pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position(tree_entity, { i, j }, 2, 0.5)
if (pos ~= nil) then
surface.create_entity({ name = tree_entity, amount = 1, position = pos })
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-02", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
---` spawn shape (handles land, trees and moat) (Curtesy of jvmguy)
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param centerPos MapPosition
---@param chunkArea BoundingBox
---@param tileRadius number
---@param fillTile string
---@param moat boolean
---@param bridge boolean
---@return nil
function CreateCropOctagon(surface, centerPos, chunkArea, tileRadius, fillTile, moat, bridge)
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local moat_width_outer = tileRadius + moat_width
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
local tree_distance_inner = tileRadius - tree_width
local surface_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name]
local dirtTiles = {}
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
local distVar1 = math.floor(math.max(math.abs(centerPos.x - i), math.abs(centerPos.y - j)))
local distVar2 = math.floor(math.abs(centerPos.x - i) + math.abs(centerPos.y - j))
local distVar = math.max(distVar1, distVar2 * 0.707);
-- Fill in all unexpected water (or force grass)
if (distVar <= tileRadius) then
if (surface.get_tile(i, j).collides_with("water_tile") or
storage.ocfg.spawn_general.force_grass) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = fillTile, position = { i, j } })
-- -- Create a tree ring
-- if ((distVar < tileRadius) and (distVar >= tree_distance_inner)) then
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-01", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
-- end
-- Fill moat with water
if (moat) then
if (bridge and ((j == centerPos.y - 1) or (j == centerPos.y) or (j == centerPos.y + 1))) then
-- This will leave the tiles "as is" on the left and right of the spawn which has the effect of creating
-- land connections if the spawn is on or near land.
elseif ((distVar > tileRadius) and (distVar <= moat_width_outer)) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = "water", position = { i, j } })
--5% chance of fish in water
if (math.random(1,20) == 1) then
surface.create_entity({name="fish", position={i + 0.5, j + 0.5}})
--Create trees (needs to be done after setting tiles!)
local tree_entity = surface_config.spawn_config.tree_entity
if (tree_entity == nil) then return end
--Create trees (needs to be done after setting tiles!)
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
local distVar1 = math.floor(math.max(math.abs(centerPos.x - i), math.abs(centerPos.y - j)))
local distVar2 = math.floor(math.abs(centerPos.x - i) + math.abs(centerPos.y - j))
local distVar = math.max(distVar1, distVar2 * 0.707);
if ((distVar < tileRadius) and (distVar >= tree_distance_inner)) then
surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-01", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
---Square spawn shape (handles land, trees and moat)
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param centerPos MapPosition
---@param chunkArea BoundingBox
---@param tileRadius number
---@param fillTile string
---@param moat boolean
---@param bridge boolean
---@return nil
function CreateCropSquare(surface, centerPos, chunkArea, tileRadius, fillTile, moat, bridge)
local moat_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles
local moat_width_outer = tileRadius + moat_width
local tree_width = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.tree_width_tiles
local tree_distance_inner = tileRadius - tree_width
local surface_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name]
local dirtTiles = {}
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
-- Max distance from center (either x or y)
local max_distance = math.max(math.abs(centerPos.x - i), math.abs(centerPos.y - j))
-- Fill in all unexpected water (or force grass)
if (max_distance <= tileRadius) then
if (surface.get_tile(i, j).collides_with("water_tile") or
storage.ocfg.spawn_general.force_grass) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = fillTile, position = { i, j } })
-- -- Create a tree ring
-- if ((max_distance < tileRadius) and (max_distance >= tree_distance_inner)) then
-- surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-02", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
-- end
-- Fill moat with water
if (moat) then
if (bridge and ((j == centerPos.y - 1) or (j == centerPos.y) or (j == centerPos.y + 1))) then
-- This will leave the tiles "as is" on the left and right of the spawn which has the effect of creating
-- land connections if the spawn is on or near land.
elseif ((max_distance > tileRadius) and (max_distance <= moat_width_outer)) then
table.insert(dirtTiles, { name = "water", position = { i, j } })
--5% chance of fish in water
if (math.random(1,20) == 1) then
surface.create_entity({name="fish", position={i + 0.5, j + 0.5}})
--Create trees (needs to be done after setting tiles!)
local tree_entity = surface_config.spawn_config.tree_entity
if (tree_entity == nil) then return end
--Create trees (needs to be done after setting tiles!)
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
local max_distance = math.max(math.abs(centerPos.x - i), math.abs(centerPos.y - j))
if ((max_distance < tileRadius) and (max_distance >= tree_distance_inner)) then
surface.create_entity({ name = "tree-02", amount = 1, position = { i, j } })
---Add a circle of water
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param centerPos MapPosition
---@param chunkArea BoundingBox
---@param tileRadius number
---@param moatTile string
---@param bridge boolean
---@param shape SpawnShapeChoice
---@return nil
function CreateMoat(surface, centerPos, chunkArea, tileRadius, moatTile, bridge, shape)
local tileRadSqr = tileRadius ^ 2
local tiles = {}
for i = chunkArea.left_top.x, chunkArea.right_bottom.x, 1 do
for j = chunkArea.left_top.y, chunkArea.right_bottom.y, 1 do
if (bridge and ((j == centerPos.y - 1) or (j == centerPos.y) or (j == centerPos.y + 1))) then
-- This will leave the tiles "as is" on the left and right of the spawn which has the effect of creating
-- land connections if the spawn is on or near land.
-- This ( X^2 + Y^2 ) is used to calculate if something
-- is inside a circle area.
local distVar = math.floor((centerPos.x - i) ^ 2 + (centerPos.y - j) ^ 2)
-- Create a circle of water
if ((distVar < tileRadSqr + (1500 * storage.ocfg.spawn_general.moat_width_tiles)) and
(distVar > tileRadSqr)) then
table.insert(tiles, { name = moatTile, position = { i, j } })
-- Create a horizontal line of tiles (typically used for water)
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param leftPos TilePosition
---@param length integer
---@param tile_name string
---@return nil
function CreateTileStrip(surface, leftPos, length, tile_name)
local waterTiles = {}
for i = 0, length-1, 1 do
table.insert(waterTiles, { name = tile_name, position = { leftPos.x + i, leftPos.y } })
--- Function to generate a resource patch, of a certain size/amount at a pos.
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param resourceName string
---@param diameter integer
---@param position TilePosition
---@param amount integer
function GenerateResourcePatch(surface, resourceName, diameter, position, amount)
local midPoint = math.floor(diameter / 2)
if (diameter == 0) then
-- Right now only 2 shapes are supported. Circle and Square.
local square_shape = (storage.ocfg.spawn_general.resources_shape == RESOURCES_SHAPE_CHOICE_SQUARE)
for y = -midPoint, midPoint do
for x = -midPoint, midPoint do
-- Either it's a square, or it's a circle so we check if it's inside the circle.
if (square_shape or ((x) ^ 2 + (y) ^ 2 < midPoint ^ 2)) then
name = resourceName,
amount = amount,
position = { position.x + x, position.y + y }
--- Randomly place lightning attractors specific for Fulgora. This should space them out so they don't overlap too much.
---@param surface LuaSurface
---@param position MapPosition
---@return nil
function PlaceFulgoranLightningAttractors(surface, position, count)
local spawn_config = storage.ocfg.surfaces_config[surface.name].spawn_config
local radius = storage.ocfg.spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles * spawn_config.radius_modifier
local ATTRACTOR_NAME = "fulgoran-ruin-attractor"
--Iterate through and place them and use the largest available entity
for i = 1, count do
local random_pos = GetRandomPointWithinCircle(radius, position)
local open_pos = surface.find_non_colliding_position("crash-site-spaceship", random_pos, 1, 0.5)
if (open_pos ~= nil) then
position = open_pos,
force = "player" -- Same as native game
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-- -- Display messages to a user everytime they join
-- function PlayerJoinedMessages(event)
-- local player = game.players[event.player_index]
-- player.print(storage.ocfg.welcome_msg)
-- if (storage.oarc_announcements) then
-- player.print(storage.oarc_announcements)
-- end
-- end
-- -- Remove decor to save on file size
-- function UndecorateOnChunkGenerate(event)
-- local surface = event.surface
-- local chunkArea = event.area
-- RemoveDecorationsArea(surface, chunkArea)
-- -- If you care to, you can remove all fish with the Undecorator option here:
-- -- RemoveFish(surface, chunkArea)
-- end
Reference in New Issue
Block a user