-- Oarc's Separated Spawn Scenario -- I wanted to create a scenario that allows you to spawn in separate locations -- Additionally, it allows you to either join the main force or go it alone. -- All teams(forces) are always neutral to each other (ceasefire mode). -- -- Each spawn location has some basic starter resources enforced, except for -- the main default 0,0 starting location -- -- Around each spawn area, a safe area is created and then a reduced alien areaas -- as well. See config options for settings -- -- When someone dies, they are given the option to join the default team -- if they were not already. -- config options -- Near spawn option is on the edge of generated chunks -- On a large map, this may be quite far from spawn. local MIN_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST = 2 -- Far spawn options is this number of chunks past generated area local FAR_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST = 10 local FAR_MIN_DIST = 1000^2 local FAR_MAX_DIST = 6000^2 -- Start resource amountsmm local START_IRON_AMOUNT = 1500 local START_COPPER_AMOUNT = 1000 local START_STONE_AMOUNT = 1500 local START_COAL_AMOUNT = 1500 local START_OIL_AMOUNT = 20000 -- Safe area has no aliens -- +/- this in x and y direction local SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST = 250 -- Warning area has reduced aliens -- +/- this in x and y direction local WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST = 500 -- 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area local WARN_AREA_REDUCTION_RATIO = 15 -- Create a circle of land area for the spawn local ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST = 40 local ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST_SQUARED = ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST^2 -- Main force is what default players join local MAIN_FORCE = "main_force" -- Disable enemy expansion local ENEMY_EXPANSION = false -- Divide the alien factors by this number to reduce it (or multiply if < 1) local ENEMY_POLLUTION_FACTOR_DIVISOR = 10 local ENEMY_DESTROY_FACTOR_DIVISOR = 1 -- Useful constants local CHUNK_SIZE = 32 local MAX_FORCES = 64 -- Print debug only to me while testing. -- Should remove this if you are hosting it yourself. local function DebugPrint(msg) if ((game.players["Oarc"] ~= nil) and (global.oarcDebugEnabled)) then game.players["Oarc"].print("DEBUG: " .. msg) end end -- Simple function to get total number of items in table function TableLength(T) local count = 0 for _ in pairs(T) do count = count + 1 end return count end -- Give player these default items. local function GivePlayerItems(player) player.insert{name="pistol", count=1} player.insert{name="firearm-magazine", count=10} end -- Additional starter only items local function GivePlayerStarterItems(player) GivePlayerItems(player) player.insert{name="iron-plate", count=8} player.insert{name="burner-mining-drill", count = 1} player.insert{name="stone-furnace", count = 1} end -- Check if given position is in area bounding box local function CheckIfInArea(point, area) if ((point.x > area.left_top.x) and (point.x < area.right_bottom.x)) then if ((point.y > area.left_top.y) and (point.y < area.right_bottom.y)) then return true end end return false end -- Ceasefire -- All forces are always neutral local function SetCeaseFireBetweenAllForces() for name,team in pairs(game.forces) do if name ~= "neutral" and name ~= "enemy" then for x,y in pairs(game.forces) do if x ~= "neutral" and x ~= "enemy" then team.set_cease_fire(x,true) end end end end end -- Broadcast messages local function SendBroadcastMsg(msg) for name,player in pairs(game.players) do player.print(msg) end end local function CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(spawn_distance, recursion_max) local position = {x=0,y=0} local chunkPos = {x=0,y=0} local randVec = {x=0,y=0} -- Create a random direction vector to look in while ((randVec.x == 0) and (randVec.y == 0)) do randVec.x = math.random(-3,3) randVec.y = math.random(-3,3) end DebugPrint("direction: x=" .. randVec.x .. ", y=" .. randVec.y) while(true) do -- Set some absolute limits. if ((math.abs(chunkPos.x) > 1000) or (math.abs(chunkPos.y) > 1000)) then break -- If chunk is already generated, keep looking elseif (game.surfaces["nauvis"].is_chunk_generated(chunkPos)) then chunkPos.x = chunkPos.x + randVec.x*spawn_distance chunkPos.y = chunkPos.y + randVec.y*spawn_distance -- Found a possible ungenerated area else chunkPos.x = chunkPos.x + (randVec.x*spawn_distance) chunkPos.y = chunkPos.y + (randVec.y*spawn_distance) -- If it's still ungenerated even further out, use that position. if (not game.surfaces["nauvis"].is_chunk_generated(chunkPos)) then position.x = (chunkPos.x*CHUNK_SIZE) + (CHUNK_SIZE/2) position.y = (chunkPos.y*CHUNK_SIZE) + (CHUNK_SIZE/2) break end end end -- Very dangerous and stupid recursive call. if (spawn_distance == FAR_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST) then local distSqrd = position.x^2 + position.y^2 if ((distSqrd < FAR_MIN_DIST) or (distSqrd > FAR_MAX_DIST)) then if (recursion_max == 0) then return {x=0,y=0} else DebugPrint("spawn: x=" .. position.x .. ", y=" .. position.y) return CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(spawn_distance, recursion_max-1) end end end DebugPrint("spawn: x=" .. position.x .. ", y=" .. position.y) return position end local my_label_style = { minimal_width = 450, maximal_width = 450, font_color = {r=1,g=1,b=1} } local my_note_style = { minimal_width = 450, maximal_height = 10, font = "default-small-semibold", font_color = {r=1,g=0.5,b=0.5} } local my_warning_style = { minimal_width = 450, maximal_width = 450, font_color = {r=1,g=0.1,b=0.1} } function ApplyStyle (guiIn, styleIn) for k,v in pairs(styleIn) do guiIn.style[k]=v end end function DisplaySpawnOptions(player) player.gui.center.add{name = "spawn_opts", type = "frame", direction = "vertical", caption="Spawn Options"} local spawnGui = player.gui.center.spawn_opts spawnGui.style.maximal_width = 450 spawnGui.style.maximal_height = 650 spawnGui.add{name = "warning_lbl1", type = "label", caption="CHOOSE CAREFULLY - YOU ONLY GET ONE CUSTOM SPAWN POINT!"} spawnGui.add{name = "warning_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(spawnGui.warning_lbl1, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.warning_spacer, my_label_style) spawnGui.add{name = "normal_spawn", type = "button", caption="Default Spawn"} spawnGui.add{name = "normal_spawn_lbl1", type = "label", caption="This is the default spawn behavior of a vanilla game."} spawnGui.add{name = "normal_spawn_lbl2", type = "label", caption="You join the default team in the center of the map."} spawnGui.add{name = "normal_spawn_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(spawnGui.normal_spawn_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.normal_spawn_lbl2, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.normal_spawn_spacer, my_label_style) spawnGui.add{name = "isolated_spawn", type = "button", caption="Isolated Spawn"} spawnGui.add{name = "isolated_spawn_far", type = "button", caption="Isolated Spawn (Far Away)"} spawnGui.add{name = "isolated_spawn_lbl1", type = "label", caption="You are spawned in a new area, with starting resources."} spawnGui.add{name = "isolated_spawn_lbl2", type = "label", caption="You will still be part of the default team."} spawnGui.add{name = "isolated_spawn_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(spawnGui.isolated_spawn_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.isolated_spawn_lbl2, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.isolated_spawn_spacer, my_label_style) spawnGui.add{name = "new_force", type = "button", caption="Separate Team"} spawnGui.add{name = "new_force_far", type = "button", caption="Separate Team (Far Away)"} spawnGui.add{name = "new_force_lbl1", type = "label", caption="You are spawned in a new area, with starting resources."} spawnGui.add{name = "new_force_lbl2", type = "label", caption="You will be on your own team. (No shared vision or research with others.)"} spawnGui.add{name = "new_force_lbl3", type = "label", caption="Do not choose this option if you are new to the game!"} spawnGui.add{name = "new_force_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(spawnGui.new_force_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.new_force_lbl2, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.new_force_lbl3, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.new_force_spacer, my_label_style) spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl1", type = "label", caption="All members of a team share map vision and research."} spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl2", type = "label", caption="To talk to someone on a different team, you need to use /s to shout."} spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl3", type = "label", caption="All teams are neutral. This is still a cooperative PvE game... NOT PVP!"} spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl4", type = "label", caption="Far away spawn is between 1000-6000 distance units away from the center of the map."} spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl5", type = "label", caption="Isolated spawns are dangerous! You will have to fight to reach other players."} spawnGui.add{name = "note_lbl6", type = "label", caption="You can change your team and spawn point when you die"} ApplyStyle(spawnGui.note_lbl1, my_note_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.note_lbl2, my_note_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.note_lbl3, my_note_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.note_lbl4, my_note_style) ApplyStyle(spawnGui.note_lbl5, my_note_style) end function DisplayRespawnContinueOption(player) player.gui.center.add{name = "respawn_continue_opts", type = "frame", direction = "vertical", caption="Respawn Options"} local respawnGui = player.gui.center.respawn_continue_opts respawnGui.style.maximal_width = 450 respawnGui.style.maximal_height = 550 respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue", type = "button", caption="Continue"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue_lbl1", type = "label", caption="Continue at your current spawn location."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_continue_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_continue_spacer, my_label_style) respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_change", type = "button", caption="Change Spawn"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_change_lbl1", type = "label", caption="Allow you to change your spawn and team."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_change_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_change_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_change_spacer, my_label_style) end function DisplayRespawnOptions(player) player.gui.center.add{name = "respawn_opts", type = "frame", direction = "vertical", caption="Respawn Options"} local respawnGui = player.gui.center.respawn_opts respawnGui.style.maximal_width = 450 respawnGui.style.maximal_height = 750 -- Basically a cancel button to avoid choosing a different spawn. respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue", type = "button", caption="Cancel"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue_lbl1", type = "label", caption="Continue with current spawn."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_continue_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_continue_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_continue_spacer, my_label_style) respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_mainforce", type = "button", caption="Use Default Spawn"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_mainforce_lbl1", type = "label", caption="This will join the default team."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_mainforce_lbl2", type = "label", caption="If you are on another team all your research will be lost!"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_mainforce_lbl3", type = "label", caption="You will spawn at the default spawn point in the center."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_mainforce_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_mainforce_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_mainforce_lbl2, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_mainforce_lbl3, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_mainforce_spacer, my_label_style) respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_spawn", type = "button", caption="Custom Spawn"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_lbl1", type = "label", caption="This will join the default team."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_lbl2", type = "label", caption="If you are on another team all your research will be lost!"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_lbl3", type = "label", caption="You will spawn at your previous custom spawn point."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_lbl2, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_lbl3, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_spacer, my_label_style) respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_team", type = "button", caption="Custom Team Spawn"} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_team_lbl1", type = "label", caption="This will join your own custom team."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_team_lbl2", type = "label", caption="You will have your own map vision and research tree. Use /s to talk to others."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_team_lbl3", type = "label", caption="You will spawn at your previous custom spawn point."} respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_custom_team_spacer", type = "label", caption=" "} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_team_lbl1, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_team_lbl2, my_warning_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_team_lbl3, my_label_style) ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_custom_team_spacer, my_label_style) if (global.enableRespawnSurprise == true) then respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_surpise", type = "button", caption="Surprise me!"} end respawnGui.add{name = "respawn_note1", type = "label", caption="You cannot generate new custom spawn points."} ApplyStyle(respawnGui.respawn_note1, my_note_style) end function GenerateStartingResources(player) local surface = player.surface -- Generate stone local stonePos = {x=player.position.x-25, y=player.position.y-31} -- Generate coal local coalPos = {x=player.position.x-25, y=player.position.y-16} -- Generate copper ore local copperOrePos = {x=player.position.x-25, y=player.position.y+0} -- Generate iron ore local ironOrePos = {x=player.position.x-25, y=player.position.y+15} -- Tree generation is taken care of in chunk generation -- Generate oil patches surface.create_entity({name="crude-oil", amount=START_OIL_AMOUNT, position={player.position.x-30, player.position.y-2}}) surface.create_entity({name="crude-oil", amount=START_OIL_AMOUNT, position={player.position.x-30, player.position.y+2}}) for y=0, 15 do for x=0, 15 do if ((x-7)^2 + (y - 7)^2 < 7^2) then surface.create_entity({name="iron-ore", amount=START_IRON_AMOUNT, position={ironOrePos.x+x, ironOrePos.y+y}}) surface.create_entity({name="copper-ore", amount=START_COPPER_AMOUNT, position={copperOrePos.x+x, copperOrePos.y+y}}) surface.create_entity({name="stone", amount=START_STONE_AMOUNT, position={stonePos.x+x, stonePos.y+y}}) surface.create_entity({name="coal", amount=START_COAL_AMOUNT, position={coalPos.x+x, coalPos.y+y}}) end end end end local function RemoveDecorationsArea(surface, area ) for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = area, type="decorative"}) do entity.destroy() end end local function ClearNearbyEnemies(player) local safeArea = {left_top= {x=player.position.x-SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=player.position.y-SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST}, right_bottom= {x=player.position.x+SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=player.position.y+SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST}} for _, entity in pairs(player.surface.find_entities_filtered{area = safeArea, force = "enemy"}) do entity.destroy() end end local function DoesPlayerHaveCustomSpawn(player) for name,spawnPos in pairs(global.playerSpawns) do if (player.name == name) then return true end end return false end local function DoesPlayerHaveActiveCustomSpawn(player) if (DoesPlayerHaveCustomSpawn(player)) then return global.activePlayerSpawns[player.name] else return false end end local function ActivatePlayerCustomSpawn(player, value) for name,_ in pairs(global.playerSpawns) do if (player.name == name) then global.activePlayerSpawns[player.name] = value break end end end local function CreatePlayerCustomForce(player) local newForce = nil -- Check if force already exists if (game.forces[player.name] ~= nil) then return game.forces[player.name] -- Create a new force using the player's name elseif (TableLength(game.forces) < MAX_FORCES) then newForce = game.create_force(player.name) player.force = newForce SetCeaseFireBetweenAllForces() else player.force = MAIN_FORCE player.print("Sorry, no new teams can be created. You were assigned to the default team instead.") end return newForce end local function SendPlayerToNewSpawnAndCreateIt(player, spawn) -- Send the player to that position player.teleport(spawn) GivePlayerStarterItems(player) -- If we get a valid spawn point, setup the area if (spawn ~= {x=0,y=0}) then GenerateStartingResources(player) ClearNearbyEnemies(player) end end local function SendPlayerToActiveSpawn(player) if (DoesPlayerHaveActiveCustomSpawn(player)) then player.teleport(global.playerSpawns[player.name]) else player.teleport(game.forces[MAIN_FORCE].get_spawn_position("nauvis")) end end local function SendPlayerToRandomSpawn(player) local numSpawns = TableLength(global.playerSpawns) local rndSpawn = math.random(0,numSpawns) local counter = 0 if (rndSpawn == 0) then player.teleport(game.forces[MAIN_FORCE].get_spawn_position("nauvis")) else counter = counter + 1 for name,spawnPos in pairs(global.playerSpawns) do if (counter == rndSpawn) then player.teleport(spawnPos) break end counter = counter + 1 end end end -- When a new player is created, present the spawn options -- Assign them to the main force so they can communicate with the team -- without shouting. script.on_event(defines.events.on_player_created, function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] player.force = MAIN_FORCE DisplaySpawnOptions(player) player.print("Welcome to Oarc's server! Now with oil spots, better respawn menus and gravestone chests!") end) -- Create the appropriate force & spawn when player selects their choice script.on_event(defines.events.on_gui_click, function (event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] local buttonClicked = event.element.name -- Only clear gui if a valid button was clicked!! if ((buttonClicked == "normal_spawn") or (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn") or (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn_far") or (buttonClicked == "new_force") or (buttonClicked == "new_force_far") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_continue") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_change") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_custom_team") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_custom_spawn") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_surpise") or (buttonClicked == "respawn_mainforce")) then if (player.gui.center.spawn_opts ~= nil) then player.gui.center.spawn_opts.destroy() end if (player.gui.center.respawn_opts ~= nil) then player.gui.center.respawn_opts.destroy() end if (player.gui.center.respawn_continue_opts ~= nil) then player.gui.center.respawn_continue_opts.destroy() end end -- In this option, the vanilla spawn is used and the player is -- part of the main force. if (buttonClicked == "normal_spawn") then player.force = MAIN_FORCE GivePlayerStarterItems(player) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " joined the main force!") -- In this option, the player gets a separate spawn point -- but is still part of the main force. elseif ((buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn") or (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn_far")) then player.force = MAIN_FORCE -- Create a new spawn point local newSpawn = {} if (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn_far") then newSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(FAR_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) else newSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(MIN_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) end global.playerSpawns[player.name] = newSpawn global.activePlayerSpawns[player.name] = true SendPlayerToNewSpawnAndCreateIt(player, newSpawn) if (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn") then SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " joined the main force from a distance!") elseif (buttonClicked == "isolated_spawn_far") then SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " joined the main force from a great distance!") end -- In this option, the player is given a new force and a -- separate spawn point elseif ((buttonClicked == "new_force") or (buttonClicked == "new_force_far")) then -- Create a new force using the player's name local newForce = CreatePlayerCustomForce(player) -- Create a new spawn point local newSpawn = {} if (buttonClicked == "new_force_far") then newSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(FAR_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) else newSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(MIN_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) end global.playerSpawns[player.name] = newSpawn global.activePlayerSpawns[player.name] = true -- Set the new spawn point if (newForce ~= nil) then newForce.set_spawn_position(newSpawn, "nauvis") end SendPlayerToNewSpawnAndCreateIt(player, newSpawn) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " is going it alone!") -- Continue to respawn on your own team at that location elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_continue") then GivePlayerItems(player) -- If changing your spawn behavior elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_change") then if (DoesPlayerHaveCustomSpawn(player)) then DisplayRespawnOptions(player) else DisplaySpawnOptions(player) end -- Respawn with the main force in the default location elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_mainforce") then -- Remove custom force if it exists if (player.force.name ~= MAIN_FORCE) then game.merge_forces(player.name, MAIN_FORCE) end -- Deactivate the stored spawn point ActivatePlayerCustomSpawn(player, false) player.teleport(player.force.get_spawn_position("nauvis")) GivePlayerStarterItems(player) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " is returning to base!") -- Respawn in your already generated custom spawn area on the main team elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_custom_spawn") then -- Remove custom force if it exists if (player.force.name ~= MAIN_FORCE) then game.merge_forces(player.name, MAIN_FORCE) end -- Activate the stored spawn point ActivatePlayerCustomSpawn(player, true) SendPlayerToActiveSpawn(player) GivePlayerStarterItems(player) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " is returning to their outpost!") -- Respawn in your already generated custom spawn area but on your own -- force. This force is created new if it doesn't exist. elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_custom_team") then -- Create a new force using the player's name local newForce = CreatePlayerCustomForce(player) -- Set the new spawn point if (newForce ~= nil) then newForce.set_spawn_position(global.playerSpawns[player.name], "nauvis") end -- Activate the stored spawn point ActivatePlayerCustomSpawn(player, true) SendPlayerToActiveSpawn(player) GivePlayerStarterItems(player) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " is returning to their outpost alone!") -- lol wut elseif (buttonClicked == "respawn_surpise") then -- Remove custom force if it exists if (player.force.name ~= MAIN_FORCE) then game.merge_forces(player.name, MAIN_FORCE) end -- Activate the stored spawn point SendPlayerToRandomSpawn(player) GivePlayerStarterItems(player) SendBroadcastMsg(player.name .. " is surprised!") end end) -- local testFlag = false -- Check if the player has a different spawn point than the default one -- Make sure to give the default starting items script.on_event(defines.events.on_player_respawned, function(event) local player = game.players[event.player_index] -- local testSpawn -- if testFlag then -- testSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(FAR_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) -- else -- testSpawn = CreateNewSpawnCoordinates(MIN_CHUNK_SPAWN_DIST, 20) -- end -- testFlag = not testFlag -- player.teleport(testSpawn) -- DebugPrint("Test Spawn: " .. testSpawn.x .. "," .. testSpawn.y) -- If a player has an active spawn, use it. if (DoesPlayerHaveActiveCustomSpawn(player)) then player.teleport(global.playerSpawns[player.name]) end -- Display the respawn continue option DisplayRespawnContinueOption(player) end) -- New spawn area tile generation and enemy clearing must go here script.on_event(defines.events.on_chunk_generated, function(event) local surface = event.surface if surface.name ~= "nauvis" then return end local chunkArea = event.area -- This handles chunk generation near player spawns -- If it is near a player spawn, it does a few things like make the area -- safe and provide a guaranteed area of land and water tiles. for name,spawnPos in pairs(global.playerSpawns) do local landArea = {left_top= {x=spawnPos.x-ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y-ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST}, right_bottom= {x=spawnPos.x+ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y+ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST}} local safeArea = {left_top= {x=spawnPos.x-SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y-SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST}, right_bottom= {x=spawnPos.x+SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y+SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST}} local warningArea = {left_top= {x=spawnPos.x-WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y-WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST}, right_bottom= {x=spawnPos.x+WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST, y=spawnPos.y+WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST}} local chunkAreaCenter = {x=chunkArea.left_top.x+(CHUNK_SIZE/2), y=chunkArea.left_top.y+(CHUNK_SIZE/2)} -- Make chunks near a spawn safe by removing enemies if CheckIfInArea(chunkAreaCenter,safeArea) then for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = chunkArea, force = "enemy"}) do entity.destroy() end -- Create a warning area with reduced enemies elseif CheckIfInArea(chunkAreaCenter,warningArea) then local counter = 0 for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = chunkArea, force = "enemy"}) do if ((counter % WARN_AREA_REDUCTION_RATIO) ~= 0) then entity.destroy() end counter = counter + 1 end -- Remove all big and huge worms for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = chunkArea, name = "medium-worm-turret"}) do entity.destroy() end for _, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered{area = chunkArea, name = "big-worm-turret"}) do entity.destroy() end end -- Fill in any water to make sure we have guaranteed land mass at the spawn point. if CheckIfInArea(chunkAreaCenter,landArea) then -- remove trees in the immediate areas? for key, entity in pairs(surface.find_entities_filtered({area=chunkArea, type= "tree"})) do if ((spawnPos.x - entity.position.x)^2 + (spawnPos.y - entity.position.y)^2 < ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST^2) then entity.destroy() end end local dirtTiles = {} for i=chunkArea.left_top.x,chunkArea.right_bottom.x,1 do for j=chunkArea.left_top.y,chunkArea.right_bottom.y,1 do -- This ( X^2 + Y^2 ) is used to calculate if something -- is inside a circle area. local distVar = math.floor((spawnPos.x - i)^2 + (spawnPos.y - j)^2) -- Fill in all unexpected water in a circle if (distVar < ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST_SQUARED) then if (surface.get_tile(i,j).collides_with("water-tile")) then table.insert(dirtTiles, {name = "grass", position ={i,j}}) end end -- Create a circle of trees around the spawn point. if ((distVar < ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST_SQUARED-200) and (distVar > ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST_SQUARED-260)) then surface.create_entity({name="tree-01", amount=1, position={i, j}}) end end end surface.set_tiles(dirtTiles) end -- Provide a guaranteed spot of water to use for power generation if CheckIfInArea(spawnPos,chunkArea) then local waterTiles = {{name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+0,spawnPos.y-30}}, {name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+1,spawnPos.y-30}}, {name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+2,spawnPos.y-30}}, {name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+3,spawnPos.y-30}}, {name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+4,spawnPos.y-30}}, {name = "water", position ={spawnPos.x+5,spawnPos.y-30}}} -- DebugPrint("Setting water tiles in this chunk! " .. chunkArea.left_top.x .. "," .. chunkArea.left_top.y) surface.set_tiles(waterTiles) end end -- Remove decor to save on file size RemoveDecorationsArea(surface, chunkArea) end) script.on_init(function(event) -- Containes an array of all player spawns -- A secondary array tracks whether the character will respawn there. if (global.playerSpawns == nil) then global.playerSpawns = {} global.activePlayerSpawns = {} end -- Adjust alien params game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.time_factor=0 game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor = game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.destroy_factor / ENEMY_DESTROY_FACTOR_DIVISOR game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor = game.map_settings.enemy_evolution.pollution_factor / ENEMY_POLLUTION_FACTOR_DIVISOR game.map_settings.enemy_expansion.enabled = ENEMY_EXPANSION game.create_force(MAIN_FORCE) game.forces[MAIN_FORCE].set_spawn_position(game.forces["player"].get_spawn_position("nauvis"), "nauvis") end) -- Freeplay rocket launch info script.on_event(defines.events.on_rocket_launched, function(event) local force = event.rocket.force if event.rocket.get_item_count("satellite") == 0 then for index, player in pairs(force.players) do player.print("You launched the rocket, but you didn't put a satellite inside.") end return end if not global.satellite_sent then global.satellite_sent = {} end if global.satellite_sent[force.name] then global.satellite_sent[force.name] = global.satellite_sent[force.name] + 1 else game.set_game_state{game_finished=true, player_won=true, can_continue=true} global.satellite_sent[force.name] = 1 end for index, player in pairs(force.players) do if player.gui.left.rocket_score then player.gui.left.rocket_score.rocket_count.caption = tostring(global.satellite_sent[force.name]) else local frame = player.gui.left.add{name = "rocket_score", type = "frame", direction = "horizontal", caption="Score"} frame.add{name="rocket_count_label", type = "label", caption={"", "Satellites launched", ":"}} frame.add{name="rocket_count", type = "label", caption=tostring(global.satellite_sent[force.name])} end end end) --Gravestone Scripts ---- THIS IS NOT MY CODE ---- I DO NOT KNOW WHO TO CREDIT THIS TO --I got it from "Gravestone and announcements" scenario that I joined. script.on_event(defines.events.on_entity_died, function(event) local entity = event.entity if entity.type == "player" then local pos = entity.surface.find_non_colliding_position("steel-chest", entity.position, 8, 1) if not pos then return end local grave = entity.surface.create_entity{name="steel-chest", position=pos, force="neutral"} if protective_mode then grave.destructible = false end local grave_inv = grave.get_inventory(defines.inventory.chest) local count = 0 for i, id in ipairs{ defines.inventory.player_guns, defines.inventory.player_tools, defines.inventory.player_ammo, defines.inventory.player_quickbar, defines.inventory.player_main, defines.inventory.player_armor, defines.inventory.player_trash} do local inv = entity.get_inventory(id) for j = 1, #inv do if inv[j].valid_for_read then count = count + 1 if count > #grave_inv then print("Not enough room in chest. You've lost some stuff...") return end grave_inv[count].set_stack(inv[j]) end end end end end)