-- This handles the shared power logic for the Oarc scenario. -- Won't work too hard on this since 2.0 might change things... STARTING_X_OFFSET_SHARING_POLE = -5 Y_OFFSET_SHARING_POLE = 20 ---Create and connect a pair of power poles for a new base given surface and position. ---@param surface LuaSurface ---@param position MapPosition ---@return nil function CreateSharedPowerPolePair(surface, position) if global.shared_power_poles == nil then ---@type LuaEntity[] global.shared_power_poles = {} end --Get an open sharing pole from the holding pen surface if one exists, otherwise create a new one. local hidden_pole = FindSharedPowerPole() if not hidden_pole then local poles_count = table_size(global.shared_power_poles) local new_position = { x = poles_count + STARTING_X_OFFSET_SHARING_POLE, y = Y_OFFSET_SHARING_POLE } hidden_pole = CreateSpecialPole(game.surfaces[HOLDING_PEN_SURFACE_NAME], new_position) if not hidden_pole then log("ERROR - Failed to create shared power poles!? " .. serpent.block(position) .. " on " .. surface.name) return end table.insert(global.shared_power_poles, hidden_pole) end --Create the base pole on the new spawn area surface and connect it to the hidden pole. local base_pole = CreateSpecialPole(surface, position) if not base_pole then log("ERROR - Failed to create shared power poles!? " .. serpent.block(position) .. " on " .. surface.name) return end base_pole.connect_neighbour(hidden_pole) TemporaryHelperText( { "oarc-shared-power-pole-helper-txt" }, surface, {position.x, position.y}, TICKS_PER_MINUTE*2, "right" ) end ---Find the first shared power pole that doesn't exceed the max number of connections. ---@return LuaEntity? function FindSharedPowerPole() if global.shared_power_poles == nil then return nil end for _,pole in pairs(global.shared_power_poles) do -- 5 is the hard coded engine limit and we need to leave one open for the connection to the next hidden pole. if pole.neighbours["copper"] and table_size(pole.neighbours["copper"]) < 4 then return pole end end return nil end ---Creates a special pole on the surface at the given position on the neutral force. ---@param surface LuaSurface ---@param position MapPosition ---@return LuaEntity? function CreateSpecialPole(surface, position) local pole = surface.create_entity { name="oarc-linked-power", position=position, force="neutral" } pole.destructible = false pole.minable = false pole.rotatable = false return pole end ---Creates a special linked-chest on the surface at the given position on the neutral force. ---@param surface LuaSurface ---@param position MapPosition ---@return LuaEntity? function CreateSharedChest(surface, position) local chest = surface.create_entity { name="oarc-linked-chest", position=position, force="neutral" } chest.destructible = false chest.minable = false chest.rotatable = false TemporaryHelperText( { "oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt" }, surface, {position.x, position.y}, TICKS_PER_MINUTE*2, "right" ) return chest end