-- config.lua -- Aug 2024 -- This file provides a way to configure the scenario settings. -- More settings are available here than are provided in the mod settings. -- This is where you can modify what resources spawn, how much, where, etc. -- Once you have a config you like, it's a good idea to save it for later use so you don't lost it if you update the -- scenario. I will try to avoid making breaking changes to this, but no guarantees. ---@class OarcConfigModSettings ---@field enable_main_force boolean Allows all players to join a primary force(team). ---@field enable_separate_teams boolean Allows players to create their own force(team). ---@field enable_spawning_on_other_surfaces boolean Enable spawning on other surfaces other than the default. ---@field enable_buddy_spawn boolean Allow 2 players to spawn next to each other, each with their own starting area. ---@field enable_regrowth boolean Cleans up unused chunks periodically. Helps keep map size down. ---@field enable_world_eater boolean Checks inactive chunks to see if they are empty of entities and deletes them periodically. ---@field enable_offline_protection boolean Inhibits enemy attacks on bases where all players are offline. Not 100% guaranteed! ---@field enable_shared_team_vision boolean Enable shared vision between teams (all teams are COOP regardless) ---@field enable_shared_team_chat boolean Share local team chat with all teams ---@field enable_shared_spawns boolean Enable if players can allow others to join their spawn. ---@field number_of_players_per_shared_spawn number Number of players allowed to join a shared spawn. ---@field enable_abandoned_base_cleanup boolean Removes player bases when they leave shortly after joining. ---@field enable_friendly_fire boolean Set to true if you want to shoot your own chests and stuff. ---@field enable_allow_moats_around_spawns boolean Allow players to choose to spawn with a moat ---@field enable_moat_bridging boolean If there is a moat, this makes a small path to land to avoid "turtling", but if the spawn is in the middle of water, it won't do anything. ---@field minimum_distance_to_existing_chunks number The radius, in chunks, that a spawn area is from any other generated chunks. It ensures the spawn area isn't too near generated/explored/existing area. ---@field near_spawn_min_distance number When a player selects "near" spawn, they will be within or as close to this range as possible. ---@field near_spawn_max_distance number When a player selects "near" spawn, they will be within or as close to this range as possible. ---@field far_spawn_min_distance number When a player selects "far" spawn, they will be AT LEAST this distance away. ---@field far_spawn_max_distance number When a player selects "far" spawn, they will be AT LEAST this distance away. ---@class OarcConfigServerInfo ---@field welcome_msg_title string ---@field welcome_msg string ---@field server_msg string ---@class OarcConfigGameplaySettings ---@field main_force_name string The name of the main force. ---@field main_force_surface string The starting surface of the main force. ---@field scale_resources_around_spawns boolean Scales resources so that even if you spawn "far away" from the center of the map, resources near to your spawn point scale so you aren't surrounded by 100M patches or something. This is useful depending on what map gen settings you pick. ---@field oarc_modified_enemy_spawning boolean Adjust enemy spawning based on distance to spawns. All it does it make things more balanced based on your distance and makes the game a little easier. No behemoth worms everywhere just because you spawned far away. ---@field minimum_online_time number Require playes to be online for at least X minutes Else their character is removed and their spawn point is freed up for use ---@class OarcConfigStartingItems ---@field crashed_ship boolean Add a crashed ship like a vanilla game (create_crash_site) Resources go in the ship itself. (5 slots max!) Wreakage is distributed in small pieces. (I recommend only 1 item type.) ---@field crashed_ship_resources table Items to be placed in the crashed ship. ---@field crashed_ship_wreakage table Items to be placed in the crashed ship. ---@field player_spawn_start_items table Items provided to the player the first time they join ---@field player_respawn_start_items table Items provided after EVERY respawn (disabled by default) ---@class OarcConfigSpawnGeneral ---@field land_area_tiles number THIS IS WHAT SETS THE SPAWN CIRCLE SIZE! Create a circle of land area for the spawn If you make this much bigger than a few chunks, good luck. ---@field moat_size_modifier number If you change the spawn area size, you might have to adjust this as well ---@field resources_circle_shape boolean Start resource shape. true = circle, false = square. ---@field force_grass boolean Force the land area circle at the spawn to be fully grass, otherwise it defaults to the existing terrain. ---@field tree_circle boolean Spawn a circle/octagon of trees around the base outline. ---@field tree_octagon boolean Spawn a circle/octagon of trees around the base outline. ---@class OarcConfigSpawnSafeArea ---@field safe_radius number Safe area has no aliens This is the radius in tiles of safe area. ---@field warn_radius number Warning area has significantly reduced aliens This is the radius in tiles of warning area. ---@field warn_reduction number 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area ---@field danger_radius number Danger area has slightly reduce aliens This is the radius in tiles of danger area. ---@field danger_reduction number 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area ---@class OarcConfigSpawnWater ---@field x_offset number Location of water strip within the spawn area (horizontal) ---@field y_offset number Location of water strip within the spawn area (vertical) ---@field length number Length of water strip within the spawn area ---@class OarcConfigSpawnResourceRandPosSettings ---@field enabled boolean Autoplace resources (randomly in circle) This will ignore the fixed x_offset/y_offset values in resource_tiles. Only works for resource_tiles at the moment, not oil patches/water. ---@field radius number Distance from center of spawn that resources are placed. ---@field angle_offset number At what angle (in radians) do resources start. 0 means starts directly east. Resources are placed clockwise from there. ---@field angle_final number At what andle do we place the last resource. angle_offset and angle_final determine spacing and placement. ---@alias OarcConfigResourceTiles { amount: integer, size: integer, x_offset: integer, y_offset: integer } ---@alias OarcConfigResourcePatches { num_patches: integer, amount: integer, x_offset_start: integer, y_offset_start: integer, x_offset_next: integer, y_offset_next: integer } ---@class OarcConfigSpawn ---@field general OarcConfigSpawnGeneral ---@field safe_area OarcConfigSpawnSafeArea ---@field water OarcConfigSpawnWater ---@field resource_rand_pos_settings OarcConfigSpawnResourceRandPosSettings ---@field resource_tiles table ---@field resource_patches table ---@class OarcConfig ---@field mod_overlap OarcConfigModSettings ---@field server_info OarcConfigServerInfo ---@field gameplay OarcConfigGameplaySettings ---@field starting_items OarcConfigStartingItems ---@field spawn_config OarcConfigSpawn OCFG = { -- MOD SETTINGS -- -- __ ___ ___ _ _ ___ _ _ ___ -- \ \ / /_\ | _ \ \| |_ _| \| |/ __| -- \ \/\/ / _ \| / .` || || .` | (_ | -- \_/\_/_/ \_\_|_\_|\_|___|_|\_|\___| -- These settings will be overridden by the mod settings IF you are using the mod version of this scenario. -- If you're using the mod, you shouldn't be messing with this file anyway. mod_overlap = { -- At least one of these must be enabled! (enable_main_force and enable_separate_teams) -- Otherwise we default to enable_main_force = true -- Allow all players to join a primary force(team). enable_main_force = true, -- Allow players to create their own force(team). enable_separate_teams = true, -- Enable spawning on other surfaces other than the default. enable_spawning_on_other_surfaces = true, -- This allows 2 players to spawn next to each other, each with their own starting area. enable_buddy_spawn = true, -- TODO: Vanilla spawn point are not implemented yet. -- enable_vanilla_spawn_points = true, -- number_of_vanilla_spawn_points = 10, -- vanilla_spawn_point_spacing = 100, -- Cleans up unused chunks periodically. Helps keep map size down. enable_regrowth = false, -- This is part of regrowth, and if both are enabled, any chunks which aren't active and have -- no entities will eventually be deleted over time. DO NOT USE THIS WITH MODS! enable_world_eater = false, -- This inhibits enemy attacks on bases where all players are offline. Not 100% guaranteed! enable_offline_protection = true, -- Enable shared vision between teams (all teams are COOP regardless) enable_shared_team_vision = true, -- Share local team chat with all teams -- This makes it so you don't have to use /s -- But it also means you can't talk privately with your own team. enable_shared_team_chat = true, -- Enable if players can allow others to join their base. -- And specify how many including the host are allowed. enable_shared_spawns = true, number_of_players_per_shared_spawn = 3, -- This removes player bases when they leave shortly after joining. -- TODO: verify if this requires regrowth to be enabled! enable_abandoned_base_cleanup = true, -- I like keeping this off... set to true if you want to shoot your own chests and stuff. enable_friendly_fire = true, -- Allow players to choose to spawn with a moat enable_allow_moats_around_spawns = true, -- If there is a moat, this makes a small path to land to avoid "turtling", but if the spawn -- is in the middle of water, it won't do anything. enable_force_bridges_next_to_moats = true, -- This is the radius, in chunks, that a spawn area is from any other generated -- chunks. It ensures the spawn area isn't too near generated/explored/existing -- area. The larger you make this, the further away players will spawn from -- generated map area (even if it is not visible on the map!). minimum_distance_to_existing_chunks = 10, -- When a player selects "near" spawn, they will be within or as close to this range as possible. -- This is the distance in chunks to the origin. near_spawn_min_distance = 100, near_spawn_max_distance = 200, -- When a player selects "far" spawn, they will be AT LEAST this distance away. -- This is the distance in chunks to the origin. far_spawn_min_distance = 500, far_spawn_max_distance = 1000, }, -- Server Info server_info = { -- This stuff is shown in the welcome GUI and Info panel. Make sure it's valid. welcome_msg_title = "OARC V2 - TEST SERVER", welcome_msg = "TEMPORARY BETA TESTING OF V2 MOD & SCENARIO!", -- Printed to player on join as well. server_msg = "Rules: Be polite. Ask before changing other players's stuff. Have fun!\n".. "This server is running a custom scenario that allows individual starting areas on the map." }, -- General gameplay related settings that I didn't want to expose in the mod settings since these should -- basically always be enabled unless you're making serious changes. gameplay = { -- The name of the main force. main_force_name = "Main Force", -- The starting surface of the main force. main_force_surface = "nauvis", -- This scales resources so that even if you spawn "far away" from the center -- of the map, resources near to your spawn point scale so you aren't -- surrounded by 100M patches or something. This is useful depending on what -- map gen settings you pick. scale_resources_around_spawns = true, -- Adjust enemy spawning based on distance to spawns. All it does it make things -- more balanced based on your distance and makes the game a little easier. -- No behemoth worms everywhere just because you spawned far away. -- If you're trying out the vanilla spawning, you might want to disable this. oarc_modified_enemy_spawning = true, -- Require playes to be online for at least X minutes -- Else their character is removed and their spawn point is freed up for use -- TODO: Move this to mod settings? minimum_online_time = 15, }, -- Starting ITEMS given to the player or placed near the player spawn point. starting_items = { -- Add a crashed ship like a vanilla game (create_crash_site) -- Resources go in the ship itself. (5 slots max!) -- Wreakage is distributed in small pieces. (I recommend only 1 item type.) crashed_ship = true, crashed_ship_resources = { ["electronic-circuit"] = 200, ["iron-gear-wheel"] = 100, ["copper-cable"] = 200, ["steel-plate"] = 100 }, crashed_ship_wreakage = { ["iron-plate"] = 100 }, -- Items provided to the player the first time they join player_spawn_start_items = { ["pistol"]=1, ["firearm-magazine"]=200, ["iron-plate"]=100, ["burner-mining-drill"] = 4, ["stone-furnace"] = 4, ["coal"] = 50, ["stone"] = 50, }, -- Items provided after EVERY respawn (disabled by default) player_respawn_start_items = { -- ["pistol"]=1, -- ["firearm-magazine"]=100, }, }, -- Spawn area configuration. Change size, resources, shape, etc. spawn_config = { general = { ---TODO: Rename land_area_tiles to spawn_circle_size or something more descriptive. -- THIS IS WHAT SETS THE SPAWN CIRCLE SIZE! -- Create a circle of land area for the spawn -- If you make this much bigger than a few chunks, good luck. land_area_tiles = CHUNK_SIZE*2, -- If you change the spawn area size, you might have to adjust this as well moat_size_modifier = 1, -- Start resource shape. true = circle, false = square. resources_circle_shape = true, -- Force the land area circle at the spawn to be fully grass, otherwise it defaults to the existing terrain. force_grass = true, -- Spawn a circle/octagon of trees around the base outline. tree_circle = true, tree_octagon = false, }, -- Safe Spawn Area Options -- The default settings here are balanced for my recommended map gen settings (close to train world). safe_area = { -- Safe area has no aliens -- This is the radius in tiles of safe area. safe_radius = CHUNK_SIZE*6, -- Warning area has significantly reduced aliens -- This is the radius in tiles of warning area. warn_radius = CHUNK_SIZE*12, -- 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area warn_reduction = 20, -- Danger area has slightly reduce aliens -- This is the radius in tiles of danger area. danger_radius = CHUNK_SIZE*32, -- 1 : X (spawners alive : spawners destroyed) in this area danger_reduction = 5, }, -- Location of water strip within the spawn area (horizontal) water = { x_offset = -4, y_offset = -48, length = 8, }, -- Handle placement of starting resources resource_rand_pos_settings = { -- Autoplace resources (randomly in circle) -- This will ignore the fixed x_offset/y_offset values in resource_tiles. -- Only works for resource_tiles at the moment, not oil patches/water. enabled = true, -- Distance from center of spawn that resources are placed. radius = 45, -- At what angle (in radians) do resources start. -- 0 means starts directly east. -- Resources are placed clockwise from there. angle_offset = 2.32, -- 2.32 is approx SSW. -- At what andle do we place the last resource. -- angle_offset and angle_final determine spacing and placement. angle_final = 4.46 -- 4.46 is approx NNW. }, -- TODO: Rename resources tiles to solid resources and resource_patches to fluid resources. -- Resource tiles -- If you are running with mods that add or change resources, you'll want to customize this. resource_tiles = { ["iron-ore"] = { amount = 1500, size = 18, x_offset = -29, y_offset = 16 }, ["copper-ore"] = { amount = 1200, size = 18, x_offset = -28, y_offset = -3 }, ["stone"] = { amount = 1200, size = 16, x_offset = -27, y_offset = -34 }, ["coal"] = { amount = 1200, size = 16, x_offset = -27, y_offset = -20 }--, -- ["uranium-ore"] = -- { -- amount = 0, -- size = 0, -- x_offset = 17, -- y_offset = -34 -- } -- ####### Bobs + Angels ####### -- DISABLE STARTING OIL PATCHES! -- Coal = coal -- Saphirite = angels-ore1 -- Stiratite = angels-ore3 -- Rubyte = angels-ore5 -- Bobmonium = angels-ore6 -- ########## Bobs Ore ########## -- Iron = iron-ore -- Copper = copper-ore -- Coal = coal -- Stone = stone -- Tin = tin-ore -- Lead (Galena) = lead-ore -- See https://github.com/Oarcinae/FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn/issues/11#issuecomment-479724909 -- for full examples. }, -- Fluid resource patches like oil -- If you are running with mods that add or change resources, you'll want to customize this. resource_patches = { ["crude-oil"] = { num_patches = 2, amount = 900000, x_offset_start = -3, y_offset_start = 48, x_offset_next = 6, y_offset_next = 0 } }, } }