require("locale/rso/rso_config") require("util") require("locale/rso/rso_resource_config") require("locale/oarc_utils") require("config") local MB=require("locale/rso/metaball") local drand = require("locale/rso/drand") local rng = drand.mwvc if not deterministic then rng = drand.sys_rand end -- math shortcuts local floor = math.floor local abs = math.abs local cos = math.cos local sin = math.sin local pi = math.pi local max = math.max local function round(value) return math.floor(value + 0.5) end local function debug(str) if debug_enabled then game.players[1].print(str) end end -- constants local CHUNK_SIZE = 32 local REGION_TILE_SIZE = CHUNK_SIZE*region_size local MIN_BALL_DISTANCE = CHUNK_SIZE/6 local P_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR = 0.7 local N_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR = 0.95 local NEGATIVE_MODIFICATOR = 123456 local meta_shapes = nil if use_donut_shapes then meta_shapes = {MB.MetaEllipse, MB.MetaSquare, MB.MetaDonut} else meta_shapes = {MB.MetaEllipse, MB.MetaSquare} end -- local globals local index_is_built = false local max_allotment = 0 local rgen = nil local distance = util.distance local spawner_probability_edge = 0 -- below this value a biter spawner, above/equal this value a spitter spawner local invalidResources = {} local config = nil local configIndexed = nil -- map gen settings mapping local startingAreaMultiplier = { none = 0, ["very-low"] = 0.25, low = 0.5, normal = 1, high = 1.5, ["very-high"] = 2, } local frequencyAllotmentMultiplier = { ["very-low"] = 0.5, low = 0.75, normal = 1, high = 1.5, ["very-high"] = 2, } local sizeMultiplier = { none = 0, ["very-low"] = 0.5, low = 0.75, normal = 1, high = 1.25, ["very-high"] = 1.5, } local richnessMultiplier = { ["very-low"] = 0.125, low = 0.25, normal = 1, high = 2, ["very-high"] = 4, } local entityFrequencyMultiplier = { ["very-low"] = 0.25, low = 0.5, normal = 1, high = 2, ["very-high"] = 4, } local entitySizeMultiplier = { none = 0, ["very-low"] = 0.5, low = 0.75, normal = 1, high = 2, ["very-high"] = 4, } --[[ HELPER METHODS ]]-- local function normalize(n) --keep numbers at (positive) 32 bits return floor(n) % 0x80000000 end local function bearing(origin, dest) -- finds relative angle local xd = dest.x - origin.x local yd = dest.y - origin.y return math.atan2(xd, yd); end local function str2num(s) local num = 0 for i=1,s:len() do num=num + (s:byte(i) - 33)*i end return num end local function mult_for_pos(pos) local num = 0 local x = pos.x local y = pos.y if x == 0 then x = 0.5 end if y == 0 then y = 0.5 end if x < 0 then x = abs(x) + NEGATIVE_MODIFICATOR end if y < 0 then y = abs(y) + NEGATIVE_MODIFICATOR end return drand.lcg(y, 'mvc'):random(0)*drand.lcg(x, 'nr'):random(0) end local function rng_for_reg_pos(pos) local rgen = rng(normalize(global.seed*mult_for_pos(pos))) rgen:random() rgen:random() rgen:random() return rgen end local function rng_restricted_angle(restrictions) local rng = rgen:random() local x_scale, y_scale local deformX = rgen:random() * 2 - 1 local deformY = rgen:random() * 2 - 1 if restrictions=='xy' then y_scale=1.0 + deformY*0.5 x_scale=1.0 + deformX*0.5 angle = rng*pi*2 elseif restrictions=='x' then y_scale=1.0 + deformY*0.6 x_scale=1.0 + deformX*0.6 angle = rng*pi/2 - pi/4 elseif restrictions=='y' then y_scale=1.0 + deformY*0.6 x_scale=1.0 + deformX*0.6 angle = rng*pi/2 + pi/2 else y_scale=1.0 + deformY*0.3 x_scale=1.0 + deformX*0.3 angle = rng*pi*2 end return angle, x_scale, y_scale end local function vary_by_percentage(x, p) return x + (0.5 - rgen:random())*2*x*p end local function remove_trees(surface, x, y, x_size, y_size ) local bb={{x - x_size, y - y_size}, {x + x_size, y + y_size}} for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = bb, type="tree"}) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end end local function removeDecorations(surface, x, y, width, height ) local bb={{x, y}, {x + width, y + height}} for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = bb, type="decorative"}) do if entity.valid then entity.destroy() end end end local function find_intersection(surface, x, y) -- try to get position in between of valid chunks by probing map -- this may breaks determinism of generation, but so far it returned on first if local gt = surface.get_tile local restriction = '' if gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then restriction = 'xy' elseif gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid and gt(x, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then x=x + CHUNK_SIZE/2 y=y + CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'xy' elseif gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid and gt(x, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then x=x + CHUNK_SIZE/2 y=y - CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'xy' elseif gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid and gt(x, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then x=x - CHUNK_SIZE/2 y=y + CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'xy' elseif gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid and gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid and gt(x, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then x=x - CHUNK_SIZE/2 y=y - CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'xy' elseif gt(x + CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid then x=x + CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'x' elseif gt(x - CHUNK_SIZE*2, y).valid then x=x - CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'x' elseif gt(x, y + CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then y=y + CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'y' elseif gt(x, y - CHUNK_SIZE*2).valid then y=y - CHUNK_SIZE/2 restriction = 'y' end return x, y, restriction end local function find_random_chunk(r_x, r_y) local offset_x=rgen:random(region_size)-1 local offset_y=rgen:random(region_size)-1 local c_x=r_x*REGION_TILE_SIZE + offset_x*CHUNK_SIZE local c_y=r_y*REGION_TILE_SIZE + offset_y*CHUNK_SIZE return c_x, c_y end local function is_same_region(c_x1, c_y1, c_x2, c_y2) if not floor(c_x1/REGION_TILE_SIZE) == floor(c_x2/REGION_TILE_SIZE) then return false end if not floor(c_y1/REGION_TILE_SIZE) == floor(c_y2/REGION_TILE_SIZE) then return false end return true end local function find_random_neighbour_chunk(ocx, ocy) -- somewhat bruteforce and unoptimized local x_dir = rgen:random(-1,1) local y_dir = rgen:random(-1,1) local ncx = ocx + x_dir*CHUNK_SIZE local ncy = ocy + y_dir*CHUNK_SIZE if is_same_region(ncx, ncy, ocx, ocy) then return ncx, ncy end ncx = ocx - x_dir*CHUNK_SIZE ncy = ocy - y_dir*CHUNK_SIZE if is_same_region(ncx, ncy, ocx, ocy) then return ncx, ncy end ncx = ocx - x_dir*CHUNK_SIZE if is_same_region(ncx, ocy, ocx, ocy) then return ncx, ocy end ncy = ocy - y_dir*CHUNK_SIZE if is_same_region(ocx, ncy, ocx, ocy) then return ocx, ncy end return ocx, ocy end local function isInStartingArea( regionX, regionY ) for idx, pos in pairs( global.startingAreas ) do local adjustedX = regionX - pos.x / REGION_TILE_SIZE local adjustedY = regionY - pos.y / REGION_TILE_SIZE if ((adjustedX * adjustedX + adjustedY * adjustedY) <= starting_area_size * starting_area_size) then return true end end return false end -- OARC SPECIFIC FUNCTION -- -- Checks if a point is near a spawn area local function isNearOarcSpawn(pointPos) if (global.uniqueSpawns) and (ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST) then for name,spawn in pairs(global.uniqueSpawns) do local clearArea = GetAreaFromPointAndDistance(spawn.pos, (ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST+2*CHUNK_SIZE)) if (CheckIfInArea(pointPos,clearArea)) then return true end end end return false end -- modifies the resource size - only used in endless_resource_mode local function modify_resource_size(resourceName, resourceSize, startingArea) if not startingArea then resourceSize = math.ceil(resourceSize * global_size_mult) end resourceEntity = game.entity_prototypes[resourceName] if resourceEntity and resourceEntity.infinite_resource then newResourceSize = resourceSize * endless_resource_mode_sizeModifier -- make sure it's still an integer newResourceSize = math.ceil(newResourceSize) -- make sure it's not 0 if newResourceSize == 0 then newResourceSize = 1 end return newResourceSize else return resourceSize end end --[[ SPAWN METHODS ]]-- local locationOrder = { { x = 0, y = 0 }, { x = -1, y = 0 }, { x = 1, y = 0 }, { x = 0, y = -1 }, { x = 0, y = 1 }, { x = -1, y = -1 }, { x = 1, y = -1 }, { x = -1, y = 1 }, { x = 1, y = 1 } } --[[ entity-field ]]-- local function spawn_resource_ore(surface, rname, pos, size, richness, startingArea, restrictions) -- blob generator, centered at pos, size controls blob diameter restrictions = restrictions or '' debug("Entering spawn_resource_ore "..rname.." at:"..pos.x..","..pos.y.." size:"..size.." richness:"..richness.." isStart:"..tostring(startingArea).." restrictions:"..restrictions) size = modify_resource_size(rname, size, startingArea) local radius = size / 2 -- to radius local p_balls={} local n_balls={} local MIN_BALL_DISTANCE = math.min(MIN_BALL_DISTANCE, radius/2) local maxPradius = 0 local outside = { xmin = 1e10, xmax = -1e10, ymin = 1e10, ymax = -1e10 } local inside = { xmin = 1e10, xmax = -1e10, ymin = 1e10, ymax = -1e10 } local function adjustRadius(radius, scaleX, scaleY, up) return radius end local function updateRect(rect, x, y, radius) rect.xmin = math.min(rect.xmin, x - radius) rect.xmax = math.max(rect.xmax, x + radius) rect.ymin = math.min(rect.ymin, y - radius) rect.ymax = math.max(rect.ymax, y + radius) end local function updateRects(x, y, radius, scaleX, scaleY) local adjustedRadius = adjustRadius(radius, scaleX, scaleY, true) local radiusMax = adjustedRadius * 3 -- arbitrary multiplier - needs to be big enough to not cut any metaballs updateRect(outside, x, y, radiusMax) updateRect(inside, x, y, adjustedRadius) end local function generate_p_ball() local angle, x_scale, y_scale, x, y, b_radius, shape angle, x_scale, y_scale=rng_restricted_angle(restrictions) local dev = radius / 2 + rgen:random() * radius / 4--math.min(CHUNK_SIZE/3, radius*1.5) local dev_x, dev_y = pos.x, pos.y x = rgen:random(-dev, dev)+dev_x y = rgen:random(-dev, dev)+dev_y if p_balls[#p_balls] and distance(p_balls[#p_balls], {x=x, y=y}) < MIN_BALL_DISTANCE then local new_angle = bearing(p_balls[#p_balls], {x=x, y=y}) debug("Move ball old xy @ "..x..","..y) x=(cos(new_angle)*MIN_BALL_DISTANCE) + x y=(sin(new_angle)*MIN_BALL_DISTANCE) + y debug("Move ball new xy @ "..x..","..y) end if #p_balls == 0 then b_radius = ( 3 * radius / 4 + rgen:random() * radius / 4) -- * (P_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR^#p_balls) else b_radius = ( radius / 4 + rgen:random() * radius / 2) -- * (P_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR^#p_balls) end if #p_balls > 0 then local tempRect = table.deepcopy(inside) updateRect(tempRect, x, y, adjustRadius(b_radius, x_scale, y_scale)) local rectSize = math.max(tempRect.xmax - tempRect.xmin, tempRect.ymax - tempRect.ymin) local targetSize = size * 1.25 debug("Rect size "..rectSize.." targetSize "..targetSize) if rectSize > targetSize then local widthLeft = (targetSize - (inside.xmax - inside.xmin)) local heightLeft = (targetSize - (inside.ymax - inside.ymin)) local widthMod = math.min(x - inside.xmin, inside.xmax - x) local heightMod = math.min(y - inside.ymin, inside.ymax - y) local radiusBackup = b_radius b_radius = math.min(widthLeft + widthMod, heightLeft + heightMod) b_radius = adjustRadius(b_radius, x_scale, y_scale, false) debug("Reduced ball radius from "..radiusBackup.." to "..b_radius.." widthLeft:"..widthLeft.." heightLeft:"..heightLeft.." widthMod:"..widthMod.." heightMod:"..heightMod) end end if b_radius < 2 and #p_balls == 0 then b_radius = 2 end if b_radius > 0 then maxPradius = math.max(maxPradius, b_radius) shape = meta_shapes[rgen:random(1,#meta_shapes)] local radiusText = "" if shape.type == "MetaDonut" then local inRadius = b_radius / 4 + b_radius / 2 * rgen:random() radiusText = " inRadius:"..inRadius p_balls[#p_balls+1] = shape:new(x, y, b_radius, inRadius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, 1.1) else p_balls[#p_balls+1] = shape:new(x, y, b_radius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, 1.1) end updateRects(x, y, b_radius, x_scale, y_scale) debug("P+Ball "..shape.type.." @ "..x..","..y.." radius: "..b_radius..radiusText.." angle: "..math.deg(angle).." scale: "..x_scale..", "..y_scale) end end local function generate_n_ball(i) local angle, x_scale, y_scale, x, y, b_radius, shape angle, x_scale, y_scale=rng_restricted_angle('xy') if p_balls[i] then local new_angle = p_balls[i].angle + pi*rgen:random(0,1) + (rgen:random()-0.5)*pi/2 local dist = p_balls[i].radius x=(cos(new_angle)*dist) + p_balls[i].x y=(sin(new_angle)*dist) + p_balls[i].y angle = p_balls[i].angle + pi/2 + (rgen:random()-0.5)*pi*2/3 else x = rgen:random(-radius, radius)+pos.x y = rgen:random(-radius, radius)+pos.y end if p_balls[i] then b_radius = (p_balls[i].radius / 4 + rgen:random() * p_balls[i].radius / 2) -- * (N_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR^#n_balls) else b_radius = (radius / 4 + rgen:random() * radius / 2) -- * (N_BALL_SIZE_FACTOR^#n_balls) end if b_radius < 1 then b_radius = 1 end shape = meta_shapes[rgen:random(1,#meta_shapes)] local radiusText = "" if shape.type == "MetaDonut" then local inRadius = b_radius / 4 + b_radius / 2 * rgen:random() radiusText = " inRadius:"..inRadius n_balls[#n_balls+1] = shape:new(x, y, b_radius, inRadius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, 1.15) else n_balls[#n_balls+1] = shape:new(x, y, b_radius, angle, x_scale, y_scale, 1.15) end -- updateRects(x, y, b_radius, x_scale, y_scale) -- should not be needed here - only positive ball can generate ore debug("N-Ball "..shape.type.." @ "..x..","..y.." radius: "..b_radius..radiusText.." angle: "..math.deg(angle).." scale: "..x_scale..", "..y_scale) end local function calculate_force(x,y) local p_force = 0 local n_force = 0 for _,ball in ipairs(p_balls) do p_force = p_force + ball:force(x,y) end for _,ball in ipairs(n_balls) do n_force = n_force + ball:force(x,y) end local totalForce = 0 if p_force > n_force then totalForce = 1 - 1/(p_force - n_force) end --debug("Force at "..x..","..y.." p:"..p_force.." n:"..n_force.." result:"..totalForce) --return (1 - 1/p_force) - n_force return totalForce end local max_p_balls = 2 local min_amount = config[rname].min_amount or min_amount if restrictions == 'xy' then max_p_balls = 3 end radius = math.min(radius, 2*CHUNK_SIZE) local force -- generate blobs for i=1,max_p_balls do generate_p_ball() end for i=1,rgen:random(1, #p_balls) do generate_n_ball(i) end local _total = 0 local oreLocations = {} local forceTotal = 0 -- fill the map for y=outside.ymin, outside.ymax do for x=outside.xmin, outside.xmax do force = calculate_force(x, y) if force > 0 then oreLocations[#oreLocations + 1] = {x = x, y = y, force = force, valid = false} forceTotal = forceTotal + force end end end local validCount, resOffsetX, resOffsetY, ratio for _,locationOffset in ipairs(locationOrder) do validCount = 0 resOffsetX = locationOffset.x * CHUNK_SIZE resOffsetY = locationOffset.y * CHUNK_SIZE for _, location in ipairs(oreLocations) do local newX = location.x + resOffsetX local newY = location.y + resOffsetY location.valid = false if surface.can_place_entity{name = rname, position = {x = newX,y = newY}} then location.valid = true validCount = validCount + 1 end end ratio = 0 if validCount > 0 then ratio = validCount / #oreLocations end debug("Valid ratio ".. ratio) if not useResourceCollisionDetection then break end if ratio > resourceCollisionDetectionRatio then break elseif resourceCollisionFieldSkip then -- in case no valid ratio was found we skip the field completely validCount = 0 end end if validCount > 0 then local rectSize = ((inside.xmax - inside.xmin) + (inside.ymax - inside.ymin)) / 2 local sizeMultiplier = rectSize ^ 0.6 local minSize = richness * 5 * sizeMultiplier local maxSize = richness * 10 * sizeMultiplier local approxDepositSize = rgen:random(minSize, maxSize) approxDepositSize = approxDepositSize - validCount * min_amount if approxDepositSize < 0 then approxDepositSize = 100 * validCount end local forceFactor = approxDepositSize / forceTotal -- don't create very dense resources in starting area - another field will be generated if startingArea and forceFactor > 4000 then forceFactor = rgen:random(3000, 4000) end debug( "Force total:"..forceTotal.." sizeMin:"..minSize.." sizeMax:"..maxSize.." factor:"..forceFactor.." location#:"..validCount.." rectSize:"..rectSize.." sizeMultiplier:"..sizeMultiplier) local richnessMultiplier = global_richness_mult if startingArea then richnessMultiplier = starting_richness_mult end -- infinite ore handling for Angels Ores mod local infiniteOrePresent = false local infiniteOreName = "infinite-"..rname local minimumInfiniteOreAmount = nil local spawnName = rname if game.entity_prototypes[infiniteOreName] then infiniteOrePresent = true minimumInfiniteOreAmount = game.entity_prototypes[infiniteOreName].minimum_resource_amount end if startingArea and not infiniteResourceInStartArea then infiniteOrePresent = false end for _,location in ipairs(oreLocations) do if location.valid then local amount = floor(( forceFactor * location.force + min_amount ) * richnessMultiplier) if amount > 1e9 then amount = 1e9 end _total = _total + amount spawnName = rname if infiniteOrePresent and location.force > infiniteResourceSpawnThreshold then spawnName = infiniteOreName if minimumInfiniteOreAmount and amount < minimumInfiniteOreAmount then amount = minimumInfiniteOreAmount end end if amount > 0 then surface.create_entity{name = spawnName, position = {location.x + resOffsetX,location.y + resOffsetY}, force = game.forces.neutral, amount = amount} end end end end if debug_enabled then debug("Total amount: ".._total) debug("Leaving spawn_resource_ore") end return _total end --[[ entity-liquid ]]-- local function spawn_resource_liquid(surface, rname, pos, size, richness, startingArea, restrictions) restrictions = restrictions or '' debug("Entering spawn_resource_liquid "..rname.." "..pos.x..","..pos.y.." "..size.." "..richness.." "..tostring(startingArea).." "..restrictions) local _total = 0 local max_radius = rgen:random()*CHUNK_SIZE/2 + CHUNK_SIZE richness = ( 0.75 + rgen:random() / 2 ) * richness * size resourceEntity = game.entity_prototypes[rname] local total_share = 0 local avg_share = 1/size local angle = rgen:random()*pi*2 local saved = 0 while total_share < 1 do local new_share = vary_by_percentage(avg_share, 0.25) if new_share + total_share > 1 then new_share = 1 - total_share end total_share = new_share + total_share if new_share < avg_share/10 then -- too small break end local amount = floor(richness*new_share) + saved local richnessMultiplier = global_richness_mult if startingArea then richnessMultiplier = starting_richness_mult end --if amount >= game.entity_prototypes[rname].minimum then if amount >= config[rname].minimum_amount then saved = 0 for try=1,5 do local dist = rgen:random()*(max_radius - max_radius*0.1) angle = angle + pi/4 + rgen:random()*pi/2 local x, y = pos.x + cos(angle)*dist, pos.y + sin(angle)*dist if surface.can_place_entity{name = rname, position = {x,y}} then debug("@ "..x..","..y.." amount: "..amount.." new_share: "..new_share.." try: "..try) amount = floor(amount * richnessMultiplier) if amount > 1e9 then amount = 1e9 end _total = _total + amount if amount > 0 then surface.create_entity{name = rname, position = {x,y}, force = game.forces.neutral, amount = amount, direction = rgen:random(4)} end break elseif not startingArea then -- we don't want to make ultra rich nodes in starting area - failing to make them will add second spawn in different location entities = surface.find_entities_filtered{area = {{x-2.75, y-2.75}, {x+2.75, y+2.75}}, name=rname} if entities and #entities > 0 then _total = _total + amount for k, ent in pairs(entities) do ent.amount = ent.amount + floor(amount/#entities) end break end end end else saved = amount end end debug("Total amount: ".._total) debug("Leaving spawn_resource_liquid") return _total end local spawnerTable = nil local function initSpawnerTable() if spawnerTable == nil then spawnerTable = {} spawnerTable["biter-spawner"] = game.entity_prototypes["biter-spawner"] ~= nil spawnerTable["bob-biter-spawner"] = game.entity_prototypes["bob-biter-spawner"] ~= nil spawnerTable["spitter-spawner"] = game.entity_prototypes["spitter-spawner"] ~= nil spawnerTable["bob-spitter-spawner"] = game.entity_prototypes["bob-spitter-spawner"] ~= nil end end local function spawn_entity(surface, ent, r_config, x, y) if not use_RSO_biter_spawning then return end local size=rgen:random(r_config.size.min, r_config.size.max) local _total = 0 local r_distance = distance({x=0,y=0},{x=x/REGION_TILE_SIZE,y=y/REGION_TILE_SIZE}) local distanceMultiplier = math.min(r_distance^r_config.size_per_region_factor, 5) if r_config.size_per_region_factor then size = size*distanceMultiplier end size = size * enemy_base_size_multiplier debug("Entering spawn_entity "..ent.." "..x..","..y.." "..size) local maxAttemptCount = 5 local distancePerAttempt = 0.2 initSpawnerTable() for i=1,size do for attempt = 1, maxAttemptCount do local richness=r_config.richness*(r_distance^richness_distance_factor) local max_d = floor(CHUNK_SIZE*(0.5 + distancePerAttempt*attempt)) local s_x = x + rgen:random(0, floor(max_d - r_config.clear_range[1])) - max_d/2 + r_config.clear_range[1] local s_y = y + rgen:random(0, floor(max_d - r_config.clear_range[2])) - max_d/2 + r_config.clear_range[2] if surface.get_tile(s_x, s_y).valid then remove_trees(surface, s_x, s_y, r_config.clear_range[1], r_config.clear_range[2]) local spawnerName = nil if spawner_probability_edge > 0 then bigSpawnerChance = rgen:random() if rgen:random() < spawner_probability_edge then if ( useBobEntity and bigSpawnerChance > 0.75 ) then spawnerName = "bob-biter-spawner" else spawnerName = "biter-spawner" end else if ( useBobEntity and bigSpawnerChance > 0.75 ) then spawnerName = "bob-spitter-spawner" else spawnerName = "spitter-spawner" end end end if spawnerName and spawnerTable[spawnerName] then if surface.can_place_entity{name=spawnerName, position={s_x, s_y}} then _total = _total + richness debug(spawnerName.." @ "..s_x..","..s_y.." placed on "..attempt.." attempt") surface.create_entity{name=spawnerName, position={s_x, s_y}, force=game.forces[r_config.force], amount=floor(richness)}--, direction=rgen:random(4) -- else -- debug("Entity "..spawnerName.." spawn failed") break; else if attempt == maxAttemptCount then debug(spawnerName.." @ "..s_x..","..s_y.." failed to spawn") end end else debug("Entity "..spawnerName.." doesn't exist") end end end if r_config.sub_spawn_probability then local sub_spawn_prob = r_config.sub_spawn_probability*math.min(r_config.sub_spawn_max_distance_factor, r_config.sub_spawn_distance_factor^r_distance) if rgen:random() < sub_spawn_prob then for i=1,(rgen:random(r_config.sub_spawn_size.min, r_config.sub_spawn_size.max)*distanceMultiplier) do local allotment_max = 0 -- build table for k,v in pairs(r_config.sub_spawns) do if not v.min_distance or r_distance > v.min_distance then local allotment = v.allotment if v.allotment_distance_factor then allotment = allotment * (v.allotment_distance_factor^r_distance) end v.allotment_range ={min = allotment_max, max = allotment_max + allotment} allotment_max = allotment_max + allotment else v.allotment_range = nil end end local sub_type = rgen:random(0, allotment_max) for sub_spawn,v in pairs(r_config.sub_spawns) do if v.allotment_range and sub_type >= v.allotment_range.min and sub_type <= v.allotment_range.max then for attempt = 1, maxAttemptCount do local max_d = floor(CHUNK_SIZE*distancePerAttempt*attempt) s_x = x + rgen:random(max_d) - max_d/2 s_y = y + rgen:random(max_d) - max_d/2 remove_trees(surface, s_x, s_y, v.clear_range[1], v.clear_range[2]) if surface.can_place_entity{name=sub_spawn, position={s_x, s_y}} then surface.create_entity{name=sub_spawn, position={s_x, s_y}, force=game.forces[r_config.force]}--, direction=rgen:random(4) debug("Rolled subspawn "..sub_spawn.." @ "..s_x..","..s_x.." after "..attempt.." attempts") break; else if attempt == maxAttemptCount then debug("Rolling subspawn "..sub_spawn.." @ "..s_x..","..s_x.." failed") end end end break end end end end end end debug("Total amount: ".._total) debug("Leaving spawn_entity") end --[[ EVENT/INIT METHODS ]]-- local function spawn_starting_resources( surface, index ) if global.startingAreas[index].spawned then return end if surface.map_gen_settings.starting_area == "none" and not ignoreMapGenSettings then return end -- starting area disabled by map gen if starting_area_size < 0.1 then return end -- skip spawning if starting area is to small local position = global.startingAreas[index] rgen = rng_for_reg_pos( position ) local status = true for index,v in ipairs(configIndexed) do if v.starting then local prob = rgen:random() -- probability that this resource is spawned debug("starting resource probability rolled "..prob) if v.starting.probability > 0 and prob <= v.starting.probability then local total = 0 local radius = 25 local min_threshold = 0 if v.type == "resource-ore" then min_threshold = v.starting.richness * rgen:random(5, 10) -- lets make sure that there is at least 10-15 times starting richness ore at start elseif v.type == "resource-liquid" then min_threshold = v.starting.richness * 0.5 * v.starting.size end while (radius < 200) and (total < min_threshold) do local angle = rgen:random() * pi * 2 local dist = rgen:random() * 30 + radius * 2 local pos = { x = floor(cos(angle) * dist) + position.x, y = floor(sin(angle) * dist) + position.y } if v.type == "resource-ore" then total = total + spawn_resource_ore(surface,, pos, v.starting.size, v.starting.richness, true) elseif v.type == "resource-liquid" then total = total + spawn_resource_liquid(surface,, pos, v.starting.size, v.starting.richness, true) end radius = radius + 10 end if total < min_threshold then status = false end end end end global.startingAreas[index].spawned = true end local function modifyMinMax(value, mod) value.min = round( value.min * mod ) value.max = round( value.max * mod ) end local function prebuild_config_data(surface) if index_is_built then return false end local mapGenSettings = nil if not ignoreMapGenSettings then mapGenSettings = surface.map_gen_settings end local autoPlaceSettings = nil if mapGenSettings then autoPlaceSettings = mapGenSettings.autoplace_controls end configIndexed = {} -- build additional indexed array to the associative array for res_name, res_conf in pairs(config) do if res_conf.valid then -- only add valid resources = res_name local settingsForResource = nil local isEntity = (res_conf.type == "entity") local addResource = true local autoplaceName = res_name if res_conf.autoplace_name then autoplaceName = res_conf.autoplace_name end if autoPlaceSettings then settingsForResource = autoPlaceSettings[autoplaceName] end if settingsForResource then local allotmentMod = nil local sizeMod = nil if isEntity then allotmentMod = entityFrequencyMultiplier[settingsForResource.frequency] sizeMod = entitySizeMultiplier[settingsForResource.size] else allotmentMod =frequencyAllotmentMultiplier[settingsForResource.frequency] sizeMod = sizeMultiplier[settingsForResource.size] end local richnessMod = richnessMultiplier[settingsForResource.richness] debug(res_name .. " allotment mod " .. allotmentMod .. " size mod " .. sizeMod .. " richness mod " .. richnessMod ) if allotmentMod then if isEntity then res_conf.absolute_probability = res_conf.absolute_probability * allotmentMod debug("Entity chance modified to "..res_conf.absolute_probability) else res_conf.allotment = round( res_conf.allotment * allotmentMod ) end end if sizeMod ~= nil and sizeMod == 0 then addResource = false end if sizeMod then modifyMinMax(res_conf.size, sizeMod) if res_conf.starting then res_conf.starting.size = round( res_conf.starting.size * sizeMod ) end if isEntity then if res_conf.sub_spawn_size then modifyMinMax(res_conf.sub_spawn_size, sizeMod) end modifyMinMax(res_conf.spawns_per_region, sizeMod) end end if richnessMod then if type == "resource-ore" then res_conf.richness = round( res_conf.richness * richnessMod ) elseif type == "resource-liquid" then modifyMinMax(res_conf.richness, richnessMod) end if res_conf.starting then res_conf.starting.richness = round( res_conf.starting.richness * richnessMod ) end end end if addResource then configIndexed[#configIndexed + 1] = res_conf if res_conf.multi_resource and multi_resource_active then local new_list = {} for sub_res_name, allotment in pairs(res_conf.multi_resource) do if config[sub_res_name] and config[sub_res_name].valid then new_list[#new_list+1] = {name = sub_res_name, allotment = allotment} end end table.sort(new_list, function(a, b) return < end) res_conf.multi_resource = new_list else res_conf.multi_resource_chance = nil end end end end table.sort(configIndexed, function(a, b) return < end) local pr=0 for index,v in pairs(config) do if v.along_resource_probability then v.along_resource_probability_range={min=pr, max=pr+v.along_resource_probability} pr=pr+v.along_resource_probability end if v.allotment and v.allotment > 0 then v.allotment_range={min=max_allotment, max=max_allotment+v.allotment} max_allotment=max_allotment+v.allotment end end if mapGenSettings and mapGenSettings.starting_area then local multiplier = startingAreaMultiplier[mapGenSettings.starting_area] if multiplier ~= nil then starting_area_size = starting_area_size * multiplier debug("Starting area "..starting_area_size) end end index_is_built = true end -- set up the probabilty segments from which to roll between for biter and spitter spawners local function calculate_spawner_ratio() if (biter_ratio_segment ~= 0 and spitter_ratio_segment ~= 0) and biter_ratio_segment >= 0 and spitter_ratio_segment >= 0 then spawner_probability_edge=biter_ratio_segment/(biter_ratio_segment+spitter_ratio_segment) -- normalize to between 0 and 1 end end local function checkConfigForInvalidResources() --make sure that every resource in the config is actually available. --call this function, before the auxiliary config is prebuilt! if index_is_built then return end local prototypes = game.entity_prototypes for resourceName, resourceConfig in pairs(config) do if prototypes[resourceName] or resourceConfig.type == "entity" then resourceConfig.valid = true else -- resource was in config, but it doesn't exist in game files anymore - mark it invalid resourceConfig.valid = false table.insert(invalidResources, "Resource not available: " .. resourceName) debug("Resource not available: " .. resourceName) end if resourceConfig.valid and resourceConfig.type ~= "entity" then if prototypes[resourceName].autoplace_specification == nil then resourceConfig.valid = false debug("Resource "..resourceName.." invalidated - autoplace not present") end end end end local function roll_region(c_x, c_y) --in what region is this chunk? local r_x=floor(c_x/REGION_TILE_SIZE) local r_y=floor(c_y/REGION_TILE_SIZE) local r_data = nil --don't spawn stuff in starting area if isInStartingArea( c_x/REGION_TILE_SIZE, c_y/REGION_TILE_SIZE ) then return false end -- Reroll regions every region_size^2 chunk generation calls. local regrow_rso = false if (ENABLE_REGROWTH) then if (global.chunk_regrow.rso_region_roll_counter > (region_size*region_size/2)) then regrow_rso = true global.chunk_regrow.rso_region_roll_counter = 0 else global.chunk_regrow.rso_region_roll_counter = global.chunk_regrow.rso_region_roll_counter + 1 end end --if this chunk is the first in its region to be generated -- or we're hitting a lucky regrowth reroll... if (not (global.regions[r_x] and global.regions[r_x][r_y]) or regrow_rso) then if not global.regions[r_x] then global.regions[r_x] = {} end global.regions[r_x][r_y]={} r_data = global.regions[r_x][r_y] rgen = rng_for_reg_pos{x=r_x,y=r_y} local rollCount = math.ceil(#configIndexed / 10) - 1 -- 0 based counter is more convenient here rollCount = math.min(rollCount, 3) for rollNumber = 0,rollCount do local resourceChance = absolute_resource_chance - rollNumber * 0.1 --absolute chance to spawn resource local abct = rgen:random() debug("Rolling resource "..abct.." against "..resourceChance.." roll "..rollNumber) if abct <= resourceChance then local res_type=rgen:random(1, max_allotment) for index,v in ipairs(configIndexed) do if v.allotment_range and ((res_type >= v.allotment_range.min) and (res_type <= v.allotment_range.max)) then debug("Rolled primary resource "" with res_type="..res_type.." @ "..r_x..","..r_y) local num_spawns=rgen:random(v.spawns_per_region.min, v.spawns_per_region.max) local last_spawn_coords = {} local along_ for i=1,num_spawns do local c_x, c_y = find_random_chunk(r_x, r_y) if not r_data[c_x] then r_data[c_x] = {} end if not r_data[c_x][c_y] then r_data[c_x][c_y] = {} end local c_data = r_data[c_x][c_y] c_data[#c_data+1]={, rollNumber} last_spawn_coords[#last_spawn_coords+1] = {c_x, c_y} debug("Rolled primary chunk "" @ "..c_x.."."..c_y.." reg: "..r_x..","..r_y) -- Along resource spawn, only once if i == 1 then local am_roll = rgen:random() for index,vv in ipairs(configIndexed) do if vv.along_resource_probability_range and am_roll >= vv.along_resource_probability_range.min and am_roll <= vv.along_resource_probability_range.max then c_data = r_data[c_x][c_y] c_data[#c_data+1]={, rollNumber} debug("Rolled along "" @ "..c_x.."."..c_y.." reg: "..r_x..","..r_y) end end end end -- roll multiple resources in same region local deep=0 while v.multi_resource_chance and rgen:random() <= v.multi_resource_chance*(multi_resource_chance_diminish^deep) do deep = deep + 1 local max_allotment = 0 for index,sub_res in pairs(v.multi_resource) do max_allotment=max_allotment+sub_res.allotment end local res_type=rgen:random(1, max_allotment) local min=0 for _, sub_res in pairs(v.multi_resource) do if (res_type >= min) and (res_type <= sub_res.allotment + min) then local last_coords = last_spawn_coords[rgen:random(1, #last_spawn_coords)] local c_x, c_y = find_random_neighbour_chunk(last_coords[1], last_coords[2]) -- in same as primary resource chunk if not r_data[c_x] then r_data[c_x] = {} end if not r_data[c_x][c_y] then r_data[c_x][c_y] = {} end local c_data = r_data[c_x][c_y] c_data[#c_data+1]={, deep} debug("Rolled multiple "":"..deep.." with res_type="..res_type.." @ "..c_x.."."..c_y.." reg: "..r_x.."."..r_y) break else min = min + sub_res.allotment end end end break end end end end -- roll for absolute_probability - this rolls the enemies for index,v in ipairs(configIndexed) do if v.absolute_probability then local prob_factor = 1 if v.probability_distance_factor then prob_factor = math.min(v.max_probability_distance_factor, v.probability_distance_factor^distance({x=0,y=0},{x=r_x,y=r_y})) end local abs_roll = rgen:random() if abs_roll 10 then global.startingAreas[1].spawned = true end end calculate_spawner_ratio() spawn_starting_resources(surface, 1 ) initDone = true if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["iron-ore"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA iron-ore GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["copper-ore"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA copper-ore GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["uranium-ore"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA uranium-ore GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["crude-oil"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA crude-oil GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["enemy-base"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA enemy-base GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["stone"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA stone GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end if surface.map_gen_settings.autoplace_controls["coal"].size ~= "none" then game.players[1].print("RSO WARNING - VANILLA coal GEN IS NOT DISABLED!") end end end function RSO_ChunkGenerated(event) local c_x = event.area.left_top.x local c_y = event.area.left_top.y RSO_init() roll_region(c_x, c_y) roll_chunk(event.surface, c_x, c_y) end