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synced 2024-12-04 09:43:00 +02:00
More fancy planet name and icon localization.
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,8 +2,9 @@
Version: 2.1.14
Date: 2024-11-21
- Update locale (thanks plexpt!)
- Make use of new set_driving() function.
- Update CN locale. (thanks plexpt!)
- Many non-localized planet names localized and started using the icons where possible too.
- Make use of new set_driving() function. Won't affect gameplay, but I no longer have to do an extra teleport as a workaround.
Version: 2.1.13
Date: 2024-11-20
@ -67,7 +67,11 @@ function AddPlayerRow(table, player_name, online)
local spawn = FindPlayerHomeSpawn(player.name)
if (spawn) then
AddLabel(table, nil, spawn.surface_name, my_label_style)
if game.planets[spawn.surface_name] ~= nil then
AddLabel(table, nil, {"", "[planet=", spawn.surface_name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..spawn.surface_name}}, my_label_style)
AddLabel(table, nil, game.surfaces[spawn.surface_name].localised_name, my_label_style)
AddLabel(table, nil, "Unknown?", my_label_style) -- Shouldn't happen
@ -92,7 +96,13 @@ end
---@param player_name string
---@return nil
function CreatePlayerGPSButton(container, player_name)
local gps_button = container.add {
local flow = container.add {
type = "flow",
direction = "horizontal",
flow.style.vertical_align = "center"
local gps_button = flow.add {
type = "sprite-button",
sprite = "utility/gps_map_icon",
tags = {
@ -101,10 +111,23 @@ function CreatePlayerGPSButton(container, player_name)
player_name = player_name,
style = "slot_button",
tooltip = {"", {"oarc-player-list-tab-location-button-tooltip"}, " (", game.players[player_name].surface.name, ")"},
tooltip = {"oarc-player-list-tab-location-button-tooltip"},
gps_button.style.width = 28
gps_button.style.height = 28
local surface_name
if game.players[player_name].character ~= nil then
surface_name = game.players[player_name].character.surface.name
surface_name = game.players[player_name].surface.name
if game.planets[surface_name] ~= nil then
AddLabel(flow, nil, {"", "[planet=", surface_name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..surface_name}}, my_label_style)
AddLabel(flow, nil, game.surfaces[surface_name].localised_name, my_label_style)
---Handle the gui click of the player list tab in the Oarc GUI.
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ function CreateSurfaceSettingsSection(container, player)
--- Add the rows
for name, allowed in pairs(storage.oarc_surfaces) do
AddLabel(surface_table, nil, name, my_label_style)
AddLabel(surface_table, nil, {"", "[planet=", name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..name}}, my_label_style)
AddSurfaceCheckboxSetting(surface_table, name, "spawn_enabled", allowed.primary, player.admin,
{ "oarc-settings-tab-surface-checkbox-tooltip" })
AddSurfaceCheckboxSetting(surface_table, name, "secondary_enabled", allowed.secondary, player.admin,
@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ function CreatePrimarySpawnInfo(player, container)
local horizontal_flow = container.add { type = "flow", direction = "horizontal"}
horizontal_flow.style.vertical_align = "center"
AddLabel(horizontal_flow, nil, { "oarc-primary-spawn-info-surface-label",
{"", "[planet=", primary_spawn.surface_name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..primary_spawn.surface_name}},
primary_spawn.position.y}, my_label_style)
@ -79,7 +79,7 @@ function CreateSecondarySpawnInfo(player, container)
local horizontal_flow = container.add { type = "flow", direction = "horizontal"}
horizontal_flow.style.vertical_align = "center"
AddLabel(horizontal_flow, nil, { "oarc-secondary-spawn-info-surface-label",
{"", "[planet=", secondary_spawn.surface_name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..secondary_spawn.surface_name}},
secondary_spawn.position.y}, my_label_style)
@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ function CreateSetRespawnLocationButton(player, container)
local horizontal_flow = container.add { type = "flow", direction = "horizontal"}
horizontal_flow.style.vertical_align = "center"
AddLabel(horizontal_flow, nil, { "oarc-set-respawn-loc-info-surface-label",
{"", "[planet=", respawn_surface_name, "] ", {"space-location-name."..respawn_surface_name}},
respawn_position.y }, my_label_style)
@ -1703,6 +1703,8 @@ function TeleportPlayerToRespawnPoint(surface_name, player, first_spawn)
if player.driving then
--Ignore the lua warning, the factorio docs use "bool" instead of "boolean" so its broken. TODO: Remove this when they update the docs.
---@diagnostic disable-next-line: param-type-mismatch
player.set_driving(false, true) -- We need to force player out of the cargo-pod before we teleport.
SafeTeleport(player, game.surfaces[surface_name], spawn.position)
@ -65,12 +65,12 @@ oarc-buddy-spawn-info=Das Buddy-System erfordert, dass 2 Spieler gleichzeitig in
oarc-max-players-shared-spawn=Du kannst bis zu __1__ andere Spieler zulassen, dir beizutreten.
oarc-spawn-dist-notes=Der Spawn-Abstand ist in CHUNKS vom Zentrum der Karte angegeben.\nErwarte Kämpfe, um andere Spieler zu erreichen.
oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ tritt dem Spiel bei auf __2__!
oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ tritt dem Spiel bei auf [planet=__2__]!
oarc-player-started-own-team=__1__ hat sein eigenes Team gegründet!
oarc-player-no-new-teams-sorry=Es tut uns leid, aber es können keine neuen Teams erstellt werden. Du wurdest stattdessen dem Standardteam zugewiesen.
oarc-no-ungenerated-land-error=[color=red]Fehler: Es konnte kein ungenutztes Land zum Spawnen gefunden werden! Bitte versuche es erneut. Wenn du diese Nachricht mehrmals siehst, könnte dies ein Problem mit den Einstellungen oder eine Mod-Konflikt sein.[/color]
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ und __2__ treten dem Spiel gemeinsam bei auf __3__!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ hat eine sekundäre Basis auf __2__ gegründet!
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ und __2__ treten dem Spiel gemeinsam bei auf [planet=__3__]!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ hat eine sekundäre Basis auf [planet=__2__] gegründet!
oarc-player-left-early=Spieler (__1__) hat das Spiel verlassen, bevor er/sie __2__ Minuten Spielzeit hatte. Ihr Spawn-Bereich wurde zur Bereinigung markiert.
@ -262,7 +262,7 @@ oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt=Dies verbindet sich mit einer gemeinsamen Lagertruh
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod=Was ist dieser Mod?
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod-answer=Dieser Mod überarbeitet den Mehrspieler-Spawn. Spieler können ihre eigenen Spawn-Punkte abseits des Kartenmittelpunkts erstellen. Spieler können auch anderen Spielern beitreten oder Mitspieler-Spawns erstellen. Der Mod ändert das grundlegende Gameplay von Factorio nicht, sondern beeinflusst nur, wie die Spieler das Spiel beginnen. Das Startgebiet ist ein voreingestelltes Gebiet mit Ressourcen, kein „natürlicher“ Spawn-Punkt.
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces=Kann ich auf einer anderen Oberfläche/Planet starten?
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]Dieses Feature ist derzeit in Arbeit. Daher funktioniert das Spawnen nur auf "Nauvis" oder einer standardmäßigen nauvis-ähnlichen Oberfläche korrekt.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]Dieses Feature ist derzeit in Arbeit. Daher funktioniert das Spawnen nur auf __PLANET__nauvis__ oder einer standardmäßigen __PLANET__nauvis__-ähnlichen Oberfläche korrekt.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns=Was sind sekundäre Spawns?
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns-answer=Wenn aktiviert, erhalten Spieler beim ersten Betreten einer neuen Oberfläche mit benutzerdefiniertem Spawn automatisch ein neues Startgebiet basierend auf ihrer primären Spawn-Wahl (dem ersten Spawn, den sie erstellen). [color=red]Dieses Feature ist derzeit in Arbeit. Sekundäre Spawns auf anderen Oberflächen können Probleme verursachen.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams=Was sind die verschiedenen Team-Optionen?
@ -298,8 +298,8 @@ oarc-select-surface-label=Oberfläche auswählen:
oarc-select-surface-tooltip=Wählen Sie die Oberfläche, die Sie konfigurieren möchten.
oarc-revert-tooltip=Auf Standard zurücksetzen.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=Nauvis kopieren
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Kopiere Nauvis-Einstellungen auf diese Oberfläche.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=__PLANET__nauvis__ kopieren
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Kopiere __PLANET__nauvis__-Einstellungen auf diese Oberfläche.
oarc-add-item-tooltip=Gegenstand hinzufügen
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ is joining the game on [planet=__2__]!
oarc-player-started-own-team=__1__ has started their own team!
oarc-player-no-new-teams-sorry=Sorry, no new teams can be created. You were assigned to the default team instead.
oarc-no-ungenerated-land-error=[color=red]Failed to find ungenerated land to spawn on! Please try again. If you see this message multiple times, it could be a settings or mod conflict issue.[/color]
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ and __2__ are joining the game together on __3__!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ has started a secondary base on __2__!
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ and __2__ are joining the game together on [planet=__3__]!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ has started a secondary base on [planet=__2__]!
oarc-player-left-early=Player (__1__) left the game before __2__ minutes of play time. Their spawn area has been marked for cleanup.
@ -240,7 +240,7 @@ oarc-settings-tab-player-warning=You are not an admin. These settings are read-o
oarc-settings-tab-description=This tab contains the same mod settings in the mod settings menu AND some additional settings that can only be changed in game. Check the Surface Settings tab for surface-specific settings.
oarc-settings-tab-text-field-enter-tooltip=[color=red]You must press ENTER after typing in a text field to save the value![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-title-surface=Enable or Disable Surface Features
oarc-settings-tab-surfaces-warning=Only [planet=nauvis] as primary is recommended! All planets support secondary spawns at this time, but it is still a work in progress. Please don't change these settings if you have already landed on other planets unless you are okay with losing your progress on those planets.
oarc-settings-tab-surfaces-warning=Only [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__ as primary is recommended! All planets support secondary spawns at this time, but it is still a work in progress. Please don't change these settings if you have already landed on other planets unless you are okay with losing your progress on those planets.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-checkbox-tooltip=Enabling this will allow players to START with custom spawn areas (the main feature of this mod) on this surface. You need at least one of these enabled for the mod to work.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-secondary-checkbox-tooltip=Enabling this will give players custom landing areas when they first travel to this surface. This allows players to have separate landing sites. [color=red]This feature is currently a work in progress. If you enable this AFTER landing on a new planet, the next time you travel in a rocket you will be sent to a new spawn![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-surface-regrowth-checkbox-tooltip=Enabling this will allow the regrowth and world eater features to work on this surface, if those are enabled.
@ -276,11 +276,11 @@ oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt=This connects to a shared storage chest for all pla
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod=What is this mod?
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod-answer=This mod overhauls multiplayer spawning. Players can create their own spawn points away from the center of the map. Players can also join other players' bases, or create buddy spawns. The mod does not change the core gameplay of Factorio, but it does change the way players start the game. The starting area is a preset area with resources, not a "natural" spawn point.
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces=Can I start on a different surface/planet?
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]I only recommend starting on [planet=nauvis] or a default nauvis-like surface.[/color] The short answer is yes, but the you probably don't want to. There is no simple way to ensure that you can start on other planets without breaking the normal progression and gameplay. There are other mods out there, like Any Planet Start, but I have not tested compatibility yet.
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]I only recommend starting on [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__ or a __PLANET__nauvis__-like surface.[/color] The short answer is yes, but the you probably don't want to. There is no simple way to ensure that you can start on other planets without breaking the normal progression and gameplay. There are other mods out there, like Any Planet Start, but I have not tested compatibility yet.
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns=What are secondary spawns?
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns-answer=If enabled, when a player first travels to a new planet/surface, they will automatically be given a separate landing area based on their primary spawn choice (the first spawn they create). [color=red]This feature is currently a work in progress, but I have now added support for the Space Age planets (fulgora, gleba, vulcanus, and Aquilo).[/color] There are some known issues, such as cargo-pods landing at the center of the map if you don't have a landing pad setup yet (use the /oarc-wheres-my-cargo-pod command to retrieve them). Additionally, Vulcanus doesn't yet provide any API support to modify demolishers or territories, so I have a crude safety mechanism that removes demolishers close to your spawn area. All planets should still be playable, but it's not perfect. Please report issues to me on discord/github.
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns-answer=If enabled, when a player first travels to a new planet/surface, they will automatically be given a separate landing area based on their primary spawn choice (the first spawn they create). [color=red]This feature is currently a work in progress, but I have now added support for the Space Age planets ([planet=fulgora] __PLANET__fulgora__, [planet=gleba] __PLANET__gleba__, [planet=vulcanus] __PLANET__vulcanus__, and [planet=aquilo] __PLANET__aquilo__).[/color] There are some known issues, such as cargo-pods landing at the center of the map if you don't have a landing pad setup yet (use the /oarc-wheres-my-cargo-pod command to retrieve them). Additionally, Vulcanus doesn't yet provide any API support to modify demolishers or territories, so I have a crude safety mechanism that removes demolishers close to your spawn area. All planets should still be playable, but it's not perfect. Please report issues to me on discord/github.
oarc-mod-faq-enemy-scaling=How are enemies handled?
oarc-mod-faq-enemy-scaling-answer=Good question! My mod attempts to provide a safe starting area to any player joining the game, or landing on a new planet. The primary way this is done is by removing most of the enemies around new bases. Additionally, areas near to player bases only spawn the easier enemy variants regardless of global evolution setting. On Nauvis, worms are scaled as well so that you won't be surrounded only by behemoth worms if you choose to spawn far from the map center. On Vulcanus, as a temporary workaround until we get a proper API to modify territories, I remove any demolishers that come close to your base. This is a crude solution, but it works for now. I also scale the damage done to spawners based on the evolution factor and distance to the closest spawn point. This helps compensate for the spawner health scaling at a high evolution factor. To tweak the distances, please check the surface settings tab. Each surface has its own settings for the safe, warn, and danger areas around spawn points.
oarc-mod-faq-enemy-scaling-answer=Good question! My mod attempts to provide a safe starting area to any player joining the game, or landing on a new planet. The primary way this is done is by removing most of the enemies around new bases. Additionally, areas near to player bases only spawn the easier enemy variants regardless of global evolution setting. On [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__, worms are scaled as well so that you won't be surrounded only by behemoth worms if you choose to spawn far from the map center. On [planet=vulcanus] __PLANET__vulcanus__, as a temporary workaround until we get a proper API to modify territories, I remove any demolishers that come close to your base. This is a crude solution, but it works for now. I also scale the damage done to spawners based on the evolution factor and distance to the closest spawn point. This helps compensate for the spawner health scaling at a high evolution factor. To tweak the distances, please check the surface settings tab. Each surface has its own settings for the safe, warn, and danger areas around spawn points.
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams=What are the different team options?
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams-answer=I wrote this mod for co-op play only, not pvp, but you can disable cease fire and friendly teams in the settings. Depending on the mod settings, you can either join the main team, which shares research, or create your own team, which has its own research tree. All teams/forces are friendly to each other and can communicate in chat and (optionally) share map vision. The only reason to create your own team is if you want to have your own research progress.
oarc-mod-faq-shared-spawn=What is a shared spawn?
@ -313,8 +313,8 @@ oarc-select-surface-label=Select Surface:
oarc-select-surface-tooltip=Select the surface you want to configure.
oarc-revert-tooltip=Revert to default.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=Copy [planet=nauvis]
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Copy [planet=nauvis] settings to this surface.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=Copy [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Copy [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__ settings to this surface.
oarc-add-item-tooltip=Add Item
@ -395,7 +395,7 @@ oarc-scale-spawner-damage-tooltip=Scales damage done to spawners with evolution
oarc-teams-both-disabled-msg=Invalid setting! Both main force and separate teams are disabled! Enabling main force.
oarc-spawn-distance-invalid-msg=Invalid setting! Near spawn min distance is greater than or equal to near spawn max distance!
oarc-world-eater-invalid-msg=Invalid setting! World eater is enabled but regrowth is not! Disabling world eater.
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=Invalid setting! Default surface does not exist! Setting to nauvis.
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=Invalid setting! Default surface does not exist! Setting to __PLANET__nauvis__.
oarc-research-finished=Team __1__ has finished researching [technology=__2__]!
@ -71,12 +71,12 @@ oarc-buddy-spawn-info=Система приятелей требует, чтоб
oarc-max-players-shared-spawn=Вы можете разрешить до __1__ другим игрокам присоединиться к вам.
oarc-spawn-dist-notes=Расстояние спауна указано в ЧАНКАХ от центра карты.\nОжидайте сражения, чтобы добраться до других игроков.
oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ присоединяется к игре на __2__!
oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ присоединяется к игре на [planet=__2__]!
oarc-player-started-own-team=__1__ создал свою собственную команду!
oarc-player-no-new-teams-sorry=Извините, новые команды не могут быть созданы. Вы были назначены в команду по умолчанию.
oarc-no-ungenerated-land-error=[color=red]Не удалось найти негенерированную землю для спауна! Пожалуйста, попробуйте снова. Если вы видите это сообщение несколько раз, это может быть проблема с настройками или конфликт модов.[/color]
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ и __2__ присоединяются к игре вместе на __3__!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ создал вторичную базу на __2__!
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ и __2__ присоединяются к игре вместе на [planet=__3__]!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ создал вторичную базу на [planet=__2__]!
oarc-player-left-early=Игрок (__1__) покинул игру до __2__ минут игрового времени. Их область спауна помечена для очистки.
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ oarc-settings-tab-player-warning=Вы не являетесь администр
oarc-settings-tab-description=В этом меню содержатся те же настройки мода, что и в меню настроек мода, а также некоторые дополнительные настройки, которые могут быть изменены только в игре. Проверьте меню настроек поверхности для настроек поверхности.
oarc-settings-tab-text-field-enter-tooltip=[color=red]Вы должны нажать ENTER после ввода текста в поле, чтобы сохранить значение![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-title-surface=Включение/отключение функций поверхности
oarc-settings-tab-surfaces-warning=В данный момент только Nauvis (как основная) и Fulgora (как вторая) поддерживаются! Не изменяйте эти настройки, если вы уже приземлились на других планетах.
oarc-settings-tab-surfaces-warning=В данный момент только __PLANET__nauvis__ (как основная) и Fulgora (как вторая) поддерживаются! Не изменяйте эти настройки, если вы уже приземлились на других планетах.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-checkbox-tooltip=Включение этого параметра позволит игрокам создавать свои собственные области спауна (основная функция мода) на этой поверхности. Вам нужно включить хотя бы один из этих параметров, чтобы мод работал.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-secondary-checkbox-tooltip=Включение этого параметра даст игрокам отдельные точки спауна, когда они впервые прибудут на эту поверхность. Это позволяет игрокам иметь отдельные точки спауна. [color=red]В данный момент это функция находится в стадии разработки. Если вы включите это после приземления на новой планете, то при следующем полете на ракете вы будете телепортированы в новую точку спауна![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-surface-regrowth-checkbox-tooltip=Включение этого параметра позволит функциям регенерации и поедания мира работать на этой поверхности, если они включены.
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@ oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt=Подключается к общему храни
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod=Что это за мод?
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod-answer=Этот мод полностью изменяет многопользовательский спавн. Игроки могут создавать свои собственные точки спавна вдали от центра карты. Они также могут присоединяться к базам других игроков или создавать спавны с друзьями. Мод не изменяет основную механику игры в Factorio, но изменяет способ старта игры. Стартовая зона - это предустановленная зона с ресурсами, а не "естественная" точка спавна.
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces=Могу ли я начать на другой поверхности/планете?
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]Эта функция в настоящее время в разработке. Поэтому только спавн на "nauvis" или поверхности, похожей на nauvis по умолчанию, будет работать корректно.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]Эта функция в настоящее время в разработке. Поэтому только спавн на __PLANET__nauvis__ или поверхности, похожей на __PLANET__nauvis__ по умолчанию, будет работать корректно.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns=Что такое вторичные спавны?
oarc-mod-faq-secondary-spawns-answer=Если включено, когда игрок впервые путешествует на новую поверхность, где включен пользовательский спавн, ему автоматически будет предоставлена новая стартовая зона на основе его основного выбора спавна (первая созданная точка спавна). [color=red]Эта функция в настоящее время в разработке. Вторичный спавн на других поверхностях может вызвать проблемы.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams=Какие существуют варианты команд?
@ -311,8 +311,8 @@ oarc-select-surface-label=Выберите Поверхность:
oarc-select-surface-tooltip=Выберите поверхность, которую хотите настроить.
oarc-revert-tooltip=Вернуться к умолчанию.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=Копировать Nauvis
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Копировать настройки Nauvis на эту поверхность.
oarc-copy-nauvis-button=Копировать [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__
oarc-copy-nauvis-tooltip=Копировать настройки [planet=nauvis] __PLANET__nauvis__ на эту поверхность.
oarc-add-item-tooltip=Добавить Предмет
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@ oarc-scale-spawner-damage-tooltip=Масштабирует урон, нанос
oarc-teams-both-disabled-msg=Неверная настройка! Обе основные силы и отдельные команды отключены! Включается основная сила.
oarc-spawn-distance-invalid-msg=Неверная настройка! Минимальное расстояние до спавна меньше или равно максимальному расстоянию до спавна!
oarc-world-eater-invalid-msg=Неверная настройка! World Eater включен, но регенерация не включена! Отключается World Eater.
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=Неверная настройка! Default surface не существует! Устанавливается на nauvis.
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=Неверная настройка! Default surface не существует! Устанавливается на __PLANET__nauvis__.
oarc-research-finished=Команда __1__ закончила исследования __2__!
@ -69,8 +69,8 @@ oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ 正在 [planet=__2__] 上加入游戏!
oarc-player-started-own-team=__1__ 已经创建了自己的队伍!
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ 和 __2__ 正在 __3__ 上一起加入游戏!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ 已在 __2__ 上创建了一个次级基地!
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ 和 __2__ 正在 [planet=__3__] 上一起加入游戏!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ 已在 [planet=__2__] 上创建了一个次级基地!
oarc-player-left-early=玩家 (__1__) 在游戏时间不到 __2__ 分钟时离开了游戏。其基地已被标记为清理。
@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ oarc-settings-tab-player-warning=你不是管理员。这些设置对你来说
oarc-settings-tab-text-field-enter-tooltip=[color=red]输入文本字段后,必须按 ENTER 键才能保存值![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-surface-secondary-checkbox-tooltip=启用此选项将允许玩家首次前往此空间(星球)时获得自定义着陆区域(次要基地)。 这允许玩家拥有独立的着陆点。[color=red]如果你在登陆新行星后启用此功能,下次乘坐火箭旅行时,你将被发送到一个新的基地![/color]
@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt=这连接到所有玩家共享的存储箱。
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod-answer=此模组彻底改革了多人生成。玩家可以在远离地图中心的地方创建自己的基地。玩家还可以加入其他玩家的基地,或者创建伙伴生成。该模组不会改变 Factorio 的核心玩法,但它确实改变了玩家开始游戏的方式。基地是一个预设的资源区域,而不是一个“自然”的基地。
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]推荐在[planet=nauvis]或类似[planet=nauvis]的默认空间(星球)上开始游戏。[/color]简短的回答是可以,但你可能并不想这样做。没有简单的方法可以确保你能在其他行星上开始游戏而不破坏正常的游戏进程和玩法。还有其他一些模组,比如“任意行星开局”(Any Planet Start),但我尚未测试过兼容性。
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]推荐在[planet=nauvis]__PLANET__nauvis__或类似__PLANET__nauvis__的默认空间(星球)上开始游戏。[/color]简短的回答是可以,但你可能并不想这样做。没有简单的方法可以确保你能在其他行星上开始游戏而不破坏正常的游戏进程和玩法。还有其他一些模组,比如“任意行星开局”(Any Planet Start),但我尚未测试过兼容性。
@ -312,8 +312,8 @@ oarc-select-surface-label=选择星球:
@ -394,7 +394,7 @@ oarc-scale-spawner-damage-tooltip=根据进化因子和距离最近出生点的
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=设置无效!默认地表不存在!设置为 nauvis。
oarc-default-surface-invalid-msg=设置无效!默认地表不存在!设置为 __PLANET__nauvis__
oarc-research-finished=__1__队已完成研究 [technology=__2__]
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