mirror of https://github.com/Oarcinae/FactorioScenarioMultiplayerSpawn.git synced 2025-02-13 13:18:29 +02:00

414 lines
26 KiB

-- This file is used to validate the config.lua file and handle any mod settings conflicts.
-- DON'T JUDGE ME! I wanted to try and make a nice in game setting GUI since the native mod settings GUI is so limited.
---Provides a way to look up the config settings key from the mod settings key.
---@alias OarcSettingsLookup { mod_key: string, ocfg_keys: table<integer, string>, type: string, text: LocalisedString?, caption: LocalisedString?, tooltip: LocalisedString? }
---@type table<string, OarcSettingsLookup>
["server_info_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = {"oarc-settings-section-header-server-info"}},
["server_info.welcome_msg_title"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-welcome-msg-title" , ocfg_keys = {"server_info", "welcome_msg_title"}, type = "string"},
["server_info.welcome_msg"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-welcome-msg" , ocfg_keys = {"server_info", "welcome_msg"}, type = "string"},
["server_info.discord_invite"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-discord-invite" , ocfg_keys = {"server_info", "discord_invite"}, type = "string"},
["gameplay_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = {"oarc-settings-section-header-gameplay"}},
["gameplay_spawn_choices_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-spawn-choices"}},
["gameplay.enable_main_team"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-main-team" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_main_team"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_separate_teams"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-separate-teams" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_separate_teams"}, type = "boolean"},
-- STARTUP ["gameplay.enable_spawning_on_other_surfaces"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-default-allow-spawning-on-other-surfaces" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_spawning_on_other_surfaces"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.allow_moats_around_spawns"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-allow-moats-around-spawns" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "allow_moats_around_spawns"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_moat_bridging"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-moat-bridging" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_moat_bridging"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.minimum_distance_to_existing_chunks"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-minimum-distance-to-existing-chunks" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "minimum_distance_to_existing_chunks"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay.near_spawn_distance"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-near-spawn-distance" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "near_spawn_distance"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay.far_spawn_distance"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-far-spawn-distance" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "far_spawn_distance"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay.enable_buddy_spawn"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-buddy-spawn" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_buddy_spawn"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_shared_spawns"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-shared-spawns" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_shared_spawns"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.number_of_players_per_shared_spawn"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-number-of-players-per-shared-spawn" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "number_of_players_per_shared_spawn"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay.default_surface"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-default-surface" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "default_surface"}, type = "string"},
["gameplay.enable_secondary_spawns"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-secondary-spawns" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_secondary_spawns"}, type = "boolean"},
-- STARTUP ["gameplay.main_force_name"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-main-force-name" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "main_force_name"}, type = "string"},
["gameplay_difficulty_scaling_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-difficulty-scaling"}},
["gameplay.enable_offline_protection"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-offline-protection" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_offline_protection"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.scale_resources_around_spawns"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-scale-resources-around-spawns" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "scale_resources_around_spawns"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.modified_enemy_spawning"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-modified-enemy-spawning" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "modified_enemy_spawning"}, type = "boolean"},
-- ["gameplay.modified_enemy_easy_evo"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-modified-enemy-easy-evo" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "modified_enemy_easy_evo"}, type = "double"},
-- ["gameplay.modified_enemy_medium_evo"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-modified-enemy-medium-evo" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "modified_enemy_medium_evo"}, type = "double"},
["gameplay_misc_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-gameplay-misc"}},
["gameplay.enable_friendly_fire"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-friendly-fire" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_friendly_fire"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.minimum_online_time"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-minimum-online-time" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "minimum_online_time"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay.respawn_cooldown_min"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-respawn-cooldown-min" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "respawn_cooldown_min"}, type = "integer"},
["gameplay_sharing_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-sharing"}},
["gameplay.enable_shared_team_vision"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-shared-team-vision" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_shared_team_vision"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_shared_team_chat"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-shared-team-chat" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_shared_team_chat"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_friendly_teams"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-friendly-teams" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_friendly_teams"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_cease_fire"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-cease-fire" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_cease_fire"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_shared_power"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-shared-power" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_shared_power"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_shared_chest"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-shared-chest" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_shared_chest"}, type = "boolean"},
["gameplay.enable_coin_shop"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-coin-shop" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_coin_shop"}, type = "boolean"},
["regrowth_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = {"oarc-settings-section-header-regrowth"}},
["regrowth_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-regrowth-warning"}},
["regrowth.enable_regrowth"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-regrowth" , ocfg_keys = {"regrowth", "enable_regrowth"}, type = "boolean"},
["regrowth.enable_world_eater"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-world-eater" , ocfg_keys = {"regrowth", "enable_world_eater"}, type = "boolean"},
["regrowth.enable_abandoned_base_cleanup"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-enable-abandoned-base-cleanup" , ocfg_keys = {"regrowth", "enable_abandoned_base_cleanup"}, type = "boolean"},
["regrowth.cleanup_interval"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-regrowth-cleanup-interval-min" , ocfg_keys = {"regrowth", "cleanup_interval"}, type = "integer"},
["general_spawn_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = {"oarc-settings-section-header-general-spawn"}},
["spawn_general.spawn_radius_tiles"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-radius-tiles" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "spawn_radius_tiles"}, type = "integer"},
["spawn_general.moat_width_tiles"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-moat-width-tiles" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "moat_width_tiles"}, type = "integer"},
["spawn_general.tree_width_tiles"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-tree-width-tiles" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "tree_width_tiles"}, type = "integer"},
["spawn_general.resources_shape"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-enable-resources-circle-shape" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "resources_shape"}, type = "string-list"},
["spawn_general.force_grass"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-enable-force-grass" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "force_grass"}, type = "boolean"},
["spawn_general.shape"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-spawn-general-shape" , ocfg_keys = {"spawn_general", "shape"}, type = "string-list"},
["resource_placement_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = {"oarc-settings-section-header-resource-placement"}},
["resource_placement.enabled"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-enabled" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "enabled"}, type = "boolean"},
["resource_placement.size_multiplier"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-size-multiplier" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "size_multiplier"}, type = "double"},
["resource_placement.amount_multiplier"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-amount-multiplier" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "amount_multiplier"}, type = "double"},
["resource_placement_circle_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-resource-placement-circular"}},
["resource_placement.distance_to_edge"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-distance-to-edge" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "distance_to_edge"}, type = "integer"},
["resource_placement.angle_offset"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-degrees-offset" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "angle_offset"}, type = "integer"},
["resource_placement.angle_final"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-degrees-final" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "angle_final"}, type = "integer"},
["resource_placement_square_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = {"oarc-settings-section-subheader-resource-placement-square"}},
["resource_placement.vertical_offset"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-vertical-offset" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "vertical_offset"}, type = "integer"},
["resource_placement.horizontal_offset"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-horizontal-offset" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "horizontal_offset"}, type = "integer"},
["resource_placement.linear_spacing"] = {mod_key = "oarc-mod-resource-placement-linear-spacing" , ocfg_keys = {"resource_placement", "linear_spacing"}, type = "integer"},
-- These are settings that aren't included in the games mod settings but are still nice to have easy access to.
["non_mod_settings_HEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "header", text = "Additional Settings (Not available in the mod settings menu.)"},
["coin_generation_SUBHEADER"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {""}, type = "subheader", text = "Coin Generation"},
["coin_generation.enabled"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {"coin_generation", "enabled"}, type = "boolean", caption = "Coin Generation", tooltip = "Enemies drop coins when killed."},
["coin_generation.auto_decon_coins"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {"coin_generation", "auto_decon_coins"}, type = "boolean", caption = "Auto Decon Coins", tooltip = "Automatically marks coins dropped by enemies for deconstruction so robots will pick them up."},
["gameplayer.enable_player_self_reset"] = {mod_key = "" , ocfg_keys = {"gameplay", "enable_player_self_reset"}, type = "boolean", caption = "Player Self Reset", tooltip = "Allow players to reset themselves in the spawn controls."}
---Easy reverse lookup for mod settings keys.
---@type table<string, string>
local OCFG_MOD_KEYS = {}
---Create the reverse lookup table.
---@return nil
function SetupOCFGModKeys()
for key,entry in pairs(OCFG_KEYS) do
if (entry.type ~= "header") and (entry.type ~= "subheader") then
OCFG_MOD_KEYS[entry.mod_key] = key
function ValidateAndLoadConfig()
-- Check that each of the OCFG_MOD_KEYS has a corresponding OCFG_KEYS entry.
for mod_key,ocfg_key in pairs(OCFG_MOD_KEYS) do
if (OCFG_KEYS[ocfg_key] == nil) then
error("OCFG_MOD_KEYS entry does not have a corresponding OCFG_KEYS entry: " .. mod_key .. " -> " .. ocfg_key)
-- And check the opposite.
for ocfg_key,entry in pairs(OCFG_KEYS) do
if (entry.type ~= "header") and (entry.type ~= "subheader") and (OCFG_MOD_KEYS[entry.mod_key] == nil) then
error("OCFG_KEYS entry does not have a corresponding OCFG_MOD_KEYS entry: " .. ocfg_key .. " -> " .. entry.mod_key)
-- Load the template config into the global table.
---@class OarcConfig
storage.ocfg = table.deepcopy(OCFG)
-- Check that each entry in OCFG matches the default value of the mod setting. This is just for my own sanity.
-- Helps make sure mod default settings and my internal config are in sync.
for _,entry in pairs(OCFG_KEYS) do
if (entry.mod_key ~= "") then
local mod_key = entry.mod_key
local oarc_key = entry.ocfg_keys
local mod_value = prototypes.mod_setting[mod_key].default_value
local oarc_value = GetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(oarc_key)
if (mod_value ~= oarc_value) then
error("OCFG value does not match mod setting: " .. mod_key .. " = " .. tostring(mod_value) .. " -> " .. serpent.block(oarc_key) .. " = " .. tostring(oarc_value))
CacheModSettings() -- Get all mod settings and overwrite the defaults in OARC_CFG.
GetScenarioOverrideSettings() -- Get any scenario settings and overwrite both the mod settings and OARC_CFG.
SyncModSettingsToOCFG() -- Make sure mod settings are in sync with storage.ocfg table.
ValidateSettings() -- These are validation checks that can't be done within the mod settings natively.
---DO some basic validation checks on the config settings.
---@return nil
function ValidateSettings()
-- Verify the major sections exist. Not exhaustive but should catch missing sections.
if (storage.ocfg["server_info"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing server_info section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing server_info section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.server_info = table.deepcopy(OCFG.server_info)
if (storage.ocfg["gameplay"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing gameplay section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing gameplay section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.gameplay = table.deepcopy(OCFG.gameplay)
if (storage.ocfg["regrowth"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing regrowth section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing regrowth section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.regrowth = table.deepcopy(OCFG.regrowth)
if (storage.ocfg["spawn_general"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing spawn_general section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing spawn_general section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.spawn_general = table.deepcopy(OCFG.spawn_general)
if (storage.ocfg["resource_placement"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing resource_placement section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing resource_placement section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.resource_placement = table.deepcopy(OCFG.resource_placement)
if (storage.ocfg["surfaces_config"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing surfaces_config section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing surfaces_config section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.surfaces_config = table.deepcopy(OCFG.surfaces_config)
if (storage.ocfg["surfaces_blacklist"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing surfaces_blacklist section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing surfaces_blacklist section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.surfaces_blacklist = table.deepcopy(OCFG.surfaces_blacklist)
if (storage.ocfg["surfaces_blacklist_match"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing surfaces_blacklist_match section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing surfaces_blacklist_match section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.surfaces_blacklist_match = table.deepcopy(OCFG.surfaces_blacklist_match)
if (storage.ocfg["shop_items"] == nil) then
log("ERROR - Missing shop_items section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
SendBroadcastMsg("ERROR - Missing shop_items section in config! Loading defaults instead!")
storage.ocfg.shop_items = table.deepcopy(OCFG.shop_items)
-- Validate enable_main_team and enable_separate_teams.
-- Force enable_main_team if both are disabled.
if (not storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_main_team and not storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_separate_teams) then
log("Both main force and separate teams are disabled! Enabling main force. Please check your mod settings or config!")
storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_main_team = true
settings.global["oarc-mod-enable-main-team"] = { value = true }
SendBroadcastMsg("Invalid setting! Both main force and separate teams are disabled! Enabling main force.")
-- Validate minimum is less than maximums
if (storage.ocfg.gameplay.near_spawn_distance >= storage.ocfg.gameplay.far_spawn_distance) then
log("Near spawn min distance is greater than or equal to near spawn max distance! Please check your mod settings or config!")
storage.ocfg.gameplay.far_spawn_distance = storage.ocfg.gameplay.near_spawn_distance + 1
settings.global["oarc-mod-far-spawn-distance"] = { value = storage.ocfg.gameplay.far_spawn_distance }
SendBroadcastMsg("Invalid setting! Near spawn min distance is greater than or equal to near spawn max distance!")
-- Validate that regrowth is enabled if world eater is enabled.
if (storage.ocfg.regrowth.enable_world_eater and not storage.ocfg.regrowth.enable_regrowth) then
log("World eater is enabled but regrowth is not! Disabling world eater. Please check your mod settings or config!")
storage.ocfg.regrowth.enable_world_eater = false
settings.global["oarc-mod-enable-world-eater"] = { value = false }
SendBroadcastMsg("Invalid setting! World eater is enabled but regrowth is not! Disabling world eater.")
-- Validate that default surface exists.
if (game.surfaces[storage.ocfg.gameplay.default_surface] == nil) then
log("Default surface does not exist! Please check your mod settings or config!")
storage.ocfg.gameplay.default_surface = "nauvis"
settings.global["oarc-mod-default-surface"] = { value = "nauvis" }
SendBroadcastMsg("Invalid setting! Default surface does not exist! Setting to nauvis.")
-- Validate that a "nauvis" surface config exists (nauvis is the default config fallback)
-- This should only break with a bad scenario custom config.
if (storage.ocfg.surfaces_config["nauvis"] == nil) then
error("nauvis surface config does not exist! Please check your mod settings or config!")
-- Very for each surface config that the item counts are valid.
for surface_name,surface_config in pairs(storage.ocfg.surfaces_config) do
if (table_size(surface_config.starting_items.crashed_ship_resources) > MAX_CRASHED_SHIP_RESOURCES_ITEMS) then
error("Too many items in crashed_ship_resources for surface: " .. surface_name)
if (table_size(surface_config.starting_items.crashed_ship_wreakage) > MAX_CRASHED_SHIP_WRECKAGE_ITEMS) then
error("Too many items in crashed_ship_wreakage for surface: " .. surface_name)
-- Read in the mod settings and copy them to the OARC_CFG table, overwriting the defaults in config.lua.
function CacheModSettings()
log("Copying mod settings to OCFG table...")
-- Copy the global settings from the mod settings.
-- Find the matching OARC setting and update it.
for _,entry in pairs(OCFG_KEYS) do
if (entry.mod_key ~= "") then
SetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(entry.ocfg_keys, settings.global[entry.mod_key].value)
-- Special case for startup settings
storage.ocfg.gameplay.default_allow_spawning_on_other_surfaces = settings.startup["oarc-mod-default-allow-spawning-on-other-surfaces"].value --[[@as boolean]]
storage.ocfg.gameplay.main_force_name = settings.startup["oarc-mod-main-force-name"].value --[[@as string]]
---Get the scenario settings from the scenario if it exists.
---@return nil
function GetScenarioOverrideSettings()
if remote.interfaces["oarc_scenario"] then
log("Getting scenario override settings...")
local scenario_settings = remote.call("oarc_scenario", "get_scenario_settings")
-- Overwrite the non mod settings with the scenario settings.
storage.ocfg = scenario_settings
log("No scenario settings found.")
---Syncs all mod settings to the OARC config table.
---@return nil
function SyncModSettingsToOCFG()
-- Override the mod settings with the the storage.ocfg settings.
for _,entry in pairs(OCFG_KEYS) do
if (entry.mod_key ~= "") then
local mod_key = entry.mod_key
local oarc_key = entry.ocfg_keys
local scenario_value = GetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(oarc_key)
if (scenario_value ~= nil) then
local ok,result = pcall(function() settings.global[mod_key] = { value = scenario_value } end)
if not ok then
error("Error setting mod setting: " .. mod_key .. " = " .. tostring(scenario_value) .. "\n" .. "If you see this, you probably picked an invalid value for a setting override in the custom scenario.")
---Handles the event when a mod setting is changed in the mod settings menu.
---@param event EventData.on_runtime_mod_setting_changed
---@return nil
function RuntimeModSettingChanged(event)
if (event.setting_type ~= "runtime-global") then
log("on_runtime_mod_setting_changed: " .. event.setting .. " = " .. tostring(settings.global[event.setting].value))
-- Find the matching OARC setting and update it.
local found_setting = false
if (OCFG_MOD_KEYS[event.setting] ~= nil) then
local oarc_setting_index = OCFG_MOD_KEYS[event.setting]
local oarc_setting_table = OCFG_KEYS[oarc_setting_index]
SetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(oarc_setting_table.ocfg_keys, settings.global[event.setting].value)
found_setting = true
if (not found_setting) then
error("Unknown oarc-mod setting changed: " .. event.setting)
--Exception for coin shop, update the GUI if the setting is changed
if (event.setting == "oarc-mod-enable-coin-shop") then
local new_value = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_coin_shop
AddRemoveOarcGuiTabForAllPlayers(OARC_ITEM_SHOP_TAB_NAME, settings.global[event.setting].value --[[@as boolean]], true)
---A probably quit stupid function to let me lookup and set the storage.ocfg entries using a key table.
---@param key_table table<integer, string>
---@param value any
function SetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(key_table, value)
local number_of_keys = #key_table
if (number_of_keys == 1) then
storage.ocfg[key_table[1]] = value
elseif (number_of_keys == 2) then
storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]] = value
elseif (number_of_keys == 3) then
storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]][key_table[3]] = value
error("Invalid key_table length: " .. number_of_keys .. "\n" .. serpent.block(key_table))
---An equally stupid function to let me lookup the storage.ocfg entries using a key table.
---@param key_table table<integer, string>
---@return any
function GetGlobalOarcConfigUsingKeyTable(key_table)
local number_of_keys = #key_table
if (number_of_keys == 1) then
if (storage.ocfg[key_table[1]] == nil) then
error("Invalid key_table 1: " .. serpent.block(key_table))
return storage.ocfg[key_table[1]]
elseif (number_of_keys == 2) then
if (storage.ocfg[key_table[1]] == nil) or (storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]] == nil) then
error("Invalid key_table 2: " .. serpent.block(key_table))
return storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]]
elseif (number_of_keys == 3) then
if (storage.ocfg[key_table[1]] == nil) or
(storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]] == nil) or
(storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]][key_table[3]] == nil) then
error("Invalid key_table 3: " .. serpent.block(key_table))
return storage.ocfg[key_table[1]][key_table[2]][key_table[3]]
error("Invalid key_table length: " .. number_of_keys .. "\n" .. serpent.block(key_table))
---Handles any runtime changes that need more than just the setting change.
---@param oarc_setting_index string
---@return nil
function ApplyRuntimeChanges(oarc_setting_index)
-- Handle changing enable_shared_team_vision
if (oarc_setting_index == "gameplay.enable_shared_team_vision") then
for _,force in pairs(game.forces) do
if (not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES_INCL_NEUTRAL, force.name)) then
force.share_chart = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_shared_team_vision
-- Handle changing enable_friendly_fire
elseif (oarc_setting_index == "gameplay.enable_friendly_fire") then
for _,force in pairs(game.forces) do
if (not TableContains(ENEMY_FORCES_NAMES_INCL_NEUTRAL, force.name)) then
force.friendly_fire = storage.ocfg.gameplay.enable_friendly_fire
-- Handle changing enable_friendly_teams or enable_cease_fire
elseif (oarc_setting_index == "gameplay.enable_friendly_teams") or
(oarc_setting_index == "gameplay.enable_cease_fire") then