-- config.lua -- Apr 2017 -- Configuration Options -- -- You should be able to leave most of the settings here as defaults. -- The only thing you definitely want to change are the welcome messages. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Messages -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WELCOME_MSG = "[INSERT SERVER OWNER MSG HERE!]" GAME_MODE_MSG = "In the current game mode, a satellite must be launched from an existing far away rocket silo to win!" MODULES_ENABLED = "Mods Enabled: Separate Spawns, Regrowth, RSO, Long-Reach, Autofill, Undecorator, Player List" WELCOME_MSG_TITLE = "[INSERT SERVER OWNER MSG HERE!]" WELCOME_MSG1 = "Rules: Be polite. Ask before changing other players's stuff. Have fun!" WELCOME_MSG2 = "This server is running a custom scenario that changes spawn locations." OTHER_MSG1 = "Latest updates in this scenario version (0.5.0):" OTHER_MSG2 = "Far spawn is further now. Added regrowth mode." -- Optional other messages below: OTHER_MSG3 = "Regrowth mode will slowly delete unused portions of the map." OTHER_MSG4 = "This is a beta, expect bugs, let me know when you find one." OTHER_MSG5 = "If you leave in the first 15 minutes, your base will be deleted!" WELCOME_MSG3 = "Due to the way this scenario works, it may take some time for the land" WELCOME_MSG4 = "around your new spawn area to generate..." WELCOME_MSG5 = "Please wait for 10-20 seconds when you select your first spawn." WELCOME_MSG6 = "Contact: SteamID:Oarc | oarcinae@gmail.com" SPAWN_MSG1 = "Current Spawn Mode: REGROWTH WILDERNESS (BETA)" SPAWN_MSG2 = "In this mode, there is no default spawn. Everyone starts in the wild!" SPAWN_MSG3 = "Resources are spread out far apart but are quite rich." -- These are my specific welcome messages that get used only if I am the user -- that creates the game. SERVER_OWNER_IS_OARC = true -- This should be false for you, it's just a convenience for me. WELCOME_MSG_OARC = "Welcome to Oarc's official server! Join the discord here: discord.gg/TPYxRrS" WELCOME_MSG_TITLE_OARC = "Welcome to Oarc's Server - Regrowth BETA!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Module Enables -- These enables are not fully tested! For example, disable separate spawns -- will probably break the frontier rocket silo mode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Frontier style rocket silo mode FRONTIER_ROCKET_SILO_MODE = true -- Separate spawns -- This is the core of the mod. Probably not a good idea to disable it. ENABLE_SEPARATE_SPAWNS = true -- Enable Scenario version of RSO -- You can reconfigure the RSO resource settings in the RSO files if you want to ENABLE_RSO = true -- Enable Undecorator -- Removes decorative items to reduce save file size. ENABLE_UNDECORATOR = true -- Enable Tags ENABLE_TAGS = true -- Enable Long Reach ENABLE_LONGREACH = true -- Enable Autofill ENABLE_AUTOFILL = true -- Enable Playerlist ENABLE_PLAYER_LIST = true -- Enable Gravestone Chests ENABLE_GRAVESTONE_ON_DEATH = false -- Items dumped into chest when you leave. ENABLE_GRAVESTONE_ON_LEAVING = false -- If anyone leaves within first X minutes, items get dumped into chest. ENABLE_GRAVESTONE_ON_LEAVING_TIME_MINS = 30 -- Enable quick start items ENABLE_POWER_ARMOR_QUICK_START = false -- Enable shared vision between teams (all teams are still COOP) ENABLE_SHARED_TEAM_VISION = true -- Enable map regrowth, see regrowth_map.lua for more info. ENABLE_REGROWTH = true -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Spawn Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -- Starting Items --------------------------------------- -- Items provided to the player the first time they join ("quick start" commented out) PLAYER_SPAWN_START_ITEMS = { {name="pistol", count=1}, {name="firearm-magazine", count=100}, {name="iron-plate", count=8}, {name="burner-mining-drill", count = 1}, {name="stone-furnace", count = 1}, -- {name="iron-plate", count=20}, -- {name="burner-mining-drill", count = 1}, -- {name="stone-furnace", count = 1}, -- {name="power-armor", count=1}, -- {name="fusion-reactor-equipment", count=1}, -- {name="battery-mk2-equipment", count=3}, -- {name="exoskeleton-equipment", count=1}, -- {name="personal-roboport-mk2-equipment", count=3}, -- {name="solar-panel-equipment", count=7}, -- {name="construction-robot", count=100}, -- {name="repair-pack", count=100}, -- {name="steel-axe", count=3}, } -- Items provided after EVERY respawn (disabled by default) PLAYER_RESPAWN_START_ITEMS = { -- {name="pistol", count=1}, -- {name="firearm-magazine", count=100} } --------------------------------------- -- Distance Options --------------------------------------- -- This is the radius, in chunks, that a spawn area is from any other generated -- chunks. It ensures the spawn area isn't too near generated/explored/existing -- area. The larger you make this, the further away players will spawn from -- generated map area (even if it is not visible on the map!). CHECK_SPAWN_UNGENERATED_CHUNKS_RADIUS = 5 -- Near Distance in chunks NEAR_MIN_DIST = 25 --50 NEAR_MAX_DIST = 100 --125 -- -- Far Distance in chunks FAR_MIN_DIST = 200 --50 FAR_MAX_DIST = 300 --125 --------------------------------------- -- Resource & Spawn Circle Options --------------------------------------- -- Allow players to choose to spawn with a moat SPAWN_MOAT_CHOICE_ENABLED = true -- Create a circle of land area for the spawn -- This is the radius (I think?) in TILES. ENFORCE_LAND_AREA_TILE_DIST = 48 -- Location of water strip (horizontal) WATER_SPAWN_OFFSET_X = -4 WATER_SPAWN_OFFSET_Y = -38 WATER_SPAWN_LENGTH = 8 -- Start resource amounts (per tile/oil spot) START_IRON_AMOUNT = 1500 START_COPPER_AMOUNT = 1500 START_STONE_AMOUNT = 1000 START_COAL_AMOUNT = 1500 START_URANIUM_AMOUNT = 1000 START_OIL_AMOUNT = 300000 -- Start resource shape -- If this is true, it will be a circle -- If false, it will be a square ENABLE_RESOURCE_SHAPE_CIRCLE = true -- Start resource position and size -- Position is relative to player starting location START_RESOURCE_STONE_POS_X = -27 START_RESOURCE_STONE_POS_Y = -34 START_RESOURCE_STONE_SIZE = 12 START_RESOURCE_COAL_POS_X = -27 START_RESOURCE_COAL_POS_Y = -20 START_RESOURCE_COAL_SIZE = 12 START_RESOURCE_COPPER_POS_X = -28 START_RESOURCE_COPPER_POS_Y = -3 START_RESOURCE_COPPER_SIZE = 14 START_RESOURCE_IRON_POS_X = -29 START_RESOURCE_IRON_POS_Y = 16 START_RESOURCE_IRON_SIZE = 16 START_RESOURCE_URANIUM_POS_X = 17 START_RESOURCE_URANIUM_POS_Y = -34 START_RESOURCE_URANIUM_SIZE = 0 -- Disabled by default. -- Specify 2 oil spot locations for starting oil. START_RESOURCE_OIL_A_POS_X = -39 START_RESOURCE_OIL_A_POS_Y = -2 START_RESOURCE_OIL_B_POS_X = -39 START_RESOURCE_OIL_B_POS_Y = 2 -- Force the land area circle at the spawn to be fully grass ENABLE_SPAWN_FORCE_GRASS = true -- Set this to true for the spawn area to be surrounded by a circle of trees SPAWN_TREE_CIRCLE_ENABLED = true -- Set this to true for the spawn area to be surrounded by an octagon of trees SPAWN_TREE_OCTAGON_ENABLED = true --------------------------------------- -- Safe Spawn Area Options --------------------------------------- -- Safe area has no aliens -- +/- this in x and y direction SAFE_AREA_TILE_DIST = CHUNK_SIZE*12 -- Warning area has reduced aliens -- +/- this in x and y direction WARNING_AREA_TILE_DIST = CHUNK_SIZE*20 -- 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area WARN_AREA_REDUCTION_RATIO = 15 --------------------------------------- -- Other Forces/Teams Options --------------------------------------- -- Separate teams -- This allows you to join your own force/team. Everyone is still COOP/PvE, all -- teams are friendly and cease-fire. ENABLE_SEPARATE_TEAMS = true -- Main force is what default players join MAIN_FORCE = "main_force" -- Enable if people can spawn at the main base ENABLE_DEFAULT_SPAWN = false -- Enable if people can allow others to join their base ENABLE_SHARED_SPAWNS = true MAX_ONLINE_PLAYERS_AT_SHARED_SPAWN = 3 -- Share local team chat with all teams -- This makes it so you don't have to use /s -- but it means you can't talk privately with your own team. ENABLE_SHARED_TEAM_CHAT = true --------------------------------------- -- Special Action Cooldowns --------------------------------------- RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_IN_MINUTES = 60 RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_TICKS = TICKS_PER_MINUTE * RESPAWN_COOLDOWN_IN_MINUTES -- Require playes to be online for at least 5 minutes -- Else their character is removed and their spawn point is freed up for use MIN_ONLIME_TIME_IN_MINUTES = 15 MIN_ONLINE_TIME = TICKS_PER_MINUTE * MIN_ONLIME_TIME_IN_MINUTES -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Alien Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Enable/Disable enemy expansion (Applies to RSO as well!) ENEMY_EXPANSION = false -- Divide the alien factors by this number to reduce it (or multiply if < 1) ENEMY_POLLUTION_FACTOR_DIVISOR = 10 ENEMY_DESTROY_FACTOR_DIVISOR = 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Frontier Rocket Silo Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SILO_CHUNK_DISTANCE_X = 250 SILO_DISTANCE_X = SILO_CHUNK_DISTANCE_X*CHUNK_SIZE + CHUNK_SIZE/2 SILO_DISTANCE_Y = 16 -- Should be in the middle of a chunk SILO_POSITION = {x = SILO_DISTANCE_X, y = SILO_DISTANCE_Y} -- If this is enabled, the static position is ignored. ENABLE_RANDOM_SILO_POSITION = true -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Long Reach Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILD_DIST_BONUS = 20 REACH_DIST_BONUS = BUILD_DIST_BONUS RESOURCE_DIST_BONUS = 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Autofill Options -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AUTOFILL_TURRET_AMMO_QUANTITY = 10 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Use rso_config and rso_resource_config for RSO config settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Don't touch unless you know what you're doing... -- When using RSO, all resources MUST BE SET TO SIZE=NONE! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- MAP_SETTINGS_RSO_TERRAIN_SEGMENTATION = "very-low" -- Frequency of water MAP_SETTINGS_RSO_WATER = "high" -- Size of water patches MAP_SETTINGS_RSO_PEACEFUL = false -- Peaceful mode for biters/aliens MAP_SETTINGS_RSO_STARTING_AREA = "very-low" -- Does not affect Oarc spawn sizes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEBUG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- DEBUG prints for me global.oarcDebugEnabled = true