mirror of https://github.com/Oarcinae/FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn.git synced 2025-02-19 19:00:08 +02:00

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description=This mod provides a scenario that overhauls multiplayer spawning.\n[color=red][font=default-bold]Please check out the github page and discord for more information and support.[/font][/color]
oarc-scenario-info-warn-msg=This scenario allows players to create their own spawn points far from the center of the map. For more information, click the OARC button in the top left corner.
oarc-i-understand=I Understand
oarc-spawn-options=Spawn Options
oarc-click-info-btn-help=Click the OARC button in the top left to learn more about this scenario! This is your ONLY chance to choose a spawn option. Choose carefully...
oarc-gui-tooltip=Click to open and close the mod gui. This provides settings and information about the mod.
oarc-vanilla-spawn=Vanilla Spawn
oarc-default-spawn-behavior=This is the default spawn behavior of a vanilla game. You join the default team in the center of the map.
oarc-surface-select-tooltip=Select the surface you would like to spawn on. (Disabled if only one surface is available.)
oarc-join-main-team-radio=Join Main Team (shared research)
oarc-join-main-team-tooltip=You will share research progress with other players on the main team.
oarc-create-own-team-radio=Create Your Own Team (own research tree)
oarc-create-own-team-tooltip=You will have your own research tree and will not share research with players on the main team.
oarc-moat-option=Surround your spawn with a moat
oarc-moat-option-tooltip=If you spawn near land, a ring of water will be generated around your spawn area. Depending on the mod options, there may be a small land bridge created as well. If you spawn in water already, this option has no effect.
oarc-solo-spawn=Create Your Own Spawn
oarc-solo-spawn-tooltip=You will spawn in your own starting area with pre-set starting resources.
oarc-starting-area-vanilla=You are spawned in your own starting area (vanilla style).
oarc-vanilla-spawns-available=There are __1__ vanilla spawns available.
oarc-spawn-menu-settings-info=These settings apply when creating a new spawn. They do not have any effect if you are joining a shared spawn.
oarc-spawn-menu-settings-header=Spawn Settings
oarc-spawn-menu-solo-header=Create Your Own Spawn
oarc-spawn-menu-shared-header=Join Another Spawn
oarc-spawn-menu-buddy-header=Create A Buddy Spawn
oarc-spawn-distance-slider-label=Distance From Map Center:
oarc-spawn-distance-slider-tooltip=This is the minimum distance from the center of the map in chunks that you will spawn. You may spawn further away if the map has already been explored.
oarc-starting-area-normal=You are spawned in a new area, with pre-set starting resources.
oarc-join-someone-dropdown-label=Select Shared Spawn:
oarc-join-someone-dropdown-tooltip=Select a player to REQUEST to join their shared spawn area.
oarc-join-shared-button-enable=Join (__1__ on __2__)
oarc-join-shared-button-disable=Select A Player First!
oarc-join-shared-button-tooltip=This will send a request to join the selected player's shared spawn area. You can cancel the request if you change your mind.
oarc-join-someone-info=You can request to join someone else's starting area. This requires at least 1 person to have allowed access to their base and to have space for you to join.
oarc-no-shared-avail=There are currently no shared bases availble to spawn at.
oarc-join-check-again=Check Again
oarc-shared-spawn-disabled=Shared spawns are disabled in this mode.
oarc-no-shared-spawn-selected=You have not selected a valid player to join. Please select one from the list.
oarc-invalid-host-shared-spawn=Selected player is no longer available! Please try again.
oarc-buddy-spawn=Request Buddy Spawn
oarc-buddy-spawn-tooltip=This will send the request to your selected buddy. They may choose to accept or deny the request. You may also cancel the request if you change your mind.
oarc-buddy-spawn-disabled=Buddy spawns are disabled in this mode.
oarc-buddy-spawn-info=The buddy system requires 2 players in this menu at the same time, you spawn beside each other, each with your own resources.
oarc-max-players-shared-spawn=You can allow up to __1__ other players to join you.
oarc-spawn-dist-notes=Spawn distance is in CHUNKS from the center of the map.\nExpect a fight to reach other players.
oarc-player-is-joining=__1__ is joining the game on __2__!
oarc-player-started-own-team=__1__ has started their own team!
oarc-player-no-new-teams-sorry=Sorry, no new teams can be created. You were assigned to the default team instead.
oarc-no-ungenerated-land-error=[color=red]Failed to find ungenerated land to spawn on! Please try again. If you see this message multiple times, it could be a settings or mod conflict issue.[/color]
oarc-buddies-are-joining=__1__ and __2__ are joining the game together on __3__!
oarc-player-new-secondary=__1__ has started a secondary base on __2__!
oarc-player-left-early=Player (__1__) left the game before __2__ minutes of play time. Their spawn area has been marked for cleanup.
oarc-generating-spawn-please-wait=Generating your spawn now, please wait...
oarc-host-left-new-host=__1__ has left so __2__ now owns their base.
oarc-new-owner-msg=You have been given ownership of this base!
oarc-looking-for-buddy=__1__ is looking for a buddy.
oarc-avail-bases-join=Available Bases to Join:
oarc-spawn-spots-remaining=__1__ (__2__ spots remaining)
oarc-return-to-previous-tooltip=Return to the previous menu.
oarc-player-requesting-join-you=__1__ is requesting to join your base!
oarc-waiting-for-spawn-owner=Waiting for spawn owner to respond...
oarc-you-will-spawn-once-host=You will spawn once the host selects yes...
oarc-player-cancel-join-request=__1__ cancelled their request to join your spawn.
oarc-spawn-ctrl=Spawn Ctrl
oarc-primary-spawn-info-header=Primary Spawn Information
oarc-primary-spawn-info-note=This is your home base location. If you let other players join your base, they will spawn here.
oarc-primary-spawn-info-surface-label=Home: __1__ (x=__2__, y=__3__)
oarc-secondary-spawn-info-header=Secondary Spawn Information
oarc-secondary-spawn-info-note=These are your secondary base locations.
oarc-secondary-spawn-info-surface-label=Secondary: __1__ (x=__2__, y=__3__)
oarc-spawn-info-location-button=Show Map Location
oarc-spawn-info-location-button-tooltip=Click to show the location on the map.
oarc-shared-spawn-controls=Shared Spawn Controls
oarc-shared-spawn-allow-joiners=Allow others to join your base.
oarc-shared-spawn-full=Your base is full! No more players can join.
oarc-set-respawn-loc-header=Respawn Location
oarc-set-respawn-loc-info-surface-label=Current Surface Respawn: __1__ (x=__2__, y=__3__)
oarc-set-respawn-loc=Set Respawn Location
oarc-set-respawn-loc-tooltip=This will set your respawn point to your current location. There is a cooldown before you can change it again.
oarc-set-respawn-loc-cooldown=Set Respawn Cooldown Remaining: __1__
oarc-set-respawn-note=This will set your respawn point to your current location. Change tabs to update the timer.
oarc-join-queue-header=Shared Spawn Queue
oarc-select-player-join-queue=Select a player from the join queue:
oarc-no-player-join-reqs=You have no players requesting to join you at this time.
oarc-start-shared-base=New players can now join __1__'s base!
oarc-stop-shared-base=New players can no longer join __1__'s base!
oarc-spawn-point-updated=Re-spawn point updated!
oarc-selected-player-not-wait=Selected player is no longer waiting to join!
oarc-selected-player-not-valid=Please select a valid player!
oarc-reject-joiner=You rejected __1__'s request to join your base.
oarc-your-request-rejected=Your request to join was rejected.
oarc-player-joining-base=__1__ is joining __2__'s base!
oarc-buddy-select-label=Select Buddy:
oarc-buddy-select-tooltip=Select a buddy from the list to request a buddy spawn.
oarc-buddy-spawn-options=Buddy Spawn Options
oarc-buddy-spawn-instructions=You and your buddy must be in this menu at the same time. Only one of you can send the request. Select your your spawn options first, then select your buddy from the list. Click Request Buddy Spawn. The other buddy can then accept (or deny) the request. This will allow you both to spawn next to each other, each with your own spawn area.
oarc-buddy-select-info=First, select a buddy from the waiting list. Then choose the spawn options and send your request:
oarc-buddy-spawn-request-header=Buddy Request!
oarc-buddy-refresh=Refresh Buddy List
oarc-create-buddy-team=Create Your Own Buddy Team (buddy and you share research)
oarc-create-buddy-team-tooltip=If this is enabled, you and your buddy will share research progress.
oarc-buddy-spawn-near=Request Buddy Spawn (Near)
oarc-buddy-spawn-far=Request Buddy Spawn (Far)
oarc-invalid-buddy=You have not selected a valid buddy! Please try again.
oarc-buddy-not-avail=Selected buddy is no longer available! Please try again.
oarc-waiting-for-buddy=Waiting for buddy to respond...
oarc-wait-buddy-select-yes=You will spawn once your buddy selects yes...
oarc-buddy-cancel-request=__1__ cancelled their buddy request!
oarc-buddy-requesting-from-you=__1__ is requesting a buddy spawn from you!
# [BUDDY NAME] oarc-buddy-txt-would-like {team choice} oarc-buddy-txt-next-to-you {moat choice} {surface choice} {distance choice}
oarc-buddy-txt-would-like= would like to join
oarc-buddy-txt-main-team=the main team
oarc-buddy-txt-new-teams=on separate teams
oarc-buddy-txt-buddy-team=a buddy team
oarc-buddy-txt-next-to-you= next to you
oarc-buddy-txt-moat= surrounded by a moat
oarc-buddy-txt-surface= on __1__
oarc-buddy-txt-distance= at a distance of __1__ chunks from the center of the map!
oarc-buddy-declined=__1__ declined your buddy request!
oarc-spawn-wait=Please wait!
oarc-wait-text=Your spawn is being created now.\nYou will be teleported there in __1__ seconds!\nPlease standby...
oarc-gui-tab-header-label=Scenario Info and Controls
oarc-server-info-tab-title=Server Info
oarc-spawn-ctrls-tab-title=Spawn Controls
oarc-mod-info-tab-title=Mod Info
oarc-server-info-tab-welcome-msg-title=Welcome Message
oarc-server-info-tab-discord-invite=Discord Invite:
oarc-server-info-tab-discord-invite-tooltip=Come join the discord (copy this invite)!
oarc-server-info-tab-map-info-label=Map Info
oarc-server-info-tab-server-run-time=Server Run Time: __1__
oarc-server-info-leave-warning=If you leave within __1__ minutes of joining, your base and character will be deleted.
oarc-server-info-admin-controls=Admin Controls
oarc-server-info-ban-select-player=Select Player:
oarc-server-info-button-ban-player=Ban Player
oarc-server-info-button-restart-player=Restart Player
oarc-player-not-found=Player __1__ is not found?
oarc-player-about-to-spawn=Player __1__ is about to spawn, try again later.
oarc-player-none-selected=No player selected!
oarc-settings-tab-title-mod-settings=Mod Settings
oarc-settings-tab-admin-warning=You are an admin. Changing these settings late in the game may cause issues!\nChanging settings will not modify existing spawns. BE CAREFUL!
oarc-settings-tab-player-warning=You are not an admin. These settings are read-only for you.
oarc-settings-tab-description=This tab contains the same mod settings in the mod settings menu AND some additional settings that can only be changed in game.
oarc-settings-tab-text-field-enter-tooltip=[color=red]You must press ENTER after typing in a text field to save the value![/color]
oarc-settings-tab-title-surface=Surface Settings
oarc-settings-tab-surface-checkbox-tooltip=Enabling this will allow custom spawn areas (the main feature of this mod) on this surface. You need at least one of these enabled for the mod to work.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-regrowth-checkbox-tooltip=Enabling this will allow the regrowth and world eater features to work on this surface, if those are enabled.
oarc-settings-tab-surface-spawning-enabled=Custom Spawns
oarc-shared-power-pole-helper-txt=This connects to a shared electric network for all players.
oarc-shared-chest-helper-txt=This connects to a shared storage chest for all players.
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod=What is this mod?
oarc-mod-faq-what-is-this-mod-answer=This mod overhauls multiplayer spawning. Players can create their own spawn points away from the center of the map. Players can also join other players' bases, or create buddy spawns. The mod does not change the core gameplay of Factorio, but it does change the way players start the game. The starting area is a preset area with resources, not a "natural" spawn point.
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces=Can I start on a different surface/planet?
oarc-mod-faq-other-surfaces-answer=[color=red]This feature is currently a work in progress. As such, only spawning on "nauvis" or a default nauvis-like surface will work correctly. Spawning on other surfaces may cause issues.[/color]
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams=What are the different team options?
oarc-mod-faq-what-are-teams-answer=I wrote this mod for co-op play only, not pvp. Depending on the mod settings, you can either join the main team, which shares research, or create your own team, which has its own research tree. All teams/forces are friendly to each other and can communicate in chat and (optionally) share map vision. The only reason to create your own team is if you want to have your own research progress.
oarc-mod-faq-shared-spawn=What is a shared spawn?
oarc-mod-faq-shared-spawn-answer=Players can choose to allow other players to join their base. This allows new players to spawn in the same starting area as the host player. The host player can control who can join their base.
oarc-mod-faq-buddy-spawn=What is a buddy spawn?
oarc-mod-faq-buddy-spawn-answer=If you and another player are in the spawn menu at the same time, you can request a buddy spawn. This will spawn you and your buddy right next to each other on the map, each with your own starting area.
oarc-mod-faq-regrowth=What are the regrowth and world eater features?
oarc-mod-faq-regrowth-answer="Regrowth" helps keep the save file size down by removing inactive map chunks over time. This is useful for long-running servers with many players. No chunks with player activity will be removed. "World Eater" slowly checks every chunk to see if there are any player structures in it. This is an additional check on top of the regrowth feature that will catch any chunks that players built on, but then later removed all structures from.
oarc-mod-faq-cleanup-abandoned=What is the cleanup abandoned bases feature?
oarc-mod-faq-cleanup-abandoned-answer=This removes the spawn area if the player leaves within the "minimum online time" and will also delete their character. This feature is useful for keeping the map clean and the save file size down. Public servers likely want to enable this feature.
oarc-mod-faq-offline-protection=What is the offline protection feature?
oarc-mod-faq-offline-protection-answer=If a base has all players offline, it will be protected from enemy attacks. This is not 100% guaranteed, but it will help prevent the base from being destroyed while players are offline.
oarc-mod-faq-shared-power=What is the shared power feature?
oarc-mod-faq-shared-power-answer=This allows players to share their power network with other players. It will create a special power pole at their spawn point that connects to the shared power network wirelessly. It utilizes cross-surface power poles to make "wireless" connections.
oarc-mod-faq-shared-chest=What is the shared chest feature?
oarc-mod-faq-shared-chest-answer=This gives players a special chest at their spawn area that they can use to share items with other players. It uses the "linked-chest" item that is a hidden feature in Factorio. This allows players to share items with other players in a secure way.
oarc-linked-chest=OARC Linked Chest
oarc-linked-power=OARC Linked Power